Thursday, August 11, 2016

Donald Trump Calls Obama ‘Founder of ISIS’ and Says It Honors Him

NY Times   A day after remarks that appeared to suggest that gun rights advocates harm Hillary Clinton, Donald J. Trump sprayed his fire at President Obama on Wednesday, accusing him of creating the Islamic State and saying the terrorist group “honors” him.

“In many respects, you know, they honor President Obama,” Mr. Trump told a raucous and rowdy crowd in Florida on Wednesday night. “He’s the founder of ISIS. He’s the founder of ISIS. He’s the founder. He founded ISIS.” He added, “I would say the co-founder would be crooked Hillary Clinton.” During an extended riff on the crisis in Crimea, Mr. Trump added extra emphasis on the president’s full name, saying that it occurred “during the administration of Barack Hussein Obama.”

Mr. Trump’s statement was an escalation in his recent criticism of the Obama administration’s handling of the terror threat, as he had previously accused only Mrs. Clinton of having a “founding” role in the terror group. His suggestion that the president was honored by ISIS recalled an earlier controversy when Mr. Trump seemingly implied that the president had some connection to the terrorist massacre of 49 people at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando.

“He doesn’t get it, or he gets it better than anybody understands,” Mr. Trump told Fox News in June. And the use of the president’s middle name recalled Mr. Trump’s questioning of Mr. Obama’s faith during his crusade several years ago to prove that Mr. Obama, who is Christian, was not born in the United States.

Mr. Trump also found himself in an awkward camera framing immediately after criticizing the Clinton campaign for the appearance of Seddique Mir Mateen, the father of the Pulse gunman, at Mrs. Clinton’s campaign event this week. “Wasn’t it terrible when the father of the animal that killed these wonderful people in Orlando was sitting with a big smile on his face right behind Hillary Clinton?” Mr. Trump said.

Yet sitting behind Mr. Trump was Mark Foley, a former Republican congressman who resigned after being confronted with sexually explicit messages he had sent to underage congressional pages. Mr. Trump seemed not to be aware of the disgraced former congressman’s presence as he tried to cast doubt on the Clinton campaign’s account that it had not known who Mr. Mateen was. “When you get those seats, you sort of know the campaign,” Mr. Trump said.[...]


  1. Foreign Policy 101. The failed policies of successive Administrations led to the rise of ISIS. Is there anyone who argues otherwise?

  2. are you serious? The failure of Jews to do proper teshuva has led to the rise of ISIS. Should I publish an article entitled "Jews are the found of ISIS"? There is a vast difference between failing from stopping something from developing and being labled as as founder.

  3. Trump is a complete idiot. While neither candidate is ideal Trump is so far past being believable that it is laughable. He never has his facts straight, often times just straight out lies, and has no understanding of what it means to the president.

  4. I don't see an inherent conflict between the coexistence of a derech hateva cause and an underlying spiritual driver

  5. Joseph Orlow was mekatzer. He meant to say:
    The "DELIBERATE" failed policies of successive Administrations led to the rise of ISIS.
    Ad kan tochen devorov.

    Obama refuses to do as much as acknowledge the problem of Muslim terror. He NEVER was even willing to admit that it exists. He therefore refuses to deal with the problem for what it is. This is a deliberate stance of allowing terror. He sympathizes with ALL Muslim causes. He calls Hamas terrorists victims of Israeli violence. This is a deliberate stance of SUPPORTING terror.

  6. I think you are misunderstanding what R' Eidensohn was saying. His point (if I understood correctly) is that even if one grants that the policies followed by the Obama administration led to the rise of ISIS, the term "founder of ISIS" is appropriate only for one who actively established it, which would not apply to Obama. I don't think anyone refers to King George as one of the Founding Fathers of the U.S..

  7. Agreed, but I think a person who is certainly connivingly evil and destructive and is yet worse.

  8. OK, at least we know where you stand on the campaign.

    It is beyond clear that the leftist media is parsing every sentence DJT speaks to find some fault with it. Just because YOU don't like the reality that is inherent in Joe's statement (and Trump's), doesn't mean that the statement in question can't mean exactly that.

