Sunday, October 2, 2016

Sanhedria Murchevet Satanic abuse hoax is it related to 'Killer Clowns': Inside the Terrifying Hoax Sweeping America?

Does the failure of the collective American police to find a single "killer clown" mean that all of the American police forces are in collusion with clowns? Does the failure of the Israeli police force to find a single member of the Satanic ring mean that they are in collusion with the Satanic ring?

Arriving home from work one day, a mother is greeted by her son who's been anxiously waiting to tell her about the clowns he heard whispering in the woods near their apartment complex. Initially she assumes his mind is running wild in the summer heat, until her eldest son confirms the report, saying he heard chains rattling and banging on the front door.

Unfortunately, this isn't an installment of Are Your Afraid of the Dark? but part of our new reality, as creepy clown sightings are cropping up across the country without explanation. On August 21st, reports of clown sightings surfaced near the Fleetwood Manor apartment complex in Greenville County, South Carolina. Officials took the strange reports seriously but were unable to uncover any real evidence or suspicious persons. The reports stretched beyond children hearing noises and seeing people with clown face paint: One resident said she saw a clown with a blinking nose standing beside a dumpster at 2:30 a.m. Other children came forward claiming clowns attempted to lure them into the woods with money and that the clowns "live in a house by a pond deep in the woods." After hearing gunshots, police learned two residents fired in the direction of the wooded area where the sightings had supposedly taken place. A week later, more reports surfaced of clowns simply staring at Greenville residents near laundromats and, again, next to the woods.

Yet still, police couldn't locate a single clown to question, leaving people to wonder whether this was a hoax, a marketing ploy, or simply child's play.

But if it is all an elaborate ruse, roughly a dozen other cities are in on it – and some officials are worried there will be a violent end to the clown sightings. And in the five weeks since clowns popped up in Greenville, the pandemic has spread.

Last week, in what quickly became a viral Facebook post, a video of a clown lurking in the brush along a dirt road was taken by a person named Caden Parmelee in Marion County, Florida. The car Parmelee was in paused to film a person with white, sinister face paint, but the video cuts out as the clown begins to move and someone in the car is cut off saying "Let’s get the hell out of…" We can assume the final word of that was "here," based on Parmelee's comment to police that he wasn’t looking to die that day. Another Florida resident, Kelly Reynolds of Palm Bay, took up running last weekend when she saw two clowns while she was walking her dog. Reynolds reported to Florida Today, "I never run but I turned and ran back to my home as fast as I can." Florida, a hotbed for weird ..., also had reports of creepy clown sightings in Pensacola and Gainesville.

The clowns crept up into North Carolina, littering the state with the grim face paint and costumes. A machete-wielding clown tried to lure a woman into a wooded area in Forsyth County. Winston-Salem increased police presence in certain areas after two children claimed they were offered candy by a clown if they'd follow it into the woods. In both Henrico and Augusta counties, parents and their children reported clowns "leering" at them from cars or on the edge of a forest. While the Augusta clown may still be wandering the forest, a local woman, Holly Brown, reported that the creepy clown was, in fact, her son Angus, a 12-year-old with autism, who donned his Halloween costume a month early. She stated her son was simply excited about the holiday and meant no harm. Given the clown-hysteria, he will only wear the costume on October 31st.....

The Phantom Clowns, as they were dubbed by cryptozoologist Loren Coleman given their allusive nature, spread to Kansas City, Denver, Omaha, and Pennsylvania. Since the 1980s, clowns have made appearances across the country, usually in the weeks and months leading up to Halloween.

Coleman's phantom clown theory is rooted in the "primal dread that so many children experience in their presence." The first notable instance of a creepy clown is when serial killer John Wayne Gacy was captured in 1979. His alter ego Pogo the Clown frequented children's parties, so his capture drew a connection between a killer and a clown. Three years later came Poltergeist, in which a sinister clown doll lives underneath the bed. Stephen King doubled down and only increased the public's fear of clowns – his 1987 novel It, featuring Pennywise the clown, was made into a horrifying film in 1990. (People still love to fear clowns – Poltergeist was rebooted last year, and a remake of It is set to arrive next fall.)

Yet despite the recent arrests – and despite some state laws banning anyone over the age of 16 from wearing a mask or hood with the intent of intimidation or harassment – a solution to the phantom clown resurgence remains unknown. But more than stopping the phenomena, officials are concerned with the terrified people who may have a conceal-carry permit for a gun, or for vigilantes actively seeking to end the clown problem on their own. Child psychiatrist Dr. Steven Schlozman of Harvard University spoke to the New York Times about the power this problem has to "grab you emotionally before it grabs you cognitively." It's what caused videos and claims of clowns to go viral – whether it's real or a hoax – and what leads to the horrifying outcomes our fears bring to pass.

What the country is facing now is not the fear of clowns, but the aftermath that's likely to ensue. In Dr. Schlozman's view, “It never ends well.”


  1. Besides the failure of the Israeli police force to find a single member of the Satanic ring, I've also not encountered any talk on the grapevine about any alleged "victims". Where are they? Where do they live? While people would be reluctant to mention names, there is also zero chatter even about which neighborhood(s) the ring is supposedly operating in. Strange.

    In my book: No Smoke = No Fire.


    while obviously not a killing clown it is a bit of smoke

  3. I was talking about Yerushalayim and Beit Shemesh, where according to the signs being posted, there are allegedly soooooooo many victims.

  4. Please edit out the word from the article that doesn't belong here.

  5. 15 Years Old Girl Survive Illuminati Satanic Rituals Abuse

  6. FWIW - please produce police reports verifying satanic rituals. Please produce the reports of convictions regarding satanic abuse rings.

    As noted repeated in my posts regarding satanic rings - there are many allegations of its existence, there are in fact books and youtube videos claiming that they exist -= but when we get to the real world they simply disappear.

    Of course the defenders of the existence of satanic abuse rings use the purple elephant defense. There is a purple elephant in every room - but when you look at it it disappears. Prove that there are no purple elephants! Since you can't that means that they exist.

    BTW the same type of evidence is used to support the claim that Jews use the blood of Christian children for matzo. But of course you don't accept it because it there is no real evidence just wishful thinking. So why do you accept the evidence for Satanic abuse rings?


please use either your real name or a pseudonym.