Friday, October 20, 2017

When 20,000 American Nazis Descended Upon New York City


In 1939, the German American Bund organized a rally of 20,000 Nazi supporters at Madison Square Garden in New York City. When Academy Award-nominated documentarian Marshall Curry stumbled upon footage of the event in historical archives, he was flabbergasted. Together with Field of Vision, he decided to present the footage as a cautionary tale to Americans. The short film, A Night at the Garden, premieres on The Atlantic today.


  1. Powerful footage!!

    It's message should be obvious... A group that is continuously and openly hostile to Jews, can be mistaken for nonviolent...but can quickly decend into genocide!

    That group in the 21st century is unquestionably THE LEFT.

    Unfortunately, those inflicted with Trump Obsession, like the producers of the clip and this blog, will inevitably interpret the powerful message the wrong way...

  2. It's message should be obvious... A group that is continuously and openly hostile to Jews, can be mistaken for nonviolent...but can quickly decend into genocide!

    That group in the 21st century is unquestionably THE LEFT.

    Too true! It bears repeating. The left and their 200,000 active, organized, violent troops which they call Antifa

  3. What exactly started that outburst where they were beating that man? Did he provoke them or what? I couldn't make it out.

  4. That is motzi shem ra - in case you didn't know.

  5. There are exremists both to the right and to the left.
    The Jewish people needs special protection from Hashem 24/7.
    We should not take anything for granted.
    240 years of democracy and tranquility can quickly change into ugliness.

  6. I researched. His name was Isadore Greenbaum. He protested at the rally. Google it.

  7. Oh thank you Israel. Could not have lived without your insight.

    Fact is, that there are those people that are using clips like these to alert us about the RIGHT only...

    The truth is that "almost" all of our hishtadlus in... tfillah, awareness, and advocacy, should be to stop the vitriolic left, that despises jews.

    The haters (many of them born to Jewish parents) are;
    Entire DNC
    Israeli left
    Leftist Media...


  8. Although, at the present time, the real and tangible threat is from the left. It's not just the fringes of the left; it is a large and significant segment of the left.

  9. LOL to an aveira?! good luck!

  10. LOL to the irony of trying to defend the horrors of the left by calling it slander. I suppose that had you been around in the 1920's, you would have defended the Nazi party by shouting"motzie Shem ra". Nu, nu

  11. The "horrors" of the left are no different to me than the horrors of the right. They both non-Torah-based ideologies, and are inherently flawed and doomed to fail. As we see with the failing RW govt. at the moment.

    But there is a substantive difference between Nazis and white-nationalists, whose stated purpose is to harm Jews and non-whites, and leftists, whose stated purpose is social justice. Calling the former antisemites is actually true, calling the latter so is actually slander.

  12. White supremists, Alt-right, and KKK, despise Jews too.

  13. You seem to have missed the point that I'm trying to make. People perceive the Left as the problem, because the Left is more tangible and visible.
    However at the same time, there are many to the extreme right that pose a significant threat to American Jewry should thay ch"v come into power. But people aren't aware of this.
    The bottom line is that we need His protection 24/7. We can't be too complacent, and trust in goverments to guarantee our safety. Unfortunately the Jews in Germany learned the hard way...

  14. One is a movement, with MILLIONS. The other has TENS.

    Come on, man.

  15. Change your screen-name. Nazi-apologists like you hate the truth.

  16. Like me. I hate Nazis like you, Mr Dishonesty.

  17. Not too. Nobody on wehatetruth's list hates Jews.

  18. Rabbi Eidensohn, why do you allow these vicious haters "Honesty" and "welovetruth" infest your blog? When you were well you were fighting these types in the Jewish community. Now don't let these Nazis have a voice.

  19. I agree with Honesty's comments here.“In 1939, the German American Bund organized a rally of 20,000 Nazi supporters at Madison Square Garden in New York City.” I personally knew Jewish supporters of communism. See
    “Prof. Ruth Wisse recalled the prominent role that American Jews played in the American Communist Party in the 1930s. Wisse cites the Jewish Women’s Encyclopedia Archive which notes that according to Communist Party historians, “almost half of the [Communist] party’s membership was Jewish in the 1930s and 1940s.”…In her article, Wisse remonstrates with the American Jewish community for failing to conduct a moral reckoning with its historical affiliation with a party and a movement that murdered 30 million of its own citizens and was responsible for the spread of war and misery worldwide, through its totalitarian, inhuman ideology.’’