    You're free to join the media bandwagon....but there are many of us who are sick and tired of your standard fork-tongued politicians with their diplomatically spewed garbage.

  9. I think it's absolutely clear that Trump did not mean that Obama was in on the organizational meetings of ISIS. Only the left wing warped press would put that spin on it. However, Obama's total lack of response the their violent attacks, his refusal to allow the Muslim name to be connected to obviously Muslim attacks such as Fort Hood, his disconcerting connection with corrupt Muslims and their organizations as well as his exceedingly weak response to Isis for taking credit for American attacks has empowered. them.

    The other side of the coin is the Left's refusal to indicate the collusion and support that Hillary has provided to the lack of response effort. Having Mateen's father up front prominently at her meeting has very bad vibes. It took the Conservative press to force that out into the open.

  10. Daas Torah naively buys into the Main Stream Media’s hysterical anti-Trump meme and misses Mr. Trump’s brilliant, mock crowning Obama and Hillary as the Co-Founders of ISIS. The MSM is now hyperventilating that Trump is not ‘walking it back’ and is doubling down by saying “I’m telling the truth!” As one pundit aptly explained, “He will not walk back the fact that Obama founded ISIS. Now, we all know... Those of us and you in the audience, of course, we know exactly what he's talking about. And he's right. Now, Obama didn't go over there and convene a meeting and have negotiations with the ISIS leaders. His name's not on any of the founding documents or any of that. But Trump is saying what he's saying, hoping to shock people into realizing just who Obama is, because the point is, since Obama became president, terrorism is expanding around the world”

    The commentator further states, “This is what it looks like in America today in our current political and news media system. This is what telling the truth looks like. The truth appears to be so outrageous because we've had so many years of BS sufficing as the truth that when somebody actually utters the truth, 'It's just unacceptable; it's outrageous. How dare you!' but I'm not backing off of it," he says, "and I'm gonna continue to do it. That's what I'm here to do. It did me pretty well in the primaries, and I'm gonna keep doing it."

    The Media and the Political Establishment (including Republicans) are in all-out blitz warfare against Trump, attacking the character of this solid, tough, highly qualified, competent Presidential candidate. Factoring in the media attack and Hillary’s post-Convention bounce, Trump should be more than 20 point behind in the polls. However, in several crucial swing States he is within the margin of error. Mr. Trump will crush her in the general election.

  11. So you think that is the way the president of the United States talks - with shocking words that are just code words to his devoted followers and which he denies are to be taken literally. But sometimes he does mean it literally. Wow. Words are what he wants them to mean when he want them to mean and if he wants them to mean.

    I am so naive for not accepting that reality and only a Trump supporter would actually say such a thing with a straight face and think it is a brilliant insight about a brilliant man instead of a further example of a man who demands that he not be judged by the standards of mortal man but only what and when he gives permission.

    Will there be mass suicide amongst Trumps followers when they realize he isn't Moshiach?

  12. The vacuum he left in Iraq by Obama's decision to pull the troops out too early was the proximate cause for the rise of ISIS. Which is what Trump is mocking him for. Obviously. And now we're back there again, but in a worse position than before.

  13. Ah, now it's all clear.Thank you, schoolmarm.

    Except that Trump was obviously using the term in mockery. Which you pretend not to understand.

  14. So tell me Rabbi Eidensohn, do you really understand Trump's statement differently than LozAnEggs explained? Does anyone? Does anyone think that Trump really believes in the literal sense that Obama Founded ISIS? Even his words "And Hillery 'would be' the co-founder" or something like that - (I don't remember for sure the exact words) quite clearly shows what he meant. We ALL, including you Rabbi Eidensohn, know what Trump meant, not only his supporters.

  15. What would Happen if Ch"v Hillary becomes president: Yeshivas would be forced to hire Transgender Rebbees. That's just one example.

  16. I disagree. I think that Trump meant what he said - after all he is an honest person who tells it like it is. Yes I do understand it differently.

    I don't think a person who is trying to convince the nation that he is going to be the president of all the people would deliberately chose such an inflammatory method of speaking simply as a rhetorical device.

  17. I don't believe that you really think that. I think you're being disingenuous.

  18. What would Happen if Ch"v Hillary becomes president: Every terrorist group with enough money would pay The Clinton Foundation big bucks and get their way with evertything, including building nuclear arsenals.

