Tuesday, June 23, 2020

The unpleasant details of how Tamar Epstein deliberately destroyed her marriage with the encouragement of the Kaminetskys

The terrible travesty of justice in this case is not just that Tamar decided to have custody litigated in court instead of in Beis Din – although this decision by itself is extremely troubling and contrary to halacha. The terrible travesty in this case is that the destruction of a family with a young child could have been avoided. And even if divorce was going to occur, it could have been settled amicably and quietly. 

Instead of pursuing either of these two outcomes, the Kamenetskys encouraged the Epstein family to engage in no-holds barred warfare against Aharon, the Baltimore Beis Din, and even the very notion of halacha, and a Jewish community. This has included kidnapping the parties’ child and then getting that kidnapping to be treated as a fait accompli by violating several agreements between the parties, tricking Aharon into canceling a pendete lite civil court trial in which it was likely that the child would be returned in order to bring the case to Beis Din, committing perjury in court and the Baltimore Beis Din, violating the Baltimore Beis Din’s orders regarding dismissing the civil court case, and then successfully arguing in civil court that Aharon couldn’t contest the kidnapping because he had voluntarily cancelled the pendete lite trial to bring the case to Beis Din. 

There is no low to which this campaign would not stoop or any level of crime in which they would not engage, including a vicious Tisha Ba’av assault (in which Cheryl Epstein [Tamar’s mother] signaled her henchmen to attack by telling the child to give Aharon a kiss) that endangered the life of the child, Federal capital crimes, and a capital crime under halacha.

The following is an overview of what occurred prior the case being brought to the Baltimore Beis Din:

Tamar and Aharon were married in April 2006, and resided in Silver Spring. They were blessed with a child, C, in November 2007.

In March 2008, on Aharon’s birthday, Tamar told Aharon she was divorcing him. Tamar told Aharon she wanted to relocate C to Pennsylvania (PA). Aharon objected. Tamar told Aharon that if he didn’t move out of their apartment, she would take C to PA. Aharon told Tamar that she may not relocate C to PA. Aharon moved out of the apartment.

On April 10, 2008, Tamar unilaterally relocated C from Silver Spring to PA. When Aharon arrived in the parties’ apartment on April 10 to see C and she was not there, he phoned Tamar. Tamar said that she had taken C to PA, and if Aharon didn't like it, Aharon should call her lawyer. Tamar did not ask a Court or Beis Din [Rabbinical Court] to rule that she could relocate C. Instead, Tamar likely acted upon legal advice to take C and establish residency in PA, and then delay adjudication for as long as possible so that the relocation would be a fait accompli.

It is not generally a criminal offense for one parent to unilaterally relocate a child. However, such action is regarded extremely negatively by the law and the courts. The unilateral relocation of a child by one parent is “reprehensible” and the law in virtually every state is meant to “ensure[] that abducting parents will not receive an advantage for their unjustifiable conduct” – including a “parent who abducts the child pre-decree.” Comment to Section 208 of the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction & Enforcement Act [codified by nearly every State, including MD and PA].

Tamar’s family immediately started spreading false rumors about Aharon, in order to justify Tamar’s unjustifiable behavior, including criticizing his parenting. This effort was led in Silver Spring by Tamar’s sister and brother-in-law, Yael and Rabbi Ranan Cortell, who are long-time residents of Silver Spring. Yael is an extremely popular teacher in a local Jewish high school. Rabbi Cortell was a top talmid in Silver Spring’s yeshiva, and remains very close to many of the rabbis in the Washington area. They have engaged in an extremely nasty campaign to isolate Aharon. This campaign has included pressuring families in Silver Spring and elsewhere not to let their children play with C during periods that C is with Aharon.

Tamar claimed that she would consider reconciliation, which Aharon wanted - but only if Aharon allowed her to temporarily keep C in PA. Aharon later agreed to temporarily let Tamar keep C in PA after several rabbis, including Rabbi Sholom Kamenetsky, promised they would work to foster reconciliation and urged him to agree to this arrangement– despite Aharon’s lawyer warning that this was likely a trick to keep C in PA permanently.

