Tuesday, March 31, 2015

President of World Jewish Congress, Ronald Lauder, visits Vienna

President of the World Jewish Congress, Ronald Lauder addressed the Viennese Jewish community at an event held Sunday evening, an informal dialogue with former President of the community, Ariel Muzicant.

Mr Lauder, son of Estee Lauder, founder of the Estee Lauder Companies, spoke about his time in Vienna as US ambassador from 1986 to 1987. Other topics included anti-semitism in Europe as well as Lauder's peace negotiations with Syrian leader Hafez al-Asad in 1998.

Mr Lauder spoke proudly about his philanthropic work to revive Jewish life in Europe and the 17 schools and institutions he has founded, including the Lauder Business School in Vienna. The only problem, he admitted, was that students were leaving for the US after their studies.

'We have enough people in the States,' he said. 'Young people are needed here to build up the community.'

Mr Muzicant spoke about the Viennese approach to integrating outsiders.

'Our community, more than any other European city does the most to welcome in new immigrants and integrate them into our community. We are a community who really care about everyone,' he said.

At the end of the discussion, the tragic plight of UK mother, Beth Alexander was raised with Mr Lauder. The President acknowledged that he was aware of the situation and told Beth personally he would 'look into it further.'


  1. Mr Muzicant spoke about the Viennese approach to integrating outsiders.

    'Our community, more than any other European city does the most to
    welcome in new immigrants and integrate them into our community. We are a
    community who really care about everyone,' he said.

  2. "The only problem, he admitted, was that students were leaving for the US after their studies."

    If I had to spend any time in Vienna, I'd be looking to leave as soon as possible too. Who can blame them?

  3. From what we have been hearing over the years it doesn't sound that Vienna is very welcoming. They don't show any caring for the happiness of two little boys. We have never heard from anyone in Vienna to dispel Beth's concerns that her children are not doing well with the father. This is because all that Beth has ever said is the truth! This is why Vienna has gagged Beth! We live in a democracy where there should be freedom of speech! Oskar Deutsch has a website and loves posting picture of himself with children, as do millions of others. Why gag Beth? It is great that Ronald Lauder has agreed to look into this tragic case for the sake of the children. Hopefully he will show he is a greater person than the Heads in Vienna!

  4. All (almost) communitees in germany are open to outsiders. Especially russians, since there are very few native jews in germany.

  5. I fail to see the relevance of what you have posted. The article above clearly quotes Mr Muzicant, the previous president of the Vienna community, and Mr Muzicant is only talking about the "welcoming style" of Vienna.

    Any discussion about other German communities are irrelevant as far as the purpose of this article goes.

  6. Ronald Lauder is well respected. It is a shame this can't be said of other individuals in Vienna!

    At the event on Sunday in Vienna, it was witnessed that Rabbi Biderman lost his temper with Beth. This was obviously because he felt ashamed of the stance he has taken against Beth and he was worried that this young lady might upset his relationship with Lauder!

    It is Ronald Lauder who funds the Chabad schools in Vienna and he might not approve of Bidermans behaviour towards this young girl.

    What other reason would Biderman, a natural schmoozer and charmer, lose his temper at such, a public event making an utter fool of himself?

    It is people like Beth Aexander, who could
    encourage other young people to stay in Vienna if only if they treated young people with respect. After all Beth is a respected lecturer in the University of Vienna and also
    worked in the Lauder Business School for a time.

    It is obvious that young people are not respected in Vienna. This is why they are taking their education and leaving.

    Why would Lauder want to continue to fund when the purpose of his funding is not being fulfilled?

  7. When Beth Alexander arrived in Vienna, she was certainly welcomed into the Jewish community.

    One young mother got Beth's new friend to trick her into going to a psychiatrist at ESRA, then spread gossip round the community that she was mentally ill, then Paul Foldes was brought in in an attempt to section her and have her admitted to a mental hospital. Then her children were taken from her with extremely limited visitation and no rights to any information regarding their health or education. After that, she was given a gagging order by the Courts. The whole community were gossiping about how mentally ill she was, how she threw food at the children on the floor etc etc.

    What do the Viennese Jewish community do to the people that they don't make welcome!

  8. How is Ronald Lauder going to overturn a ruling upheld by the Supreme Court of Austria finalizing the custody arrangements? To the best of my knowledge, the World Jewish Congress doesn't have the power to veto a court decision. The rabbis in Vienna also can't change the court ruling. I don't understand what the hope is as far as what he can accomplish. As long as the father remains intransigent, how will all the rabbis of Austria and the UK together with Mr. Lauder going to overturn the court, even if they all wanted to?

