Thursday, September 13, 2018

The Imperative to Vote for Morality

Disclaimer: Opinions expressed are those of the author, who writes a regular column for the Jewish Press, and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Jewish Press Ownership or Management.


The Imperative to Vote for Morality

By Binyomin Feinberg

The importance of voting in accordance with Torah values  can barely be overstated. Torah sages have emphasized this point since at least 1982 when several of them called on Jews to actively oppose the gay "rights" agenda, in particular.
Since then, dozens of strong rabbinic statements on this topic have been issued, many in just the past decade. A very recent one, for example – signed by 50 rabbanim from a wide array of Orthodox communities – declared that voting for someone supporting Assisted Suicide is prohibited.
Specifically, a number of co/-sponsors of Assisted Suicide are running for re-election in this Primary, e.g.:

Senator Diane Savino (Bensonhurst, Sea Gate, Brighton Beach);

Sen. Marisol Alcantara (Washington Heights);

Sen. Martin Malave Dilan (Williamsburg);

and Sen. Jesse Hamilton (Crown Heights).


Sometimes no moral choice exists in a particular race. But showing up to vote (and writing in a candidate or skipping certain sections of the ballot entirely) is still important since a symbolic protest vote conveying one’s revulsion with the candidates can set the stage for future candidates catering to our moral concerns. Staying home would just be interpreted by the politicians as apathy rather than disgust.

The NY State Assembly website allows the user to search for a bill on any topic. Just type in "sexual orientation," "transgender," abortion, etc., and check for co-sponsors, even if the given bill has not yet been voted on.
Governor: We already said two weeks ago that New Yorkers  face a choice between arguably the most flagrantly pro-LGBT governor in the history of the United States and an activist who celebrates at least one of the abominations of the LGBT agenda.  WE URGE WRITING IN "RABBI AVIGDOR MILLER" IN PROTEST.
Democrat Lt. Governor: Kathy Hochul pulled off all sorts of shenanigans this past June to pass an abortion bill that would have eliminated the law requiring saving babies that survived a botched abortion. Her opponent, City Councilman Jumaane D. Williams, has previously expressed opposition in principle to abortion and same-gender "marriage." Yet, we are unaware an instance where he's passed up an opportunity to vote for these items.  
 (1) IF ENOUGH Democratic primary voters get Williams on the Democratic Party ballot FOR NOVEMBER -- AND 

(2)  IF THE INDEPENDENCE AND DEMOCRATIC PARTIES FAIL TO AGREE ON A SHARED LT. GOV. (the Independence Party is already decided on running Lt. Gov. Hochul) ----

THEN the Democratic and Independence Parties would be considered as two separate parties. Thus the GOP would only need defeat each one; they would NOT need enough votes to top the COMBINED number of votes of both the Democratic and Independence tickets.

This would POTENTIALLY facilitate a major upset: A GOP VICTORY IN THE GENERAL ELECTION. 

HERE, IT'S NOT A MATTER OF SETTLING ON THE LESSER EVIL. It's a matter of employment of the correct election technique to enable the Republican to win by trying to split the Cuomo ticket into two.

Democratic Attorney General candidates:

The position of Attorney General is extremely sensitive (in addition to being a gateway position to run for Governor). A good AG would properly enforce the Law. A poor AG would fail to do so. An evil AG would brutally enforce their own "Law" at whim, persecuting the righteous -- and enabling the wicked.

This is NOT hypothetical. Before he was compelled to resign in disgrace, AG Eric Schneiderman hatefully persecuted peaceful prolife sidewalk counselors, while enabling abortionists to make money.*  (He also ignored the frequent coverups of child- molestation crimes, for which the Abortion Industry is infamous). 

*(See "Liberty Counsel" information on this case, which they won, defending religious sidewalk counselors - saving preborn babies from certain death - against the bigoted AG (and the millionaire abortionist Merle Hoffman, on behalf of whom AG Schneiderman persecuted the prolifers).)

It's an alarming reality that every AG candidate today would have been labeled a radical a decade ago. All four seem to aim to out-progressivize the other.  Those who listen to them debate would probably be surprised by any evidence suggesting that any one of these candidates does NOT oppose Orthodox Jewish rights. 

Given their celebration of the movement which prides itself on inciting antipathy to those faithful to Torah morality (i.e., the LGBT Axis), we can expect every single candidate to side with all manner of physical and spiritual enemies, against us. (What's so difficult here is identifying the least of the evils.)

°  Sean Patrick Maloney is, by far, the worst candidate running. The first flagrantly homosexual congressman in NY history, he tried to hold up the defense budget to add a amendment to the bill forbidding government contracts to business that don't allow men to wear skirts to work.  In 2014, he co-sponsored a bill that would likely have been interpreted to ban any foreigner who protested a Gay Pride parade.  Properly detailing his nefarious policies would require an it's own website.

°  Letitia James, now 
NYC Public Advocate, as a city councilwoman, sponsored at least three LGBT bills/resolutions, and cosponsored multiple others.  Endorsed by Gov. Cuomo and multiple LGBT organizations, she has sponsored a bill that labels homosexuality a protected class; cosponsored a resolution calling for the passage of the Dignity For All Students Act (mandating LGBT propaganda in all schools), and a resolution calling on the American Psychological and American Psychiatric Associations to brand therapy to overcome homosexual inclinations as "unethical." Even before NY passed Marriage DeQuality, she facilitated it, by pushing for City Clerks to post locations where such "marriages"  could be perpetrated.

°  Zephyr Teachout ran for Governor last election, seeking to "out-pink" Cuomo.  Allied with the flagrant LGBT Nixon, she also was one of the few endorsers of the recently elected Socialist Democrat Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.  Her endorsement by the lesbian lawyer Roberta A. Kaplan (who led to the 2013 "marriage" Dequality decision that purportedly struck down the federal Defense Of Marriage Act) speaks loudly.

°  Leecia Eve debates like any other fully unhinged 
pro-LGBT, abortionist progressive. Shockingly, it's a former Hillary Clinton aid that - superficially - appears to be the lesser evil of the candidates; she's the only one without a LGBT endorsement (as of this writing).

