Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Kaminetsky-Greenblatt Heter: Rav Dovid Feinstein is convening a meeting today to try and resolve the matter

I was told by a number of reliable sources that Rav Dovid Feinstein is meeting today with Rav Hillel David and Rav Senderovic (a talmid of Rav Nota from Milwaukee) [just informed he is not a talmid of R' Nota. Never learned by him, did not get shimush from him] to try and find a solution to the horrible situation of two major talmidei chachomim producing a "heter" for a woman to remarry without a Get. I was told that it was at the instigation of the Novominsker Rebbe. 

It is not necessarily functioning as a beis din but as an ad hoc group to find the best solution  of redeeming the reputations of Rav Kaminetsky and Rav Greenblatt. As a minimum the hope is that they will provide a means to allow Rav Greenblatt to officially say he is retracting the heter and that Rav Kaminetsky will agree. The scenario basically being similar to that described in the second paragraph of the letter from Rav Aharon Schecter when Rav Belsky withdrew his heter – not because he felt it was wrong but out of respect for Rav Eliashiv. Here too, Rav Shmuel Kaminetsky already stated in his letter to Rav Weiss of the Eida Charedis that the matter should be turned over to Rav Dovid Feinstein. 

Thus neither of the two rabbis are likely to acknowledge that they made a mistake but will simply say that they defer to the judgment of Rav Dovid Feinstein.

However the above scenario is not necessarily going to happen because they are open to hearing alternatives and gathering information that will shed light on what happened and why. Rav Nota Greenblatt Rav Feldman and Rav Shmuel Kaminetsky have said they will speak to the group as well as Rav Shuchatowitz of the Baltimore Beis Din.

 However at the present time – Aharon Friedman has not been asked to speak with them


  1. Has Rav Dovid previously yet expressed an opinion on this saga or on the invalidity of the heter?

  2. "There are rumors that Rav Feldman and Rav Shmuel Kaminetsky will speak to them and possibly Rav Shuchatowitz of the Baltimore Beis Din."

    Speak to whom? Who is "them"?

  3. Unlike by rabbi Belsky, at this point their reputation is finished. Their only hope is to figure a solution to regain some on their respect .maybe they could do it by blaming it all on the anonymous psychiatrist

  4. The question still remains if tamar would even listen to them if they backtracked, or would say it was only due to pressure

  5. Who is Rav Hillel Goldberg? The one from Denver?

  6. Is this referring to Rabbi Hillel Goldberg, Ph.D., of the RCA?

    Also, what benefit is there in Aharon Friedman speaking to them? The broad consensus of gedolei Yisrael have already spoken. The members of this ad hoc group aren't his referees. He's already is in a different (local) beis din, and is under no obligation to even give them the time of the day. I suspect a trap, where he will be unduly pressured to give a Get (under the guise of concern for "kavod haTorah)...

  7. It seems so from various sources he has clearly stated that there is no Heter! It seems RS K was willing to defer to him as long as his position was unknown but over the last few months his position became known and that's why the K camp has been dragging their feet, if they thought he would agree with them they would be there in no time

  8. Will Rabbi Kaminetsky also retract his involvement against a sitting Bais Din. Will he retract and apologize for his support of Ora. Will he retract his calling for Aharon to give a Get when no Bais Din said to. Will someone take responsibilty and apologize for trying to kill Aharon? Will Rabbis Kaminetsky retract and apologize for getting a fake Pysch report?

    This isn't a case of a mistake in Halacha. This is a case of fraud and corruption from day one.

    Will they publicly ask Aharon and his family Mechila? After all they were Mevayaish them publicly. Will they work to restore Aharon's reputation? will they reimburse Aharon for the expense and damage they caused him?

    Are they interested in saving Rabbis Kaminetsky and Rabbi Greenblatt or are they interested in saving the Torah?

    What are they going to do to prevent this from ever happening again?

  9. This raises quite a few questions, if he simply the defers to his peers it leaves open the possibility of every small town congregation Rabbi sayings he deferred but I won't, or he deferred because of pressure I won't tamar too can claim so. If on the other hand he has to retract and say it's a mistake it's highly unlikely he will claim his reasoning was mistaken and take the blame himself and be the fall guy, but rather would state that he was fooled into this mess and even if he doesn't mention the name and writes it ever so delicately it will destroy the K reputation forever , since till now it might not have been totally clear what he was thinking to have them sign on it will be a declaration to all.
    another option is having this ad hoc group write a letter without RNG having to write anything which will again leave open the possibility that people will claim that he wasn't fully on board . in short there doesn't seem to be any way to really slam the lid on this scandal and save RSKs reputation
    a little humility would've gone a long way , if he would write a real authentic contrite mea culpa, apologize to the world and except responsibility then he would at least elicit respect as some one who has done teshuva,

  10. It's not a trap. They just need someone to throw under the bus and Aharon is the best choice.

  11. This is a very good and positive move in the right direction!

    We are very fortunate that we still have someone of the caliber and temperament of Rav Dovid Feisntein SHLIT"A a major Posek and Rosh Yeshiva and son of Rav Moshe Feinstein ZT"L, and there can be no greater person who is a Mumcha Ne'eman in the deployability of Rav Moshe Feinstein's Pesakim, and who is respected by all sides to help resolve such imbroglios that are splitting Klal Yisroel to the core.

    May they be Matzliach and find a solution, and let it Takke be that "Meshnichnas Adar Marbin BeSimcha! Amen, Ken Yehi Ratzon!

    Here is a better pic of Rav Dovid Feinstein:

  12. Yes. God forbid that either one should admit they made a mistake...that would be a terrible Chillul Hashem.
    But out of respect for a Rabbi, not out of respect for God or his Torah, they'll play along with the Machmirim.
    I guess it's better than nothing, but this solution is almost as bad as the problem.

  13. Withdrawing the 'hetter' should (but who knows?) Just send the case back to the baltimore bet din, which should be instructed to look into, (and publicly deny the 'rofeh mumche's report, after giving a copy / original to AF.)

    Question is: will T separate? Will local shuls ban the couple?

  14. They can save Torah (and prevent this from happening again) or they can save the Kaminetsky reputation. Which will it be?????

