Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Gay pride parade stabber arraigned, continues to reject court authority as unholy

JPost    Yishai Schlissel, who stabbed participants in the July Gay Pride Parade in the capital, was charged by the Jerusalem District Court on Monday with murder and six counts of attempted murder.

The stabbings horrified the country, garnered across-the-board condemnation from Israeli society, including from Orthodox religious figures, and drew international attention due to the ferocity of the attack and the footage that emerged of it.

Schlissel, who was previously imprisoned for 10 years for stabbing three people at the 2005 Jerusalem Gay Pride Parade, was arrested during the stabbing rampage, just weeks after being released from jail. [...]


  1. How ironic that Schlissel rejects the authority of Israeli law. Were it not that Israel is a civilized, law-abiding country, he himself would have been shot out of hand, and strung up in the street as an example.

  2. Actually, if Israel were not a civilized, law-abiding country, the gays, especially the gays making a public march in Jerusalem, would have been shot out of hand, and strung up in the street as an example.

  3. "How ironic that Schlissel rejects the authority of Israeli law. Were it not that Israel is a civilized, law-abiding country, he himself would have been shot out of hand, and strung up in the street as an example."

    Actually if it were it not that Israel is a civilized, law-abiding country, homosexuals, especially homosexual publicly parading in Jerusalem's streets, would have been shot out of hand, and strung up in the street as an example.


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