  19. Very sharp, but I truly think you are being disingenuous.

  20. Transcript of Trump interview on Hugh Hewitt's radio show:

    HH: I’ve got two more questions. Last night, you said the President
    was the founder of ISIS. I know what you meant. You meant that he
    created the vacuum, he lost the peace.

    DT: No, I meant he’s the founder of ISIS. I do. He was the most
    valuable player. I give him the most valuable player award. I give her,
    too, by the way, Hillary Clinton.

    HH: But he’s not sympathetic to them. He hates them. He’s trying to kill them.

    DT: I don’t care. He was the founder. His, the way he got out of Iraq was that that was the founding of ISIS, okay?

    HH: Well, that, you know, I have a saying, Donald Trump, the
    pneumonic device I use is Every Liberal Really Seems So, So Sad. E is
    for Egypt, L is for Libya, S is for Syria, R is for Russia reset. They
    screwed everything up. You don’t get any argument from me. But by using
    the term founder, they’re hitting with you on this again. Mistake?

    DT: No, it’s no mistake. Everyone’s liking it. I think they’re liking
    it. I give him the most valuable player award. And I give it to him,
    and I give it to, I gave the co-founder to Hillary. I don’t know if you
    heard that.

    HH: I did. I did. I played it.

    DT: I gave her the co-founder.

    HH: I know what you’re arguing…

    DT: You’re not, and let me ask you, do you not like that?

    HH: I don’t. I think I would say they created, they lost the peace.
    They created the Libyan vacuum, they created the vacuum into which ISIS
    came, but they didn’t create ISIS. That’s what I would say.

    DT: Well, I disagree.

    HH: All right, that’s okay.

    DT: I mean, with his bad policies, that’s why ISIS came about.

    HH: That’s…

    DT: If he would have done things properly, you wouldn’t have had ISIS.

    HH: That’s true.

    DT: Therefore, he was the founder of ISIS.

    HH: And that’s, I’d just use different language to communicate it,
    but let me close with this, because I know I’m keeping you long, and
    Hope’s going to kill me.

    DT: But they wouldn’t talk about your language, and they do talk about my language, right?

    HH: Well, good point. Good point. The stimulus ...

  21. One thing for sure, is that Trump is getting himself known all over the countrty with his outlandish statements!He says it like it is,because he feels that he needs to spell it out for the people involved,no matter that the message is quite harsh!No diplomacy in Trump's world.He says what he thinks quite clearly!

  22. Oh, I see. Words are what he wants, when he wants. Uh huh.

    Well then, thankfully his democratic opponent isn't like that. After all, when she said specifically that the FBI Director stated she had been truthful with (her words to) the American people, she was being truthful and presidential. And of course, that must be why the media has little to no concern with these 'short circuits', or whatever you'd like to call them.

    Oh, but my goodness, silly me! Why I am taking about Hillary, and trying to judge her by the standards of mortal (wo)man. I must remember what the left hopes we all don't is only Trump who isn't presidential.

  23. Yet another lie from the ignoramus-in-chief:

    The Republican nominee touted his own record as a business owner during a candidate Q&A, telling voters he provided on-site child-care service for his employees.

    There is no evidence, however, that any such programs exist.

    "You know, it's not expensive for a company to do it. You need one person or two people, and you need some blocks, and you need some swings and some toys," Trump said. "It's not an expensive thing, and I do it all over. And I get great people because of it. Because it's a problem with a lot of other companies."

    Trump pointed specifically to two programs: "They call 'em Trump Kids. Another one calls it Trumpeteers, if you can believe it. I have 'em. I actually have 'em, because I have a lot of different businesses."

    Trump went on to describe "a room that's a quarter of the size of this. And they have all sorts of - you know, it's beautiful - they have a lot of children there, and we take care of them. And the parent when they leave the job - usually in my case it's clubs or hotels - when they leave the job, they pick up their child and their child is totally safe."

    "They even come in during the day during lunch to see their child. It really works out well," he said.

    But the two programs Trump cited - "Trump Kids" and "Trumpeteers" - are programs catering to patrons of Trump's hotels and golf club. They are not for Trump's employees, according to staff at Trump's hotels and clubs across the country.

