Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Madeleine Albright: ‘The things that are happening are genuinely, seriously bad’

the guardian

Madeleine Albright has both made and lived a lot of history. When she talks about a resurgence of fascism, she says it as someone who was born into the age of dictators. She was a small girl when her family fled Czechoslovakia after the Nazis consumed the country in 1939. After 10 days in hiding, her parents escaped Prague for Britain and found refuge in Notting Hill Gate, “before it was fancy”, in an apartment which backed on to Portobello Road. Her first memories of life in London are of disorientation. “I didn’t have a clue. My parents were very continental European and I didn’t have siblings early on. I felt isolated.” As Hitler unleashed the blitz, “every night we went down to the cellar where everybody was sleeping.”

She agrees that we ought to be careful not to casually throw around the F-word lest we drain the potency from what should be a powerful term. “I’m not calling Trump a fascist,” she says. Yet she seems to be doing all but that when she puts him in the same company as historical fascists in a book that seeks to sound “an alarm bell” about a fascist revival.

She frequently nudges the reader to make connections between the president of the United States and past dictatorships. She reminds us who first coined the Trumpian phrase “drain the swamp”. It was drenare la paludein the original, Mussolini Italian. She quotes Hitler talking about the secret of his success: “I will tell you what has carried me to the position I have reached. Our political problems appeared complicated. The German people could make nothing of them… I…reduced them to the simplest terms. The masses realised this and followed me.” Sound familiar?


  1. I am fascist.

    The State controls, to some extent, industry, media, economy, entertainment, education, academia, and of course the military. The people still run the country, but not every party is allowed.

    How much control is something that can be debated. The key point is that freedom is not extended to degenerates. Immigration is limited.

    The reality is that we have de facto fascism through the way government funnels tax money.

    I'm for making fascism explicit.

  2. i assume you think that trump is doing this too?

  3. This piece is a Hillary Clinton support article “The former US secretary of state decries the global rise of authoritarianism in her new book, Fascism: A Warning, and talks about Trump, Putin and the ‘tragedy’ of Brexit”
    Let me quote parts:
    “Over four years as America’s chief diplomat, her life and views were again shaped by encounters with tyranny. She engaged with Kim Jong-il, father of North Korea’s current jailer-in-chief, and found him, she recalls in her new book, cordial, courteous and “pretty normal for someone whose father’s birthday is celebrated every year as the ‘Day of the Sun’.” Slobodan Milošević, the Serbian autocrat, “did not fit the stereotype of a fascist villain” and liked to “act the innocent” even as his security forces attempted the ethnic cleansing of Kosovo. Hugo Chávez, the late ruler of Venezuela, was “very charismatic” and initially seemed to hold promise for his country when he supplanted “a bunch of tired old men that were very elitist”. When Recep Tayyip Erdoğan first came to power in Turkey, he was a refreshing change from rule by people “who live in big houses, or occasionally the military”. “These people initially did have some feel for the working class and then power went to their heads – all of them.” One chapter of her new book is about Vladimir Putin, whom she found to be “so cold as to be almost reptilian”… Orbán’s transformation in office has taken her by surprise….In her book, Trump is one nasty plucker. She labels him “the first anti-democratic president in modern US history”… The Queen, who has a lifetime of experience dealing with strange and unsavoury characters, will probably handle Trump with her customary glacial implacability. May is the one facing the biggest challenge of Trump management. Can Albright, who teaches international statecraft at Georgetown University, offer the prime minister some guidance?”
    Albright got fooled by “Kim Jong-il, father of North Korea’s current jailer-in-chief,” “Slobodan Milošević, the Serbian autocrat,” “Hugo Chávez, the late ruler of Venezuela,” “Recep Tayyip Erdoğan,” and “Orbán’s transformation in office has taken her by surprise” Albright is not fooled by Donald Trump! In her book, Trump is one nasty plucker. She labels him “the first anti-democratic president in modern US history”
    I’m a Trump supporter and a Netanyahu supporter. Trump is making American great again and also helping the world much as the ancient King Cyrus. See https://www.wsj.com/articles/both-sides-can-win-the-trade-war-1534200232
    “In this regard, the agenda of China’s reformers is not so different from that of the U.S. Washington should pursue a strategic dialogue with Beijing aimed at a deal whereby China would agree to undertake more market-friendly structural reforms. That would involve further opening up China’s market to foreign goods, services and investments; adopting a better framework to protect intellectual property; privatizing state-owned enterprises in all competitive industries; and letting the market, not the government, truly play the decisive role in resource allocation. The mutual zero-tariff principle Mr. Trump has discussed with the EU should be the framework for America’s trade relationship with China.”