  15. A lot of people have a pretty good idea of what RSK did, and what RNG did, and if there is any effort to wash them clean from the anti-halacha things they did, I will protest on my blog torahhalacha.blogspot.com and if my brother allows it, on this blog. And I won't be the only one.

    These three people can protest that it is not a real Beth Din, and that it is just there to restore the reputation of two rabbis who have the worst reputation. But the rest of us don't have these goals. And we are waiting. But if they are doing this leshaim shomayim, they will surely merit what I can't imagine, that things will work out for them and for everyone else.

    But I am waiting, and as I said, all of us are waiting, and we have had enough of the "great rabbi"s and their inventions. This is going to stop one way or the other. The stopping has already begun by rabbis who have nothing to do with this meeting. I am prepared to make war on the entire present "Gedolim" leadership if they come up with a whitewash of people who did terrible sins to other people and to the Shulchan Aruch. We can't have a world where prominent people can do every sin and get away with it.

  16. They need to ask all of Klay Yisroel for mechila.

  17. In the worst case scenario, I propose, that any and all questions to him may only be posed in writing, which he too will only answer in writing.

  18. I don't think that the 'rofeh mumche's'' report in question will ever see the light of day. Should it ever surface, we'll be seeing a slam dunk major lawsuit. The writer's license will be worth as much as a חספא בעלמא. At best' he'll be able to hang it up in his sukkah, in remembrance of better days. Alternatively, he could use it לצור על פי צלוחיתו.

  19. Interesting how when it came to the Tzfas Get Zikkui, the Rabbinnic condemnations came fast and furious, without consideration of the need to speak to the dayanim or their representatives, nor the need to tiptoe around for months, torturing themselves over the need to maintain proper kavod for the Rabbonim involved.

  20. Depends on what the K's advise her to do. It depends on how they deal with her and their sincerity.

  21. That's the difference between eretz yisroel and U.S.A.

  22. If Aharon gets a heter to pursue justice in Arka'os, then it's likely that the Kaminetzkys will be forced to produce the report in the discovery phase of the lawsuit. If they refuse, they can be subpoenaed.

  23. They will save their own reputation. That means supporting the K's. (Even rechnitz had to withdraw his valid points, because of supposed 'kavod chachomim'. At least RSYR will still write checks.)

  24. He has no cause of action (no case.) Its bullying, which is allowed in this case.

    His employer is retiring. If he can't get a comparable job )fear of demonstrations, harassment, etc, maybe.

    He has a minor case against goldfein, etc for having him beaten up / kidnapped, but the 'mumche's' report is not part of that case.

  25. What if the all the rabbis tell the lawyers they discarded the report years ago and haven't had a copy of it in years? So they're asked for the name and produce an overseas doctors name who is out of reach of the courts or the name of a now deceased doctor?

  26. Reb Shmuel has said from the beginning that although Reb Nuta is a Bar samcha since there is such opposition he feels that Reb Dovid should review all the facts and whatever he decides he will go along with. I guess if Reb Dovid agrees with Reb Nuta you will throw him under the bus as well. A lot you care about respect for G-D or his torah.

  27. "It seems so ......................... It seems RS K"

    You have no clue what you are talking about. Don't say it seems find out the facts then make your statements. It was the Kamenetsky's that have been pushing for this from the beginning. The millers and others were the ones stonewalling and not letting it happen. The only thing Reb dovid was known to say that when asked about Reb Nuta he said he was a Bar Samcha and his father relied on him extensively more then that only on this blog did he take a position, for the details you can ask R' Asher Kaufman who has chazzered all the posts and can say them in his sleep where to find it.

  28. Could be its behind door number 3 - Both

  29. Will he ask mechila for breaking up a bayis beYisroel, where the Marriage Counsler counseled it's fixabled, and he went to destroy that possibility advising atsas Achisofel she can do better? That asking goes for each of the three parties, Father, Mother, and daughter?

  30. And the difference between whether the Rabbonim in question are politically aligned with you and go to the same chasunahs you go to.
    The Tzefat Get dayanim are Dati Leumi, so, in the eyes of the condemners, no need to accord them even basic respect.

  31. Aron is not part and parcel of this Fiasco. It is only for those that cannot face the world for what they did and admit their mistakes. R' Dovid would never throw a yiddish kind under a bus. R'Aron has been victimized once too many. May he know only from nachas, peace and quiet with menuchas hanefesh from now on ad bias yinon. Amen!

  32. She did ask whether to depart is al Pi Din, why else did she ask that if not to comply with?

  33. Yes, R' Dovid said he would never do it. So did R' Honesty and R' Dad hear it from the Grapevine.
    Nov 23, 2015 ... Honesty. צא ורה שר' נטע הלך לבקר בשבוע שעבר, ולא הסכים איתו כלל וכלל ואמר לו שאין שום יתד (חוץ מהעיתון) לסמוך עליו ...

    ... רק אמר שהוא עצמו לא היה מתירה

    Honesty Dad • 2 months ago

  34. That's fine. But it would certainly completely finish off the reputations of these activists (formerly, rabbis).

  35. U all got it wrong
    The tzefat bet din wrote a lengthy psak explaining there position, therefore easy to attack
    Here its all hush mush

  36. No. I just have very good search tools and know how to use them. How do you think I was able to correlate you with Professor Wagstaff ;;)

  37. However the above scenario is not necessarily going to happen because they are open to hearing alternatives and gathering information that will shed light on what happened and why.

    What does this mean - what are the alternatives?

  38. Wrong. He certainly can go after the doctor.

  39. Speculation at this point will not accomplish anything. Let's see what Reb Dovid says. From personal experience when I contacted him regarding the procrastination to build the Wallerstein Mikvah, it can be something totally unexpected. The procrastination ended right after he got involved behind the scenes.

  40. By most of us facts are not a matter of convenience I have heard this from quite a few reliable sources and that's why I wrote it seems , till I see something in writing or I can verify it I can only assume so.
    if RSK really was pushing for it he could've easily gone himself and got RDF to write him a letter in support ,no ? As it is it doesn't seem like he is going now either only RNG and not miller either. so what exactly was he pushing for ? Does he want to go now and they don't allow him? and I thought it has nothing to do with it why would you go ? Would he have anything to say ? Is he aware of the fact that all?

