Thursday, August 24, 2017

Response to defamatory RCA statement

From: Shalom Chaim Spira
Sent: August 14, 2017 12:39
To: Saul Emanuel
Cc: Michael Whitman; Rabbi Shmidman - LMS
Subject: Response to defamatory RCA statement
Dear Rabbi Saul Emanuel, shlit"a, Executive Director of the Jewish Community Council of Montreal
Please note the defamatory and slanderous statement from the RCA issued three days ago, falsely claiming that students of Jewish law such as myself who challenge the halakhic validity of the 1993 Beth Din of America prenuptial agreement (which - as already communicated to the Jewish Community Council of Montreal on several previous occasions - was used to coerce my own brother Dr. Avrum Elliot Spira to a get his wife) "threaten women".

Pursuant to the Gemara, fifth chapter of Berakhot, which derives from the righteous Hannah (mother of the prophet Samuel) that when an Orthodox Jew is wrongly suspected of sinful behaviour, the Jew should explain himself to vindicate himself, I am now responding to this accusation by the RCA. With all due respect to the RCA, I reject the accusation of the RCA that I "threaten women". Rather, I actually rescue women by clarifying the Halakhah of what constitutes a valid prenuptial agreement and what constitutes an invalid prenuptial agreement, as publicized in my essay on the subject at .
To express my dismay over this mistaken statement of the RCA, I am carbon copying the Yoshev Rosh of the RCA Beth Din for conversion in Montreal, R. Michael Whitman, shlit"a, as well as the heir to my revered teacher R. Joshua H. Shmidman, zatza"l, his son (yibadel le-chaim) R. Avraham Yerucham Shmidman, shlit"a, of Lower Merion Synagogue in Philadelphia. Let us work together to help agunot by finding real solutions (as identified by my essay), not the (well-meaning but unfortunately) disqualified solution of the RCA has fabricated.
Thank you and ktivah va-chatimah tovah,


  1. Reliable source has it that when you had your stroke the family wanted to ask Reb Shmuel Kamenetsky Shlita Mechilah. Your not dead yet you still have a chance to do it.

  2. “Response to defamatory RCA statement” Bravo, excellent defense to the RCA’s attack on Rabbi Spira.

    “Rather, I actually rescue women by clarifying the Halakhah of what constitutes a valid prenuptial agreement and what constitutes an invalid prenuptial agreement, as publicized in my essay on the subject at .”

    Excellent essay, all 109 pages and notes. Rabbi Spira proves that mere financial coercion will make a get invalid, allowing that financial coercion alone will not make a witness signature invalid. Most interesting.

    Supporters of Mendel Epstein et al approve of cattle prods and physical assault and kangaroo courts against the recalcitrant husband allegedly making life unbearable for the wife. B”H, the FBI fights against cattle prods and physical assault as Epstein goons did to Aharon Freidman for $60,000. The FBI but not fight against mere financial pressure.

    The same supporters of Mendel Epstein et al forcing husbands, who are unwilling, to divorce their wives are now relying on mere financial pressure, seeing that physical assaults and organized protests don’t work for them. The prenup is mere financial pressure.

    The Kamenistsky Heter is ideal for these feminists. A fake psychologist report, without interviewing Aharon Freidman, is enough to declare Tamar is free and she can marry her lover with a get. All the elders and officers of His people are quiet. Terrible!
    “The Lord will bring this charge Against the elders and officers of His people: It is you who have ravaged the vineyard; That which was robbed from the poor is in your houses. How dare you crush My people And grind the faces of the poor? —says my Lord God of Hosts” (Isaiah 3:14-15).

  3. Thank you, Reb Gerald Aranoff, for your very kind words of support. Chazak u-varukh tihiyeh.


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