Friday, May 22, 2015

Todrus Gyrnhaus: Why did the community turn to a psychologist instead of the police?

 update - added official view of Gateshead Rav which disagree with the original guest post

just received this letter and explanation:

Hello. your guest post about the Gateshead Rav is a complete misunderstanding of his position. i was debating a long time about whether to send you this one-page summary of a Shiur he has given on the topic of reporting molesters, but now it seems that it would be a good idea, This summary has already been circulated and has the Haskama of the GR.
כללי הלכה נעביד רודפי ילדים

א. מסירה - הנה מסירה הוא ערן חמור מאוד ואין לו חלק לעוה"ב - אמנם זה כשעושה כן באיסור אבל לפעמים הוא מותר ולפעמים הוא חיוב למסור - רע' בחו"מ ס' שפ"ח ובספרי התשובות עליו - ובאופנים המותרים הוא מיציר לרבים - הצלת נרדף - לאפרושי מאיסורא - טסקא דמלכא ועוד - וע"כ צריכים לדון כל עניך ע"פ ההלכה אחר לימוד בעיון ובעמל ובשימוש חכמים - ולא לדון מתוך רגש או שמועה ששמע בילדותו או ע"י לימוד שטחי

ב. רודף ילדים - יש בו הרבה אם לא כל הטעמים הנ"ל - רע' בירחון ישורון חלק ט"ו, וכ"ב וכן בנשמת אברהם ח"ד תשובות מגדולי הוראה של כל החוגים הן מא"י והן מחוץ לארץ שהסכימו לזה - ועל כולם הוא פסק של הגרי"ש אלישיב זי"ע שמלבד כל הטעמים הנ"ל מוסיף ומכין ועונשין שלא מן הדין באופן שהדור פרוץ בכך, ומחליט שזהו מציאות כהיום ר"ל

ג. עדות - הנה דברים האלו לעולם לא נעשים בפני עדים כשרים - ולעולם שומעים שמועות מפי נשים וקטנים - אמנם אין אנו ונין על הרודף לעונשו אלא ונין כאן אם יש חיוב של הצלת הנרדפים - ובוראי אם שומע מפי כמה באופן וניכר ואמת חייבים להציל נרדפים וכבר העיר לנו עיינין הגרי"ש אלישיב זי"ע רכל שבגדר שיש רגלים לדבר ]ולא דמיון[ מחויבים להציל אפילו ע"י מסירה למלכות

זאת ועוד מה שאשה פסולה לעדות היינו שאחר א"א לעשות ולענוש על פיה אבל בוראי היא בעצמה יודע המציאות מה נעשה לה - ואם היא שואלת לפי דבריה ויש רגלים לדבר שנכרים דברי אמת בוראי מותר לענות ולהורות לה לפי דבריה

וכ"ש בנדון ששמעו הודאת בעל דין - ואין לדון מדין אין אדם משים עצמו רשע כי אין אנו ונין אם כשר לעדות אלא אם מחויב להציל אחרים, ופשוט וצריכים לקבל דברי רוצח ורודף לעניך זה לדאוג לשמור על הנרצחים והנרדפים

ו. תשובה - האם צריכים לחשוש שעשה תשובה ובפרט כשהוא ת"ח שעבר עבירה בלילה, הנה זה לא נוגע כאן, ראשית כי אין ונין על האדם אלא אם חייבים לדאוג לנרדפים, שנית דמי שהכשיל אחרים בדאורייתא אין נאמן שעשה תשובה עד שיוחזק כמבואר ביו"ד סי· קי"ח, שלישית דמי שמושקע בהשחתות אלו הוא חולה במחלת נפש אשר קשה לרפאות אמנם הוא דבר שבגדר רפואה ואין עניך תשובה אלא לחטא ולא למחלות

ה. רחמנות - הנה בוראי מסימני זרע אברהם הוא רחמנות - אבל כמובן א"א לעשות על חשבון אחרים וכבר העידו חז"ל "כל המרחם על אכזרים לבסוף מתאכזר על רחמנים" - והנסיון כבר העיד שבעניך זה האכזריות על הרחמנים אינה לבסוף אלא הוא תיכף ומיד ובבת אחת ה· ישמרנו