  9. I hope that Mr Lauder realises that the reputation of the Lauder Foundation hangs or falls on this case. It's wonderful that the Foundation supports so many institutions in Eastern Europe, but such institutions count for nothing when there's no concern for individuals. Putting up buildings but ignoring the suffering of a young mother and her children is not the way to save the Jewish world.

  10. Appease the father? That's the problem. Everyone seems to be appeasing him. What hold does he have? money, influence, or perhaps he knows something that they don't want exposed?

    Ronald Lauder could withhold his funding from Vienna. As it is he has said, he doesn't like the fact that students from the school in Vienna don't want to remain in Vienna after they have finished their education! As a caring man he may not like what is going on with Sammy and Benji, who are being deprived their mother for no good reason!
    The Jews in Vienna do have influence. Judge Thau, who was involved in the cas,e is in the Jewish Community there. We all know what it's like in the Jewish world. It's who you know! Everyone knows this is a corrupt case. It now has to be put right. A whisper in someones ear should do the trick, just as it happened in the past! Something has to be done because no one can sit back and watch these children suffering, whilst the father is allowed to have control for his own selfish reasons! Pesach is about freedom and this is what Sammy and Benji Schlesinger should have FREEDOM TO BE WITH THEIR MOTHER!

  11. "This is why Vienna has gagged Beth!"

    Assuming the information spread about the case is correct, it is clear that the father has connections that influence the court. In this case why assume that it is the Jewish community to blame, if the father can stand up to the world why assume that he cannot stand up to the other members of the Jewish community

  12. Do the leaders of the Jewish Community in Vienna think the
    world does not know what they are and have done and continue to do? Everyone
    in the Jewish world and beyond is aware of the plight of the young mother and
    her children and their suffering at the hands of Michael Schlesinger and his
    cronies Foldes the crooked psychiatrist who tried to have Beth committed to a
    mental hospital and Thau the bent Family Court Judge who helped him in his evil
    doings. Only in Vienna could they be so
    arrogant to publicly state they are a kind welcoming community and when just
    the opposite is true. Mind, they could
    advertise themselves as ‘Come to Vienna and have your friends spread lies about
    you. Have our Konstanza Thau help your
    violent lying husband rip your children out of your arms whilst we stand idly by
    and watch. Let their violent father deny
    you your children whilst he takes their teeth out and traumatises them. See their lives being ruined and we do nothing
    but tell you how wonderful we are.’

  13. David, you could not be more wrong. Why is it that none of the Rabbis in Vienna have tried to speak to Schlesinger to talk sense into him that he needs to agree a resolution in the interests of twins? Why do they welcome Schlesinger into every Shul and Jewish institution that he attends despite the abuse he conducts even outside of the court rulings (assaulting Beth, attempting to put her in a mental hospital,...)?

    The Jewish community need to talk nicely to him and if that doesn't work, they should impose sanctions on him. What we see instead, is that they glorify him and cheer him like some kind of sick celebrity.

    So yes, Schlesinger IS Lauer's problem, Schlesinger IS the Viennese Rabbinates problem, and Schlesinger IS the worldwide Jewish Community's problem (WJC). Otherwise, the message is loud and clear that abuse in all its forms is totally fine within the Jewish community.

  14. Actually, it is member within the Chabad community who have helped the father and have sought out ways to "help him - i.e. help destroy these two precious children.

  15. At the event on Sunday in Vienna, it was witnessed that Rabbi Biderman lost his temper with Beth.

    Are you able to elaborate on this? Rabbi Biderman made another public spectacle that's unbecoming of a rabbi? Well, at least he exposed himself! His atrocious behavior will eventually come back to haunt him. Hopefully he can mend his ways, and fix his mistakes before it's completely too late.

  16. As long as the father remains intransigent, how will all the rabbis of Austria and the UK together with Mr. Lauder going to overturn the court, even if they all wanted to?...

    The father is not the one holding the cards - it is Rabbi Biderman. Yes, the father is behaving in a most horrible way. However, it was Rabbi Biderman who influenced the supreme court judge! (One email has been posted on this site). It was Rabbi Biderman who testified on behalf of the father, against the mother. It is Rabbi Biderman who has honoured Mr. Schlessinger in his Shul. It is Rabbi Biderman's school who's been uncooperative with the mother. On, and on...

    Oh, and someone reported here Rabbi Biderman lost his temper, publicly, at the mother during this event....