We urge joining other New Yorkers who will be writing in "Ed Mechmann" (a well-known profamily attorney). 


Selected Documentation:

Abortion positions of Primary Candidates:

45th Assembly district (Flatbush)Democratic Female district leader race: Margarita Kagan is the incumbent and one of the better district leaders in Brooklyn. Her opponent, Esther Adina Miles, meanwhile seems to want to legalize marijuana, and has said on her Instagram page that she has "socially progressive views." Most alarmingly, she has posted pictures on Instagram of a transgender with a heart. For an Orthodox woman to promote causes that are antithetical to the Torah is a grave chillul Hashem
20th Democratic Assembly race (Five Towns): We have no information on where John Vobis Jr. stands on any crucial issue. His opponent, Juan Vides, has posted a picture of himself on Facebook at the Long Beach Pride Parade.
46th Democratic assembly race (Sea Gate/Brighton Beach): Ethan Lustig-Elgrably supports the bill that would get rid of the law that forces doctors to save babies of botched abortions.
Mathylde Frontus is a LGBT activist who, according to radiofreebayridge, established an LGBT support group for teens. From a Democrat questionnaire she filled out, it's clear that LGBT values always come before religious rights in her mind. She is by far the biggest leftist activist to run for this office. 
69th Democratic assembly race (Upper West Side): No assembly race demands a write-in as much as this one. Daniel O'Donnell is the Democrat who sponsored the same sex "marriage" bill as well as another one that may eventually force yeshivas to teach a LGBT curriculum.
Ruben D. Vargas meanwhile has made statements like "It’s time for society to redefine the boundaries of marriage, making it a renewable institution similar to holding a driver’s license."
71st Democratic Assembly race  (part of Washington Heights): Al Taylor is the incumbent. He voted for practically all the LGBT bills that came up for a vote this year, but he did vote (in what seems to have been his only good vote) against the abortion bill that allows killing babies of botched abortions. A questionnaire he filled out makes it clear that he will vote for every LGBT bill this coming session as well.
We have no information on where opponents Guillermo Perez and Luis Tejada stand on any crucial issue.
 72nd Democratic Assembly race (part of Washington Heights): We can't find a single immoral bill that the incumbent, Carmen N. De La Rosa, didn’t support. We have no information on where opponents Guillermo Perez and Luis Tejada stand on any crucial issue.
23rd Democratic Senate Race (Bensonhurst, Brighton Beach, Sea Gate): Diane Savino was the main sponsor of the assisted suicide bill. Jasmine Robinson is a major abortion-with-no-limits supporter. We have no information at this time on where Brandon Stradford  stands on any important issue, but he may possibly be appropriate alternative in this situation.
In the zechus of fully prioritizing Kovod Shomayim, may we merit a Gmar Chasima Tovah in the fullest sense.
Addendum to NYS Primary Election Primer:

Democrat Assembly 42 (Midwood) :

Rodneyse Bichotte: has voted for every single Toaiva [i.e., LGBT/abortion etc.] bill that passed.

Victor Jordan: makes it clear on his Stonewall questionnaire that he'd vote like Bichotte.

Neither deserve our support.  In this district, if we unequivocally push for moral advocacy, then even candidates apathetic on morality would likely promote moral values to get our support if required by political expediency.

Democratic primary for NY State Senate District 11:

Tony Avella, the current Senator, has co-/sponsored numerous pro LGBT bills.

John Liu: Both his previous career starting as a City Councilman, and his run for mayor confirm that he, like Avella, is a committed progressive, though he appears to be more open to religious freedom. There is not enough of a difference between these two for us to get in to the mud and decide who is worse.  Even those who generally do hold of voting for the lesser of evils would be urged to write-in a protest vote here.

Republican primary for NYS State Senate District 11:

Simon Minching: His facebook (FB) page implies that he will be one of the more left-leaning Republicans.

Vickie Paladino:  From her FB page she appears  to be a committed conservative. While we haven't seen enough to endorse her, it appears that she would be the distinctly preferable option.


In Rockland County, incumbent Democratic State Senator David Carlucci (formerly IDC) has a condemnable record on morality. In case any mosdos Chas VeSholom support him, voters need only remember his sponsorship of a bill that would mandate Yeshivos conform with Public Schools in the teaching of non-Torah subjects, with regard to rigor, time allotted, and subject matter. This may sound innocuous to some, but in fact it's extremely dangerous, particularly when seen in context of other anti-moral educational legislation, e.g. the Dignity For All Students Act (DASA). DASA, in essence, designates Public Schools as Government Sponsored LGBT Propaganda Centers, of sorts - indoctrinating kids to see practice of flagrant abominations as something demanding respect.

Soon, we could see Yeshivos and Girls Schools being pressed to either close down, or, R"L far worse, conform to the Public School standards of teaching respect for *flagrant* LGBT persons, or a variety of other anti -Torah (and antiscientific) nonsense.

Goldberg, his opponent, is openly more extreme than Carlucci. She, however, is less seasoned than Carlucci. Thus Carlucci is more dangerous to the cause of Decency. The only choice here is a protest vote.


    24    §  3204-a. Instruction required in non-public schools. 1. All students
    25  attending a  non-public  school  shall  be  given  instruction  that  is
     1  substantially equivalent to the instruction that is given to students of
     2  similar  age  and  attainment  in  the  district  in which the school is
     3  located. A non-public school is not required to use  the  curriculum  of
     4  the  school district in which they are located but must provide students
     5  with instruction that is similar in rigor, allotted time, and subject."



  1. This is problematic, since something like today's "assisted suicide" is in the Gemara - when Rabbi Yochanan lost his chavruta,, resh lakish, he lost his own mind, i.e. to put it bluntly he went "insane", and his Talmidim and colleagues decided he would be better dead than alive, and prayed fo him to die. So were Chazal acting contrary to what you call "moral" today?

  2. why do you think they are equivalent?

  3. What a ludicrous comparison. Sorry.

    Passively praying to Hashem that HE should put someone out of his misery, does not in any way compare to the disgraceful act of helping someone commit the ultimate sin of self-murder.

