Tuesday, June 26, 2018

letter from r nota about going to ערכאות based on secret psak w.o. hearing other side


  1. Going to secular court is from the severest of the severest??

  2. Yes, absolutely. That is made clear throughout the halachic literature and responsa from the Shulchan Aruch, before it and ever since.

  3. “letter from r nota about going to ערכאות based on secret psak w.o. hearing other side”
    Beautiful. Allow me to show you my letter today to NYS cts, NYS IG, NYS Comm. on Judicial Conduct, TIAA, and Susan:
    4. I'm asking here for an immediate 100% freeze on the fraudulent QDRO while the matter is under review. Perhaps John Asiello, Clerk, can make a motion on behalf of the NYS Court of Appeals for a 100% freeze of the QDRO while the matter is under review. Perhaps Marylin Rothstein, Clerk, can make a motion on behalf of the Kings County Supreme Court for a 100% freeze of the QDRO while the matter is under review. Perhaps Ms. Kay-Ann Porter Campbell of the NYS Office of the Inspector General can suggest a 100% freeze of the QDRO while the matter is under review. Perhaps Ms. Julie Calderon Rizzo, Associate General Counsel of TIAA, can suggest a 100% freeze of the QDRO while the matter is under review.
    5.Susan requested from Judge Rigler a 100% freeze on TIAA payments of $750 monthly to me, early 1994. This created pressures on all parties to resolve the issues. I seek resolution of the outstanding issues of the fraudulent QDRO. Now there is no pressure on Judge Prus to respond to me in any way, no pressure on Susan to respond to me in any way, no pressure on TIAA to respond to me in anyway---to resolve the issue of the QDRO. There is no pressure for NYS Commission on Judicial Conduct to respond to me in any way. There is no pressure on NYS Inspector General to respond to me in any way. The fraudulent QDRO is matter of high interest to citizens of NYS since it involves a divorce from a foreign country and the ramifications. One of the judges, Gerald Garson, sat in jail 4 years for bribery. This is a tremendously important case. The longer the case stay open with TIAA fraudulently paying 55% of my pension to Susan, the more clear it becomes of the inappropriate and unnecessary court actions here.

  4. It's severe. But not severest of severest. It's not top 3

  5. It's severe enough to be categorized as mesira, which in certain circumstances can result in Halacha permitting death of the perpetrator.


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