  41. Who made you a God? How incredible ridiculous to claim you will make war on Gedolim....
    Please, get rid of your Gaiva, before you start going all Pinchos on us...

  42. As long as RS K Junior and senior don't own up they can still what they have systematically done in the past ,said one thing in public and say something else in private , and although the Heter is by far the greatest crime they have committed, abusing AF can continue as before, is a scandal onto its own

  43. Why wouldnt Reb Dovid Shlita get involved without installing a real Bais Din - and if there are are 3 bona-fide Dayanim I would think a real BD should judge the issue.

    Presumably Tamar is still with the "other man" whilst Reb Dovid considers the case (and presumably doesn't have to listen "legally" to Reb Dovid's psak since she didnt sign on personally or legally on Reb Dovid's ad hoc group or bais din) which is very interesting !

    Would such a Bais Din need Shtorei Birrurin from both sides (or since its only on on Issur they are judging there are no baalei devorim and no money being claimed) ... And would such a BD need permission from the Baltimore BD (and a letter from that BD that they are no longer handling the case) to sit as a Bais Din or as an "ad-hoc" group ?? ... And, if they paskened that the Heter Taus is correct would it mean that there is Machlokes between the Baltimore BD (with all their Poskim that stood with them incl Reb Aaron Feldman) and Reb Dovid's Bais DIn ? ...And, will the BD be able to be dan the other shaalah here if a Get has to be given or will the BD decide the visitation rights and other issues between AF and Tamar (and presumably with or without shatorei birrurin) ?

    Anyways if/when Reb Dovid paskens against Tamar, what happens (legally) if she refuses to listen to Reb Dovid, since she never legally or contractually accepted Reb Dovid and his ad-hoc BD as the "Poisek" here ?

    And, last but not least will the BD of Reb Dovid interview the Doctors (that wrote the reports regarding AF) in regard to the case, without AF's permission ? And, can Red Dovid give a psak without meeting the Baal Dovor -- i.e. Aaron Friedman ?

  44. The doctor is not related to the beating.

    The doctor is related to the 'hetter', which is a religious document, which the courts don't get involved in. And the damages ($) are religious in nature, so no civil court.

  45. Politics = The Art of the Possible!

    Business = The Art of the Deal!

    Life = The Art of Living!

    Imagination = Art!

  46. He's not God, he's a Kannoi!

  47. Philly Woman,
    Note that "Gedolim" is spelled with "" surrounding the word to show that it is not an attack on real Gedolim but on people who are just the opposite. The people you know in Philadelphia I know very well for years and I never considered them Gedolim but rather "Gedolim." I consider what RSK and his son did to a woman who has no father is a hideous sin. A Gadol destroys people and encourages them to make mamzerim? That is a "gadol" who gets away with these things because he has convinced a lot of people that he is a Gadol. Maybe he convinced you, I don't know, but not everybody would agree. Some people are so much against him that he came to the Agudah dinner with a police escort. What Gadol needs a police escort?

  48. You sure give out a lot of un-semichas!

  49. Ah yes, is there a doctor in the house?

  50. Easy, money or your life? Money please!

  51. Right, dream on!

  52. That's a lot of speculation... Let's just wait and see

  53. Wrong, the Kaminetskys are now martyrs, and as popular as ever, especially among the out of town crowd, and that includes all the people in the Five Towns! The English Yated never stops posting pics of the Kaminetskys in one out of town city or another, with R Kaminetsky senior escorted around and photographed by R Elya Brudny of Mirrer Yeshiva Brooklyn such as in their recent "victory tour" to Cleveland recently.

  54. Invalidity? What kind of word is that? Thought it sounded like "inevitability" somehow, like in Murphy's Law, if something can go wrong, it will go wrong!

  55. Can someone provide a link about what happened to AF and the get beating mob...
    There is too much content to sift through here....

  56. "R' Dovid said he would never do it" -- that was THEN, this is NOW!

  57. Watch out, cigars got Bill Clinton into trouble!

  58. One doesn't have to "sign on" to anything if it's an explanation of what the Torah says. If for example a rav acknowledged as an expert in zoology says a certain species of animal found with split hooves and multiple stomachs is undeniably in the porcine family and no one can present an alternative view from Chazal, then anyone who refuses to accept what he says and eats of the babirusa is violating the Torah. There is no need for a Bais Din. It is a chazir plain and simple no matter what anyone may "accept" or not. We are not Conservative Judaism that decides halacha according to the whims of a committee regardless of what the Torah actually says. How do you think think this whole fiasco happened? Because someone decided "midvar sheker tirchak" didn't apply when he was shopping around for a way for a selfish brat to avoid having to return to the Bais Din she did sign on to.

  59. Has anyone pursued Goldfein? He is still licensed to practice in PA and NY and is inactive in MD. He basically admitted paying Epstein to kidnap Aharon. He should be easy to disbar.

  60. An intelligent remark for a change! Thumbs up from salty!

  61. Too much time on your hands is a better answer.

  62. Especially easy when you already have it in for them.
    When it comes to serious dayanim, like those from Tzefas, not an ounce of respect.
    When it comes to big name nobodies, the Boyz have the utmost deference.

  63. Now and then is the same, in Quark time.

  64. What about defamation (saying he's unfit for marriage)? Loss of consortium?
    Professional misconduct is grounds for losing his license.

  65. R' Dovid will not encroach onto BBD. All this is only a face saving technique to disentangle the pair RNNG & RSK bederech kavod.

  66. The Doc's doc is character assassination in nature that is Torts, and he also transferred funds for the beatings that is unreligous in nature.

  67. The grapevine speculates that both will claim that the zivug of the couple was not oleh yofeh, and she is parting ways. That would save half of their faces. The rest will go back to BBD.

  68. http://daattorah.blogspot.com/2012/08/aharon-friedman-assaulted-in-wifes.html

  69. You can find many more at http://cleanupyoungisrael.blogspot.com/

  70. One thing that may confuse things here is that AF was asked to testify in the FBI case against RME and had to admit that although he had originally asserted that it was his doing, he actually had no proof and could not testify.

