Sunday, September 25, 2016

Chaim Weissman charged with sex abuse of 9 year old boy in Boro Park

Police have arrested a 38-year-old man, who they say lured a 9-year-old Hasidic boy into his car, then pleasured himself in front of the child, officials said.

Chaim Weissman, of Brooklyn, was charged with sex abuse, sexual contact with an individual less than 11 years old, and other child abuse charges for the Sept. 14 incident on 18th Ave. in Borough Park — just five blocks away from where 8-year-old Leiby Kletzky was abducted and murdered in 2011, officials said.

Weissman gave the boy $100 after he masturbated, cops said.


  1. waiting for the inevitable "it's all the women's fault because their SHEITELS are too long and their skirts are too tight and us poor men cannot control ourselves when seeing such PRITZUS

  2. If so, they must have a coverter from DC to AC. Women are their Genre.

  3. Finally the Psak of Poskei haDor, RCK, RMS etc., has been accepted bitfutzot Yisroel as a fact as it should be. Now those fixers, machers, Enablers, table turners, and make it go away'ers are swept under the rug instead as it should be. When the child says *ober es iz azoy gevezen*, IZ es azoy gevezen, period! chad vecholok, no questions asked. Just look at the video of Ayin roeh. Lo alman Yisroel. good riddance. Not that I don't sympathize with the surrounding family, but NIRDOF first.

  4. Velama nismecha parsha zu leparshas Aron Levi, because both started with child abuse, only covered up with a murder. Uhmmm... Shofchu es hadam haze!

  5. Investigators found no evidence that Leiby Kletzky was
    sexually molested before he was killed by Aron Levi.

  6. Korn, that's a "corny" comment. Doing something like that in front of a yingel comes from a different sick place.

  7. Because they conveniently looked in all the wrong places or just tell us so since previously he was already in the cross hairs, but had been let go by the enablers and their hat's were on fire. His trophy was hidden in the freezer, while he got rid of the rest, velo bechinam - ved"al. He nebach was drugged for a long period and wrapped into a towel to squelch his cries. Umipnei kvod hames vetza'aro shel abbo, ein kaan makom lehaarich.

  8. Maybe you have inside information, that the public isn't privy to, but I'm not aware of the facts as you claim them to be. At the time, I wondered about the issue, but found no mention of this (even in places that would usually have the inside scoop on the "rechilus").

  9. There is no point *lhirgaztani la'alos*, as Shmuel told Shaul. I gave you two strong points from amongst many, see if you can draw the rest of the picture from them. It has been very tragic for klall Yisrael, more so for the parents and the rest of the family that are around. I'll leave it at that.


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