Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Rav Ahron Schecter joins condemnation of takeover attempt of Bnei Brak Seminary Meir


 נמאבק על סמינר מאיר חוצה יבשות: "אנשי מרמה ודמים", כך מכנה הרה"צ רבי ישראל יצחק קלמנוביץ את הגורמים הפוליטיים המנסים להשתלט על סמינר מאיר בבני ברק. גם הגאון ‏רבי אהרן שכטר ראש ישיבת רבינו חיים ברלין, הצטרף למכתב.

לאחר עימות אלים אמש (ד'), בישיבת מורות עם המנהלת הרבנית רחל בורנשטיין-גפן מול בני משפחת המנהל הוותיק הרב שמואל מאיר, הגאון רבי ישראל יצחק קלמנוביץ והגאון ‏רבי אהרן שכטר ראש ישיבת רבינו חיים ברלין שיגרו מכתב חריף בנושא.

"כלימה תכסה פנינו", נאמר במכתב עליו חתום הרב קלמנוביץ, "בראותנו החמס והעוולה אשר נעשה לעין כל ובעזות מצח להשיג גבולו ולרדת לחייו של המחנך היקר שביקרים, רבי שמואל מאיר שליט"א, אשר נודע שמו כאיש אשר רוח בו' המוסר נפשו עשרות בשנים על חינוך בנות ישראל, וידע וטרח ועמל במו ידיו לקונן הסמינר החשוב עד אשר נחשב בסיעתא דשמיא כאחד ממבצרי החינוך הטהור בעירנו ובארץ הקודש כולה.

"ועתה קמו אנשי דמים ומרמה, לחמוס נחלתו ולהתערב ולשלוט בניהול המוסד בענייני החינוך והצוות החינוכי וכאילו באו לעזור לו, ומנצלים את מצב זמני זה שיש איזה חלישות בבריאותו לעשות כנגד רצונו הגמור שהביע כמה וכמה פעמים ולירד לחייו. [...]

למכתב הצטרף גם הגאון רבי אהרן שכטר שכתב: "מה טוב ומה נעים לשמוע קול תרועת שופר של יראת שמים התובע זעקת "די" להריסת כל גדרי הטוב והישר בישראל, בלב שבור, אהרן משה שכטר". 


  1. I have no desire to get into a debate on the subject, but I would just like to point out that there is another side to the story. To those interested in the details, they are available online.

  2. What we are seeing recently is just worsening of a long term movement that pretends that our politics are 'not politics' but instead Daas Torah so 'we' can promote our political agenda in any possible means.

  3. What is the other side of the story?

  4. If you have any basic skill researching things on Google, you can identify the key phrases to search for. DT had another post on the subject, earlier.

  5. The other side of the story is that there has been a systematic effort spearheaded by followers of Rabbis Steinman and Kanievsky to purge all those who follow other gedolim from all leadership positions in the Litvish world. They fired several of the She'eris Yisrael Dayanim, split the yeshiva in Hadera, and many other lower level firings.


  7. That isn't the other side of the story. That is your interpretation of the facts surrounding the story, while conveniently leaving out certain pertinent facts.

  8. I think that you understate the situation. Followers of Etz are being discriminated against in many ways and definitely not just in matters of hanhaga.

    Not sure if there is another side to the story but the other side does have a story. For them the very fact that the Hanhaga of Rabbi Steinman is at stake means that everything can be and should be done to weaken the other side. The fact that this is an educational institution which must be kept out of politics does no mean much to them.

  9. Please clarify: Do you mean to say that the split in the litvish world has nothing to do with this? That there are additional factors? What "pertinent facts" am I leaving out?

  10. "IsraelReader" apparently has no answers. Only an invitation to google.

  11. There is an inquisition going on. A witch hunt. People and families are being destroyed. Awful things have been done. It is terrible to behold.

  12. There's an old Jewish expression, "a robbed Cossack". It
    describes a Cossack who not only causes havoc, murders, rapes and plunders, but also accuses
    his victims of robbing him. The perpetrator pretends to be the victim, the robber pretends to
    be robbed.

    The part of the story conveniently left out, is that the the school isn't owned by Rabbi Meir, nor was he the founder of the school.

    The Bnei Brak municipality, who owns the school, appointed Rebbetzin Bornstein to as acting principal, now that Rabbi Meir is incapacitated due to a strike r"l. [Rabbi Meir was allowed to retain the titular post of school president].

    A formal letter of appointment to the Ministry of Education to this effect.

    As owner, the municipality of Bnei Brak maintains that it municipality has the sole say as to who should run the school, and views any unauthorized appointments in the school as invalid and illegal.

    At best, anyone with any claims to the position, can file their claim in beis din, in a classic Choshen Mishpat dispute.

  13. None of this addresses the fact that the appointment is being made at the behest of one side of the battlers in the Litvishe camp. And that it's purpose is to remove control of the institution from people who give allegiance to the other side. [Although who knows what "allegiance" means to these conspiracy-minded people. The smallest thing can be reason to destroy people's parnassah.] The municipality is simply the means employed to achieve this end.

  14. The letter released did not say that the woman was being appointed by the municipality of Benei Brak. It said she was being appointed by Rabbis Steinman and Kaniefsky.

  15. I merely brought out that there is another factual side to the story.

    You bring up a motivational aspect to the story, claiming that there are certain motives at play here. You're entitled to your opinion. I have no desire to debate the subject of the motives of Gedolei Yisoel, of any camp.

    In any event, the argument is moot. As per Murphy's Golden Rule: "Whoever has the gold makes the rules". The city council of the municipality of Bnei Brak was democratically elected, and therefore they get to make the rules in a city owned school. If someone feels the need to be able to make the rules in an institution, he's free to open one of his own.

  16. The question is not whether they have the power. Apparently, they do. The question is whether the power is being fairly and properly applied.

    And btw, democratically-elected institutions are meant to work equally for all citizens, even those who did not vote for them. When they work only for their particular supporters, it's corruption, not democracy.

  17. I think that you must be acting stupid. You must know that this appointment did not follow the regular procedures and that the new principal has a political agenda which is why she was chosen.

    The fire is spreading and some people choose to be in denial of it.

    This is about the politics of who is the boss!!!

  18. I don't know which letter you're referring to. The letter I've seen from the municipality says that they appointed her. (The rabbis may have recommended her for the position, but without municipal approval, pronouncements have no legal value).

    I hereby attach the letter from the Bnei Brak municipality:

  19. "Machlokes" is a terrible thing, and I have no desire to debate the subject of the motives of Gedolei Yisoel, of any camp.

  20. I merely commented on the one-sided article which was posted, which implied that there was a "takeover attempt" which wrongly disenfranchised a certain party. I attempted to balance the picture, by demonstrating that there's another side to the story, which is, that according to the municipality the perpetrator pretends to be the victim, and the alleged robber (Mrs. Ariel) pretends to have been robbed.

  21. Regardless of what you intended, in fact, you have not presented another side to the story. You have only fleshed out the means by which the takeover attempt was implemented.


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