  71. Then you must have loads of time on your hands and your feet to be so prolific with your comments.

  72. Tamar Epstein hired Mendel Epstein to kidnap and beat Aharon into giving her a Get. When Aharon dropped off their daughter at Tamar's home, Cheryl Epstein have the signal to the thugs to assault and kidnap Aharon. That attacked him but Baruch Hashem he escaped and called the police.


    February 03, 2016/ JNN


    This must be it!
    Ok, so what happened???

  74. Philly Woman, the two heroes of this sad tale are the Eidensohns, Rabbis Daniel (owner of this blog) and his brother David. With the courage of lions these men stood up to the 'powers to be'. The Kaminetskys concocted this scheme because they thought they would get away with it. They almost did. However, the Eidensohn Brothers stepped into the breach and manned the guns. Trust me that this is no pleasure, no gaiva trip for anyone involved, especially for the owner of this blog; this I now for certain.

  75. Goldfein transferred the money to Epstein.

  76. Did you fail to recall Eric/Ephraim Goldfein's testimony?

  77. Rabbi David needs to change his tactics and calm down.
    We're not here to wage war, which is what it seems he is doing.
    Personally I'm here just for clarity and to find the truth in this whole case.
    Can't speak for all others though.
    I don't agree with Rabbi Daniel either 100%, but he manages to keep his blog classy.

  78. I hear you, but your desire to bring them down unsettles me. Why do you feel its your mission in life tondo this?
    Based of the halachos in sefer chafetz Chaim, you may be disqualified to 'wage war' on them if you have so much personal issues with them....

    Just my thoughts. Even the way you write and speak about them makes me upset.
    Do they not deserve kavod habriyos as well?
    This blog (Rabbi Daniel's) seems to be missing that vindictive warior cry I find in your comments and blog.

  79. Any reports on what happened at the meeting yesterday?

  80. And the elephant in the room is - why was the previous post expunged?

  81. Dr. Shapiro requested it.

    Rabbi Gordimer wrote his own rebuttal which is makes this one unnecessary. Will post it when later today.

  82. Looking for a needle in a haystack. It just happened to be this one was intelligent but I wouldn't hold my breath to find many more like that.

  83. Goldfein pursued and fetched the doc's false report, etc. Suing refers to Doc, and G..n for hiring the goons, I thought

  84. So what happened at yesterday's meeting with R' Dovid?

  85. I so don't want to believe that Cheryl Epstein can be capable of such a thing... I litteraly just cried.
    What has this world come to??
    Hate blinds people. Jealous turns the heart black.
    This really pains me.
    This is not the Cheryl Epstein I know and grown to love.

  86. Is there proof of this?

  87. Actually is the Baal Hasimcha of putting an end to this whole SCANDAL. he brought these issues in front of the GEOINEI UPOSKEI HADOR, and they have SPOKEN!
    If not for R' Dovid E, the beatings and bludgeoning would go on, Eishes ish would be rampant in various other issues as well, and the Mamzer factory machines would be working 24/7 with full HETERIM. The end is here, and the ORA machine will be put out of business and the Pied Piper can put his bullhorn with mothballs. Reb Dovid Shlit"a is GOOD FOR YIDDEN!

  88. It would hard for him to prove... These guys didn't exactly announce who they were or where their loyalties lie...

  89. Lol, that's funny. Efraim is not a stupid man... If they thought they could buy the get from AF, they would have tried it years ago....
    They certainly didn't need ME to negotiate a monitary agreement with AF for a get...

  90. Poli=many
    Tics = blood sucking creatures...

  91. Wow. What a concession from you that you found this one post to be intelligent. I'm touched. I wish I could say the same about your comments but practically all of yours are caviling.

  92. If you have known them or "him" very well for years you would also know that "he has convinced a lot of people that he is a Gadol" is a super pure form of rubbish - albeit perhaps an opinion you bizarrely truly believe - that has no connection with RSHMK's reality. But, then again, virtual reality is a burgeoning technology so why not invent historical hallucinations.

  93. You thought Mr. Mendel Epstein was going to leave his fingerprints on the bat used to beat Aharon? Mr. Epstein had 30 years experience in the mob beating husband's and was quite astute in insuring his fingerprints weren't left behind. As Mr. Epstein told the FBI agenette in his home, he makes sure he is seen somewhere in public at the time of the arranged beating and advises the wife to happen to be at a party during that timeframe as well.

  94. Actually, the proof is trapped in the Pudding and the Police Department is in midst of extracting it.
    see: http://daattorah.blogspot.com/...

    "Guest Post August 5, 2012: the police number is 1207290113 it is missing on the police blotter available on the Internet as are many other numbers as it is an ongoing investigation."...

    Personally, I need not be convinced since the stories are real, the people are real, and nothing has been changed. They even left their fingerprints in the pickle. The going rate of a rOsho lomo sakeh RreAcho [= ORA] beating and bludgeoning with a baseball bat over the head vechulhu... which is their favorite MO, is $60 K a pop. From the return checks, everything adds up. All now needs to be done is to follow the money trail, the timings of money payment Dates synchronized with the ORA beatings, and the station where the BUCK$ stopped. These goons of ORA had their day in court, have been through the system and got their sentences. This ORA hanoida leshimtza, is one Company whether here, there, and everywhere. Let the PD turn every stone available and than we shall see. Netzach Yisrael lo yeshaker. Amen. As the Talmud says, sof ganav letliye.

  95. Lekayem ma shene'emar, "Vorav lo vekam olav". Va'asisem lo ka'asher zomam la'asos!

  96. Harbeh drochim lamokom. Hashem needs no eitzos from us.

  97. Sorry, but your stance in all other responses just don't add up to this one. This is definiteley a stealth sindwinder missile. Halonu o letsorenu AT???

  98. "Just my thoughts."
    And have you read the thoughts of GEDOILEI HAPOSKIM asher yoshvim al haMODIN from All over the world??? Hazois NEOMI???