  4. I brought the Gemara, because citing the Tenach might be seen as being a reformist. These cases are not equivalent, but they are not too far apart. The equivalent part is that they decided that it is better for a sick person to die than to continue living in his current state. The method is different - they prayed to Hashem - but their prayer have a certain koach that today probably doesn't exist.

    The case in the Tenach is when Shaul is injured and fear he will be tortured by the Plishtim, so he falls on his own sword. Why does he have the reshut to minimise his suffering? And we know that later on he receives a Jewish burial, (if you accept that cremation was Jewish in those days) and is mourned by Israel. So the views towards suicide in certain cases is not as negative as it is today.
    There is also the story of the Amalek who reports to David that he finished off Shaul - but this was on Shaul's orders - we already know he fell on his own sword, intentionally.

  5. IsraelReader says “What a ludicrous comparison. Sorry. Passively praying to Hashem that HE should put someone out of his misery, does not in any way compare to the disgraceful act of helping someone commit the ultimate sin of self-murder.”
    I agree. I read closely the whole “The Imperative to Vote for Morality.” I love it. I get to vote 4 times: Me and my 3 daughters from Yemima, all have full Brooklyn voting rights. Yes assistant suicide is prohibited, very clearly. Eddie is a troll, just teases and tries to change the subject etc. Abortion is so horrible, in cases that Israel laws would never permit etc. Eddie wants to change the subject with his ludicrous comparison. Please, DT, block Eddie as a troll.

  6. IR, I know you love israel, even if we don't always agree :)
    see below for my reply

  7. Rav Avigdor Miller on Voting for Liberals

    Who should we vote for for President?

    We should vote for the one who appears to us to be the most conservative. Now, I can't tell you who that is. But there's no question that the conservatives of today are extremely more liberal than the liberals of thirty years ago. We have already advanced so far beyond the borders of liberalism, that today we can afford to retreat many miles behind these boundries and still remain in the forefront of liberalism. And therefore, today there's no such thing as too much conservatism. You have to vote for conservative candidates on every level - on national, state and city levels.

    That's my opinion. By the way, nobody here has to agree with me - on anything. Only, I don't have to agree with you either.

    TAPE # 133 (July 1976)

  8. Well, there is one intelligent statement here (the last paragraph).

  9. A beautiful thing about democracy is, that people get to vote in the privacy of a voting booth, without anybody looking over their backs to see who they're voting for.

  10. If you vote only for moral politicians, then you can safely stay home on election day.

  11. Too bad that there was nothing intelligent in your comment.

  12. Very witty; did you think of that all by yourself?

  13. Another interesting case:
    . In this story, Rabbi Chanina ben Teradion was being burned alive by the Romans. His pupils urged him to end his suffering quickly by opening his mouth and taking deep breaths of smoke and flames. But he replied, "It is better that He who gave [me my soul] should take it rather than I should cause injury to myself."

    Since they are encouraging him Hasten his own death

  14. It took me as much thinking as your comment took.

  15. Gerald, I didn't see you mention Susan in this post, are you trying to reduce your trolling ways in the 10 days, or was it just an error that you forgot to mention her?

  16. Eddie says “Gerald, I didn't see you mention Susan in this post, are you trying to reduce your trolling ways in the 10 days, or was it just an error that you forgot to mention her?”
    May I show my letter today to the NYS Courts:

    1.I request permission to submit these papers concerning my motion 2018--840 8/20/2018. I'm attaching an affidavit of service proving I mailed by UPS a true copy to Susan and to Kings County Supreme Court, Matrimonial Division. I attach Exhibit A: Gerald Aranoff letters to the crooked Judge Garson.

    2.Judge Prus signing the NYS Judgment of Divorce me and Susan 9/10/2013 was preposterous, ridiculous, ludicrous; and illogical. My focus here is on divorcee Susan's crooked, criminal, vigilante behavior over the decades.

    3.Jerusalem Post 5/23/1996 states concerning crooked divorcee Susan : “Susan's no nonsense cap of curls was blown-dry into a glamorous mane suitable for the elegant gown she had brought for the wedding. In addition to her professorship, she is active in the United Jewish Appeal and the International Committee for Women of the Kotel and in Agunah, an advocacy group for women's rights in Jewish Divorce. She said that neither her status as a divorcee, or her concerns about women's rights under Orthodox law could dim her joy at her daughter's wedding day. Still she admitted “I think that any aware orthodox mother of a bride has to go into it with a little bit of trepidation.” Perhaps her efforts in Agunah, she reflected will be able to effect change in time for her granddaughter's weddings.”

    4.In the Rabbi Mendel Epstein trial detailed in Pacer there is much information on Susan's activities. Judge Freida Wolfson gave Rabbi Aryeh Ralbag immunity for his testimony. Susan worked extensively with Rabbi Mendel Epstein et al and with Rabbi Aryeh Ralbag. The court testimony of the husbands Rabbi Mendel Epstein et al physically assaulted included mention of a women during the assault. Was this Susan? Susan's criminal/vigilante activities to free Tamar so Tamar could remarry without a get from her husband Aaron is all over the internet, e.g.: (internet 2012):“Supporters of Tamar Epstein, whose ex-husband, Aharon Friedman, refuses to give her a religious divorce, have been pressuring Friedman's boss, U.S. Rep. Dave Camp, R-Michigan, to fire Friedman. They have protested in front of Camp's office, signed a petition at, started a website ( and in February, bombarded Camp's official congressional Facebook page. But Susan Aranoff, director of Agunah International, which supports Jewish women seeking divorces, said social media has little effect because many husbands still are resistant after all the bullets have been fired.”

    5.Susan's professorship is also a fake. Her PhD committee at Columbia University kept rejecting her research work. In January 1984 she got a mixed approval. She never published anything of her doctoral dissertation. I do much research, see me on Google and at Divorcee/crooked Susan never did real research, other than her criminal/vigilante Agunah activities including her book.

