Friday, October 30, 2015

An Agunah's Story: Adina Porat

As there are always 2 sides to a dispute, I welcome any comments by Eli Shur - including a guest post - that explain why he hasn't given his wife a Get after 8 years.

In Dayton, Ohio’s Jewish community of approximately 4,000, few beyond the dozen or so Orthodox families here are familiar with the word agunot, let alone its ramifications.

But the issue of agunot — the plight of women in the Orthodox world whose husbands refuse to provide them with a get, a religious bill of divorce — is now squarely focused on this Midwest community. The New York-based Organization for the Resolution of Agunot (ORA) will hold a rally on Sunday, November 8 near the home of Dovid Porat, known locally by the name Eli Shur.

Shur and his wife, Adina Porat, were married in Israel in 1990. According to ORA, in 2007, Shur left his wife and their five children; he moved to the United States a year later. Since then, he has refused to provide his wife with a get. According to halacha (Jewish law), a divorce isn’t final until a husband provides his wife with a get. Without one, an agunah is unable to remarry.

Despite ORA’s private attempts over several years to obtain a get from Shur, he has refused. On October 21, ORA opened the website to announce the rally, along with a video interview of Adina Porat that has gone viral.

ORA anticipates supporters from Orthodox communities in Cincinnati, Cleveland, and Columbus will converge on Kettering, a city just south of Dayton, at 11:30 a.m. on November 8 to publicly ostracize Shur, raise awareness about the case, and to pressure him to sign a get.

“In my life, I’m stuck in a prison,” Adina Porat says in ORA’s video. “I can’t move on, I can’t continue. The kids never had a chance to have a stepfather, a new family, and to continue on with their lives.” [...]

In 2010, Shur arrived in Dayton to serve as ritual director of Beth Jacob Congregation. He had presented himself as a single man with no children. Nearly six months later, volunteers with ORA showed up at one of Shur’s evening classes at the synagogue and urged him to sign a get for his wife. He refused. The congregation fired him when it learned he had falsified his identity.

Despite repeated attempts, Shur declined to be interviewed for this article.

In agunot cases, it’s not unusual for husbands to attempt to extort wives and their families for money or property in exchange for a get. In Adina’s video, she says Shur hasn’t asked for anything.

According to ORA, in 2009, the Israeli Rabbinate ruled that Shur must give his wife a get. [...]

“I also made attempts to reach out to him,” Klayman says. “He did return one of my emails. He had no real context. He said they ruined his life, but he won’t tell you what they did, why they did it, or what he wanted to do to try and resolve it. Just a lot of ranting and cursing me. I made other attempts to reach out to him. He never responded again.”


  1. Do they have children? Who has the dustody of them? Does he need to pay her monthly? How much?

    These are the most basic and relevant questions.

  2. Did you watch the video? if you did, you would know that all these questions have been answered.

  3. fedupwithcorruptrabbisOctober 30, 2015 at 2:51 PM

    DT, we have seen ORA'S many unjustified persecutions of men before. It is my opinion that you should not post anymore ORA ads unless you know that the man is 100% guilty. I say this because you end up giving ORA free publicity in their henious antitorah Loshon Hora campaigns. You assume that if a man remains silent, then he must be guilty. Many men dont want to be sucked in by ORA to air out in public their divorce facts. Additionally many men recognize that in todays feminist leaning society, it appears "cruel and sadisttic" to withold a Get iregardless of what a Bais Din states. Take the Aharon Friedman case, the Baltimore bais Din ruled that he does not have to give a GET, yet ORA couldnt care less and continued their persecution. In short, ORA has no credibility in your eyes or the public. Therefore, by publicizing their ads, you give them the power they want to continue to perpetuate their cruel acts. This is no different than the media who always post news about Boko Haram or Isis displays of beheadings of their captives. This only serves to add more fear to the public as well as to empower their terror organization. You have covered many Aguna cases before and seen the corruption amongst the rabbis and ORA. Do you need to cite anymore proof of their additional corruption?

  4. ORA makes public humiliations of husbands to force a GET. The gedolim in Israel have published a letter that a GET given with humiliation is invalid. This is based on a Rashbo VII:414 and other sources, and is indicated in EH 77 par 2 and 3 in all of the commentaries there including the Gro. Nobody disagrees. Why then do you publicly humiliate a man to give a GET and he can then say it is invalid? Who says it is valid?

  5. the bes din claim financial arrangements wre made.

  6. Have you lost your mind? Someone fllees his country, changes his name, ignores his wife and kids, refuses to give a get for 8 years, and you think he should be supported? What kind of cruel animal are you?
    Its not like he is saying he wants more custodial rights, or he thinks the marriage can be salvaged, or anything like that, he is just being a venomous hurtful horrible person.