On May 5, the parties signed an agreement, titled Separation for Purposes of Fostering Reconciliation, providing that Aharon would let Tamar keep C in PA for two months, but only because she made that a precondition for considering reconciliation. The agreement provided that this arrangement would not affect jurisdiction or be detrimental to Aharon with regard to child custody.

During those two months, Tamar refused to as much as attend marital counseling with Aharon. After the two months were over, Tamar informed Aharon on the phone that their marriage was over. Tamar refused Aharon’s repeated requests to bring C back. Tamar said that for several years, she would, at most, generally only allow C to see Aharon on Sundays during the daytime.

Under halacha [Jewish Law], custody matters are supposed to be adjudicated in Beis Din [Rabbinical Court]. But any specific Beis Din generally only has jurisdiction if both parties agree. The matter was extremely time-sensitive. Tamar was allowing C to spend very little time with Aharon. Tamar’s continuing to hold C in PA would transfer jurisdiction over the matter to PA, unless the case was filed in MD court. In addition, Tamar’s continuing to hold C in PA would be extremely prejudicial in any eventual adjudication, no matter what the forum. Tamar refused to negotiate or mediate. Tamar also refused to see a rabbi together with Aharon to find a way to resolve custody issues according to halacha. Aharon certainly had as much legal right to physically seize C and bring her back to MD, as Tamar did to physically seize C and relocate C to PA. But Aharon did not do so. Aharon received a psak [Jewish Law ruling] to bring an emergency child custody motion in Court, but only on the condition that after the emergency motion Aharon would bring the matter to Beis Din for the case to be decided, before any further proceedings in Court. Aharon brought an emergency custody motion in late July 2008, at which point Tamar had not allowed C to spend any time with Aharon on Shabbos [the Jewish Sabbath] or Yom Tov [Jewish Holidays] for almost three months.

The emergency custody hearing was held on August 1, 2008. Tamar violated the parties’ Reconciliation Agreement by arguing that the Maryland courts did not have jurisdiction. Tamar also violated the Reconciliation Agreement by extensively arguing that the custody arrangement during the time covered by the Agreement should be prejudicial. Tamar falsely claimed that she had taken C to PA with Aharon’s consent. The Court recognized Tamar was depriving Aharon of “meaningful access” to C but said that the matter was not an emergency because “the kid's not in any danger” and “nobody's bleeding.”

The Court said that the emergency hearing was not a trial on the merits and that the custody order after a trial would be different than the custody order at the emergency hearing. The Court ruled – perhaps because Tamar had convinced the Court that “Well, they agreed that she would leave” – C would remain in PA in the interim, with C to be with Aharon every other weekend. The Order was to be temporary; for example, it did not address holidays in any way.

The Court indicated that at trial (the pendete lite trial was subsequently scheduled for October 6, 2008) there was a good chance that C would be returned to Silver Spring. In addition, the Court said that if Tamar had unilaterally taken C, the Court would look upon that badly. Even Tamar’s lawyer, after falsely claiming that Tamar had not unilaterally taken C (“This [taking C unilaterally] was not something that was done”), acknowledged: “as you said, the Court would look badly on this if she just packed up and left.”

Tamar filed suit in MD court for limited divorce. Aharon opposed Tamar’s claim for divorce.

In September 2008, the parties signed an agreement to cancel the October trial and bring the matter to the Baltimore Beis Din (if the parties could not reach a settlement through mediation), and providing that custody arrangements before any litigation would not be prejudicial.

Aharon agreed to cancel the October 2008 trial only because that was required by the psak and Aharon wanted to follow halacha. Aharon followed the psak to cancel the trial even though it was to his own severe disadvantage as: (1) Aharon had every reason to believe that the Court would have ruled in Aharon’s favor at the October 2008 trial; and (2) even if Aharon prevailed in Beis Din (or the Beis Din would not decide custody – as turned out to be the case), he would be at risk that the Court would ultimately decide the issue at a later date (the Court may not show deference to a Beis Din decision in custody cases, even if the parties have agreed to binding arbitration), and Aharon would be severely prejudiced in such a later proceeding by the fact that C would have been in PA for a much longer period.