  17. Eddie says “Gerald, I didn't see you mention Susan in this post, are you trying to reduce your trolling ways in the 10 days, or was it just an error that you forgot to mention her?”
    I’m reading and enjoying Rage of Angels by Sidney Sheldon. Page 264: “There is an adage in law that when you have a weak defense, you put your opponent on trial.” Susan wins every time in NYS courts starting from
    “Court: Kings Supreme Court Index Number: 0023213/1991 Case Name:ARANOFF,SUSAN vs. ARANOFF,GERALD Case Type: MATRIMONIAL MOTION Track:Standard RJI Filed: 08/23/1991 Attorney/Firm For Plaintiff: IRWIN H. HAUT, ESQ. Attorney Type: Retained Atty. Status: Active”
    The NYS Court of Appeals rarely grants motions for appeal. I view the 9 judges as a jurors in Sidney Sheldon’s book. My letter today shows that Susan committed an unbroken series of despicable acts for many years. Maybe this will persuade the judges to grant my appeal. Follow, Eddie?

  18. Gerald, nobody is really interested in your post divorce legal problems, and they have nothing to do with knowing Torah. Do you really think a judge in NY will be reading this? Even so, it will not be allowed to influence him. what are you trying to achieve by boring us with all your legal dockets? I mentioned that becasue you called me troll, however, by your own definition, you are trolling this blog each time you update us on all your Susan motions and failures in court. Are you a professor at ariel university? if so, do you fly back to USA each time you have a hearing?

  19. Eddie says”Gerald, nobody is really interested in your post divorce legal problems, and they have nothing to do with knowing Torah. Do you really think a judge in NY will be reading this? Even so, it will not be allowed to influence him. what are you trying to achieve by boring us with all your legal dockets? I mentioned that because you called me troll, however, by your own definition, you are trolling this blog each time you update us on all your Susan motions and failures in court. Are you a professor at Ariel University? If so, do you fly back to USA each time you have a hearing?  
    It’s your questions, Eddie, that’s off subject. Yes you’re a troll to defend the K-G heter etc. You try to change the subject and confuse people with your questions. You attack me with your questions. You seem to be in England. I sent my last comment at the beginning of the Sabbath and you put in an answer! OK if you’re in the USA, or else you violated the Sabbath. You, Eddie, don’t understand the issues or me. You look to me irreligious/secular/rebellious. I tell myself not to answer any of your questions. My 1,000 + comments here show that I do deal with Torah issues. Susan is central in Mendel Epstein et al/Ralbag/K-G etc. Surely, you and Yehoshua know this well.
    Oh, if, Heaven forbid, the NYS denies my motion 840 of 8/20/2018 --- then I lost my case versus Susan. You can’t win them all, I say. If the NYS Court of Appeals does grant my motion, please God, then I won. They say it takes 5-8 weeks for the NYS Court of Appeals to grant/dismiss a motion to appeal.

  20. I put in my comment before Shabbat in my locale, however the moderator , who is DT only approved it after Shabbat in his locale, Dig?

  21. This particular post is about voting, hence your career trolling about Susan is off topic.

  22. If you are in Israel, there is 2 hours difference between there and UK. However, the days are longer here in Northern Europe, hence Shabbat starts later, so we have a 3-4 hour gap as to when shabbat begins.

  23. Eddie says “If you are in Israel, there is 2 hours difference between there and UK. However, the days are longer here in Northern Europe, hence Shabbat starts later, so we have a 3-4 hour gap as to when shabbat begins.” IsraelReader votes up.
    Today on CNN weather: sunset Bnei Brak 6:40 London, UK 7:32. I sent my comment very close to candle lighting time. It was already over an hour Shabbat in London, when you, Eddie, sent your comment. Follow, Eddie and IsraelReader?
    May I show here my letter today to the NYS Court of Appeals:
    1.I request permission to submit these papers concerning my motion 2018--840 8/20/2018. I'm attaching an affidavit of service proving I mailed by UPS a true copy to Susan and to Kings County Supreme Court, Matrimonial Division. I attach Exhibit A: Rabbi Kornfeld 7/1/1991 to Susan not to forsake her husband and Exhibit B: Savtah letter 12/4/1991 Susan seeking a civil divorce.

    2.Judge Prus signing the NYS Judgment of Divorce me and Susan 9/10/2013 was preposterous, ridiculous, ludicrous; and illogical. My focus here is on divorcee Susan's crooked, criminal, vigilante behavior over the decades.

    3.Rage of Angels by Sidney Sheldon, page 264: “There is an adage in law that when you have a weak defense, you put your opponent on trial.'' Susan wins every time in NYS courts starting from
    “Court: Kings Supreme Court Index Number: 0023213/1991 Case Name: ARANOFF, SUSAN vs. ARANOFF, GERALD Case Type: MATRIMONIAL MOTION Track:Standard RJI Filed: 08/23/1991 Attorney/Firm For Plaintiff: IRWIN H. HAUT, ESQ. Attorney Type: Retained Atty. Status: Active.”
    Susan committed an unbroken series of despicable acts for many years starting with her forsaking to join me in Israel as she promised me. Susan, don't you want to respond before the next decision release date of October 11, 2018? They say that silence in face of accusations is an admission of guilt.

  24. Gerald Aranoff - an alleged "professor of accountancy" who obviously is cooking his books.

    the time difference between UK and Israel is + 2 hours, thus, when it is , for example, 2pm in London it is 4pm in Tel Aviv.

    If You bring in Shabbos at say 6.40pm in Bnei Brak, at that exact time, it is only 4.40pm in London. There is no arguing over this, it is reality. Similarly, it is only 11.40am in New York, since we (UK) are 5 hours ahead of Eastern time in USA. So it is not Shabbat in NYC or in London, even though you have lit your candles in Bnei Brak.

    However, there is an additional hour leeway since whereas you have 6.40pm we have 7.32pm. Thus 7.32 pm is the beginning of shabbat (not to mention shekiah) however, that means when Shabbat is coming in in UK, it is already 10.32pm in BBnei brak, and you are about to go to sleep.

    Now you are alleging that at candle lighting time (Bnei brak) it was already 1 hour into shabbat in London. however, this is sheker.

    It was 4.40pm on a friday afternoon, sunny, daytime, i am doing my cooking , lighting the gas fire etc etc. I hadn't even yet filled the Shabbat urn, since we had a couple of hours to go (it takes approx 30 mins to boil).

    So Mr professor, you are cooking your books - I infer from this that you cannot even account for time differences, (something a 7 year old can figure out when they phone their uncle in another country).

