Thursday, March 17, 2016

Kaminetsky-Greenblatt Heter: Despite the clear evidence - it is unlikely that Rav Dovid Feinstein will publicly criticize anyone

After over a month of hearings by the beis din of Rav Dovid Feinstein - apparently nothing has been decided. In addition, given his behavior in the past -  it is highly unlikely that Rav Dovid Feinstein will actually publicly criticize anyone.

Next week - if nothing significant has been heard from the Feinstein Beis din - I wll return to explaining why the heter is a corruption of halacha and a gross misuse of Psychology. I will be placing most of the blame on Rav Nota Greenblatt - who despite admitting his ignorance of modern psychology - mistakenly insists that it is equivalent to medicine in terms of describing objective reality. Of course the Kaminetskys are not innocent and I will review their involvement.

However even if the Feinstein Beis Din publicly announces its conclusion - it is highly unlikely that they will end the mnatter - and I will explain why.

I would like to be proven wrong about the above - but it is highly unlikely.


  1. RDE: What you say you will do next week if Rav Dovid doesn't do as you say he should, is exactly what you've been doing for the past nine or so months since Tamar got a so-called heter to remarry despite being an eishes ish.

    So what will "return to explaining why the heter is a corruption of halacha" accomplish any more than it accomplished since this issue developed?

  2. Finally we eat the fruit of Finkelsteins flipancy

  3. you just need to wait a few days to find out

  4. Will the mastermind of the whole fiasco, Eric/Ephraim Goldfine also receive his share of well-deserved negative limelight?

  5. derzehn the Aguda corruption. The Aguda must be foremost in his mind, that is how i see it

  6. This is the latest up and coming stronghold mi'orei hamiklot misaltah umishamno of Yiddishkeit , from Roshei Yeshivos, Taanus Cholom and Yereishlayim, Sofrim, Dayonim, Nogsim hamakim veoroidim es ho'om bemaklos bekoach hazroah, veSar Hatabochim beProdim ubeAkravim, ganovim mechubodim im pe'er zakan kasheleg yalbinu Hoyoshvim rishino bamalchus. Pas yomom behechsher mehadrin min hamehadrim, Cholov Yisrael tachas hashgocho Tmidi shel Sar Beis hoAssirim misha'as tchilas hachaliva ad gmar hashtiya, Kosher Kosher Glatt Bossor bli shum sircha, yochlu anovim veyisbou. Beis hamidrash hamefoar nivneh beigul kedei shelo levayesh es mi she'ein lo yoshvei kedem bemizrach, vetofsei safsalei Beis haMidrash keGoiren agulo velo keYoshvei pinos uKronois. At the entrance, there is a big sign ONU MATIRIM LEHISPALEL IM HOAVARYONIM BLI SHIM YOTZE MIN HAKLALL. Indeed, you *must* come in with a Kupa shel Shrotzim in order to qualify. Attire is on the house with herringbone shirts from the C. Camps and pants from Yemen, one size fits all so that you cannot run to escape. To qualify, you must be Shomer Torah umitzvos at least lefonim ulemaris ayin. We have minyanim all day, coffee available 24/7, virtual libraries of otsar hasforim and shiurim for kol hatorah kulah. You will feel better than at home, no parnassa worries, we even have mobile Mitzva Tank Mikva with a lightning rod mechubar lekarka. You wouldn't even want to go home. Any shayla from hilchos shabos to hilchus tiv Gittin veKidushin can be answered and executed by karate experts and Bar Samcha's with 6 gallon Fire fighter hats that can either mafkia or mevatel the Kidushin keilu lo hoyo at your choice. We have special accommodations for Madoff pyramid schemers. Come one, come all. No Fur hats allowed.

  7. Why didn't you invite me for a ccholent?

  8. “I will be placing most of the blame on Rav Nota Greenblatt - who despite admitting his ignorance of modern psychology - mistakenly insists that it is equivalent to medicine in terms of describing objective reality. Of course the Kaminetskys are not innocent and I will review their involvement.”

    “Mistakenly insists” --- you’re being diplomatic and polite, a scholar and a gentleman. Clearly Greenblatt, Kaminetskys, and Goldfein etc are liars. The unashamed lying is what galls me more than anything. I thank G—d I’m in Israel (in Bnei Brak), far from such behavior. I thank G—d I’m not still in Midwood---either the courts or the feminist supporters would, who knows what, to me. I see the feminist supporters are purposely trying to rile up their opponents with “Blueberry Cafe: A benefit for ORA Looking to help more Tamar Epsteins”

  9. I have a lengthy comment on this Beth Din and its obvious failure to solve the problem regarding Tamar on my blog I have spoken to gedolim experts in Gittin and Beth Dins, who feel that the best thing this Beth Din can do is to disappear. But even that will not solve the problems, which will probably go on forever.

  10. The Tamar Epstein saga will only be resolved by us the people , this story has proven that כלל ישראל can no longer rely on its rabbis and leaders, it is in our hands to take the הנהגה from them, and give it to תלמידי חכמים from our ranks
    Sadly we need to yell and scream at them in pain, and push them away, they became out of touch with the תורה, and have the audacity to say we should not pry and ask questions
    There days are numbered

  11. Reminds me of the story the thanks the snow for keeping him warm
    You really think one feinstein will solve the problem created by the other feinstein


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