Tamar rejected as a basis for negotiation the mediator’s proposal that C mostly live in PA, and be with Aharon about one-third of the time; equally split marital property; and a get given and accepted. Tamar ended mediation.


  1. Interestingly, the Yaskil Avdi (5:68:4) paskens that, even in the event of a dispute before divorce, the daughter belongs with the wife when she leaves the marital home:

    אשר לטענת הבעל, כי כל זמן שהבנות נמצאות עם האשה בבית הוריה, לא מגיע להם מזונות, הרי הלכה פסוקה הבת אצל אמה לעולם, ואף דדין זה נאמר בגרושה, הרי מתשובת הרא"ש כלל פב סי' ב מבואר במפורש דגם ביש קטטה בינו ובין אשתו הדין אינו משתנה, דנידונו שם הוא בקטטה, ונשאל על בן שהוא פחות משש ורוצה האב שיהיה אצלו והשיב שהדין עם האב, דאע"ג דאמרינן בכתובות הבת אצל האם, הני מילי בת, אבל בן שחייב ללמדו תורה ולחנכו למצוות צריך שיהיה אצל אביו. הרי דאפילו על מקרה של קטטה כתב "הני מילי בת", ומזה מבואר דהדבר פשוט אצלו דזה שאמרו הבת אצל האם, הוא באופן מוחלט באין חילוק בין מקרה למקרה.

  2. The terrible travesty of justice in this article is how ridiculously one sided it is.

  3. And if it were a boy would you be singing a different tune?

  4. Did the beis din not rule on custody because Tamar abandoned beis din or because the beis din didn't want time on custody?

  5. I'm sure there's no objection to you writing a guest post. Simply stating that is one sided isn't enough.

  6. הרי הלכה פסוקה הבת אצל אמה לעולם,

    You probably did not see the Rama. So, kindly, do realize that your quote is wrong as we do not pasken this way. Add all the other serious Torah violations and you have nice smorgasbord of all types of sins.

  7. Why did AF agree to PA jurisdiction? He should have insisted on MD jurisdiction. (Probably cause his PA lawyer wanted to keep his potential for large fees, seeing that TF was willing to blow big money on legal fees.)

    Any agreement should be countersigned by a PA judge, to ensure enforceability (not that thatwill really help much.)

  8. Why hasn't there been arrests for the physical assault and attempted kidnapping of Aharon by Mendel Epstein's henchmen hired by Tamar Epstein and her family?

  9. I dont see how this has to do with how she ruined her marriage, it just shows how with help of good advisers she out smarted him at every point. what runed the marriage was probably plain old sholam bayis issues in today's world that becomes mental issues and mental disorders v

  10. It is true, David, that readers here would love to read an informed defense of the heter or Tamar because the conclusions drawn from this episode areally disturbing regarding honesty and rabbinic leadership.

  11. I dont see how this has to do with how she ruined her marriage, it just shows how with help of good advisers she out smarted him at every point.

    Lying, deception, violating halacha, hurting your child etc. is all acceptable? Is all fair in love and war? Did you just change your handle from Goldy?

  12. The respective legal terms are "physical custody" and "legal custody".

  13. Forgive me, but are you seriously this obtuse?

    Don't you realize that this scenario plays out too often in religious circles? If you can term such רשעות 'outsmarting' one's soon-to-be ex-spouse, then your moral compass needs some serious recalibrating.

    Add in the fact that some rabbinical figures are now implicated in her disgusting attempts to deprive the father from seeing his child ... and we are now witness to the utter corruption that exists in certain individual rabbis.

    The downfall of these corrupt 'rabbis' can't come fast enough. May we witness it as a step towards being מטהר our מחנה.