    "Trump Kids" is described on the Trump Hotel Collection website as "a special travel program designed to help make your next family vacation a big hit." Its offerings include "kid-friendly amenities like kiddie cocktails, coloring books and no-tear bath amenities."

    "The Trumpeteer Program" is described on the website of Trump National Golf Club in Charlotte, North Carolina, as "a program created specifically for our youngest members, ages three to twelve, which offers daily and evening child care, monthly newsletters and weekly events!"

    When asked about on-site child care, employees at Trump's hotels and clubs across the country expressed confusion and explained the two programs are for guests and members only.

    "No, there's no child care," said Maria Jaramillo, 36, a housekeeper at Trump International Hotel Las Vegas, where workers have been pushing Trump to sign a union contract.

    Jaramillo is a mother of four children who has worked at the hotel for nearly eight years.

    "It would make it much more easy to take our kids to day care at work," she said and laughed when told of Trump's comments from Iowa about child care. "If they have child care, at least they should tell us."

  24. I’m a Trump supporter. I’m appalled at the estimates of 90% American Jews will vote for Hillary.

    Today’s Jerusalem Post:

    “According to Shrage, “you have to speak strongly against the lies and distortions. We have a primary responsibility – if I am not for myself, who will be for me? “At the same time, we have to continue to find a way to show we are invested in the world. The American Jewish community is deeply committed – it votes 70 percent Democratic because it cares about the world, and it will probably vote 90 percent Democratic in November because we care about the world.””

    Mas. Avoth Chaper 1:

    Mishnah 14. He [also] used to say: If I am not for myself, who is for me, but if I am for my own self [only],51 what am I, and if not now, when?52

    (51) One must be self-reliant and not accustom oneself to depend on others; but, being exclusively for oneself is an unworthy attitude for a human being. M.: If I do not rouse my soul to higher things who will rouse it? Rashi: If I do not acquire merit for myself who should do it for me, and when I have already achieved that, have I even then done the whole of my duty? L.: If my ego is not mine (i.e. under my control) over whom can I exercise influence, and when I have myself to myself (and I examine myself) I am led to ask myself, what am I?

    (52) If I do not act in accordance with these reflections now that I realize them (or now whilst I am young, or alive), then, when? Later it may be too late.

    We in Israel face an existential threat of the rise of Hamas among Palestinians and the rise of Jihadism in the world. This must be our primary responsibility in how we vote.

  25. Trump's problem is that he doesn't deliver sarcasm well enough. He's not as good at as Hillary was where the media immediately recognizes it as such (e.g. )

  26. Trump happens to have a great sense of humor. These NeverTrump folks, who cannot bear to listen to his speeches, miss out on appreciating that aspect of his personality.

  27. L'Havdil, consider: "Yaakov never died." Sometimes we shock the students to wake them up, get their attention, engage them in the lesson.

  28. Rather poor comparison. Trump is not one of Sages. Techniques applied improperly destroy credibility - which is what is happening to Trump - except amongst certain followers for which it is probably impossible for him to do something which would discredit him

    What could Trump do that would make you vote for Hillary?

  29. I have no problem that Trump should have his own tv program and be an entertainer - what does that have to do with the fact that every time he opens his mouth he loses more voters?

  30. that is only one of Trump's problem. Another one is that he doesn't listen to advice such as avoiding inflammatory statements which please his choir but which are odious to the uncommitted voters

  31. Nothing! They could have nominated a blow up party doll at the Republican convention and I would vote for it.

  32. Mateen's father was not "up front prominently" at her meeting. It was an event open to anyone who wanted to come, and he came. The Clinton campaign did not invite him to come, did not have him sit anywhere in particular, and did not acknowledge his being there in any manner. So what exactly is your point?

  33. so your hate for Hillary is greater than your love for Donald!

  34. If it had been Trump who did this you and all the rest of the Leftist cronies would have been yelling and screaming about Trump's connection to Jihadists.

    He was prominently visible in close proximity to her in a position that could only by reached by being sanctioned by Hillary's team. To say he just happened to be so close to her is totally disingenuous and even some of the mainstream media have been forced into acknowledging this.

