Wednesday, October 10, 2018

How Christine Blasey Ford’s Testimony Changed America

History often seems inexorable in hindsight, shaped by powerful figures operating beyond our control. But when Dr. Christine Blasey Ford walked in to face the Senate Judiciary Committee on Sept. 27, raised her right hand and swore to tell the truth, it was clear that an unassuming psychology professor and mother of two was about to change the course of current events in real time.


  1. Dr. Ford's testimony may have been credible, but it was incredible that anyone would seriously think that the testimony of a single witness of an event decades ago would have any impact at all.

    Imagine if sketchy accusations were automatically believed in courts or even every day situations in homes, schools, work environments etc. If accusations automatically become truth on a widespread scale it would wreak havoc everywhere.

    The failure of that testimony to derail the process hopefully will send a message to future accusers to line up all their ducks before accusing.

    Why didn't Sen. Feinstein's office try to corroboate the charge before the charge became public? Could it be that even the Democrats had their doubts about Dr. Ford's veracity?

    Whatever the case, the Radical Dems played that single note on their media instruments to make a cacophony of phony grandstanding.

  2. It really was not credible. Body language was poor, time line inconsistencies, lie about fear of flying which was to delay things. It was all politics, there was no "leak" of the story, it was all part of a plan Ford agreed to with Difi. It was all politics and she was promised lots of cash from Soros affiliated groups.

  3. Nothing changed. Read this story:
    Now, what's worse: a 36 year old accusation of rape (without intercourse or full removal of clothes) with no proof, or the murder of multiple women?
    How many women protested Kavanaugh? How many of those women know about this story and will protest about it? This was about attacking white males and establishing female victimhood. Nothing changes.

  4. Are the perpetrators in that instance nominated to the U.S. Supreme Court?

  5. “How Christine Blasey Ford’s Testimony Changed America”
    “Dr. Ford’s ability to move on during those years as if nothing happened not only does not make sense, but raises questions of credibility... Dr. Ford responded as if she was speaking of someone else or about the science of trauma and not about her own personal experience, possibly because she does not have a personal experience that she can convey or share - the small idiosyncratic memories that always come out when trauma patients share their difficult experience. In Dr. Ford's testimony we heard of the hippocampus and laughter of two men who both deny being present at the alleged event…. Instead we were party to a performance by Dr. Ford who spoke with a Betty Boop voice that fluctuated back and forth, leaving us wondering how much was real and how much was imaginary - or even how much was made up along the way.”
    On the NYS Court of Appeals decision list today, 10 pages, not one motion for leave to appeal granted. My motion 840 of 8/20/2018 is still undecided.

  6. Ford is a liar.

  7. Thanks for clearing that up for us, misogynist.

  8. Where do you get all this crap from?

  9. You're either hopelessly naive or a parrot of Don Lemon.

  10. Your misandry doesn't demonstrate an iota of misogyny.

  11. I do not know about the Soros stuff. Please provide proof. But regarding body language and other indicators, listen to Sam Harris's rational analysis. He is not a leftie, so he has no axe to grind.

  12. On what basis, do you arrive at that conclusion? Here is a rather interesting (rational) analysis:

  13. I am not sure if you know what either of those words mean.

  14. Perhaps English is your second or third language. May I suggest you invest in obtaining an English dictionary.

  15. Nope, first. And I own several (usage guides as well). In the years I have been reading your drivel, I do not recall you ever defending a woman. You call Dr. Ford a liar, based on nothing. So yes, I am confident that you are a misogynist.

  16. Your confidence is a manifestation of your cowardice.


please use either your real name or a pseudonym.