  99. Ehud,
    What really encourages me in your kind remarks is that when I hear such lovely sounds I respond, "מקצת שבחו בפניו"! How is that for Gaayvo?
    Let me tell you, I pray to Hashem to give me enough Gayvo to do what I do. I spoke to Reb Aharon Reb Moshe and other Gedolim with brazen chutzpah, because what else did I have? Without Gayvo, you have the deafening silence that was the strength of the Kaminetskys. I spoke at length with Gedolei HaDor because whenever a certain angel reminded me of my limitations, I cried out, "No! I am a Baal Gayvo!" Even now, in my old age, I deal with brazen chutuspah and gayvo. I learned this from my rebbes.
    I was once talking to Reb Aharon in learning in his small dining room, where everybody left him alone except me, and three rabbis charged into the room and there was a huge uproar. I knew I should leave, but I reasoned that without p[ure chutzpah I would never talk to Reb Aharon in the first place, so I walked over and looked at the book they were screaming about. When I saw it, I almost collapsed. For this they were screaming? Yes, that is the old generation. Those people aren't here any more. But I remember them.
    Hashem did me a great favor, that from the age of twelve I studied under European Kanoyim, and they knew how to fight. I just try to imitate them, but it is not the real thing. But I try.

  100. Maybe through this tragedy Reb Dovid will give clarity (with his vast knowledge of psak and torah) besides the question of whether one may give a heter Taus Kiddushin (with a Bais DIn siting and even without and what doctors can be trusted on a Heter etc.) to the question of when a woman is considered an Agunah - with the Husband responsible to give a Get - when there is no chance for the Husband and Wife to get togther (acc. to the Baltimore BD Tamar is not an Agunah because until the other matters pertaining to the divorce are settled there is no chiyuv to give a Get).

  101. As long as someone doesn't comment your thrilled , you remind me of a Shtuky which the mother just wants silence for obvious reasons she doesn't have a story for her defense.shhh!

  102. Better question: why aren't the police taking action, now that one of the conspirators (goldfein) testified he paid for the beating, at request of his client, the E family?

    Why isn't G's license being suspended?

  103. Doesn't make sense. Goldfein testified who they were. AF is too much of a gentleman to want to get involved further.

  104. R Dovid (or any real rov) doesn't want to get involved in (what really is a run of the mill) divorce case. His interest is strictly the rabbanus aspect.

  105. I disagree entirely. In my opinion a good lawyer could have a field day with this. The damages are much more than simply religious in nature.

  106. The odds that R' Dovid would come out in favor of this craziness is zero.

  107. There is no machlokes or halachic doubt among any of the gedolei haposkim that no one is entitled to a Get until and unless a Beis Din first issues a formal ruling that a Get is mandatory or required. Before that point it is not in dispute that a Get is not required.

  108. How does the immunity the court gave him work? Is he only immune from criminal charges, but he can be disbarred due to his own testimony?

  109. I meant proof that Goldfein found the 'expert' to produce the slanderous report about Aharon.

  110. I missed your last part...I'm here for the truth... It's not about taking sides.
    I have desire or will gain no pleasure from seeing Rsk be wrong.
    I get no personal hanaa from seeing any person be wrong or get embarrassed or caught
    Therefore the the term "wage war" is bothersome and upsets me.
    Rabbi David's blog and comments have the "wage war, rah rah rah" tone.
    But Rabbi Daniel's blogblog has the "we're here for the unadulterated tuth, even if it ain't pretty" tone....

    Both may carry the same message, but how you present it makes all the difference

  111. They can't use his testimony as evidence against him criminally because he was granted use immunity. Also, there may be no way to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that he knew what the payment was for. But he should still be easy to disbar.

  112. If I may, one certain does not need gaiva to succeed. They need siyata dishmaya, azuz dikedusha (VERY different then gaiva, and plenty of anava)
    Hashem detests gaiva as far as I know

  113. It's not necessarily so clear. Because some BD take the position that as soon as the marriage is over a get should bee given, such as rca,(see Dr Shapiro excellent article ) so all the woman has to do is get a pesak from them without the husband even having a chance. Or in some cases even if the husband doesn't exist.

  114. This isn't a football game that we have over unders. If Reb Dovid says Reb Nuta Is wrong end of story if he says hes right end of story - as far as the Kamenetskys are concerned. I would like to see the reaction of the other side if Reb Dovid says hes right. All of a sudden he will become one of those "gedolim" that David Eidensohn said hes going to war with.

  115. That's how I also feel. The Kaminetzkys would be the primary defendants in the lawsuit, since Shalom is the one who formulated the "heter". His father is also named as defendant, since he agreed to the formulation. The rofeh mumche is named as X, along with anybody else they can reasonably add to the claim, seeking $10MM in compensatory damages and unspecified amount of punitive damages. Once this is filed, people will be singing a different tune. Aharon has nothing to lose, because his name is already mud, but this would force the other side to be more reasonable in negotiating a resolution of this case. Any litigation lawyer(s) out there in the audience?
    Disclaimer: This could only happen if Aharon gets a heter to pursue this in "arkaos".

  116. He offered no such testimony. He testified that he thought the money would go to the husband to induce him to give a divorce.

  117. Yes, the testimony would be admissible in a civil proceeding. Disbarment is a civil proceeding.

  118. I would indeed. But it ain't gonna happen, BECAUSE Reb Dovid is a talmid chacham and Yorei Shamayim.
    In any case, no one threw the kaminetzky's under any buses, they happily dove under all by their lonesome

  119. See Teshuvos v’Hanhagos (4:301) where Rav Shternbuch paskens the husband should be given a heter meah rabbonim to immediately remarry while the beis din will hold unto the Get and only give it to the wife after she stops being a moredes and undoes the anti-halachic damage she caused her husband.

    Rav Elyashev and other poskim similarly pasken that the husband does not have to give a Get before he wishes to or the other outstanding divorce issues and proceedings are first resolved.

  120. Ever heard of aGodal haDor Rav Chaim Kanievsky and what he has said about this SCANDAL? How about miGedoilei haPoskei haDor R' Shternbuch and to what he Paskened over this Sha'arurya along with the Greatest Dayonim of the world? if not, I take back all my questions except for one. What have you been doing on this blog since you identified yourself P.W. no further questions and I rest my case.

  121. Dear Rabbi Dovid Eidensohn shlit"a,
    There is no Gayvo in fighting for kedushas hayesoidos of Beis Yisroel. This is called AZUS DEKEDUSHA!!!
    And this is WAR of MI LASHEM ELAY!!!
    ha'Acheichem yetsu lamilchomo veatem teshvu po? Ono techezakno yedeichem!
    Umi roeh ele yotsu velo yetsu?

