Friday, June 17, 2016

23 things Donald Trump has said that would have doomed another candidate

Donald Trump has, as of Thursday, been running for president for a year. It's been ... quite a year. Literally within the first five minutes of his speech announcing his candidacy, Trump declared that illegal immigrants from Mexico were rapists and drug dealers — the sort of comment that, for another candidate, would probably be disqualifying and ended his or her campaign before it really began.

For Trump, it wasn't. In fact, one could argue that the comment made his campaign — or at least set the tone for it; the ensuing fight with Univision sparked the flood of media attention that allowed Trump to crowd his 16 opponents off the airwaves.

Over the next 365 days, Trump said so many things that would have stumbled or destroyed other candidates that we tend to forget them. Remember when he got in a fight with the pope? Trump got in a fight with the pope. Then he went on to win the Republican nomination.

We did our best to collect every comment offered by Trump that, for a normal candidate, might well have been deadly. In doing so, we developed a "how deadly this would be to normal candidates" scale, expressed in a measure we call a "Jeb." How many normal, milquetoast Republican candidates out of 10 would have been doomed by that thing Trump said? A 1-Jeb comment may have taken out an already-weak candidate, but would probably be survivable by most. A 10-Jebber? Impossible to survive — for a mere mortal.[...]

So, buckle up. Marvel at the things Trump has gotten away with that another candidate would have had to spend weeks rebutting. If you're a candidate reading this at home: We cannot recommend the "say any old thing as frequently as possible" strategy for everyone.

1. Calls Mexican immigrants rapists

2. Says John McCain isn't a hero

3. Refers to Megyn Kelly's menstruation

4. Insults Carly Fiorina's looks

5. Says voters don't care about policy issues

6. Gets his military advice from news shows

7. Suggests 9/11 was George W. Bush's fault

8. Calls Iowa voters stupid

9. Says Muslims in New Jersey celebrated 9/11

10. Mocks a disabled reporter

11. Says Muslim migration should be banned

12. Doesn't know about the nuclear triad

13. Encourages rally violence, part I

14. Repeats a vulgar insult of Ted Cruz

15. Calls the pope "disgraceful"

16. Encourages rally violence, part II

17. Threatens to unwind the First Amendment

18. Declines to disavow racists

19. Refers to a certain part of his anatomy

20. Dismisses his campaign manager's grabbing a reporter

21. Blames the Internet for an unfounded allegation he made

22. Declares that women who have illegal abortions should be punished

23. Accuses a judge of being motivated by race

[Click above link for full article]


  1. WP is seething at being barred from his events. Their bias is quite blatant. Or will they be compiling a similar list about Hillary? Not holding my breath.

  2. I think the article simply expresses astonishment that Trump has gotten away with many things that would have destroyed the candidacy of others

  3. Sure. But we don't see such articles about Hillary, nor did we see them about Obama.

  4. Distortions of the Leftist Washington Pest article

    1.. Calls Mexican immigrants rapists

    - only the huge mass of uncontrolled and unvetted criminal illegal immigrants not the whole group as per WP twisting

    2. Says John McCain isn't a hero

    - He isn't. He is a radical Leftist and destroyed the Forrestal

    3. Refers to Megyn Kelly's menstruation

    - Lie. He said blood came from somewhere and didn't specify

    4. Insults Carly Fiorina's looks


    5. Says voters don't care about policy issues

    - This is largely true

    6. Gets his military advice from news shows

    Leftist distortion

    7. Suggests 9/11 was George W. Bush's fault

    He was partially to blame by allowing the breakdown of the intelligence units and he also protected the Saudis after the fact

    8. Calls Iowa voters stupid

    9. Says Muslims in New Jersey celebrated 9/11

    - They absolutely did and there are videos to prove it.

    10. Mocks a disabled reporter

    11. Says Muslim migration should be banned

    Distortion. He says that it should be halted until we can determine who is dangerous and who is not. This is the only sane policy

    12. Doesn't know about the nuclear triad

    13. Encourages rally violence, part I

    - Most of the violence has come from outside Leftist agitators which the enemy press has blamed on him

    14. Repeats a vulgar insult of Ted Cruz

    15. Calls the pope "disgraceful"

    He was right on target for the Popes communicst policies

    16. Encourages rally violence, part II

    WP lie

    17. Threatens to unwind the First Amendment

    Where does this fabrication spring from?

    18. Declines to disavow racists

    Unlike Obama he calls the Muslim terrorists what they are.

    19. Refers to a certain part of his anatomy

    20. Dismisses his campaign manager's grabbing a reporter

    That was a minor incident blown way out of proportion

    21. Blames the Internet for an unfounded allegation he made

    22. Declares that women who have illegal abortions should be punished

    This is true. Why should the murder of a fetus go unpunished

    23. Accuses a judge of being motivated by race

    What's wrong with calling a spade a spade?

  5. There is no similar list about Hilary that could be compiled. That's the whole point!

  6. Ridiculous on its face.

  7. Politically IncorrectJune 21, 2016 at 3:05 AM

    Pardon me, Rabbi Eidensohn, but although Muhammad Ali died way back on June 3rd, I see him as at much in relevance to Issues of Jewish Identity as this post (while I am not necessarily ruling this post out):

    1) His relationship with the Jews.

    2) Otherwise, than the above, how do we relate to his personal life and I'd there for us what to learn from and if yes, what?

    3) How do we relate to his grandson's Bar Mitzvah? And although his mother isn't halachically Jewish, does this indicate his softening up to Jews? How do we approach his bargaining for Arab prisoners (which I wouldn't bother referring to as Palestinians) in contrast to his pleadings on behalf of journalist Daniel Pearl's life?

    4) Do we look at him as a moderate Muslim (which I truly believe to be an oxymoron)? Or sshould we keep in mind that this imam, Zaid Shakir (who has said controversial things concerning 9/11 and relative political issues and who has connections to CAIR(Committee of American Islamic Relations),which endorses Hamas and has raised money for them, at least indirectly) , presided over the funeral and that mean that he must have had some relationship with him?

    So, perhaps Rabbi Eidensohn, maybe we can have a post about this??

  8. None of the above. Say what you will about the Clintons (and I write not as a fan of either), but their political careers have been largely characterized by taking pains to keep discourse very mainstream and uncontroversial, even when that has required blatant misrepresentations.

    Such a laundry list of lone shockers as characterizes Trump here would just not be possible for a Clinton's record of public speech.

    On the other hand, flip-flopping accusations have been levelled against both of them now & long before, and to the n-th degree. Such an accusation is far more demonstrable and has long received lots of press attention. So your desire to see uneven journalistic coverage here is really just not very well founded.

    This all seems so obvious that I don't know why you even argue the point.

  9. My desire is to see even coverage, not uneven. Currently, and for years now, press coverage has been heavily weighted against Republicans. This is so obvious and well-known as to be almost a truism, but you're welcome to delude yourself as you please.

  10. Perhaps I'm wrong here, but I seem to recall Benghazi, DOJ wiretapping, NSA spying, Obamacare website all getting due attention in the mainstream news. Or perhaps you have in mind something that's escaping me at the moment?
    As for Trump coverage, well, the Press practically got Trump nominated from the get-go. No shortage of coverage there. If a lot of it has been them laughing at him, well, that's really no journalists' fault; the guy is a clown, after all. Everyone must grant that. Brilliant PR player, yes, but through'n'through a clown & quite a mesmerizing bully. So can't blame any journalists for that.


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