  20. Get your head out of sand. The whie nationalists sind auf dem Vormarsch!

  21. I'm not familiar with that list. I stand by my own list, though I will qualify it by saying that not ALL of them DESPISE Jews. There are 50,000 shades of antisemitism.

  22. I will not defend antisemitism on either side. If you think that the people on my list only number in the tens, you are frossly misinformed.

  23. Here's the difference. The extreme or openly anti-Semitic right are A) much fewer in numbers B) they are on the fringes and not (yet) part of the mainstream.
    The anti-Semitic left is A) Much, much larger in numbers. B) Very much part of the mainstream left (just think Kieth Ellison, their co-chair of their party). C) The violence of the left is organized, has 200,000 active troops and was recognized as a domestic terrorist organization by Homeland security.

    Those are three huge differences. That doesn't mean that we can be all smug and complacent about the anti-Semitic right. It means that acknowledging and recognizing the threat of the left is pressing need of the hour. It also means that their enemies, the mainstream right, are presently a benefit to us. We should be very careful about needlessly antagonizing them - a point that's lost on too many of us.

  24. "stated purpose is social justice"...

    Sure Obama, and all those like him.. HIDE behind SJW!! In truth their are pathological HATERS of Jews, Israel, and Western culture.

  25. "SAVAGE"... with this comment you qualify as a extremist...

    Step 1.Take a position (no matter how nutty)...
    Step 2. Immediately set out to silence opposing viewpoints.

    We can add "Savage" to the long list which includes but is not limited to...Satmar, Chabad-Meshachistin, The left, ISIS...

  26. Yep. Carry on making your lists. I'm not silencing viewpoints, there's plenty of safe spaces for all you snowflake Nazis. Like the White House. Of course, as a leftist, I don't need a new category. You however, are damning an ever greater circle of humanity. Not just a Nazi but a hypocrite.

  27. More slander. The fact that you disagree with someone or that they disagree with you does not mean that you should slander them. Hear what RABBENU the RAMBAM had to say about Islam and Muslims, even though he personally suffered at their hands.

    When asked in whether or not Islam is idolatry and Muslims isolators, he answered that they are not but worship HKBH as we do. And he stressed that the fact they lie about us in their holy book does not give us the permit to sin and lie about them. To slander is like denying the truth of HKBH, heaven FORBID! Chased say one who spreads lashon hara is kofer ba ikkar.

    BTW, which western culture are you referring to. Western culture is rich and diverse. Are you referring to the beautiful ancient Germanic culture that was wiped out by Karl der Grosse on his crusades. Or the long lost lovely celtic and slavic cultures. Or the inspiring philosophical tradition of the Greeks like Plato and aristo.

  28. When he mentioned "Western culture" he revealed his true colours. Nazis and White supremacists in Europe are forever going on about immigrants destroying "Western culture". I'm assuming the culture promoted by Harvey Weinstein and Jimmy Savile.

  29. Silliness again. What did the Rambam call their leader? Just about every time he refers him - which are many - he calls him the meshuga. You don't quote sources because you prefer to slander the Rambam and other posters, while ironically shout "slander". Nu, nu.

  30. Your point is totally unrelated to my comment. The question to the Rambam was whether or not they are idolators, and he answered honestly, no slander, even though he had a low opinion of islam and its founder, just as he does about christianity, its founder and its fans.

    Read Igeret Teiman, Rabbi Kapach's edition, and see his notes on the meaning of "meshuga". There he expalins Meshuga, in this context, can be applied also to a true Navi, and he sights an example. It simply refers to the "crazy" behaviour of a person who has had or is pretending to have had prophecy.

  31. See
    On the danger from anti-Semitism. Phyliss Chesler recognized that anti-Zionism was anti-Semitism. “I published my first book on the subject of anti-Semitism in 2003 and took heat for what I wrote. My own editor quarreled with me about whether anti-Zionism was, indeed, anti-Semitism;”
    Phyliss Chesler claims that today we have a new anti-Semitism coming from Western progressives:
    “As I saw it, while this “new” anti-Semitism was not entirely new, it now had the biggest megaphone it had ever had—via movies, videos, and the internet—and it was not only coming to us from a fundamentalist Islamic world; no, now, left-wing, Western anti-racists, progressives, our intelligentsia, our “best and our brightest,” were functioning as the advance guard for the storm troopers.

    Holding Western progressives responsible for betraying the Jews yet again was a Thought Crime. Naming Islamic Jew-hatred for what it is was another Thought Crime.”


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