Tuesday, October 24, 2017

A Long-Delayed Reckoning of the Cost of Silence on Abuse


Bill O’Reilly and Harvey Weinstein may have come from different ends of the political spectrum, but it turns out they have a lot in common.

They rose to positions of power around the same time and used their big, bullying voices to secure for themselves leading roles in American culture. Both men worked in industries that put up with gross behavior from male executives for decades, and both now stand accused of lording their status over women who have stepped forward to say that the men sexually harassed or otherwise abused them.
Mr. O’Reilly, late of Fox News, and Mr. Weinstein, late of the Weinstein Company, share something else. They kept their alleged misconduct under wraps with the help of the nondisclosure agreements included as part of the numerous out-of-court settlements that allowed them to admit to no wrongdoing.

The sums they paid their accusers bought them silence. A full, public airing did not come to be until those meddling reporters came along.

The report in The New York Times this weekend that Mr. O’Reilly paid $32 million in a single settlement with the former Fox News analyst Lis Wiehl in

1 comment:

  1. Oiy! if only those of you in Eretz Yisrael would understand the shabbiness of The NY CRIMES, you wouldn't quote that filthy sin-source for anything moral...

    EVERYTIME The NYT garbage dump prints something their malicious intent can be quickly found...

    In this article: they blame the Weinstien coverup on settlements made with the woman, and CREDIT THEIR OWN REPORTING for exposing that predatory animal...

    Somehow The Crimes fails to mention that they themselves are to blame that Weinstien was not exposed OVER A DECADE AGO. The story had been written FOR THE TIMES and ready to go, and The Crimes contacted Weinstien himself and got paid off to bury it. They only printed it now, because they were about to be scooped by The New Yorker. In fact right when the story broke, before it was clear how utterly destroyed Weinstien was, Weinstien was going to sue The Crimes for not abiding by the agreement!!!

    Who knows how many people were harmed, from Weinstien alone, because of that evil paper.


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