    His appearance at her side is an absolute disgrace and trampling on the blood of all of Mateen's victims. It is just a continuation of her coddling of ISIS and our enemies and proves that she is the greatest danger to our country.

  35. They'd rather listen to Hillary the human buzz saw dispense platitudes, false promises and lies.

  36. They should take the father, the mother, the wife, and all the rest of the hateful family, and ship them back to whichever hellhole they hail from.

  37. Pot, kettle.

  38. Exactly! We can't vote for the devil no matter what, no matter how lousy the other choice is.

  39. It doesn't please his choir either. One has to wonder how he has succeeded as businessman all these years with these traits. Maybe the mitzvah he did for the Ten child has carried him through all these years?

  40. Who said he succeeded in business all these years? Without seeing his tax returns, no one knows if he has or hasn't. Remember, this is a person who started with an inheritance of tens of millions of dollars.

  41. Where do you think those buildings on Riverside Blvd. along the West Side Highway came from? The existence of those and other other buildings demonstrate that he gets things done.
    What do you want to see on his tax returns? That he squandered his money or that he made money? You don't plan to vote for him in either case because you hate him. For what reason?
    I have no intention of voting for Clinton because she is a proven liar, she breaks the law with impunity, she has shown she is in general a nasty woman and she sold her office as the Secretary of State to her Clinton Foundation donors. She is corrupt and cannot be trusted to be President.

  42. I don't engage with people who call me a Hitler supporter (sorry, just a hang-up of mine).

  43. You're the one equating Hillary with Hitler. I simply said you're just LIKE Hitler's supporters in supporting such a wicked person.

  44. Politically IncorrectAugust 15, 2016 at 11:53 AM

    Trying to verify. He says that he only started with a million. ...his brother and sister asked him when did that happen. .....

  45. Politically IncorrectAugust 15, 2016 at 11:59 AM

    Ah gevaldig, Rabbi Eidensohn, another reason to vote for him: from his mannerisms, you might be able to tell if he is lying, but from Hillary's - sheis too suave to discern that from her reflexes, just from her output. ...with my vote aside, does the olam here think I am right?

  46. It is just the opposite. Not even his devoted followers know whether he is saying something tongue in cheek or he means it. Furthermore it is not clear if Trump himself knows if he really means it.

  47. Rubio claimed that Trump inherited $100 million. That seems to be an overstatement, but from what I have read, it was in the upper 8 digits.

  48. That is very correct. After he made his second amendment statement, some of his people wee saying it was just a joke, and others were saying that he was referring to them voting.
    This is (yet) another problem with Trump: He seems to not realize that for those in positions of importance, and most certainly for a president, people actually pay attention to what you say. If he says that he will not defend a Baltic state if invaded, that has real-world consequences, even if he later "clarifies" that he did not mean in. If he says something about defaulting on paying off Treasury certificates, that will have a huge impact on the financial markets, even if he was "just being sarcastic."

  49. An individual’s reaction to the ‘Obama/Hillary Founded ISIS’ incident is a litmus test, measuring the degree of animus towards Trump and if that enmity is rational or not. If one thinks that Donald Trump ‘literally’ believed that Obama/Hillary founded ISIS, one would think that Donald Trump truly believes that Obama actually went to the Middle East, met with the ISIS folks and signed the founding documents. In other words, Trump would be insane.

    If one studies the rhetoric Hugh Hewitt deployed in his interview with Trump that sparked the incident, it is clear that Trump refused to be put in the journalist’s pincer, to have to totally back down from his statement, but if one parses the conversation, it is clear that he was not using ‘founder’ in the literal sense as previously mentioned.

    Here is the essence of the repartee:

    HH: … I think I would say they created, they lost the peace. They created the Libyan vacuum, they created the vacuum into which ISIS came, but they didn’t create ISIS. That’s what I would say.

    DT: Well, I disagree.

    HH: All right, that’s okay.

    DT: I mean, with his bad policies, that’s why ISIS came about.

    HH: That’s…

    DT: If he would have done things properly, you wouldn’t have had ISIS.

    HH: That’s true.

    DT: Therefore, he was the founder of ISIS.