    So yes, Mr Lauder can put lots of pre$$ure on Rabbi Biderman.

  17. Everything you describe is water under the bridge. The court issued a final ruling and the appeals courts upheld it. Rabbi Biderman can't overturn a court order even if he changed his mind about everything.

  18. And what if he remains intransigent despite communal pressure being applied?

  19. Everything you describe is water under the bridge. ... Rabbi Biderman can't overturn a court order even if he changed his mind about everything.

    The same type of pressure and influence he applied on infamous Austrian Court system in order to hand a "victory" to Mr. Sclessinger, is exactly the type of influence and pressure he can apply for them to reopen the case and look at the current standing of the children, the current psychological standing of both parents, and the outright vindictive behavior by Mr. Schlessinger, which has so hurt these precious little boys.

    Custody cases are never closed. They can always be reopened. Rabbi Bidderman can change the situation quite quickly, if he would only want to.

  20. Is that Rabbi Bidderman in the top right corner of the picture?

  21. Your thought that Rabbi Biderman can snap his fingers and the Austrian courts will stand up and take his orders, is highly naive. No more than any rabbi can have an American court do his bidding.

  22. Interesting links regarding Austrian family/custody laws, courts and cases:



  23. Ron Lauder has a person who works for him who is going around saying that Ron bribed Bibi Netanyahu for a lot of money to get many major business favors. I don't know why he stands for his close confidants revealing such info.

  24. First we should apply the pressure to him. There may be no need to answer your question.

  25. Of course he is getting some local support. Still, one cannot generalize the community when the real decisions regarding the children are made in court.

    We never accept any blame when these things happen within our communities and of course there are countless cases where the father (and the children) is the victim.

  26. Beth is certainly not the first person to have felt unwelcome at the Vienna Jewish community. They appear to pick and choose who they want to "integrate" and who not. An unappealing characteristic of a community that claims to "care about everyone".

  27. Of course he is getting some local support. Still, one cannot generalize the community

    Some? Chabad is the biggest game in town. The leader of the Chabad community did many things here.

    1) He influenced the supreme court judge. One of his emails were posted here.

    2) He personally testified - falsely! - in "favor" of the father, to the detriment of the children.

    3) The Chabad school has refused to cooperate with mother.

    4) How many members of the community have been intimidated not to be nice to the mother? This information has been posted here several times.

    We never accept any blame when these things happen within our communities

    This is not true. We do have to be held responsible and accountable when choose to intervene and hurt children. We also have to be held responsible and accountable when choose not to intervene, and thereby hurt children.

  28. Your thought that Rabbi Biderman can snap his fingers and the Austrian courts will stand up and take his orders to reopen, reconsider or issue a ruling they otherwise would not have, is highly naive.

    Please reread what I wrote. The ruling they made was, in large part, due to Rabbi Bidderman's interventions. One more time: The ruling they made was, in large part, due to Rabbi Bidderman's interventions.

    Got it? So now, a new case is opened since there are six year-old children who are not being properly cared for. Yes, yes. The school they attend, Chabad Vienna can open such a case with Social Services in one phone call. Once the case is open, Rabbi Bidderman can very easily admit his mistake to the Supreme Court judge whom he mentored and converted, and is very close to. He can now do an about face and ask the judge to intervene for the good of the children, and for their best interests.

    The Austrian court system is incomparable to the USA court system. Please read up about Austria's widespread corruption. They were condemned on this case in the British Parliament. Name one time that another Western country condemned the USA court system's treatment of a custody ruling, in their parliament.

  29. Now that is simply inaccurate. No Western country condemned Austria's courts. One MP in a foreign parliament did. That would be like Socialist Congressman Bernie Sanders condemning a Canadian court on the floor of the House and then describing that episode as "the United States condemning the Canadian court system".

    As far as Rabbi Biderman, you are suggesting he make a 180 degree turn and suddenly go from saying how happy the kids are to saying the kids are being maltreated. That is not only unreasonable to expect, if he did that he'd lose credibility in court for making new opposite claims than previous when nothing particular changed. And regardless whether he did that, the courts and Social Services wouldn't simply accept his assertion at face value in any event.

    The unfortunate but true bottom line remains that the father holds almost all the cards not any rabbi. The father can ignore the rabbis. And the rabbis can't have the courts do their bidding. The only way to effect change in the situation is for the father and mother to talk (despite their acrimonious separation and bitter court history) and for her to plead with him to compromise and grant her unimpeded time with the children more than she was awarded in court.

