Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Women imprison male and publicize him as pedophile

Police arrested two women residents of Lod on Tuesday on suspicion of spreading text messages about a male resident of the city whom they claimed was a pedophile and dangerous sex offender. They also imprisoned him in a house and hit him.

Police suspect that one of the women discovered that the person she had befriended and asked to teach her son Torah was a sex offender, under supervision after having served a prison sentence.

The woman invited the man to the business she owns in Lod, and when he arrived, she locked the door and hit him together with a friend using her hands and a chair. After he succeeded in escaping from the place the two allegedly publicized his picture together with a warning to the public that he is a "convicted pedophile and dangerous criminal who has come to live in Lod."

The suspects were located and arrested by Israel Police and were interrogated on suspicion of attacking, unlawful imprisonment, threats, plotting to commit a crime, publicizing information causing the public to panic and publicizing harmful slander. The two women were remanded and their investigation continues.

1 comment:

  1. Contrast:

    Sometimes the libtards lack any sense at all.


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