    HH: And that’s, I’d just use different language to communicate it, but let me close with this, because I know I’m keeping you long, and Hope’s going to kill me.

    DT: But they wouldn’t talk about your language, and they do talk about my language, right?

    The media then blew this up, way out of proportion, as Trump intuits at the end.

    In response to a post asserting that Trump was not speaking literally, Daas Torah replied, “But sometimes he does mean it literally. Wow. Words are what he wants them to mean when he want them to mean and if he wants them to mean.” Thus one is forced to conclude that DT, against the evidence in this incident (the evidence being the above transcript) thinks that Trump is insane. Knowing DT’s Professional background, this cannot be the case, However, I would venture to say that DT and others, particularly, Academics and Professionals in the Arts and Sciences, harbor an irrational enmity towards Mr. Trump.

  50. Trump repeated the claim that he meant it literally on several different shows. His advisors were clearly upset with this show. It gained him now support but it clearly hurt his chances for the presidency - and not because he was being targeted by the evil media.

    No I don't think Trump is insane - but I do think he is a fool. Read Tuchman's book the March of Folly - when leaders do thing which is clearly against their best interests. The series of self-inflicted wounds that Trump has produced clearly do not benefit him but he insists on speaking how he wants. He is a fool who clearly would won the presidency if he could keep his mouth shut. But he can't or he doesn't want to.

    you can parse all the interviews you want - but it doesn't change the fact that a man who can't control his mouth is not going to be elected president

  51. Regarding the media war on Trump; they use cannon on mice. If SOS Kerry, in the midst of negotiations concerning the War in Syria said, ‘We cannot repeat the mistakes of the architects of the Versailles Treaty who became the founders of the Nazi Party.’, the Press would have ‘understood’ and even praised such a comment. The scrutiny is agonizing and sickening. Trump is threatening the Political Establishment, Democrat and Republican, and the media is their main line of defense. Trump’s public persona, 40 years in making, is garbed in a brash, impromptu, off the cuff style. Thus, we are observing a Candidate whose every expression, every stitch of fabric, is examined under an electron microscope, and sometimes what you see is not what you get, sometimes ‘the clothes do not make the man’. For behind that public persona lies a titan of business, a decisive, courageous strategic visionary. His extensive executive experience proves he is a team builder; the fact that he rose to the top in the most competitive, vicious Real Estate market in the World and enjoys a good reputation, proves that he possesses diplomatic skills, poise, and integrity.

    It seems that over 40% of Americans ‘get it’, and see the ‘whole picture’ regarding Donald Trump. It is the Intelligentsia that refuses to see beyond the tip of their nose, and foolishly casts aside a Candidate of true substance at a most critical time for America and Israel.

  52. nope - if Trump wanted to win he would focus on the issues and shut up about peripheral issues

  53. He give several speeches every day in which he focuses on the issues, eg., the economy, the decaying military, the broken education system, and the War on Terror. His statement that Obama/Clinton founded ISIS was NOT regarding a peripheral issue. Trumps problem is that if he deviates one centimeter from the strictest lines of Political Correctness, the Media comes at him like jackals.

  54. Trumps advisors tell him to shut up - no cutsey statements, no outrageous condemnations. If he listened to them then the media would have no basis to report that he is making a fool of himself.

    We are not talking about deviating a centimeter and we are not talking about bias. His statements are outrageous and benefit no one - especially Trump. If he stuck to a normal presenation of his position and how he differs from Clinton etc etc. There is no quesion that he would win and deservedly so. This is not an issue of political correctness it is a question of elementary seichel. He obvious lacks that critical element

  55. Politically IncorrectSeptember 5, 2016 at 4:21 AM

    Well, if he's now at 4 1/2 billion, even with factoring in inflation, he's certainly batting great...

  56. Politically IncorrectSeptember 5, 2016 at 4:26 AM

    The "second amendment" episode, I am certain that he didn't mean they should kill her...C'mon

  57. Who said he is at 4.5 billion?

  58. If you mean that he doesn't actually advocate killing her, I agree fully. But it is possible that he was making poor attempt at an off-the-cuff joke about it. In fact, that seems to be the most reasonable explanation, and is the one provided by some of his people.


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