    We have read ALL the responses from the GIANTS of our DOR and have been asked to be MOICHE beYESSER SE'ESS ubeYESSER OZ. These recalcitrant people have been trampling on the YESOIDOS of JUDDENTUM, veal SHA'ARURYA KAZOS lo ECHSHE velo ESHKOT. Sending out GOONS of the likes of DOSON vaAVIROM breaking bones and busting heads of Bachurei Yisroel in forcing of Gitei Meusse, Matirim Eishes Ish lashuk for nezid adashim, al michrom Tzadik baKessef ubaad Na'alayim.

    If that's not enough, they manufacture Mamzerim wholesale! The blood of our brethren are flowing on the streets like rivers, domom nishpach kamayim, adding salt to their wounds, beating themup in front of their CHILDREN, GEVALLLLD... ve'ein loel yodecho! The Kinderlech tayere are crying their hearts out... YESOIMIM HOYINU V"EIN AV, ribono Dealma Kulah... me hoyo lonu? Ubokea veoile ad larakia haShamayim ad Kisse haKavod. And Hashem sheds tears over the tinoikes shel beis Rabon ve'al ollelim veyonkim, Hoy' bonay bonay chavivai, vay' uvay' lebonim shehniglu meal shulchan shel Avihem. Tayere Yidden, How can we sit idly by when Klall Yisroel, Torah haKdosha, veKidhso Brich hu sharui betsaar, es brent a fayer veoile ba'seoro HaShomoymo. Al ze hoyo doveh libenu, veal ele choshcho eineinu, Al ken Tzion bemar tivke, viYerusholoyim titen koiloh, me'ay me'ay al chalelehem! Aneinu H' Aneinu ki betsoro gedoilo anachnu, we cannot take this pain anymore.

    Hiding this all under the cloak of der Heiliger R' Akive Eiger. Mi bikesh zos miyedchem REMOS CHATSEROY?!
    Enough is enough. This must stop now and forever. Amen
    Thank you R' Dovid!!! Yeyasher Kochacho.

  122. ORA RA RA RA has been waging war against my brothers no matter how you slice it, bludgeoning them with baseball bats, elctric shocks, waterboarding, kidnappings, if that's not war, I don't know what is. Doesn't that upset you? Pretty, please. How are theyu any different then Isis?

  123. Whoever submitted it has the proof, and and he can be subpoenaed. This document has a father. Some people are already in the know.

  124. Chazal call Talmidei Chachomim learning together "waging a war of Torah" and "goring each other" and "defeating each other". These terms sound harsh and are not used by people who grow up in a relatively secular society. However, someone who grew up learning only Torah may still use these terms. Chazal's Hashkafah and our hashkafah are not the same, so sometimes someone coming from their viewpoint sounds jarring. I believe this is partially responsible for the disconnect between Jews in Eretz Yisroel and America and certainly the intergenerational disconnects between the European Rabbonim who came to America and their students. The language used in Shas gets so nasty that the Chofetz Chaim in the end of his Sefer Hilchos Lashon Hara attached a Teshuva from the Chavos Yair attempting to explain how Chazal talked that way to each other. And this is among people who love each other and certainly have no personal animosity. Regarding your question of having a personal issues with someone and saying loshon hara about them: The Chofetz Chaim says a condition of Toe'eles and defines it as intending to right the wrong or at least cause people to stay away from a wicked person and his ways. So intending to cause a wicked person's downfall in the public's eyes is the fulfillment of the condition, not a violation. A violation would be someone who has a grudge unrelated to the issue at hand.

  125. You may be right, but concrete facts would be needed in any legal action. You can't just go on a fishing expedition.

  126. Vehoelokim ino leyodo! BTW, the MO beating is also a fingerprint of circumstances. You don't need M. Epsteins services for handing lol over monies to appease Aron from NY to S.S. M.Epstein is for underworld services that are "outside of the law", hevanta?

  127. please cite rav elyashiv. thanks

  128. You must be kidding. I thought your thoughts have input. What ingredients fuel your thoughts if any. You absolutely have no clue of who is who, who said what to whom, and if anyone did something to somebody. It is called eino yodea she'eino yodea, seser betoch ta'alumos, e.g. vatispoem rucho. It sounds like you are wasting your time. chaval al hazman

  129. "Hashem detests gaiva as far as I know".

    Talmidei chachomim have a reserve of Shminis shebshminis. VeYitamu chatoim min ho'oretz, velo horshoim. You definitely are here to defend someone. I dare say mmm.... a TROJAN HORSE

  130. What is your point? Do two wrongs make a right?
    Stooping to their level makes you no better...

  131. The lawsuit can include many of the people involved in harming Aharon. When it comes למעשה, a good lawyer will figure out exactly who to name in it.

  132. 1. Yes I have heard of Rav Chaim Kanievsky
    2. No I have not heard what he has said about this sad situation
    3. Yes I am aware of what R Shternbach holds. But I have not heard who he has paskened this case with
    4. What is PW?
    5. I came here to learn about the truth of what happened, because my community is biased and has mislead me to believe facts that were not true.
    I am not here to gloat over the mistakes of People who know more than me.
    I would love to see this situation resolved, I would love to see the wrongs made right.
    I would love to see the people who were damaged ammended, and I would love to see the people who errored do Yeshiva.

  133. It is called, yovo baal hashor veyoid al shoro, far from being a fishing expedition. This is the smoke and the bullet and the Gun all in one, together with the trail. Without an authentic composer, the heter has no prayer.

  134. This isn't a mere fishing expedition. It has a very specific objective of revealing the report referenced in the Kaminetzky letter, which is the basis of the lawsuit.

  135. Yehuda, are you saying the leshonos R David is using is just a culture difference?
    That to him it does not bare the same connotation it bears for me?

  136. Why do you scream so much?
    It's not good for your blood pressure
    But on a side note, I read that lemons are good for blood pressure...