  4. It should only be! He's the right man in the right place.

    His business background gives him dictatorial experience.

    If the Left stays on track, we can expect rioting in the streets on a massive scale after the midterms.

    Hopefully, the President will use that opportunity to arrogate police powers to himself, jail the fake news promulgators, slash immigration, deport illegal immigrants (and maybe some legal ones, too), and generally declare war on degeneracy.

    Historically, rights in the U.S. are suspended in wartime. No big deal if we have a vacation from the morally-neutral Constitution.

  5. It takes naivete to pull this off. Once Constitutional safeguards are removed, anything is possible. The risk is great.

    I'm willing to gamble because the alternative is worse and is certain.

  6. Don't bother responding to Orlow. He is either trolling you or crazy.



  9. See
    “Consider the situation in Britain. Last month, US President Donald Trump paid a visit to the US’s closest ally. The Red-Green alliance of the Left and the Muslims was beside itself. Its queer, feminist, jihadist and animal rights members banded together to organize a major demonstration against Trump in London. As British Jewish writer and activist David Collier documented on his website, two aspects of the demonstrations stood out. First the marchers weren’t against Trump. They were anti-American. As far as they were concerned, Trump is just a manifestation of America’s inherent evilness. His predecessor Barack Obama was also terrible. The second notable aspect of the supposedly anti-Trump, Red-Green rally in London was the prevalence of anti-Israel messages.”
    I read closely The Gurdian’s hate Trump piece here. We suffered with Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton etc. Why? Carter is an anti-Semite. Bill Clinton got us Oslow etc. The world supports Iran etc. Thank God we have Donald Trump. I agree with Joseph Orlow. Things were happening genuinely seriously bad with Madeline Albright, a power in US foreign policy:
    “Albright’s early work as a journalist and a foreign policy scholar drew her into politics. In 1978, she sat on the National Security Council when Jimmy Carter was president and later represented the US as the country’s ambassador at the United Nations. In 1997, Bill Clinton made her secretary of state, the highest government office achievable under the US constitution by someone not a natural born US citizen. She was the first woman to lead US foreign policy.”

  10. That was my second possibility.

  11. Madeline Albright is beyond the pale She says that Trump is one nasty plucker. She labels him “the first anti-democratic president in modern US history”
    See https://www.israelnationalnews.com/Articles/Article.aspx/22605
    “In contrast, those wishing for a "democratic" state are concerned about the emphasis on the Jewish character of the state. They tend to deny the special merit of the Jewish people, and strive to blur the historical uniqueness of our people. This is what most academic scholars do as they try to explain all the unique phenomena in the history of the Jewish people using technical and tangential reasons. The moral motive for their position is that they fear that the idea of Israel's virtue will lead to xenophobia, just as nationalistic ideas have caused negative phenomena among different peoples in history.Ignoring the National Context is Dangerous In addition to the sin of denying vision, the second route will not succeed”
    Bravo Joseph Orlow for your defending Donald Trump.

  12. Joe, when they tried to teach me Latin at school, one of the few words I remembered was "fasces", which was a bundle of sticks, and it is where the word fascism derives from.
    So I wonder what you think of the concept of beating a man until he "wants" to give get, as is taught in the Gemara?

  13. And the scary part is that I'm not alone.

  14. I do find that part of the job a bit trying. I ocassionally wrote in my approval to
    I'm told they tally the results and present it to White House personnel.

  15. No. Beat ORA till they stop forcing Gets. And as for you, we'll leave you alone. Just go find a Rav and learn the true Torah.

