Tuesday, June 14, 2016

When a mentally ill Muslim gay man massacres gay people in the name of ISIS - is he a homophobic Muslim terrorist or simply crazy?

Times of Israel  The gunman who massacred 49 people at the Pulse club in Orlando was himself a regular at the gay nightspot, four club-goers told the Orlando Sentinel on Monday.

“Sometimes he would go over in the corner and sit and drink by himself, and other times he would get so drunk he was loud and belligerent,” Ty Smith told the Sentinel, referring to slain shooter Omar Mateen, 29. [...]

Another Pulse regular, Kevin West, told the Los Angeles Times that Mateen messaged him on and off for a year using a gay chat app. West also said he passed Mateen in the street on the night of the attack and they exchanged greetings.

And other club-goers told local media and MSNBC that Mateen had been using multiple gay apps, including Grindr, with mutual acquaintances to “hook up.” [...]

He was also bipolar, Yusufiy, Mateen’s ex-wife, told reporters in Boulder, Colorado.

“He was mentally unstable and mentally ill,” she said. Although records show the couple didn’t divorce for two years after the marriage, Yusiufiy said she was actually only with Mateen for four months because he was abusive. She said he would not let her speak to her family and that family members had to come and literally pull her out of his arms. [...]

Yusufiy said she was “devastated, shocked, started shaking and crying” when she heard about the shooting, but she attributed the violence to Mateen’s mental illness, not any alliance with terrorist groups.

Rahman agreed.

“My personal opinion is that this has nothing to do with ISIS,” he said, using a common acronym for the Islamic State group.[...]


  1. “He was also bipolar, Yusufiy, Mateen’s ex-wife, told reporters in Boulder, Colorado.”

    The Torah law is that the husband must provide food, clothing, and periodical sex to his wife, based on “If he marries another, he must not withhold from this one her food, her clothing, or her conjugal rights” (Exodus 21:10).

    Rabbi Gordimer writes:


    “We have now been told by the above people militating for the LGBT cause that public LGBT expression is something that Orthodoxy has no right to oppose, that those who oppose it are attackers, and that homosexual relationships are something to celebrate.”

    No, homosexual relationships are not something to celebrate even for non-Jews, even for our enemies. Rabbi Gordimer is right to be incensed over: “Rather than unequivocally taking a stand for Torah values, as clearly stated in the Torah, this institution treated the idea of an aufruf for a same-sex couple as an open question that can be disagreed upon.”

  2. He is neither homophobic nor crazy. He's simply a Muslim doing what Muslims do when they get worked up.

  3. Politically IncorrectJune 14, 2016 at 10:15 PM

    It is POLITICALLY INCORRECT to say he was a terrorist, even more so to say radical Islam and much more so to say that it was plain Islam. I offended anybody? Okay, I didn't say anything...

  4. Politically IncorrectJune 15, 2016 at 2:48 AM

    Only when they get worked up? Not because of indoctrination?


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