Sunday, August 5, 2018



 Over and over, across decades and cities throughout the United States, sociologist Steven M. Cohen painted a picture of American Jews using a consistent set of questions.

How much do Jews love Israel? How many Jewish friends do they have? Do they attend a synagogue? Do they belong to one? Perhaps above all, are they married to Jews and raising Jewish children?

Through countless papers, opinion pieces, speeches and books, Cohen’s research and interpretations have shaped how the organized Jewish community views itself and sets its priorities. They guided a national Jewish population study in 2001 and a New York study in 2011. Two years after that, Cohen consulted on the Pew Research Center’s landmark study of American Jews, which asked many of these same questions.

But in light of allegations of sexual harassment from several women, Cohen’s role as organized Jewry’s top sociologist is bound to diminish. Last week, the UJA-Federation of New York, the country’s largest federation, announced it would no longer work with him. Already some are wondering what his absence will mean for his research priorities, which have become the standard for the Jewish establishment.

 Over and over, across decades and cities throughout the United States, sociologist Steven M. Cohen painted a picture of American Jews using a consistent set of questions.

How much do Jews love Israel? How many Jewish friends do they have? Do they attend a synagogue? Do they belong to one? Perhaps above all, are they married to Jews and raising Jewish children?
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Through countless papers, opinion pieces, speeches and books, Cohen’s research and interpretations have shaped how the organized Jewish community views itself and sets its priorities. They guided a national Jewish population study in 2001 and a New York study in 2011. Two years after that, Cohen consulted on the Pew Research Center’s landmark study of American Jews, which asked many of these same questions.

But in light of allegations of sexual harassment from several women, Cohen’s role as organized Jewry’s top sociologist is bound to diminish. Last week, the UJA-Federation of New York, the country’s largest federation, announced it would no longer work with him. Already some are wondering what his absence will mean for his research priorities, which have become the standard for the Jewish establishment.


  1. Let me get this straight.

    Huge chunks of American Jewry don't flinch at tolerating and even embracing LGBTetc-ism, feminism, all around general zon-ism, forced Gittin, nullified marriages, neglecting Taharas Mishpacha; and a "temple" here in the DC area has a Drag Havdala where little kids dress up in drag and hang out with adult drag queens (you can't make this stuff up).

    But some social scientist catches flak for getting snared in the Fad of the Day.

    Yeah? Did I get that right?

  2. I seem to remember Professor Steven Cohen in my days at YU, a great sociologist. Today’s daf hayomi:
    .Zevachim 113a
    “The master said: Said R. Johanan to him, But surely the whole of Eretz Israel had been thus examined. Wherein do they differ? One master holds that the Flood descended in Eretz Israel [So the bones of many dead sunk in the earth; hence it is not purified]; while the other master holds that it did not descend [there]. R. Nahman b. Isaac observed: Both interpret the same text, [Viz.:] “O mortal, say to her: You are an uncleansed land, not to be washed with rain on the day of indignation” (Ezekiel 22:24). R. Johanan holds: Scripture speaks rhetorically [lit., indeed wonders]: O Eretz Israel, how art thou not clean; did then the rain [flood] descend upon thee in the day of indignation? While Resh Lakish holds that it bears its plain sense: Eretz Israel, thou art not clean, [for] did not the rain descend upon thee in the day of indignation?”
    I can refute Resh Lakish from “Assuredly, thus said the Lord God: Because you speak falsehood and prophesy lies, assuredly, I will deal with you—declares the Lord God. My hand will be against the prophets who prophesy falsehood and utter lying divination. They shall not remain in the assembly of My people, they shall not be inscribed in the lists of the House of Israel, and they shall not come back to the land of Israel. Thus shall you know that I am the Lord God. Inasmuch as they have misled My people, saying, It is well, when nothing is well, daubing with plaster the flimsy wall which the people were building, say to those daubers of plaster: It shall collapse; a driving rain shall descend—and you, O great hailstones, shall fall—and a hurricane wind shall rend it. Then, when the wall collapses, you will be asked, What became of the plaster you daubed on?” (Ezekiel 13:8-12).
    Hertz Chumash on Ezekiel:
    P. 244: “He [Ezekiel] and the flower of the nation were deported to Babylonia in 597 B.C.E. He seems to have lived a peaceful and honored life in Chaldea. The exiles had their own houses and lands, and their own government by Elders. They seem readily to have entered into the ‘modern’ life of Babylonia, under the firm and not unjust rule of Nebuchadnezzar.”
    Ezekiel focuses on Israel, returning to Israel, rebuilding the Temple etc. Surely Ezekiel is saying in Ezekiel 22:24 that God told Ezekiel to say to Israel that Israel is on an unclean land due to dead bodies buried deep down, preposterous, not so etc, because even in God’s rage at mankind in the time of the flood, Israel was dry and fine. Schottenstein brings down that Noah built the ark for 120 years to get the local people to repent etc. I love Rabbi Johanan explanation here.
    America is like Nebuchadnezzar’s Babylon. Professor Steve Cohen sees assimilation dangers in American Jewry. American Jewry: come home to Israel.

  3. The 'Fad of the Day' is GLBTQ, not meeto.
    OK, both.

    2. what happens if a meeto 'criminal' turns out to discover a cure for a particular pernicious form of cancer, or wins a hard-fought leftist case at the US supreme court, or other such 'progressive' cause? Would leftists refuse to use the cancer cure? Would they lobby to make sure its not approved by FDA and or Obama care?

    Will university (read leftist) libraries refuse to stock Dr Cohen's books? Will professors penalize students who cite Dr Cohen as authority for their positions?

  4. You're asking logical questions. But Leftists operate by the law of "talking points", not reason.

    They are, by definition, suicidal. When Marxists gain power, the first order of the day is to wipe out their allies, defenders, appolgists, etc. The people in power don't want competition from their own ranks, nor from people who might be disappointed with the revolution and undermine the victory.

    So, these cultural marxists tear down every tradition or accomplishment associated with White males (and, yes, for their purposes, Dr. Cohen is a White, not Jewish, male) and think not what the consequences and repercussions are. The ones ripping apart society know that their days are numbered, so don't care that they are damaging themselves as they dig their own graves.

  5. Ezekiel was so strong against the false prophets and such in Babylon. I agree with Joseph Orlow and MiMedinat_HaYam, their comments below.
    “If among the religious public, the percentage is low, among the secular-traditional population the percentages are higher, and among the secular-liberal population, the percentages are much higher, perhaps more than ten percent….ulture, that is, education and the environment, weighs heavily. It is a fact that there were cultures in the past, such as Egypt and ancient Greece, where this phenomenon was very common. On the other hand, among Jews, when environmental conditions encouraged proper marital relations between men and women and negated relations between men, this tendency was almost never expressed….Therefore, precisely in our time, when secular culture around us permits and encourages homosexuality, it is incumbent upon parents, educators and rabbis to strengthen the deepening of the education towards marriage in the framework of halakha, and explain at length all the good and light in the love between man and woman, and the tremendous value of establishing a family and raising children and their education.”
    He's so brilliant, Rabbi Eliezer melamed! He’s a modern Ezekiel.


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