  14. And he is the bad guy because?

  15. That is simply a quote from the Yaskil Avdi! Apparently he didn't know what you know.

  16. And I'm not really singing much of a tune here. I have no allegiance to either side or much interest in one nasty divorce more than another (the fake heter is another issue, with more global ramifications). I just thought that quote was interesting and potentially relevant.

  17. Yeah, really smart advisors. Brilliant.
    They really helped her out here. Be sure you call for advice when you need help...they'll mess up your life like they messed up hers.
    They should open up a consulting agency. I have the perfect name: Skam Enterprises

  18. Uh-Oh, sounds like the Kaminetskys et al resorted to strong arm tactics of the Mafia at work:

  19. Please see שו"ע אה"ע סימן פ"ב סעיף ז

    הגה: ודוקא שנראה לבית דין שטוב לבת להיות עם אמה, אבל אם נראה להם שטוב לה יותר לישב עם בית אביה, אין האם יכולה לכף שתהיה עמה

    It becomes obvious that we need a true Beis Din to decide custodial matters. It is possible that a Sephardi Rav would disagree, but Ashkenazim (Like Friedman and Epsetein) must follow the psak of the the Rama.

    The Yaskil Avdi was a Sephardic Posseik (who is not accepted as the Sephardic poseik hador according to anyone.).https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ovadia_Hedaya

  20. This Duvi - formerly "Goldy" - has made his appearance here defending Mendel Epstein and RSK.

    To some people, this horrendous behavior is what to be "proud" of.

  21. Does the Yaskil Avdi also allow women to sue their husbands in archaos? Doesn't this Yaskil Avdi you cited seem to say that a son belongs with a father?

    So here's how a true "Orthodox" feminist does their halachic voodoo:

    When the mother grabs custody of her daughter in archaos: cite the Yaskil Avdi that allows the mother custody of the daughter, while ignoring any Yaskil Avdi that forbids use of archaos.

    When the mother grabs custody of her son in archaos: claim the mother's actions are perfectly allowable under dinah d'malchusah dinah, while ignoring the Yaskil Avdi that allows the father custody of the son, while ignoring any Yaskil Avdi that forbids use of archaos.

  22. Parnassah and kovod are important. Of course psychiatrists and psychologists who have no other way of earning a living will not criticize the role of their own colleagues in this debacle. Psychiatrists and psychologists have a vested interest in protecting their source of income and social status and therefore will be reluctant to acknowledge the role of their disciplines in distorting legal and ethical processes.

  23. I'm not sure it's a stira to the Rema, according to the Beis Shmuel:

    היינו הבת א"י לכוף אם אינה רוצה להיות אצל האם אבל אם הבת שותק' ולא איכפת לה אף שלב"ד נראה שטוב לה אצל בית אביה מ"מ יש להתיישב בדבר למעשה אם לעקור מ"ש חז"ל הבת אצל האם ח"מ:

    I wonder whether the psak din rabbani I linked to concerned sefardim.

    And there are also other relevant factors , such as the point Rav Izrir raised in the teshuva I linked to earlier.

    Where did I mention anything about not needing a beis din?

  24. I think what Duvi means to say is that whatever destroyed the marriage happened before the couple separated. The events in the post, whatever one thinks of them, are describing how the breakup of the marriage was dealt with.

  25. We are discussing visitation, not (just) custody.

  26. I was using my wife's account but than realized someone might actually think I'm a woman so we changed the handle,

  27. About ME he helped in his career some real pitiful real agunos for free and made the ones with money pay for all of them, although his actions they way the feds and media presented them seems very evil with this gangsta type persona , there is a lot of good he has done ieyn kan mokom leharich.

  28. I'm not sure which phantom you're arguing with but it certainly isn't me. Yes, he does say that the son belongs with the father; see my response to Moe Ginsburg earlier.