ו . אפשר לחצילו כאחד מאבריו - בוראי גם מי שהוא רודף אין להוד גו אם ניתן להציל נרדפים באופן אחר וע"כ כשיש עצה בדוקה ובטוחה להציל נרדפים חייבים לעשותו אבל אין לסמוך בזה על עצות שאינם בטוחות לחלוטין כי אין אנו ושאין להפקיר נרדפים וילדים שאינם יכולין להגן על עצמן ע"י סברות ורצונות בדויות ) wishful thinking ( ומי שעושה כן הוא אינו בעל אחריות

ז. הראוי לחורות כזה - איתא בחז"ל רבים חללים הפילה הוא ת"ח שלא הגיע להוראה ומורה - והוא תלוי בכל הלכה ושאלה בפני עצמה - וע"כ אף מי שרגיל להורות בדיני איסור והיתר השכיחים או אפילו ת"ח מופלג שבקי בש"ס הוא לא הגיע להוראה בעניך זה ורק מי שעמל על דינים אלו ומתחיל מן הש"ס וראשונים ומסיים בלימוד חושן משפט ותשובות עליו כ אשר הנסיון מעיד לוקח לפחות מחודש עד חודשיים [ וגם לרבות ששימש ת"ח גאוני ההוראה בעני"ז רשאי להורות בזה ובלי זה הוי בגדר רבים חללים הפילה

נכתוב מתוך דברים ששמענו מהגאון אב"ד דק"ק גייטסהעד הרב ש .פ. זיממערמאן שליט"א


Guest Post:
Todros Grynhaus: The Gateshead Rav testifies against him in court"

What did the Gateshead Rav, Rabbi Zimmerman mean when he said,

"I realised it was beyond competence and let Dr Schauder handle it."?

Part of the tragedy of the 21st Century (a perspective which unfortunately has even damaged the Jewish world) is the belief that aveiros and middot can be "cured" by "therapy".

Rambam in Shmoneh Prakim and Hilchot Deot compares bad middot to illnesses, and doctors to Sages only as a MASHAL !! A mashal, or analogy, metaphor or model in English is only an illustration not a true description of the state of affairs.

Rambam definitely did not imply that, for example, a baal gaavah can be literally "cured" by medication! Nor do we take the metaphor 'choleh nefesh' literally and perform bikkur cholim for a baal taavas!

Now in modern times the mashal has come to be regarded as mamash concrete reality. Inappropriate behaviour is now regarded as "illness". Sure, perverse behaviour with children may be called "sick", but "sick behaviour" is, in the English idiom, a metaphor or figure of speech, as we've just said, a Mashal! We can also say that the economy of a country is "sick" or that a joke is a "sick joke". We can also say of drug abuse, or internet pornography "it is a cancer in our society".

The definition of "therapy" is treatment of a real illness, The behaviour in question is not a real illness at all (Was it diagnosed by a laboratory? Is there a pill for it?) and therefore any change in behaviour does not come under the definition of "therapy", whether attempted through talking, confining, drugs or electric shocks.

Behaviour is located in the domains of Hallachah, Musar, Derech Eretz, morality and ethics, politics and human conflict, and cannot be cured. Behaviour is not illness.

In this context we must point out that, Dr. Schauder, with all due respect to his academic credentials, and good intentions to do chesed, and mekarev, is not a real doctor treating a real illness, nor is he a baal musar guiding the teshuvah process, nor a kabbalist nor a rebbe, nor a posek! (This in a community with more qualified people in all these categories!).

A community with emunah shleimah in psychologists, only enables and extends the bad behaviour and further damages the victims, by failing to report it and naively waiting for it to be cured.

So, what, actually is this Game? After all, Dr. Schauder is an expert in Transactional Analysis, which is based on the priciple of 'Games People Play'?

Is the Gateshead Rav calling into question, Heaven forbid, the adequacy of 'Orchot Tzaddikim' and 'Mesillat Yesharim', recommending Pavlov's dog instead? Has the principle of S'char v'Ones been abolished? Is a graduate of Pretoria University a better baal musar than a Yeshiva graduate? Maybe we should appoint behaviourists as mashgichim ruchani in our Yeshivos?