  137. No one else heard anything what Reb Chaim said about this besides the bloggers on this site but "soid hashem lerayuve" we have to believe that he said something because it said it on this blog,

  138. If he comes out for it, it will be with a reasoned rationale and not hidden like a thief in the night.

  139. I Have my issues with ora tactics as well, but to compare them to isis is just insane.
    Do you even know what isis is?
    Your passion, for these subjects, and lack of rationale make the rest of us loom like lunatics.
    But you seem to be very deeply convinced that you are correct, so I refuse to keep having this discussion with you as it will be unproductive.

  140. Can use his testimony against others (the T family, who he testified 'instructed' him to wire the money').

  141. Kovetz Teshuvos I 174.

  142. "Rav Dovid Feinstein is meeting today with Rav Hillel David and Rav Senderovic (a talmid of Rav Nota from Milwaukee)" ....

    Very interesting that the 2nd Dayan that Reb Dovid found is a talmid of Reb Nota who gave the original Heter Ta'us -- But, is this the only Dayan ready to take the case, and could Reb Dovid not find anyone else in NY or NJ, and needed to shlep a Rabbi all the way from WI for this task ? ? ... Or was this (bringing in Rab Senderovic a sacrifice to Reb Nota to agree to establish the Bais Din and go with whichever psak is eventually produced ?

    But, will R Senderovic agree to pasken (with an open brain) against the psak of his Rebbi (Reb Nota) and in particular (to pasken against his rebbi muvhak) - in such a public case ?

  143. Yes. There is a Kollel in Eretz Yisrael where the american guys think of calling the police whenever the Rosh Kollel starts arguing with Israeli guys in learning. I've told female relatives excerpts from Shiurim and they said "If girls would do this they would be in tears". Same idea.

  144. actually, "lekayem ma she'neemar" in the 23 year old article DT posted, mentioning beatings even then. and rabbi dr marc shapiro's mentioning it a few times, critically (for once, some being critical.)

  145. as i mentioned a few times, Epstein was too cheap to split the $ with the professionals, the mafia, etc. satmar and syrians use them, not Epstein. he didn't want to split the profits with them. that's why he got caught.

  146. G is called an experienced tpain. as such, he knew who / what ME was. he wasn't buying a settlement. and why use a questionable intermediary, when the traditional way attorneys do this is with legal representation and escrow accounts.
    and $60K? even before ME's cut of that, that is nothing. I'm sure mrs T would have gladly given $60K at any point in the proceedings for him to drop visitation. even $160K or even $360K.
    and no need to launder that through two wire transfers if its a divorce settlement.

  147. he probably got away with it on other cases over the years.

    who knows how many mamzerim?

    maybe rav dovid should ask him about those.

  148. Isis is in the eyes of the beholder. For isis is chopping off heads, kidnappings, forcing people their way or else, for ORA is is bludgeoning with a baseball to death, stalking, beating, harassing, waterboarding, Electrocuting, and all other kinds of torture, Clinton has his definition, "Bill Clinton It Depends on what the meaning of the word is is ..", for you it means irrational lunacy, and it is free to interpret to anybody's whims. PW means philly Woman, of which you are not. U r only impersonating in woman's clothing, sniffing around aka a TROJAN HORSE. It is not Purim yet, not even Purim koton.

  149. The Chazon Ish says that a Beth Din that tells a husband that he must give a GET, and he is not really obligated to give a GET, that the GET is worthless for two reasons, it is forced by the Beth Din when it should not be forced, and two, if the husband would know that the Beth Din erred he would never have given the GET, so it is a mistaken GET. I think it is EH 99.
    The question then is if a Beth Din can suggest, not order, the husband to give a GET. Here the Shita in Kesubose quotes Rabbeinu Tam that this is wrong.
    All of this is from the Beth Din's pressuring when no pressure is allowed as in most Gittin. But if the husband has fear of the Torah, and he knows that he is subject to sinful thoughts, and he thinks of the children and even the wife, maybe he will settle things and give a GET. But if the wife goes to court or does other strange things, that is a difficult situation.

  150. לקיים מה שנאמר אל תארב רשע לנוה צדיק אל תשדד רבצו כי שבע יפול צדיק וקם ורשעים יכשלו ברעה

  151. לקיים מה שנאמר ערום ראה רעה נסתר פתאים עברו נענשו

  152. לקיים מה שנאמר יש דרך ישר לפני איש ואחריתו דרכי מות

  153. Can a Beis Din ever suggest to the husband he give a Get if he has no obligation?

    And if they suggest it and he says he still doesn't want to, can they pressure him?

  154. לקיים מה שנאמר גם ענוש לצדיק לא טוב להכות נדיבים עלי יושר

  155. לקיים מה שנאמר עוכר ביתו בוצע בצע ושונא מתנות יחיה

  156. לקיים מה שנאמר גם אויל מחריש חכם יחשב אוטם שפתיו נבון

  157. לקיים מה שנאמר בית והון נחלת אבות ומה׳ אשה משכלת

  158. לקיים מה שנאמר אחריתו כנחש ישך וכצפעוני יפריש

  159. לקיים מה שנאמר תועבת ה׳ כל גבה לב יד ליד לא ינקה

  160. לקיים מה שנאמר אדם ערום כוסה דעת ולב כסילים יקרא אולת וכן הוא אומר אויל ביום יודע כעסו וכוסה קלון ערום

  161. לקיים מה שנאמר רע רע יאמר הקונה ואוזל לו אז יתהלל

  162. כמו שנאמר אל תלך בדרך אתם מנע רגלך מנתיבתם כי רגליהם לרע ירוצו וימהרו לשפך דם

  163. פוטר מים ראשית מדון ואחרי התגלע הריב נטוש

  164. וכן הוא אומר מצרף לכסף וכור לזהב ובוחן לבות ה׳

  165. וכן הוא אומר מה תקות חנף כי יבצע כי ישל אלוה נפשו

  166. וכן הוא אומר בנפל אויבך אל תשמח ובכשלו אל יגל לבך פן יראה ה׳ ורעה בעיניו והשיב מעליו אפו

  167. וכן הוא אומר תנו שכר לאובד ויין למרי נפש ישתה וישכח רישו ועמלו לא יזכור עוד

  168. לקיים מה שנאמר מפיץ חרב וחץ שנון איש עונה ברעהו עד שקר

  169. לקיים מה שנאמר יש זהב ורב פנינים וכלי יקר שפתי דעת

  170. לקיים מה שנאמר הדלת תסוב על צירה ועצל על מטתו

  171. Reb chaim signed a letter you didn't see it?

  172. לקיים מה שנאמר עיר גבורים עלה חכם ויורד עוז מבטחה

  173. Lol. You lost me at: "U r only impersonating in woman's clothing, sniffing around aka a TROJAN HORSE."

    You and @Salty are like two peas in a pod... you Refuse to believe and accept that any woman with a voice and opinion different then yours can actually exist.