  29. There's a nice analysis of the Rema's shita in the following psak din rabbani (one which forbade a mother to leave the country with her daughter):

    אם נעיין בתשובת המהר"ם פדוואה נראה כי המקרה עליו דן המהר"ם פדוואה בתשובה הנ"ל היה בדין ודברים שבין האם לבין האח של אותה הבת. השאלה שעמדה לדיון הייתה האם להשאירה בחזקת האם או ליתן לאח לגדלה. השיקול שהועלה היה כי תנאי הגידול של הבת יהיו טובים הרבה יותר עבור הבת אצל האח משום שהוא היה עשיר לעומת מצבה הכלכלי של האם שלא היה מאפשר רמת חיים כזו. ועל כך התבטא המהר"ם פדוואה בתשובתו: "ומן הנכון שעולות עימה ואין יורדות עימה" (דהיינו הבנות אצל האם). דהיינו, יש בפנינו פסיקה כי טובת הבת בלבד היא המכריעה את שאלת מקום המשמורת של הבת כאשר נראה לנו שבמקום אחר יהיה לבת טוב יותר. כל זאת כאשר למול האם לא ניצב האב אלא האח של הבת. כל זה לא הביא הרמ"א, לבד אותה הגדרה כללית למהות משמורת הבת, אך במקום הסיום של דברי המהר"ם פדוואה עצמו שכתב: "אם נראה לבתי דינין שטובת היתומה הוא בהפך להיות אצל אחיה פשיטא שיכולין להפך הקערה לטובתה", כתב הרמ"א: "אבל אם נראה להם שטוב לה יותר לישב עם בית אביה אין האם יכולה לכוף שתהיה עמה".

    מה כיוון הרמ"א בדבריו אלו "אין האם יכולה לכוף שתהיה עמה", את מי?
    נראה, כי דיוק זה הוקשה ועמד בפני הח"מ והבית שמואל. וזה לשון הח"מ שם בסי' פב ס"ק י' אחר שהביא את דברי המהר"ם פדוואה והסביר כי לא החליט המהר"ם פדוואה למעשה:
    "ולפי"ז מ"ש כאן הרב אין האם יכולה לכוף היינו את הבת אינה יכולה לכוף, אבל אם אינה רוצה להיות אצל האם,אבל אם הבת שותקת ולא איכפת לה אף שלבי"ד נראה שטוב לה אצל בית אביה מ"מ יש להתיישב בדבר למעשה אם לעקור מה שאמרו חכמים הבת אצל האם בשביל אומדנה של הבי"ד".
    והב"ש אף הוא בס"ק י' הביא את דברי הח"מ כלשונם, ומזה נראה שהסכים עמו להלכה.

    והנה לפי"ז בכל מקרה המגיע לפני בית הדין שבו האם רוצה לעקור דירתה ממקום מגורי האב בו הייתה גרה עד עתה לעיר אחרת, על פי הנ"ל יהא הדבר תלוי במחלוקת הפוסקים. והיות ולא הוכרעה מחלוקת זו, ובעקבות דעתם של הח"מ והב"ש שיש מקום לחשוש לדעת המהריב"ל ולא לפעול כנגד התקנה שתקנו שהבת אצל אימה, הרי שבפני ביה"ד מונחת בעיה שאין בידיו לפסוק לכאן או לכאן. דהינו האם להוציא את הבת מהאם ולהעבירה לאב או להשאירה בידי האם כולל מעבר למקום אחר. וביה"ד לא ייזקק למנוע מן האם לקחת את ביתה למקום שהיא רוצה לגור בו.

    והנה מלבד זאת שדעת המהריב"ל לחלוק על המהרשד"ם וכבר הבאנו שלהלכה יש לחוש לדעתו, הרי שגם עצם שיטת המהרשד"ם לפיה אין האם יכולה לקחת הבת עימה למקום רחוק, גם היא אינה בכל מקרה ומקום. שתי הגבלות בשיטת המהרשד"ם המצמצמות את שיטתו וגם יש בה להראות כי אין זה כלל ברזל שאין לאם לקחת את ביתה עימה הכנה"ג בהגהות הטור ס"ק לב:

    א. כל דינו של המהרשד"ם נאמר רק במקרה "שחוב הוא לבת לצאת מעיר שהיא שם ללכת עם אימה לעיר אחרת" אבל אם אין חוב לבת אם תלך עם אימה, אפילו הרשד"ם מודה שיכולה להוליך הבת עימה.
    ב. כל דברי המהרשד"ם נאמרו רק לכתחילה, אבל אם כבר הוליכה האם את הבת עימה לעיר אחרת, אפילו הרשד"ם מודה שאין מחזירין אותה לעירה.
    והנה על פי תפיסה זו בשיטת המהרשד"ם עולה כי מה שכתב המהרשד"ם בדברי ההסבר לשיטתו כי "זה לא עלה על הדעת שתוכל האם להרחיקה מעיניהם" דהיינו שמשמע מזה כי לא יעלה על הדעת ליצור ניתוק מהאב ו/או מהאחים, רואים אנו כי למרות לשון חריפה זו אין דבר זה בבחינת "כלל ברזל" אלא שפיר יש מקום למציאות זו של ניתוק הבת מהאב ע"י שהאם לוקחת אותה עימה לעיר אחרת, לפי האמור בכנה"ג הרי כל אימת שאין בכך חוב לבת שוב לא מהווה השיקול של פגיעה בזכיות האב והניתוק ממנו כל משקל בכך. כלומר אין הסברא של מניעת ניתוק מהאב בבחינת "ולא יעבור", גם לדעת המהרשד"ם.

  30. I wonder if my earlier citation of Rav Izrir's view is relevant in that context. I am not familiar with all the details of this case, so I am not making a claim in either direction.

  31. The marriage could possibly have been saved without the deliberate sabatoge

  32. Well then, he now has approximately 10 years (that's 120 months in fed speak) to bask in the glory of his good deeds. Such tzidkus! מי כמוך ישראל!

  33. You don't show that in this hit piece so maybe change the heading to how to out smart your hubby you want to dump and keep the kid away from him.

  34. Politically IncorrectJanuary 25, 2016 at 12:26 AM

    Yeah, like taking $10,000$$$....to"pasken" that the nonexistent husband was obligated to give a get, then on top of that, another $60,000$$$$$$$$...........to again, "pasken" to have him beaten up.....without hearing him out? (What do you expect, he was/is and will forever be nonexistent) I read this and heard it on tape in court....

  35. You call this "outsmarting?" Painting yourself into a corner so that you have no get, a new husband, and are branded with a scarlet A?

  36. Didn't the marriage counselor they both agreed to, say this marriage can be saved?

  37. Marriage counselors often do more harm than good.

  38. Aside from the fact that you don't know which came first (which RDE already alluded to you in response), the bigger concern is that there exist a class of rabbinical figures who think they're giving sage advice to these forlorn women.

    TE likely could not possibly have conjured up on her own the mess she created here. She undoubtedly had help from these friends of the family.

    If this is what passes for Gadlus, then many of us believe such 'gedolim' belong in permanent retirement, far away from any community where they can cause additional damage.

  39. Well, maybe yes, maybe no; anyone who said for sure would be speculating. But it surely was not in great shape by the time she said she wanted a divorce.

  40. About ME he helped in his career some real pitiful real agunos

    As has become clear to all from this whole fiasco, any "beis din" that ruled without
    1) Jurisdiction and
    2) Both parties were not heard together, al pi halacha

    is a worthles beis din who is destroying the din. In fact, as can be seen from this case, the woman was not an agunah. How many of Mendel's supposed "agunot" were never agunot?! How many were the aggressor's themselves?!

  41. Completely irrelevant.

  42. The "psak rabbani" is completely irrelevant for many reasons. As is the Beis Shmuel. TF had no right to move her daughter without permission from a true Beis Din.

  43. Whether or not she had permission, it is not at all clear that Aharon is entitled to demand that she moves back.

  44. Not sure what you mean by entitled? If he has something that she wants is that called entitled?

  45. Maybe, but at least here you hav some sort of somewhat objective opinion.

    (Possibility the marriage counselor was the 'rofeh mumche', though i doubt it. Besides being unethical, its not done. Anyway, i think there never was a 'rofeh mumche'. Though RSK might be looking for one now, with a backdated opinion.)