    She may have to bite her pride to do so, but it is worth doing to implement a more meaningful relationship between her and her precious children.

  30. Now that is simply inaccurate. No Western country condemned Austria's courts. One MP in a foreign parliament did.

    Kindly check your fats, David. You are mistaken.


    As far as Rabbi Biderman, you are suggesting he make a 180 degree turn

    Whoho. Calm down a bit.

    Are the children doing well? No.

    Are the children suffering? Yes.

    That simple. Focus on the present state of affairs, Rabbi Bidderman. And fix it!

    The rest of your conjecture has been answered. You are just repeating yourself while disregarding the actual facts I am presenting you with.

    If you would like to somehow exonerate Rabbi Biderman, please first quote or paraphrase what I said. And then answer it. I have made it very clear how Rabbi Bidderman can change things very quickly. Either answer on topic, or don't. But please don't repeat the same misinformation yet again.

    I'll quote you part of what I wrote. I'll link other parts.

    Please reread what I wrote. The ruling they made was, in large part, due to Rabbi Bidderman's interventions. One more time: The ruling they made was, in large part, due to Rabbi Bidderman's interventions.

    Got it? So now, a new case is opened since there are six year-old children who are not being properly cared for. Yes, yes. The school they attend, Chabad Vienna can open such a case with Social Services in one phone call. Once the case is open, Rabbi Bidderman can very easily admit his mistake to the Supreme Court judge whom he mentored and converted, and is very close to. He can now do an about face and ask the judge to intervene for the good of the children, and for their best interests.



    Looking forward to meaningful, and honest response.

  31. Oh, there were two<.b> MPs (out of 650) who spoke on the floor. Yeah, now that represents the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

  32. The Rabbis should shun the father, because he is making a mockery of Vienna. No one outside Vienna would ever want their children to meet any one from Vienna and marry them. This is why the young people of Vienna are running away at their earliest opportunity. Ronald Lauder isn't happy that he is funding education and then young people are running to America for a better life. Michael Schlesinger is not helping the situation. Why should Beth beg him for anything. It is the children's happiness that is at stake here. Does he ever consider them instead of trying to get at Beth all the time? He can't bare the fact that the children adore their mother and want to be like other children and have a mother, not a hired non- Jewish help to bring them up when Beth is more than capable to bring up her own children. Michael Schlesinger has used dubious means to take the children from Beth. The children are getting older and will not stand for his antics that that he makes their mother beg to see them. It will soon happen that the children, the whole community will turn on Schlesinger because of his cruelty and the shame he is bringing them. He is digging his own grave!

  33. Biderman may have said the children were doing well, but as any good doctor knows, Schlesinger situations change!

    Perhaps Rabbi Biderman doesn't think the children are doing so well four years on! Perhaps he needs to reassess. Nothing is ever static in today's world.

    A job is not for life as it used to be, especially for Rabbis. They can go out of favour and be replaced!

    Perhaps Biderman doesn't like the publicity but why is he siding with Schlesinger in his attempt to cut a perfectly good mother out of the lives of her children. Why would a Rabbi, a Chabad Rabbi do that. It goes against the ethos of Chabad and is not civil.

    Court decisions can be changed in the best interest of the children!

  34. Hand on your heart can any Jewish parent allow their child to marry an Austrian and then go and live in Vienna after seeing and hearing about what has happened to Beth Alexander? I would go as far as to say that it would be irresponsible to let any child go and live in Vienna. It is a corrupt and lawless place which the Jews have clearly used to their advantage.

    Would any mother let their daughter get pregnant and (looking at the comments from @David below) be required to plead and beg for minuscule visiting times with her children? Vienna is a very corrupt place and I would warn everyone (Jewish and non-Jewish) to steer clear of their Rabbis, Shidduchim, Kashrus, Geirus and certainly any financial dealings.

  35. R. Biderman can't do more

    You're repeating the same lie, yet again. Like I've said before, please respond to my points. Thank you. Keeping on repeating the lie that R. Biderman cannot do anything will not fact make. The fact still remains, as I've clearly laid out to you, that Rabbi Bidderman can very quickly undo the garbage he has done to the children - and save them from their terrible predicament.

    Please don't join the "I've made up my mind, please don't bother me with the facts" group. This is the opposite of what you usually do on here.

  36. There is a comment by @David who implies that the mother should "plead with him to compromise and grant her unimpeded time with the children". I am wondering what the father stands to gain from this. Please could someone explain, or even Schlesinger himself if he is reading this, why the father is seeking the mother to beg? It is a very bizarre request and one that highlights a pattern of domestic abuse.