One thing is clear, The Rav and community have now, given full recognition and endorsement to psychology and psychotherapy, something missing from Torah the last 3,500+ years, but what for?

When Rabbi Zimmerman said,

"I realised it was beyond competence and let Dr Schauder handle it." Did he mean, "Oh shame, the poor fellow can't help it, he's sick"? Or "Maybe a doctor's opinion will get us leniency in court"? or "We'll get him sentenced to hospital instead of being treated in prison"?


  1. Or is it that we just can't accept that one of "ours" is a rasha?

  2. SnugglyKindness .May 22, 2015 at 2:28 PM

    the DSM (bible of psychiatry) calls pedophelia "pedophilic disorder" which makes it a "mental illness".

    the scam of psychiatry with its mission and effort to pathologize every human emotion, behavior and habit in order to sell lots of drugs and make billions of dollars has done this.

    as long as the world keeps buying into this faux medical practice with its ever growing and non-stop categorization of all aspects undesirable human attributes as illnesses and diseases calling criminality for what it is will continue to diminish and be replaced with what as we can see here as being an issue of health.

    this is not a Jewish only issue its affecting the entire world.

    you can not prove mental illness, you can't take a blood test for it and you can't x-ray it. it has no biological evidence of existing and can only be diagnosed through subjective observation.

    this is why when somebody see's a psychiatrist they get medication prescribed with out any biological testing only based on the words that come out of there mouth a diagnosis is made.

    no other area of medicine works like this.

    but yet almost the entire world recognizes this fraudulent scam as medicine and until people stop buying into the racket of psychiatry people who sexually abuse children will increasingly continue to be labeled literally sick instead of proverbially and treated accordingly.

    if the world makes a concerted effort to boycott and shut down this fraudulent scheme expunging it out of the medical world, if the world starts to recognize and see psychiatry for what it really is then following soon after the world will start to see criminality for what it really is.

  3. Alright Buddy. You're saying that child molestation is a wrong deed, correct?

    Suppose we find a person who has a decent reputation, and is not known for wrongdoing. Suppose it becomes clear that about 20 years ago he ransacked a store, and never paid up. We have what appears to be anecdotal evidence that he has not committed this crime since then. Is he a menace to society? Do you believe that we must seek to get this guy arrested so that we can play Czar and hand out rewards and punishments?? If you would like to behave this way, then this is your issue. If you feel that anyone who doesn't do things your way, and doesn't see things your way is an incompetent and a menace, then that is solely your issue.

    Rabbi Zimmerman was right in leaving it up to a shrink to see if this had a one-time occurrence - and has remained clean since then - which is treatable, or is there a deeper underlying issue.

    For some intellectual honesty, please read Dr. Klafter's article.

  4. Is it just me, or is the text version of Rav Zimmerman's view a bit messed up?

  5. SnugglyKindness .May 22, 2015 at 5:26 PM

    Any English translation for the Gateshead Rav update? Very curious to read it.

  6. I think that Honesty has it right. There are two different aspects that must be addressed.
    A person who performs an aveiro may be considered a rosho. Musar and Halacha can help a person overcome his yetzer horo. However, when dealing with addiction, Musar and Halacha are not enough.
    Addiction IS an illness. However, it is an illness that often has an aspect of rishus. But let me ask you, does a smoker enjoy cigarettes or does he feel a compulsion to smoke? One who smokes for enjoyment is allowing his yetzer horo free rein. One who is addicted to smoking, needs to be cured. Many addicts HATE cigarettes, but they still smoke.
    In the area of pedophilia, although there is generally a compulsion, the pedophile is held chayev for his actions because (a) he harms others, and a person is always a moo'ad, and (b) because until he gave in to his ta'avos, he was not addicted to this behavior.
    This is comparable to a drug addict whose addiction is a result of the first times when the behavior was willful.
    Therefore, it is important to diagnose a pedophile to determine whether or not he has reached the point of addiction. If not, he may be guided to teshuva under very close supervision. (The teshuva must obviously include the bein odom lichaveiro aspect.)
    If an addictive state has been reached, there is a need for involvement of the police because the pedophile is no longer capable of controlling himself.
    Therefore, I feel that the Rov of Gateshead got it right.
    In the interest of full disclosure, the Rov is my first cousin.

