Wednesday, December 14, 2016

The unfortunate case of Meir and Lonna Kin - Perspective of Rav Gestetner


  1. I printed out and read. Beautiful. I completely agree. King Solomon says:
    “The wisest of women builds her house, But folly tears it down with its own hands” (Proverbs 14:1).
    “What a rare find is a capable wife! Her worth is far beyond that of rubies. Her husband puts his confidence in her, And lacks no good thing. She is good to him, never bad, All the days of her life.” (Proverbs 31:10-12).
    Shar Hamishpot claims that the meddling of ORA broke up many homes. That without ORA’s meddling, many marriages would’ve been saved. Also, Shar Hamishpot claims that the meddling of ORA left many wives deserted without a get. Rabbi Hershel Schachter testified before Judge Freda that he personally persuaded many husbands to divorce their wives they otherwise would not have.
    ORA’s website: “ORA operates under the halachic guidance of Rabbi Hershel Schachter, Rosh Yeshiva at Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary (RIETS).”
    The bad, foolish, rebellious wife slanders her husband and tears down her house. The ORA people recommend to women that come to them, to get an Order against their husbands from a civil judge, in the early stages of a marital dispute. See, this will show who’s boss! It doesn’t matter that the request for the Order is groundless, mean, and libel. It’s war and ORA is supposedly on the woman’s side. Married Women’s true interest lies in building up her family unit. ORA fits the category of folly that tears down family units, Heaven forbid.

  2. Kudos to Rabbi Gestetner who speaks truth to power, He says it like is, despite the fact that people out there don't want to hear.

    I'm just waiting for the ORA shills to come out of the woodwork. They have no answer to his arguments, so they're going to try to discredit him...

  3. Lest anyone forget, there are some women who do suffer at the hands of recalcitrant husbands. The tragedy is their situations suffer because of ORA. I personally know a specific case where the woman was warned by her family that ORA would make her situation worse. Her case is not yet resolved but she is at least working within the proper framework with honest rabbonim and a lawyer advising her properly.

  4. FedupwithcorruprabbisDecember 14, 2016 at 11:51 PM

    here you have it ladies and gentlemen Rabbi Gestetner is indicating that as per lonna kin's statements,Ora is refusing to cease their aggressive defamation campaign against Meir. Hence we see that the same organization that prides itself in claiming to champion Aguna rights actually continues to "CHAIN THESE WOMEN" in an effort to further their agenda of creating more Agunas than should be so they can raise more sympathy and the big monies that follows it. What a travesty to the real Agunos out there!

  5. Hineni matir es besarchem kaTzvi ukeAylos hasodeh. He shechts the yiddishe Husbands spilling their blood and mafkir their flesh to the wild. Of course, he convinced many husbands to give a Get like the proud outlaw Prod Father of all Inquisitors EPSTEIN did, this mafioso with his Prod and this one with R' Akiva Eiger's shmayssen technique, ad sheyomar rotze ani. Harbeh drochim lamokom, vehoElokim yevakesh et haNirdaf!!!

  6. Dear Fedup,

    can you pleade or any participant go deeper into the stronghand tactics and techniques of ORA how they employ their Ma'asseh ta'atuim while in Shul, outside of Shul, in everyday life, while going shopping, going and coming from work, stalking, harassing, upon daily routine activities even outside agencies and expand and elaborate their clandestine operations to be yored lechayov, meddling into famiy member relations, who those so called Rabbi's are - that collaborate, other organizations they recruit and employ undercover that you may even happen to fund belo yodin, the foot runners and all. They even go out to destroy potential shiduchim of family members when they can. Same group gang up throughout, with these so called Rabbi's that tend to try and rule to have their monopoly of things to their hearts content, just because they think they can. It is high time for an Expose and would be interesting to do a SPECIAL *POST* Dedicated just on this very subject exposing all the meshorsov and all the reshoim that belong to this Orrur ma'ke re'ehu beseser Kesher baKoshrim band of Goons. We had the Epsteins, the Weberman's, the Gitei Mesusse, Frankenstein Prods, Husband beatings, Pashkevilim, banning and removing children from Mosdos haTorah, chasing Anshei Shlomeinu from our midst and neighborhoods, vechol masse bnei Bliya'al ubnei Avlo, kedei lekayem ma shene'emar, *If you see something, Say something*. We B'H' have seen in recent times that the feds are fast at work, and caught up with many of these Biryoinim Rotzchim conspiring even to KILL acheinu Bnei Yisrael R'L', for blood money. Derech Schemo akuvo miDam! The power is in our hands to speak up and voice and point out fingers of all the ma'asseh ta'atuim that happen within our communities, openly, subliminally, in tandem with the collaboration of those hiding behind itztala derabanan and they know who they are. The world has seen the light of a changing course not to sweep our dear childrem under the rug anymore, thanks to the voices of the masses and the recent addage of R' Heshy Deutsch spreading the word for The Future Generations. Uviarto horo mikirbecho. We need a Special Dedicated Post as Mother of all Mothers and Father of all Fathers kind, to expose the hidden gvar alims hiding in our midst, and their malachei chabolo tactics paining Bnei Yisrael. Vehoika osam leneged einei haShemesh. Lock them all up and throw away the key. VehoElokim yevakesh et haNIRDAF. Let Go of our people and Let our People GO!

  7. "strong hand tactics and techniques of ORA" - I've done some research into ORA's methodologies. The typical ORA mob soldier is likely to be pathetically ignorant of halacha, while adhering to a fanatic, uncompromising feminist ideology that has convinced the mob soldier that he is rescuing cruelly oppressed women from the clutches of their evil, ruthless husbands. In ORA mythology the women being rescued are utterly innocent victims of an antiquated, misogynist halachic system.

    ORA's masterminds usually attempt to obtain a bogus “seruv” against the husband that provides a cover of legitimacy for ORA's warfare against the husband. After obtaining a “seruv”, ORA has been known to seek out the most vulnerable points of a Jewish husband to apply "pressure". The targets of "pressure" might be the employer of the husband, his business operations, his landlord, or his elderly, infirm relatives.

    ORA may also aggressively pressure the local synagogues in the husband's neighborhood to convince them to boot the husband from the local shuls without any regard for whether the husband is in compliance with halacha. Many shul rabbis will simply fold up like cheap cameras and comply with ORA's demands, without even bothering to speak to the husband's rabbis or to verify any halachic basis to persecute the husband.

  8. Thank you so much for your enlightment. Why can't these victims band together with the help of all those that sympathize and give them the same medicine ONE by ONE single file like the attack Bees, sting them ad sheyomar rotze ani, follow them around to haunt them like the Pied Piper so that they should not even think about such anymore, document any illegal activities, give it over to the authorities, Put posters all over the place and the Internet, these mashchisim umechablim miserable low lives. We can get the help of the Eidensohn Bros. Shlit"a and have the Gushpanka of the Gedoilei haDor, the true upholders of Toras Moshe and Das Yisroel. jeremy stern is only the head of the snake, get the body and the tail and make a mechiyas amalek for good once and for all. We have Halacha beyudua that what's good for the goose is good for the gander. That goes for all mechablim bakromim including of itztala derabanan = the flowered bekeshes of all kinds, molesters, gropers et al as listed and itemized in the above. Dry them out, do not give them a red cent, don't go to their melava malka's, veheim kolim me'eilehem. We need a new seder olam, with tikun olam a new World Order. Im tirtzu, ein zu agaddah!


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