    On top of this, the posting time shown on the blog is approximate and is also subject to moderation. I noticed many times that a post i wrote before Shabbat will only appear on Saturday night or Sunday.

    Since you are clueless in such an elementary arithmetic matter, I can only conclude you are clueless in much more complicated matters. i can also now see why Susan must have suffered so terribly, and had to resort to go to the Rackman BD!

  25. Eddie says: “If You bring in Shabbos at say 6.40pm in Bnei Brak, at that exact time, it is only 4.40pm in London. There is no arguing over this, it is reality. Similarly, it is only 11.40am in New York, since we (UK) are 5 hours ahead of Eastern time in USA. So it is not Shabbat in NYC or in London, even though you have lit your candles in Bnei Brak…. I can also now see why Susan must have suffered so terribly, and had to resort to go to the Rackman BD!”
    Eddie, you’re right, sorry. My error was that I forgot that London is on the way Bnei Brak to NYC. I thought, mistakenly, that London was in the direction opposite, that London had a 9 hour time difference NYC versus London. Still, I never did anything bad to Susan, that I know of. I did all the diaper changes, bottles, sterilizing the bottles, shopping, going to PTA, doctors etc for our 6 children. Susan spent her Shabbat afternoons with her dear friend Rivka Haut, a”h discussing matters of the Rackman BD---nothing to do with me, of course. Susan chooses not to submit any papers to the court on my motion 840 of 8/20/2018. I say שתיקה כהודיה. We’ll hear from the court. Eddie what do you think of the K-G heter and the sheker of the PhD psychology letter that Tamar is free? What about? “Do not have carnal relations with your neighbor’s wife and defile yourself with her” (Leviticus 18:20).

  26. See
    “The core tenet of Anglo-American law is that the burden of proof always rests with the person making the accusation. An accuser can’t doom someone’s freedom or career merely by making a charge. The accuser has to prove the allegation in a court of law or in some other venue where the accused can challenge the facts. Otherwise we have a Jacobin system of justice in which “J’accuse” becomes the standard and anyone can be ruined on a whim or a vendetta. Another core tenet of due process is that an accusation isn’t any more or less credible because of the gender, race, religion or ethnicity of who makes it. …A third tenet of due process is the right to cross-examine an accuser… The denial of cross-examination is a major reason that campus panels adjudicating sexual-assault claims have become kangaroo courts.”
    ORA, K-G heter, Mendel Epstein et al/Aryeh Ralbag etc are kangaroo courts. They place the burden of proof on the husband. They claim the woman is far more credible than her husband. They allow the woman to evade answering tough questions from a proper bet din etc. Susan never proved her charges.
    “The first to plead his case seems right Till the other party examines him” (Proverbs 18:17). Aaron, the husband of Tamar, must have an opportunity to cross examine Tamar, in a court/bet din etc.

  27. Eddie says: “I can also now see why Susan must have suffered so terribly, and had to resort to go to the Rackman BD!”
    Susan did not suffer at all, truly. I was happy, busy busy my professorship, research, teaching, devoted father etc all the years of the marriage with Susan 1969-1993. I was happy in Susan’s sexual demands of me. What was the problem? I don’t know, even today. Susan once told me on the phone that she wants a NYS civil divorce and we could then have shalom bayit. I asked Rabbi Asher in the bet din in Jerusalem. He said send her the get and see if she accepts it, follow Eddie? Susan never proved her complaint in NYS courts. I made a dramatic appearance August 1992 in court which totally stopped her complaint. “The first to plead his case seems right Till the other party examines him” (Proverbs 18:17). This was Ian Anderson’s idea, my lawyer.
    I didn’t argue with Susan. I did try to keep her happy. Eddie, why are you taking Susan’s side? You’re a troll to support the K-G heter etc. Oh, I’m very happy and grateful to God here in Bnei Brak. My life is so good, B”H. My next accounting article is due out November 2018. I don’t care about money. I never did. I think Susan also doesn’t care about money. Susan cares number 1 for her agunah activites. Susan helped Tamar to remarry.
    “A psalm for praise [traditionally for the thanksgiving offering]. Raise a shout for the Lord, all the earth; worship the Lord in gladness; come into His presence with shouts of joy. Acknowledge that the Lord is God; He made us and we are His,[so qere; kethib and some ancient versions not we ourselves] His people, the flock He tends. Enter His gates with praise, His courts with acclamation. Praise Him! Bless His name! For the Lord is good; His steadfast love is eternal; His faithfulness is for all generations.” (Psalms 100)