  16. She worked closely with President Clinton to push Oslo and she calls President Trump "un-democratic"?!

  17. what's it got to do with Ora? I am asking you a question related to the gemara and the rambam.
    Do you think your teachers know more than the Rambam did?

  18. You are as ignorant as you are crazy. 1: The Clinton administration did not know about the Oslo agreement until it was a done deal. 2: Albright was not the Secretary of State until Clinton's second term; Oslo was in the first.

  19. http://daattorah.blogspot.com/2018/08/madeleine-albright-things-that-are.html
    Two points, Yehoshua. First, Does England have a problem with anti-Semitism? see https://www.israelnationalnews.com/Articles/Article.aspx/22620
    And see https://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/250518
    Two, Madeline Albright is beyond the pale. You defend her? You’re the crazy one.

  20. 1: What does England have to do with anything?
    2: I did not defend anyone; I merely noted that Albright had nothing to do with Oslo. Go back to obsessing over your ex-wife.

  21. Madeline Albright was in politics against us starting 1978. The Clinton Administration supported Madeline Albright’s anti-Semitism views. England’s press is a major source of anti-Semitism views, much as NY Times, CNN, etc. You’re “merely noted” you’re helping the anti-Semites. Amazing that I got the NYS Court of Appeals to assign me 2018-878 return date August 20, 2018 on the issue of fraud/perjury, the issue of the fake/phony 1995 Rigler Order of Separation. Are you defending Susan?

  22. Do you think you know the Rambam? Rabbi Dovid Eidensohn has studied that Rambam in depth. And he has patiently taught me the explanation of that Rambam in depth, and he's gone over it with me mor than once. Do you know how the Rama learns that Rambam? And how it differs from how the Rosh apparently understood the Rambam?

  23. I was involved with fighting Oslo from the time it was being quietly planned. I was outside the White House protesting when it was signed. We researched, discussed, lobbied and protested for years after that -- a group of us in the U.S. and Eretz Yisrael, some advanced scholars. I don't have any interest at this point in getting into a debate with you on this subject.

    Oslo morphed into the "Peace Process". It was all the same thing. Tear away Jewish control of Eretz Yisrael.

  24. I respect both the Eidensohn brothers. However, it is very hard to find much information outside of their blogs. Rav Daniel has written a few books. Rav Dovid states he has written some books but it is hard to find any reference to them. If he is your Rebbe that is great, but there is a big world out there with many scholars who have varying opinions. I think Reb Dovid's view on Pilegesh is very interesting - revolutionary. Did you know that Chacham Tzvi (Yaavetz's father) agreed with the Rambam on forcing gittin? Of course it is not so simple, need to have competent poskim.
    In any case, the Kovetz teshuvot ascribed to rav Elyashiv is not reliable, it was doctored to suit the world view of the hareidi editors, when in fact his work as judge in the Rabbanut was often very open and lenient.

  25. I am looking at one of Rabbi Dovid Eidensohn's books on my bookshelf as I write this....The Torah that was, The Torah that will be.

  26. Like literally everyone else who reads this blog, I could not care less about what goes on between you and the ex-wife who you are obsessed with. My suggestion to go back to that topic was not meant seriously. Sorry you don't seem to be able to comprehend that.

  27. British labour leader with organizer of the Har Nof pogrom https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/jeremy-corbyn-pictured-with-pflp-terror-chief-maher-al-taher-at-2014-tunisia-wreath-laying-ceremony-t5rgh0jp5?#_=_

  28. England's press is working to expose Mr corbyn's anti Semitic past and present.

  29. as is taught in the Gemara:

    בכתובות פ"ו, ובחולין קל"ב, דהאומר סוכה איני עושה, לולב איני נוטל, "מכין אותו עד שתצא נפשו", ובקצוה"ח סי' ג' ס"ק א', כתב דכפיה זו מוטלת על הבי"ד

  30. Thank you. Where are his halachic seforim where Rav kotler and Rav Moshe give their haskomo?

  31. I don't have any of those yet, but I do know they exist. I am hoping to obtain one or more.


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