  7. Toldos Green HouseMay 26, 2015 at 11:16 PM

    The guy who had his store robbed was not personally violated even though he was probably very annoyed at the time and even though it affected his business and his income he was not personally affected although he was understandably angry. We now know from listening to testimonies from victims of abuse that they feel just as angry with the people who did nothing about it, who allowed someone in a position of trust to carry on being in a position of trust and who carried on being respected and allowed others to believe him to be someone to be held in high esteem. They are understandably angry that it is they the victim who is regarded as the nuisance who by speaking out is rocking their cosy world and has to be silenced. They do not understand the deep psychological damage and pain that they have caused not only by protecting the perpetrator of this evil but also treating the deeply troubled victim with contempt. It is turning the world on its head for a young person who has been taught right from wrong, the very opposite appears to be happening, the wrongdoer is protected and the victim is condemned.

  8. Are you agreeing with me?
    Are you disagreeing?
    Are you attempting to support the mistaken gripe of the letter-writer? Please clarify. Thank you.

  9. I studied under Rav David Soloveitchik for several years together with the Gateshead Rov Horav Feivel Zimmerman(a chavrusa) I sincerely doubt that Rav David Soloveithik will agree to this reasoning psak to moiser a person.. In the psak stated above He does not quote his main Rebbe! Was Harav Dovid Soloveithik consulted for this Din Nifoshos Shaylah?
    Why, I remember during the whole time Rav Faivel Zimmerman Shlito studied under our Rebbe reb Dovid, He never ever consulted with Rav Elyashiv even though he was located a few blocks away! and was readily available .

    I also doubt there exists a real Rodef danger at this time and I dont think its so clear that it is a Rodef situation ,Again I studied Seven years in Brisk and doubt that in Brisk they would agree to this Psak.
    Tzorich eyun.

  10. In the psak stated above He does not quote his main Rebbe! Was Harav Dovid Soloveithik consulted for this Din Nifoshos Shaylah?

    When was the first, and last, time Rav Dovid Solovaichik paskened a shaylah?

    How do you know if he ever consulted Rav Elyashiv? Additionally, you are attacking the whole Gateshead community of having an incompetent Rav. You may do so. But please do realize that they thankfully have a very competent Rav.

  11. You're a naar. So he learned Kodashim by R' Dovid. It has nothing to do with psak. And what does his proximity to R' Elyashiv have to do with anything at all? And who cares what they would agree to in Brisk? A foolish comment.

  12. Toldos Green HouseMay 28, 2015 at 8:17 PM

    A crime committed 20 years ago needs to receive the same justice as a crime committed last week. It is totally disgusting that anyone should attempt to minimize a crime simply due to its historic nature.

    Society has a responsibility to carry out justice as per the Noachite laws.

    In case you hadn't noticed, I am disagreeing with you in the strongest form possible.

  13. A crime committed 20 years ago needs to receive the same justice as a crime committed last week. It is totally disgusting that anyone should attempt to minimize a crime simply due to its historic nature.

    Society has a responsibility to carry out justice as per the Noachite laws.

    I guess you have never heard of the Statute of Limitations. To you, all legal systems that have a Statute of Limitations are disgusting. That may be your opinion, but it is not the only opinion that carries validity. In fact, there is something wrong when a person feels that he has the right to impose his opinions on everyone else and call everyone else terrible people since they don't do things his way.

  14. @Toldos - statute of limitation applies to sex crimes

  15. Toldos Green HouseJune 3, 2015 at 1:28 AM

    Daas Torah, it doesn't apply in the UK.

    Unlike other European countries, the UK has no statute of limitations for serious sexual crimes.

  16. @Toldos - you are contradicting yourself. you originally said that heinous crimes do not have limitation and that Grynhuas sex crimes are heinous.

    Now you are acknowledging that while the United States and Europe have statute of limitation for sexual crimes of the nature of Grynhaus - U.K. is different. Thus your original generalization is simply wrong in most countries - with perhaps the sole exception being UK.


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