  28. k/g nothing to do with me, the only ralbag I know is Gersonides ztl .I

  29. Nice of you to apologize to Eddie.
    You should consider also apologizing to me.

  30. Eddie says “Gerald Aranoff - an alleged "professor of accountancy" who obviously is cooking his books.” No.
    Torah thought.
    “The debate between Job and Bildad shows that Bildad’s words were no comfort to Job, who is in mourning over the death of his sons.”
    May I show here the debate between Eliphaz and Job? Eliphaz honestly felt that Job put a show of a saint but was a sinner and did bad deeds and should do repentance. This is like those that honestly feel that Kavanaugh did bad deeds re Dr. Ford etc.
    Eliphaz the Temanite said in reply: Can a man be of use to God, A wise man benefit Him? Does Shaddai gain if you are righteous? Does He profit if your conduct is blameless? Is it because of your piety that He arraigns you, And enters into judgment with you? You know that your wickedness is great, And that your iniquities have no limit. You exact pledges from your fellows without reason, And leave them naked, stripped of their clothes; You do not give the thirsty water to drink; You deny bread to the hungry. The land belongs to the strong; The privileged occupy it. You have sent away widows empty-handed; The strength of the fatherless is broken. Therefore snares are all around you, And sudden terrors frighten you, Or darkness, so you cannot see; A flood of waters covers you. God is in the heavenly heights; See the highest stars, how lofty! You say, What can God know? Can He govern through the dense cloud? The clouds screen Him so He cannot see As He moves about the circuit of heaven. Have you observed the immemorial path That evil men have trodden; How they were shriveled up before their time And their foundation poured out like a river? They said to God, Leave us alone; What can Shaddai do about it? But it was He who filled their houses with good things. (The thoughts of the wicked are beyond me!) The righteous, seeing it [referring to v. 16], rejoiced; The innocent laughed with scorn. Surely their substance was destroyed, And their remnant consumed by fire. Be close to Him and wholehearted; Good things will come to you thereby. Accept instruction from His mouth; Lay up His words in your heart. If you return to Shaddai you will be restored, If you banish iniquity from your tent; If you regard treasure as dirt, Ophir-gold as stones of the wadi, And Shaddai be your treasure And precious silver for you, When you seek the favor of Shaddai, And lift up your face to God, You will pray to Him, and He will listen to you, And you will pay your vows. You will decree and it will be fulfilled, And light will shine upon your affairs. When others sink low, you will say it is pride; For He saves the humble. He will deliver the guilty; He will be delivered through the cleanness of your hands” (Job 22:1-30).
    Job’s reply:
    “Job said in reply: Today again my complaint is bitter; My strength is spent [lit. My hand is heavy] on account of my groaning. Would that I knew how to reach Him, How to get to His dwelling-place. I would set out my case before Him And fill my mouth with arguments” (Job 23:1-4).
    On Job 22:28 “You will decree and it will be fulfilled, And light will shine upon your affairs.” וְתִגְזַר אוֹמֶר וְיָקָם לָךְ וְעַל דְּרָכֶיךָ נָגַהּ אוֹר:
    מלבי"ם איוב כ"ב כ"ח
    ותגזר אומר, גם מה שתגזר בדרך גזרה, ויקם לך, כי כל הטבע תהיה נכנעת תחתיך, וכמו שגזר יהושע על השמש שתדום ואליהו שאמר אם יהיה טל ומטר כי אם לפי דברי, ועל דרכיך נגה אור, מה שהיה עד עתה חשך בדרכיך, כי היו ענינים גופניים גשמיים, יהיה עתה אור, כי יהיו ענינים נעלים מחשכת החומר אל אור הנפשות וזהרם:
    The Malbim likens Job to “On that occasion, when the Lord routed the Amorites before the Israelites, Joshua addressed the Lord; he said in the presence of the Israelites: Stand still, O sun, at Gibeon, O moon, in the Valley of Aijalon! And the sun stood still And the moon halted, While a nation wreaked judgment on its foes —as is written in the Book of Jashar [presumably a collection of war songs]” (Joshua 10:12-13).
    This is what we cry to God today, to rout our enemies.

  31. Thank you, the Book of Iyov is a very important work of philosophy and I respect anyone who spends time to ponder on it.

  32. Eddie says “Thank you, the Book of Iyov is a very important work of philosophy and I respect anyone who spends time to ponder on it.”
    Thanks, Eddie. The Book of Job is a very important work of philosophy. The debating between Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar and Job and Job’s problems greatly interested Elihu, and we, too, today:
    “These three men ceased replying to Job, for he considered himself right. Then Elihu son of Barachel the Buzite, of the family of Ram, was angry—angry at Job because he thought himself right against God. He was angry as well at his three friends, because they found no reply, but merely condemned Job. Elihu waited out Job’s speech, for they were all older than he. But when Elihu saw that the three men had nothing to reply, he was angry. Then Elihu son of Barachel the Buzite said in reply: I have but few years, while you are old; Therefore I was too awestruck and fearful To hold forth among you. I thought, Let age speak; Let advanced years declare wise things. But truly it is the spirit in men, The breath of Shaddai, that gives them understanding. It is not the aged who are wise, The elders, who understand how to judge. Therefore I say, Listen to me; I too would hold forth” (Job 32:1-10).
    First, Rashi says that Elihu was really angry at God.
    רש"י איוב ל"ב ג'
    וירשיעו את איוב - זה אחד מן המקראות שתקנו סופרים את לשון הכתוב וירשיעו כלפי המקום בשתיקותם היה לו לכתוב אלא שכינה הכתוב וכן וימירו את כבודם בתבנית שור כבודי הי' לו לכתוב אלא שכינה הכתוב וכן ואל אראה ברעתי (מדבר /במדבר/ יא) ברעת' היה לו לכתוב אלא שכינה הכתוב וכן הרבה מקומו' בספרי ובמסורת הגדול':
    Second, the Malbim says that Elihu was right to be angry at Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar for their failure to note that job was perfectly righteous.
    מלבי"ם איוב ל"ב ג'
    בשלשת ריעיו חרה אפו שלא היה להם להכחיש המוחש ג"כ שנודע שאיוב היה צדיק ולהרשיע את איוב שלא כדת יען שלא מצאו מענה, והיה להם לחקור למצוא טעם שיאמת את שניהם, שאיוב הוא צדיק ושבכ"ז באו עליו יסורים בצדק:
    Third, The Book of Job is Torah and merits our close study. Job won completely, eg:
    “After the Lord had spoken these words to Job, the Lord said to Eliphaz the Temanite, I am incensed at you and your two friends, for you have not spoken the truth about Me as did My servant Job.” (Job 42:7).
    איוב מ"ב ז'
    וַיְהִי אַחַר דִּבֶּר יְקֹוָק אֶת הַדְּבָרִים הָאֵלֶּה אֶל אִיּוֹב וַיֹּאמֶר יְקֹוָק אֶל אֱלִיפַז הַתֵּימָנִי חָרָה אַפִּי בְךָ וּבִשְׁנֵי רֵעֶיךָ כִּי לֹא דִבַּרְתֶּם אֵלַי נְכוֹנָה כְּעַבְדִּי אִיּוֹב:
    The Malbim says Job only pretended, outwardly, to be rebellious to God, but in his heart was true and faithful.
    מלבי"ם איוב מ"ב ז'
    חרה אפי בך, כי לא דברתם אלי נכונה כעבדי איוב, כי איוב דבר דברי חטא בפיו אבל בלבו דבר נכונה כי לבו היה שלם עם ה', והריעים היו להפך, שבפיהם התוכחו בעד ה', אבל לבם לא היה מסכים אל פיהם כמ"ש להם איוב. (יג) הכהתל באנוש תהתלו בו וכו' הלא שאתו תבעת אתכם, שהוכיחם ע"ז שדברו דברים מה שהם עצמם לא חשבו כן בלבם, ועקר הדבור אל ה' הוא דבור הלב לא דבור החיצוני של פה, ובדבור זה לא דברתם אלי נכונה כאיוב:
    Lessons for us today? Yes we should vote for morality and we should argue against desecrations of God’s name. Is the K-G heter a desecration of God’s name?