  37. So no one will marry Beth's two boys because they're from Vienna? Isn't it worth for her to acquiesce to an arrangement acceptable to him for her to have more unimpeded time with her children rather than waiting another 14 years until they're adults (and hope they hadn't been brainwashed over the next 14 years to never want to communicate with her)?

  38. Biderman has been around in Vienna since the beginning of the 1980s, Jeremy, and perhaps did a bit of good when setting up the various institutions of the "Chabad Empire" in Vienna of which he is the undoubtedly the "king". But, as you so perceptively imply, is there any genuine reason for him to continue in this privileged, honored position? He obviously rakes in Lauder's cash in abundance despite having failed to fulfill the qualifications required for his job as a rabbi and the legal representative of Chabad in Vienna over the past 4 years.

    A man who has been responsible for the following is presumably no longer in anyone's opinion a suitable leader of Jewish educational institutions, especially for the youngest and most vulnerable children like Sammy and Benji Schlesinger:

    1) Clearly failing to observe the twins personally in his kindergarten when he made a court statement about them. If he had, he would never have dared to inform the judge that they were doing well after being brutally removed from their loving, mentally amazingly well-adjusted mother. The usual consequence of such separation is post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and with the twins this was no exception. Internet-users all over the world have read about their screaming in multiple settings at that time and also about the (shocking) self-harming one was then doing.

    2) Allowing himself to be taken for a ride by the father of the twins, at whose beck and call he apparently chronically remains. Any parent or person with knowledge of early childhood education shudders at the thought of Rabbi Biderman having issued an order to his kindergarten staff NOT TO ANSWER ANY QUESTIONS by the mother, Beth Alexander, when she brings her children to the kindergarten after visits. Now why would the rabbi do something so inhumane? The only answer is that the father has ordered him to do so. And why are the teachers so frightened of saying ANYTHING at all to the mother? One would assume again that the father - of all people - has put the fear of G-d into Rabbi B, who in turn has ordered his staff to REMAIN SILENT when the mother and the twins arrive. There can be no other kindergarten in the world where this happens - it is a slur on the leadership of Chabad and the kindergarten.

    3) It is well-known that the father was violent throughout his marriage and recently observed assaulting the mother on the court steps. Rabbi Biderman allows this dangerous individual to daven in his shul.

    The list is incomplete but surely more than long enough to indicate that something is rotten in the "Chabad Empire" in Vienna. There must be consequences, as the lives of two children (who at 6 and after a considerable amount of speech therapy would probably be able to communicate a certain amount about the sadness of their lives that Rabbi Biderman encourages) are at stake.

  39. Don't be so smug David! Court decisions can be changed, especially if they are wrong!

  40. David you have posted ‘two interesting’ links regarding
    Austrian custody and family law below.
    If you read them you will surely find that Michael Schlesinger has
    broken the laws on all counts. He
    denies the children their mother. He
    denies her information regarding their well-being, health and education. He is
    not a suitable parent on any count and as he has further sarcastically and verbally
    abusively posted that Beth has to plead with him to compromise and grant her
    unimpeded time with the children more than she was awarded in court. ‘David’, you show yourself up exactly for what
    you are here – this smacks of your spite and domestic violence and utter
    disregard for the law. This applies
    just as much to Konstanza Thau Land ‘Judge’ Suzanne Gottlicher and her
    Court. Let’s not forget here that
    Michael also admitted in Gottlicher’s Court that he forged Beth’s signature in
    order to have her benefits (for her children) paid into his account. That is theft and benefits cheating added to
    the list. Well then, what can anyone
    expect from Jewish Austria with people like To think of so called Rabbis and upstanding
    people like Muzicant and Deutsch standing by someone like that! Is it because he is the local boy or do
    they have absolutely no sense of right and wrong?

  41. Not to take away from what you are aying, but is new york not corrupt?

  42. Don’t be so ridiculous David, Michael will never succeed in
    breaking the mother and child bond between Beth and HER CHILDREN no matter how
    he tries, lies and corrupts. It’s
    absolutely insane to think of it a bit delusional don’t you think? There is too much love there. Really and truly Michael would be much
    better off if he tackled his own problems and issues rather than making a mess
    of his children’s’ lives. Michael was right when he was banging his head
    shortly after his marriage he was not fit for marriage. He and his family knew
    it. What do you think David?