  174. "It sounds like you are wasting your time"

    My husband told me the same thing when I told him I was looking into this maisa (Epstein heter). He said I was better of saying tehilim and davening that the truth come out....

  175. Maybe Rav Senderovic was brought in because he dealt with a case like this - http://www.koltorah.org/ravj/Frivolous_Wedding_Ceremonies_1.html

  176. 🐴 Lol, the only thing I will defend is God's holy Torah, and Tzadikim amitiyim....
    Orchos tzadikim talks about gaiva, and if I remember correctly he says Hashem hates Gaiva.... It was either gaiva or kaas that has no aspect of toiv to it. Maybe both....
    Gaiva and azuz are very different. Don't confuse the two.

  177. “However the above scenario is not necessarily going to happen because they are open to hearing alternatives and gathering information that will shed light on what happened and why. Rav Nota Greenblatt Rav Feldman and Rav Shmuel Kaminetsky have said they will speak to the group as well as Rav Shuchatowitz of the Baltimore Beis Din.”

    I quote:

    “Wicked man! Do not lurk by the home of the righteous man; Do no violence to his dwelling. Seven times the righteous man falls and gets up, While the wicked are tripped by one misfortune. If your enemy falls, do not exult; If he trips, let your heart not rejoice, Lest the Lord see it and be displeased, And avert His wrath from him. Do not be vexed by evildoers; Do not be incensed by the wicked; For there is no future for the evil man; The lamp of the wicked goes out. Fear the Lord, my son, and the king, And do not mix with dissenters, For disaster comes from them suddenly; The doom both decree who can foreknow? These also are by the sages: It is not right to be partial in judgment. He who says to the guilty, “You are innocent,” Shall be cursed by peoples, Wicked man! Do not lurk by the home of the righteous man; Do no violence to his dwelling. Seven times the righteous man falls and gets up, While the wicked are tripped by one misfortune. If your enemy falls, do not exult; If he trips, let your heart not rejoice, Lest the Lord see it and be displeased, And avert His wrath from him. Do not be vexed by evildoers; Do not be incensed by the wicked; For there is no future for the evil man; The lamp of the wicked goes out. Fear the Lord, my son, and the king, And do not mix with dissenters, For disaster comes from them suddenly; The doom both decree who can foreknow? These also are by the sages: It is not right to be partial in judgment. He who says to the guilty, “You are innocent,” Shall be cursed by peoples,” (Proverbs 24:15-26).

  178. Olive oil is good for sechel, some use havdalah wine, and grapefruit for B.P.
    I am loud because I inherited Jeremy's bulhorn since he was put out of business by R' Reuven, but not screaming. Divrei chachomim benachas nishmoim.

  179. Toain Rabbani - JerseyFebruary 11, 2016 at 8:18 AM

    What? you haven't seen the document that Rav Chaim K. signed on - it's been posted here on this blog many times...from more than 2 months ago. The document is a scathing attack on the terrible scandal in general and against RSK & family in particular. Rav Nissim Karelitz and his BD all signed as well, R' Y. Zilberstein and many others as well... If I could describe for you the pain and anger that all these Gedolim [badat"z etc..] expressed when signing and Rav Chaim's anguish in particular [I was there] you'd have no time or feeling to blog and shmooz, rather you'd be trembling and perhaps shedding tears...

  180. Nu, so what has Rav Dovid shlita decreed after the meeting?

  181. Everyone knows what happened by now. Please stop pouring gasoline on the already red hot flames and please do not inflame the situation making it even hotter. Thank you. Find another hobby.

  182. Yes. Mr. Moe Ginsburg, you and "dis-honesty" have given so many un-Semichas by now, it's not even funny any more!

  183. Amazing how you are able to keep up to date with all the finer points of a case that has zero to do with you, and have fun thinking you are "shlogging op" innocent people, but you conveniently have selective amnesia and "know nothing" of the R Shlomo Carelbach (Mashgiach Ruchani) case that is closer to your own home base!

  184. Funny, one would think you really respect this blog, when all you are here for is to destroy it, the way the FM blog has now been destroyed by being bought out by Rechnitz & Fruchthandler. Finally the CB people have decided they know how to destroy blogs by becoming Trojan Horses! If wouldn't know, I would say that it;s like a "Putin" was at work here shutting down the critics in the media by hook or by crook, while painting himself as a friend of the Jews!

  185. Yes, it's a real "meis mitzva" or "mitzva she'meisa" or "mitzva haba'a be'aveira" take your pick!

  186. Are you insinuating there were two beatings?

    EG testified he paid forthat service ($60,,000 is not a divorce settlement, and ME is not a negotiator when there are lawyers involved.

  187. וכן הוא אומר גרש לץ ויצא מדון וישבות דין וקלון

  188. You are misrepresenting what it says on that document. Please cite the word that contain a scathing attack on RSK & family.
    In addition, the question above was whether or not Philly Woman had heard what R' Chaim Kanievsky said about the matter. In truth, he has not "said" anything. He merely signed on a pashkevil written by someone else.

  189. I'm all for giving respect, but I have to agree with Moe Ginsburg here. These toanim look like rabbis but they are worse gangsters than the Bloods and Crips. The thug ganef shtick dreck mit oigen Shmiel F looks like a holy rebbe, do we need to call him Moirahyni too?

  190. Olive oil is good for memory,
    Women don't drink from havdala wine, so wouldnt know...
    What's bp?
    Alright, just watch your health...

  191. veHevei zahir begachlasan!

  192. פסק דין
    אם אכן נכונים הדברים כפי שקיבלו הרבנים, יש מקום להתיר, אבל לנו לא היה האפשריות לברר הדברים, לכן א"א לנו להביע דעה בענין זה
    ד. פ. ה. ד


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