  33. Not sure I am convinced by Malbim's explanation - that Iyov only pretended :) His heart yes, but he was under supreme distress, however he did not blaspheme.

  34. Eddie says”Not sure I am convinced by Malbim's explanation - that Iyov only pretended :) His heart yes, but he was under supreme distress, however he did not blaspheme” May I show here my letter today:
    1.I request permission to submit these papers concerning my motion 2018--840 8/20/2018. I'm attaching an affidavit of service proving I mailed by UPS a true copy to Susan and to Kings County Supreme Court, Matrimonial Division.

    2.Exhibit A: Susan Opposition Papers January 4, 2015 of my letter Asiello88 8/26/2018, states: “\P 5. What gall Mr. Aranoff has to challenge me to provide him with documents when he torments me non-stop with frivolous and repetitive motions to the point of harming my health…”
    3.Susan's NYC civil divorce Judge Prus signed 9/10/2013 is a farce, an embarrassment, a joke. The Court can easily request the police or other agency to investigate the fake/phony March 7, 1995 Rigler order of separation, which Susan and Judge Prus refuse to send me a copy of. Please, judges of the NYS Court of Appeals, request an investigation of the fake/phony March 7, 1995 Rigler order of separation.
    4.We watched Kavanaugh defend himself yesterday. Kavanaugh is perfectly righteous, in my view. Yes, I'm a Trump and Netanyahu supporter. I quote from the Book of Job in the Bible: ”These three men [Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar] ceased replying to Job, for he considered himself right. Then Elihu son of Barachel the Buzite, of the family of Ram, was angry---angry at Job because he thought himself right against God. He was angry as well at his three friends, because they found no reply, but merely condemned Job” (Job 32:1-3).
    5.The Malbim says here that Elihu was right to be angry at Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar for their failure to note that Job was perfectly righteous. Kavanaugh's defending himself is similar to me defending against Susan's lies. Susan ruined my reputation with her false accusations and lies in court papers. I quote the Bible: ”Do not subject me to the will of my foes, for false witnesses and unjust accusers have appeared against me” (Psalms 27:12).
    6.Honorable Judges, you may want to suspend my motion for appeal until you receive a report of a proper investigation of the fake/phony Rigler 3/7/1995 order of separation. Such an investigation is critical, yes? Note that Susan has put in no opposition papers to my motion 840 of 8/20/2018 while I submitted 11 letters (August 13, 20, 23, 26, 28, September 7, 14, 20, 25, 27, 28).
    Eddie, help me re Susan, OK? Do you think the K-G heter violates the negative command: “You shall not profane My holy name, that I may be sanctified in the midst of the Israelite people—I the Lord who sanctify you” (Leviticus 22:32)?

  35. What has Susan got to do with K-G? Did she get a Rackman BD heter?
    Rackman's argument was that just as you have machmir with kashrut, so can you with Mamzeruth or Gittin. Is regular Kosher = treif just because some people will only eat Glatt or Mehadrin xxxx plus?

  36. Eddie says “What has Susan got to do with K-G? Did she get a Rackman BD heter?”
    “Walter also stated that “the Swedes are convinced that the Swedish laws will always be applicable in their country. But ask a Britishman if 30 years ago he would have thought that Britain would have had legal sharia courts in 2018. Nobody would have thought it was possible. If Sweden recognizes Sharia tribunals, Muslims will have new demands, such as permission to govern their own enclaves without interference from the Swedish society. The ultimate goal is that sharia dominates all of Sweden. This is the long-term goal and Islam has a lot of patience. The demography is very clear: in 100 years the game is over.”
    Susan wants USA state civil divorce law to dominate and overrule and ignore our Torah based bet din. I say the K-G heter violates the negative command: “You shall not profane My holy name, that I may be sanctified in the midst of the Israelite people—I the Lord who sanctify you” (Leviticus 22:32)?” I heard Rabbi Lookstein say at a rally some 30 years ago, that the angry wife got a civil divorce and so the husband must now give a get etc. In my case the divorcee Susan got a joke, farce, embarrassment NYS civil divorce by ignoring our Torah bet din.
    The Herz Chumash says “You shall not profane My holy name, Be exceedingly guarded in your actions, say the Rabbis, so that you do nothing that tarnishes the honor of Judaism etc”
    The divorcee Susan at the 8/1/2013 inquest makes off that the get is a joke, embarrassment, farce etc. In England, tell me, the people respect rulings of the legal sharia courts or do they treat them the K-G and Susan treat bet din courts? Follow, Eddie?

  37. don't follow Gerald.

    Thank you for quoting the Hertz, he was a great Chief rabbi, and Rabbi Rackman defended his wonderful Chumash when the hareidim attacked it. I think he or another Chief rabbi opposed a hareidi yeshiva, and the hareidim hated all the chief rabbis since then. You didnt answer me, did sheget a gett or not?

  38. Eddie says “don't follow Gerald. Thank you for quoting the Hertz, he was a great Chief rabbi, and Rabbi Rackman defended his wonderful Chumash when the hareidim attacked it. I think he or another Chief rabbi opposed a hareidi yeshiva, and the hareidim hated all the chief rabbis since then. You didn’t answer me, did she get a gett or not?”
    Thanks Eddie for your comment. Susan’s website “Agunah International Inc. The Rabbi Emanuel Rackman Agunah International Beit Din L’Inyenei Agunot Our Mission: To free women trapped in dead marriages by recalcitrant husbands who refuse to grant a Get” is wholly unrelated to me. Susan’s efforts to allow Tamar to remarry based on the K-G heter is also wholly unrelated to me. Follow, Eddie?
    Susan's book The Wed-Locked Agunot: Orthodox Jewish Women Chained to Dead Marriages and Susan's Rabbi Emanuel Rackman Agunah International Beit Din are wholly unrelated to me. Susan's efforts to allow Tamar to remarry based on the K-G heter is also wholly unrelated to me. I take umbrage on Susan's false charge that I abandoned her.