  43. "Another" public spectacle? How many has Rabbi Biderman already made, Honesty? I assume he didn't actually "expose himself" as he might have been arrested if he had ;-) But it sounds like he must have acted like a lunatic in the midst of a big audience, some of whom must have got the gist of what was going on. Why did the rabbi lose his temper with such a
    beautiful, intelligent, educated young woman in public? Beth is also an extremely well brought up person with impeccable manners. Only a fool would reveal his weakness and stupidity by starting a fight with her in public!

    Rabbi Biderman incomprehensibly supports the law-breaking, cruel father, whose absence from home and obstruction of the mother's attempts to help rear her children prevents the twins from growing up nestled within the Jewish religion, as Jewish children usually are. So why did this rabbi, who seems to a) totally lack manners and b) be doing his darndest to force the father to get the kids brought up by people from
    another religion, behave so shockingly when he knew people of the caliber of Ron Lauder were within earshot on Sunday?

  44. PAS applies in those very few cases the father has sole custody, too.

  45. There are two potent factors that most people seem to have overlooked. Firstly, those who actually have any faith at all ( could this exclude most of the Vienna Rabbis ) will realise that Hashem hates injustice and He will punish the guilty. Secondly, the twins are slowly but surely growing up. When they are old enough, they will speak for themselves and they will be heard - think about that.

  46. With one or two notable exceptions, abuse of women and children seems to be condoned by the Jewish community of Vienna. Amoral, abusive, corrupt, lawless, unjust......what a collection of negative attributes for a so-called religious community!

  47. Ken Cameron you are right. As we know children grow and develop. They are a bit later in talking than most children of the same age, but the children will speak out. They will hate their father for what he has done and he won't be able to anything about it!

  48. The father, we've noticed, was maltreated by his own mother, who apparently kicked her husband out for ever and deprived her son and daughter of a much-needed parent. Seems she hated him so much that she changed her name back to her maiden name, Schlesinger. The father's sister divorced too and did the same with her name, reverting, like her mother, to Schlesinger. All these name-changes are visible online.

    OK, so why is all this of any relevance to the saga of Beth Alexander and her unfortunate children?

    The father has forbidden his "banned" father, ie the twins' grandfather, to have any contact with Sammy & Benji. He was treated that way by his mother and now history is repeating itself. Poor little boys, to have been born into a malfunctioning family like this! I believe they pretend to be "religious" but their actions surely belie this.

    And all the hatred and cruelty perpetrated by the father is evidently approved of by Rabbi Biderman, the leaders of the IKG and the judge. Sammy and Benji will indeed be talking about it for the rest of their lives.

  49. There are many aspects to the lies that have been told by so
    many prominent people and Rabonnim in Vienna.
    One is that so many of them
    identify as religious Jews, who are supposed to follow a Torah based lifestyle,
    one which certainly does not include lying
    and ignoring the suffering or ill-treatment of one’s fellow Jew. However, one of the saddest is that these
    very same people are bringing up their own children. What they are teaching them? Are
    they teaching them to be the same liars as they are? Do they
    not teach them right from wrong or not to listen to lies or spread lies under
    any circumstances. Obviously not! The Jewish community in Vienna is beyond
    sad. They support and lie and let
    themselves be used by violent and cruel Michael Schlesinger – who failed
    miserably as a husband and father. Michael Schlesinger, who only wanted his children to destroy them
    and destroy their mother. Michael
    Schlesinger who ripped his children out of their mother’s arms and does
    whatever he can to deny them each other.
    By supporting Schlesinger the Jews in Austria today epitomise the Nazi caricature
    of the Jew – dishonest, scheming and money grabbing. Is
    this the future of Vienna?

  50. So many people in the Vienna community identify as religious
    and observant Jews, who are supposed to follow a Torah based lifestyle, one which
    certainly does not include lying and ignoring the suffering or ill-treatment of
    one’s fellow Jew. Isn’t it sad that
    these very same people are bringing up their own children. What they are teaching them? Are
    they teaching them to be the same liars as they are? Do they
    teach them right from wrong and not to
    listen to lies or spread lies under any circumstances. Obviously not! The Jewish community in Vienna is beyond
    sad. They support and lie and let
    themselves be used by violent and cruel Michael Schlesinger – who failed
    miserably as a husband and father.
    Michael Schlesinger, who only wanted his children to destroy them and
    destroy their mother. Michael
    Schlesinger who ripped his children out of their mother’s arms and does
    whatever he can to deny them each other.
    By supporting Schlesinger the Jews in Austria today epitomise the Nazi
    caricature of the Jew – dishonest, scheming and money grabbing. Is this the future of Jewish Vienna?


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