Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Poster child for OTD - allegedly hatched murder plot! Cops: Ramapo podiatrist, girlfriend plotted to kill wife

As ex-chasidic mom fights for her kids, Rockland judge’s ruling favors husband amid abuse allegations.  
When a chasidic husband and wife in the midst of a bitter custody battle want to go their own very separate ways, what’s in the “best interest” of their three young children who have only known the religious and cultural cocoon of upstate Monsey?
That question, a thorny one even when the parents’ breakup is amicable, takes on added emotional freight in the case of Kelly Gribeluk (Myzner) vs. Guillermo (Moshe) Gribeluk, the couple that until recently shared a home in the Satmar enclave. There are allegations that the father is physically, and perhaps sexually, abusing the children. And there is the mother’s vow, relayed in court documents, to take the three boys away from the only religious community they have known and instead raise them in a secular Jewish environment. 
Add to that allegations that the father has a hair-trigger temper and flies into fits of rage, and that the mother was carrying on an affair with her husband’s 19-year-old nephew and you have a vivid portrait of a family coming apart at the seams. Then consider the fact that the family court judge hearing the case has received sizeable campaign contributions from Rockland’s powerful Orthodox community, and the story becomes that much more dizzying. [...]


Cops: Ramapo podiatrist, girlfriend plotted to kill wife

A podiatrist and his girlfriend plotted to kill his wife and have two insurance investigators looking into his business beaten up, town police said Tuesday.

Police arrested Ira Bernstein, 41, and Kelly Myzner Gribeluk, 36, Monday night following a month-long investigation they said was sparked when the person the couple reached out to about killing Bernstein's wife initially reported the plot to the Spring Valley police.

Ramapo Detective Lt. Mark Emma said Bernstein and Gribeluk thought the man they approached had the connections they needed. He called the man "an exceptional citizen" for reporting what happened.

"This person had some sort of relationship with one of them," Emma said. "They asked him to cause injury to Bernstein's wife to result in her death. They made an assumption he could help them. He doesn't do those things."

Rockland District Attorney Thomas Zugible, called the plot "a despicable plan to take the life of a wife and mother essentially for financial gain." [...]


  1. This is not really an OTD issue; its a BT issue. (The father might be OTD, but probably a BT too.)

    2. The jewish week article is two years old. What is the current situation with the children?

  2. Interesting. This proves you cannot determine the real facts of these matters from these newspaper accounts. Usually the reporter only repeats the allegations of one side as if they are fact.

  3. This is the net result of going off the derech.

    Baruch Hashem this evil woman lost custody of the children to her frum ex-husband.

    This evil woman was the poster child of the OTD activists who raised funds for her legal fees to fight for custody. Thank G-d they lost.

    Here Shulem Deen raised over $11,000 for this zona:

  4. This is the net result of going off the derech.

    Such foolish statements are the net result of not getting outside enough.

  5. RDE, in a recent post, you take great effort to explain how a person is innocent until proven guilty.

    Regarding innocence - there are many sources regarding chezkas kashrus, lashon harah, slander.

    I am shocked that you have let some highly offensive comments come through on this blogpost which would indicate the opposite. To label someone who has yet to be tried in court as "evil" or a "zona", without any protest from yourself is surely beyond all limits of acceptability.

    I would strongly ask that you remove those comments, or at the very least, add your own comment in protest.

  6. The title of this blogpost assumes an association between the crimes committed and her being "OTD". This association appears to have been picked up by some of your commentators.

    ...custody of the children to her frum ex-husband.

    This is not really an OTD issue; its a BT issue.

    After all, no one "frum" would ever do such a thing?


  7. Your answer assumes that the writer, as per his name, indeed resides in the Catskills where the air is fresh and pure. A legitimate assumption, in my opinion, on your part.

  8. She herself seems to admit to being a 'zona' according to halacha, having had an 'affair' while still married to her husband.

  9. There isn't a woman those terms would be more applicable to. This is a wicked witch who was divorced due to her infidelity, as was publicly noted years ago. And now she was busted, on police video recordings, arranging the murder of the wife of her newest boyfriend who she is cheating with.

  10. The BBC story you linked to was of a frum man doing an act acting in accordance with his understanding of the Torah's disgust and punishment for the violation of the severe prohibition of homosexuality. It wasn't a passion crime, as this is, of murdering someone for her own benefit. So it is incomparable from a frum standpoint.

  11. ''No one frum would do such a thing''

    I was referring to the OTD aspect, not the observance aspect.

    Just in the past few days, we see principaa / student questionable video, supposed mall rape, etc. So we see this affects all levels of actual observance.

    I was referring to the OTD in the post caption. The mother (and probably the father) are BTs, which present their own problem with regards to OTD issues..

  12. ''No one frum would do such a thing''

    I was referring to the OTD aspect, not the observance aspect.

    Just in the past few days, we see principaa / student questionable video, supposed mall rape, etc. So we see this affects all levels of actual observance.

    I was referring to the OTD in the post caption. The mother (and probably the father) are BTs, which present their own problem with regards to OTD issues.

    2. It also seems the children are in (satmar) foster care.

  13. A Foot Doctor and Mistress Conspire to Kill Doctors Estranged Wife (with videos)


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