  46. The Yaskil Avdi was not encouraging people to avoid beis din, and neither was I.

  47. I mean whether or not beis din will pasken that she must return. To quote the psak I cited above:

    וביה"ד לא ייזקק למנוע מן האם לקחת את ביתה למקום שהיא רוצה לגור בו.


    כל דברי המהרשד"ם נאמרו רק לכתחילה, אבל אם כבר הוליכה האם את הבת עימה לעיר אחרת, אפילו הרשד"ם מודה שאין מחזירין אותה לעירה.

  48. Whether or not she had permission, it is not at all clear that Aharon is entitled to demand that she moves back.

    Until Beis Din rules what is best for the child - according to the Rama? Where did you come up with that one?

  49. She's not entitled to a Get.

  50. Where did I say anything about a get?

  51. See the psak din you mistakenly dismissed as "irrelevant".

  52. Nowhere. I'm just adding a related point. Suppose you're correct that Aharon might not be entitled to demand that she moves back. On the same token, Tamar might not be entitled to receive a Get. So if Tamar wants a Get, she might have to compromise on moving their child to Aharon's town.

    Otherwise just as she exercises her right to decline moving with the child near Aharon, he'll exercises his right to decline to give her a Get until she agrees on the location issue.

  53. The Yaskil Avdi

    We've already established that the Yaskil Avdi's psak is irrelevant for Ashkenazim such as Friedman and Epstein. Please, a tiny bit of intellectual honesty.

  54. There is nothing to see. It is irrelevant. If you have a direct quote from a recognized posseik, please bring it. Otherwise stop with the nonsense.

  55. Again, his point regarding קטטה is orthogonal to the teshuva of the Maharam Padua.

  56. Again, his point regarding קטטה is orthogonal to the teshuva of the Maharam Padua.

    What in the world are you talking about? The Yaskil Avdi is going according to the SHitas hamechaber and the Rosh - which is the opposite of the Rama's shitah. Period.

  57. Politically IncorrectJanuary 26, 2016 at 1:34 PM

    .......and if he would have gotten a heter me'ah rabbonim at the outset, he would have immediately been able to say "here's your get, just follow the directives (his parenting time and the rest of the provisions) take it or leave it. ........without the need for our 'give and take' on this blog, nor so much time devoted to his case.....

  58. The scum of the earth, will be nidon betsoah rotachat, and not in absentia. Good Riddens, "so now he knows"

  59. They probably are already sitting in the can, or standing. It takes a special breed to beat up a YID, probably from descendants of the "MITSRI" that hit the husband of shulamit ...mmm... not aloni,,,, no... rather shlomit bat divri. The etrog's name was Shaul ben HaKnanis. These feminist rabiners are all complicit to these baseball bat bludgeonings. They should all be demonstrated against, short of utilizing their own psak ka'asher zomam la'asos. Achzor kaYeinim bamidbar, referring to the Bas haYa'ano. You might ask the same about the Psak of inciting harm and death threats against another person through religious fathwa's. If I remember correctly, when they got caught in the "sting operation" of beating up ham sandwiches from Argentina in absentia signing seiruv's or chiyuv get. They served by singing a song in the rabiners choir in the "STING CASE".

  60. “There is no low to which this campaign would not stoop or any level of crime in which they would not engage, including a vicious Tisha Ba’av assault (in which Cheryl Epstein [Tamar’s mother] signaled her henchmen to attack by telling the child to give Aharon a kiss) that endangered the life of the child, Federal capital crimes, and a capital crime under halacha.”

    The parallel to my case with Susan is that Susan was a rebellious wife and created a fake deserted wife, arguing everywhere the lie that her husband, me, is a deadbeat dad who upped and ran away from her. Tamar is a rebellious wife and argued everywhere lies lies lies. I hope NYS Court of Appeals motion # 2016-125 make the truth come out that Susan was a rebellious wife and liar.

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