  39. That's a nice website actually, brings a number of sources, eg the Rashba, on forcing a gett.

  40. Keep my name out of your obsession with your ex-wife. Even better, keep that obsession out of the comments of this blog.

  41. Yehoshua says “Keep my name out of your obsession with your ex-wife. Even better, keep that obsession out of the comments of this blog.”
    Yehoshua and Eddie, you guys help me in my case against Susan, thanks. See
    “How the Senate votes now will reverberate to all levels of society. A “no” vote on Judge Kavanaugh is an authorization to renew calls for a Justice Clarence Thomas to step down. It is an authorization to derail the life of any white-collar manager or blue-collar crew boss who is ever subject to a single uncorroborated allegation.”
    Obsession = the state of being obsessed with someone or something. "she cared for him with a devotion bordering on obsession" an idea or thought that continually preoccupies or intrudes on a person's mind.
    Yehoshua is attacking Brett Kavanaugh with a devotion bordering on obsession.
    I could a piece “The motion 840 of 8/20/2018 stakes
    A vote against granting the motion is a vote for ambush tactics and against due process”.

  42. Yehoshua says “You are pathetic”
    Thanks Yehoshua. Pathetic = arousing pity, especially through or sadness.
    "she looked so pathetic that I bent down to comfort her" synonyms: pitiful, pitiable, piteous, moving, touching, poignant, plaintive, distressing, upsetting, heartbreaking, heart-rending, harrowing, wretched, forlorn.
    Here is a proper use of pitiable:
    See “Crazy, pitiable France!” in
    I did go on with a distinguished career of professorship, Susan not. My PhD dissertation is 3 published articles. I won a medallion etc. Susan needs to be pitied. Susan went on with forced gittin. Was Susan in the room during the physical assault of the victim that testified before Judge Freida Wolfson?


    Gerald, I see you praise Rav Riskin, do you agree with his work on agunot?

  44. the Rashba - Shlomo ben Avraham ibn Aderet - was a Gaon of his generation, and he supported freeing agunot - in fact the claim that R' rackman made, that a woman would not marry if she knew her husband would be their tormentor is based on the Rashba.
    I am not commenting on K-G, they are not as knowledgeable as R' Rackman :)

  45. What is the Rashba's definition of an 'aguna"? It most certainly is not the same definition that Rackman used.

    Everyone has always been in full support to try to free a legitimate aguna. But a woman who is seeking to destroy her family, rob children of their father, rob fathers of their children, and otherwise steal money that does not belong to her - is not an aguna.

    Please provide sources.

  46. Are you saying that any woman who wants a get is ".. a woman who is seeking to destroy her family, rob children of their
    father, rob fathers of their children, and otherwise steal money that
    does not belong to her - is not an aguna."?

  47. Kindly use the Rashba's definition of aguna. Kindly refer us to a clear source. Since the Rashba was a prolific writer, this should be easy.
    Unless, of course, some people want to reform, reconstruct or ortherwise change the Rashba's definition.

  48. Thanks Honesty, see my letter today:

    1.I request permission to submit these papers concerning my motion 2018--840 8/20/2018. I'm attaching an affidavit of service proving I mailed by UPS a true copy to Susan and to Kings County Supreme Court, Matrimonial Division.
    4.Susan's book The Wed-Locked Agunot: Orthodox Jewish Women Chained to Dead Marriages and Susan's Rabbi Emanuel Rackman Agunah International Beit Din show that Susan advocates that women be allowed a get and a divorce on their whim, over their husband's objections. Everyone has always been in full support to try to free a legitimate aguna. But a woman who is seeking to destroy her family, rob children of their father, rob fathers of their children, and otherwise steal money that does not belong to her - is not an aguna.
    5.I take umbrage on Susan's false charge that I abandoned her. Susan never marshalled evidence in all her years for her claim that I abandoned her. I continue to deny adamantly that I abandoned Susan. Rather it was Susan that sought a get from me, and I reluctantly gave it to her. Susan ambushed me. How? Susan refused my offer, for child support, of half of the $750 monthly I was getting from TIAA. Susan arranged with the crooked Judge Rigler to freeze my pension 100%. The Appellate Division, erroneously ruled: “As such, the Supreme Court was correct in not extending comity as to the child support issues and, accordingly, in denying the husband's motion to amend his answer.” Are we to believe that the crooked Judge Rigler wrote a March 7, 1995 Order of Separation during the long period of the 100% frozen TIAA pension (early 1994 - January 1998)? Susan first brought mention of this lie to get her phony/fake 2013 NYS civil divorce.

  49. Your missives to the court seem to be counterproductive.

  50. read Rav Haim toledano article on the link provided by Gerald.

  51. Eddie says “Your missives to the court seem to be counterproductive”
    Missive a letter, especially a long or official one. "he hastily banged out electronic missives" synonyms: message, communication, letter, word, note, email, memorandum, line, communiqué, dispatch, news;
    I’m making progress, thank God. You and Yehoshua hastily banged out trolling seems to be counterproductive. Wait till the Senate votes on Kavanaugh. Wait till the NYS Court of appeals rules on my motion 840 of 8/20/2018.
    Torah thought on Berashit:
    “Cain said to the Lord, My punishment is too great to bear! Since You have banished me this day from the soil, and I must avoid Your presence and become a restless wanderer on earth—anyone who meets me may kill me! The Lord said to him, I promise, if anyone kills Cain, sevenfold vengeance shall be taken on him. And the Lord put a mark on Cain, lest anyone who met him should kill him.” (Genesis 4:13-15).
    Wow! How to explain: “And the Lord put a mark on Cain, lest anyone who met him should kill him.” Cain was so wicked/undeserving! He kills Abel and is defiant to God. “The Lord said to Cain, Where is your brother Abel? And he said, I do not know. Am I my brother’s keeper? (Genesis 4:9).
    I heard that “Cain said to the Lord” God hears prayers to Him, even from the worst person in the world. Cain prayed to God directly: “anyone who meets me may kill me!” God answers prayers, at least somewhat, from any and all who pray to Him.

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