Thursday, January 19, 2017

Oral appellate argument of Binyamin Stimler (Epstein/Wolmark gang) scheduled for next Wednesday


  1. what is the grounds for dismissal?

  2. They are appealing the conviction. The case hasn't been heard yet or determined.

  3. Susan is a supporter of Mendel Epstein, internet;
    “I always knew he is a vigilante operating in system similar to the Wild West,'' said Rivka Haut, a longtime activist on behalf of agunot who has known the rabbi for years, but said she had no direct knowledge of any abductions. However, she said that women in such situations frequently asked her advice about pursuing such extreme measures. Haut, a co-founder of the advocacy group Agunah, Inc., says she has always counseled people to steer clear of violence or illegal schemes...Haut, an Orthodox activist who is working on an upcoming book, “The Agunah Chronicles,” with Susan Aranoff, with whom she cofounded Agunah, Inc., said she was “surprised to see the headlines” about the FBI sting but “not surprised” to see the content.
    “Everybody knew very well about his activities, which were not always on behalf of women, but sometimes on behalf of husbands. He plays many roles: dayan [{beit din (rabbinic court)} judge], toen [lawyer in beit din proceedings] and vigilante[,]” [Haut said.] Haut said that when she and Aranoff started out as advocates for agunot, Rabbi Epstein approached them “in a very charming way” to teach them about a “fascinating, complicated world” and referred many women to their organization. She said that while she and Aranoff deal extensively with the rabbi and his activities in their book, to be published by MacFarland Publishing, they had not named him in early drafts, but will do so now.”


  5. “During his sentencing in December 2015, Epstein told District Judge Freda Wolfson that he got caught up in his tough guy image, which he said helped him persuade men to give their wives the religious divorces. Epstein said he was helping the women out of a sense of compassion because they couldn’t remarry without it. Epstein’s attorney, Peter Goldberger, argued Wednesday that Wolfson erred during the trial by not allowing evidence that explained the rabbi’s religious beliefs.”
    The issue is freedom to remarry for these angry women. This is Mendel Epstein et al’s big enterprise and life-time project. This is also Tamar v Aaron and the crazy Kamenitsky-Greenblatt heter. Probably this is also Lonna v Israel Meir, etc.
    How fortunate, thank G-d, I gave Susan a get 2/17/1993. How did Susan manage to make such a big case--- Susan v Gerald NYS Court of Appeals 2016-1135? This is for the story books. Wish me luck, people.


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