Sunday, February 26, 2017

Trump's attacks are benefiting the New York Times - NY Times editor DESTROYS Donald Trump


  1. The New York Times is the beacon of light and truth. Whenever I want to know the TRUTH about Israel, I read the New York Times to get it.

  2. I charge for my endorsements.

  3. I found that interview scary. I don't think he gets at all what is going on in this country. Or worse, he's covering it up. The editor said, "...dramatic revolution in government....". Maybe he meant to include what I'm about to say, but I don't think he meant to.

    The revolution in government is only a reflection of the revolution of the electorate. Many of us will be seconding Mr. Trump in his continual onslaught of the media. Our collective goal is nothing short of taking the mainstream media down by using tactics like repeating the term "fake news".

    As I pointed out in a comment on another post, the mainstream media cannot admit this grassroots revolution in their papers, broadcasts, while being interviewed, etc. because it would embolden more people to join the popular revolution to topple the influence of the New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, etc.

    The couching of the description of the revolution in terms of Mr. Trump and his far reaching reforms is in and of itself fake news.

  4. In the aftermath of the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election, Baquet explained to National Public Radio that some mainstream media outlets were too secular for their own good. ""I think that the New York-based and Washington-based ... media powerhouses don’t quite get religion," he said. "We have a fabulous religion writer, but she’s all alone. We don’t get religion. We don’t get the role of religion in people’s lives. And I think we can do much, much better. And I think there are things that we can be more creative about to understand the country.”"

    Trump can learn a lot from this guy.

  5. I can't wait to see what happens when you have chanted "fake news" until the NYTimes has crumbles and then you will turn your magical words on others that disagree with Trump and destroy them. Of course this process will end up with complete anarchy and only Trump will have the ability to discern who is acceptable and who is out of favor.

    Strange it sounds like a totalitarian regime where truth is what the "FEARLESS LEADER" says is true - instead of the adversarial process found in democracy. What defense will you have when you are accused of "fake news" by the mob?

  6. Not "fearless leader" but "Grey Champion"

  7. What defense do I have when I am misquoted by the New York Times? It happened many years ago. I was a bystander to an event the report was covering. It was not a malicious misquote. But he put words in my mouth that I didn't say.

  8. Republican lawmaker: Russia investigation needs special prosecutor [and Attorney General Jeff Sessions should recuse himself].

  9. this is supposed to justify Trumps outrageous and blatant lies that are accurately quoted by the NYTimes?!

  10. I am deeply thankful to the editor for writing that he does think that 40-55% of the people might need to be saved from themselves and their foolishness.

  11. The host Bill O’Reilly of one of the few news media neworks endorsed by Trump, Fox (Faux) News, distanced himself on Monday from a guest (a convicted felon) his show falsely identified last week as a “Swedish defense and national security adviser,” saying he should not have been invited to appear in a segment on immigrants and crime in Sweden.

    Talk about fake news!


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