Thursday, October 29, 2015

Agudah Convention: Rav Shmuel Kaminetsky will explain leadership


  1. The agudah convention is an agudah lovefest. All questions at public events will be prescreened, there will be 'shamashim' all around him, no opportunity for questioning.

  2. Now you are just trolling R kaminetsky . Who do you think you are? Your a blogger with your own agenda your no different than uoj and failed messiah!

  3. Slap in the middle of the mizrach vant yet accused of abetting adultery!

  4. You're a troll yourself. Yes, RDE has an agenda. It's one of upholding the Torah, and speaking out against those who seek to make a mockery of Torah values. Real gedolim support his efforts, since he performs an important service to Klal Yisrael.

    If you lump RDE together with עוכרי ישראל, you show that you have no דעת, because the hallmark of דעת is the ability to differentiate between matters: אם אין דעת הבדלה מנין.

    Finally, if you really don't get the difference, then I recommend that you should stay away from this blog, lest your pristine mind become sullied by your own confusion. On second thought, if you know so much about those other blogs, to the point of comparing RDE to them, then you must be a frequent visitor to them, hence your mind isn't so pristine anymore. Hmmmm.

  5. Since your das is so amazing and deep explain to me how this post is "upholding torah" ?

  6. Hi Shmuel Troller. I'll spell it out for you, and others like you. Klal Yisrael, who is committed to Torah Judaism, look to their leaders for guidance in Torah matters.

    If you look to RSK for Torah leadership, then this blog has just provided you with nice information that RSK will be a featured speaker at the Agudah Convention, which you can attend, and glean from him pears of wisdom about Torah leadership. (Have you made reservations yet?)

    As per the Chazon Ish (Kovetz Iggros 2: 133) Klal Yisrael needs to know who their true leaders are. Hence, part of "upholding the Torah" is providing information to the public about people they might need to know about.

    In light of the Epstein Episode, especially the recent
    developments in the case, there are people out there who question the leadership qualities of RSK, and feel that RSK's presence will not enhance the convention. The Agudah is very sensitive about public opinion, and there will be serious feedback about this.

    I add, that "upholding the Torah" includes speaking out against the travesty which is being made of the halachic process. People committed to guarding this integrity are speaking out. Where do you stand on the Epstein issue? Would you allow your child to marry any of her future offspring from AF?

  7. If rsk leadership is in serious question then why are the other rabonim in that picture and all the rabonim in America not questioning him. If your going to say that they are all scared then you are calling into question all of them which dose not leave you with much leadership unless your gedolie yisroel is yourself and rde

  8. Your assumption is simply wrong. He is being seriously questioned by other rabbis in the picture and that will become public in the near future. I have seen the letter and it is not flattering about either Rabbi Greenblatt or the Kaminetskys

  9. When I see a kol korei signed by all the roshei yeshiva in america Denouncing rsk

  10. Then what are you going to do? Apologize?

  11. Thank you RDE for responding instead of me. I'll just repeat my question: Where do you, Shmuel Troller, stand on the Epstein issue? Would you allow your child to marry any of her future offspring from AF?


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