  7. “The New York-based Organization
    for the Resolution of Agunot (ORA) will hold a rally on Sunday, November 8 near
    the home of Dovid Porat, known locally by the name Eli Shur.”

    Allow me to quote:

    A passerby who gets embroiled
    in someone else’s quarrel Is like one who seizes a dog by its ears. Like a
    madman scattering deadly firebrands, arrows, Is one who cheats his fellow and
    says, “I was only joking.” For lack of wood a fire goes out, And without a
    querulous man contention is stilled. (Proverbs 26:17-20).

    The Malbim says on Proverbs 26:17:
    “If a dog is walking along quietly and someone seizes it by its ears, he will
    have it barking furiously and biting him. Similarly, if he grows furious about
    some rancorous argument that does not concern him and decides to interfere, he
    will find himself calumniated and even “bitten” verbally.”

    The Malbim says on Proverbs
    26:18-19: “Firebrands burn clothing, ordinary arrows inflict wounds, poisoned
    arrows kill. Similarly, deceit and
    swindle can bring money damage, then physical illness and injury, and ultimately
    psychological injury. Yet the wrongdoer
    may think it all a joke.

    The Malbim says on Proverbs 26:20:
    “The word madon (from the root din law) denotes disputing and
    quarreling that lead to litigation at court.
    This is what develops when a person constantly grumbles and complains
    that he has been wronged. Without such
    audible bitterness, fed by resentment and hate, quarrels between neighbors will
    subside before they ever reach the court---like a fire dying out when it gets no
    wood to sustain it.”

    I watched the video. Obama announced the USA will not get involved
    in foreign fights. We have to do the
    same, with domestic disputes. Outsiders, with good intentions, make matters worse. Especially with a recalcitrant husband who chooses to be
    silent. We don’t know why Eli Shur won’t
    give his wife a get.

  8. I just want to say that I solved the worst Agunah cases in Monsey many years ago when I had more energy, and although everyone was happy at the end, I got sick. But it lasted two weeks and it was surely worth it. When the community organizes properly with rabbonim and askonim they can solve a problem. But when people who have one side of the agenda get involved, it becomes a bitter fight to the finish. Finally they call in ORA and may make invalid Gittin.

  9. Fedup wasn't saying that this man should be supported; he was just saying that you can't judge until you hear both sides.

  10. Um, where did I publicly humiliate anyone?

  11. “But when people who have one side of the agenda get
    involved, it becomes a bitter fight to the finish. Finally they call in ORA and
    may make invalid Gittin.”

    Allow me to speculate to give the husband’s side. The husband is clear of guilt as in: “The man
    shall be clear of guilt; but that woman shall suffer for her guilt.“ (Numbers
    5.31). True the wife has not defiled
    herself but she is not pure as in “But if the woman has not defiled herself and
    is pure, she shall be unharmed and able to retain seed. (Number 5:28). The wife is not pure because she abandoned
    her husband by refusing to live in Dayton, Ohio and instead of joining her
    husband in Dayton Ohio, she demands a get.
    Further, the wife and her supporters, bad-mouth the husband and try to
    inflict injury and money damages on the husband. If the wife remarries without
    a get she would be defiling herself.

  12. Yehoshua,
    I wasn't talking to you. I fill out a comment on the main theme, and if my offering is right after your offering, it doesn't mean I am talking about your offering. Sorry if there is a misunderstanding.

  13. Please learn how to use the comments section. New comments go in the "join the discussion" section immediately following the post, not following the most recent comment. When you click on "reply" to someone else's comment, your words are directed at their's.

  14. Yehoshua,
    Thank you for your guidance!

  15. Did you actually think he was saying you humiliated someone? I don't think so. I think you knew perfectly well that he was addressing the content of the post and not you. So why pretend otherwise?

  16. Interesting theory. Considering that Mrs. Porat lives in Eretz Yisrael, and considering that Mr. Porat does not, even if we were to accept your view of a wife's duties to her husband, it would not apply in a case where one of the parties wishes to live/lives in Eretz Yisrael. That is halacha psuka, from the Mishna through Shulchan Aruch and beyond.

  17. Elli Fischer says: “Interesting theory.
    Considering that Mrs. Porat lives in Eretz Yisrael, and considering that Mr.
    Porat does not, even if we were to accept your view of a wife's duties to her
    husband, it would not apply in a case where one of the parties wishes to live/lives
    in Eretz Yisrael.”

    We hear
    only the woman’s side. I speculate a
    theory where the man is clear of guilt and the woman is not pure. My understanding is that Jewish law and
    general custom and practice is that only the man could insist to live in
    Israel, not the wife. Anyway, the man
    chooses to remain silent. We, outsiders
    who don’t know both sides, should not get involved. I quote Proverbs 26:15 “17A passerby who gets
    embroiled in someone else’s quarrel Is like one who seizes a dog by its ears.”


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