Sunday, November 29, 2015

Rav Nota Greenblatt: Problem of relying on others for the facts that determine psak

Dear Rabbi Eidensohn,

There is a tragic situation I have been trying to do something about for several years. Perhaps your recent endeavors can help.

In January 2014 I spoke to Rabbi N. Greenblatt of Memphis, TN who confirmed the Halachos of Orech Chaim, siman 366  require that if anyone is prevented from access from the food component of the community eruv, the eruv is invalid. There are several people in Las Vegas that the Young Israel does not allow on the property, most notably a widow (! It appears that Rabbi Greenblatt's son Rabbi Yaakov Greenblatt, who participated in construction of the eruv, was not informed of the situation in the area the eruv was to encompass. 

When I called Rabbi Greenblatt in Memphis it was very clear he knows the Halacha of eruv that the Kollel failed to fulfill. He said he was going to check into it. When I called him back he said that he had been assured by the "Bnei Torah of the Kollel" that everything is all right. He didn't know about the widow, he didn't know what happened to Rabbi Peltz ( and he has no idea how Rabbi Edgar Gross, z'tl was threatened if he dare try to enter the shul (
Rabbi Greenblatt simply put his trust with "the Kollel", a kollel that disregarded a seruv on the excommunicated leader of the shul, that everything is all right so to him the eruv erected by his son is ok.

Any way you can help with this situation would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.

Asher Kaufman

Fax number, 763-322-2342

If anyone wants to speak with me they can either email or fax their number to me and I will call them back.


  1. a kollel that disregarded a seruv

    A siruv from who??

    This site has already covered bogus and worthless siruvim. Please clarify as to who values this siruv and who does not.

    Rabbi Chaim Kraus? (Has he earned a reputation of squareness?)
    Rabbi Aryeh Ralbag? (Of the bogos siruvim in the torture cases.)
    Rabbi Yaakov Goldstein? (Of the worthless gittin in the torture cases.)
    Rabbi Belsky? (Of the infamous letter in defense of Rabbi DW .)
    I don't recognize the other names. Can anyone clarify who does respect this siruv?

  2. Obviously National Council Council of Young Israel values the siruv because they first found it necessary to get it removed but then after Mr. Wyne reneged on dropping the trespassing charges, they FORGED a "removal" of the reinstated siruv by adding dates to (33rd of Ellul?!) to the original removal. ( ).

  3. Besides, it is a matter of public record that the Young Israel Aish of Las Vegas filed trespassing charges against a widow causing her severe anguish (which of itself is very clearly an aveirah d'oraisa) and that they physically throw out people their leader hates. So even if there was no siruv, the eruv there is pasul for the reasons stated in the Shulchan Aruch Orech Chaim, sections 366:5, 385 and 394:3. Rabbi Greenblatt agreed this is so. But then he was falsely told there were no problems. Rabbi Greenblatt is obviously a man who sees good in people but there are those who take advantage of his naivete.

  4. Is the silver springs eruv kosher if they don't allow AF access to the 'matzot'?

  5. filed trespassing charges against a widow causing her severe anguish

    Do they feel that she came to Shul(!) to be involved in extremely inappropriate behavior? We understand that LV may be termed as Sin City, but that does not require the rabbi to tolerate such behavior. In fact, he has an obligation to prevent more nevala from happening - even if he knows that some bullies will go after him.

  6. The Bais Din stated unequivocally the so-called RABBI slandered the widow by falsely accusing her of inappropriate behavior. In fact it is the so-called RABBI there at the Young Israel who has made many inappropriate remarks to and around women! Mr. YITZ sWYNE IS THE BULLY THERE! Look at what he did to Reb Peltz and rabbi Gross! So why do you try to twist things around? Who do you think you are? Jeremy Stern?

  7. That's a good question.

  8. The question always is, why was a real Beis Din not used?

    More so, your unsupported statement does not speak well of you:In fact it is the so-called RABBI there at the Young Israel who has made many inappropriate remarks to and around women!

    Are you better than a single witness reporting this to a legitimate Beis DIn? A single witness would get beaten.

    Who do you think you are? Jeremy Stern?

    Nothing like some good old projection!

  9. >>The question always is, why was a real Beis Din not used?

    How was this not a "real" Bais Din?

    >> More so, your unsupported statement does not speak well of you:In fact it is the so-called RABBI there at the Young Israel who has made many inappropriate remarks to and around women!

    On the contrary I do have witnesses to those statements. You may call Reb Moshe Peltz, (the Baal Koreh to Rav Avigdor Miller, zt'l) and ask him about the server in Starbucks who complained to several people about the "rabbi's" behavior.

    >> Are you better than a single witness reporting this to a legitimate Beis DIn? A single witness would get beaten.

    Read the seruv issued 11 Tammuz 5765 ( ) The "single witness" was first accepted but when he was found incorrect, the Bais Din rejected his testimony.

    >> Who do you think you are? Jeremy Stern?
    Nothing like some good old projection!

    Well if you're going to be as nonsensical as Jeremy Stern I am entitled to ask the question.

  10. Mr. Honesty,

    Why don't you listen to this radio broadcast by Mr. sWyne and tell me of any legitimate rabbi who agrees with his logic-->


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