Sunday, March 15, 2015

Epstein Torture Trial: Testimony of David Wax (Another perspective by an Epstein sympathizer)

 Guest Post by Epstein sympathizer  - who is attending the trial - and has agreed to make comments for this blog. It cogently presents information not contained in the newspaper account.

Dear Rabbi Eidensohn,

How fortuitous, as my second day in court was that same Wednesday of which you write!
Let me preface what I will say here with this:
You know that I hope, and now believe, that R. Epstein is found innocent of the charges that were brought. I hope that we can agree to disagree that in some RARE and non-typical cases the use of force could be expected... but here, below, my comments are strictly about the case that is in court.

And we both know that the smart people involved 'know' that he will end up doing time. So if you can read what I write with that in mind, I hope that you will understand my take.
Here is the quote from your article that I would like to comment on:

Wax, the founder of a charitable organization that funneled millions of dollars to Israel, directly linked Epstein and two of the three other men on trial with him to the 2010 attack on Yisrael Bryskman, an Israeli national who was living in Brooklyn to avoid giving his wife a divorce according to Orthodox Jewish custom.
What actually happened Wednesday was the prosecutor's attempt at doing such, but he did no such thing.
And let me again segue, and I will agree that Wax was probably using Epstein as a guide as to how to DO this thing... (grabbing the guy, doing a 'get'),

And even he testified that R. Epstein refused to get personally involved once he understood that Wax was planning on doing this whole thing in his own bedroom.
(another important point is that at some point last week the FBI admitted to the knowledge of many different Batei Dinim who would resort to violence in cases of intractable husbands...) Like R. Epstein, at worst, was one of many.

But, back to the facts that were brought out on Wednesday:
First, records of phone calls. Wax testified that he called Ari close to Shabbos in order to have him come over to collect $15,000. (of the $50K that he claims that R. Epstein wanted for his guidance...) But the phone records that were put up showed that Ari never answered those calls. There was no communication between the two on that afternoon! (when that became clear, the prosecution took the phone records down very quickly, and then the judge called for a break, it was loony!)
And again, last week sometime, during the testimony of Bryskman he already testified that the only person who he remembers kicking and punching him was Wax, because Wax kept taking off the blindfold to tease and taunt him. (Wax agrees that he did this, after claiming in his plea agreement that he did not do this....because Bryskman testified to these facts!)

And Rabbi Eidensohn, there are so many examples that even the PROSECUTION highlighted of clear lies that Wax told in his plea agreement, and then again, in his agreement to 'substantially aid' the prosecution of other individuals (the crux of the Epstein sting...), and even in his testimony on DIRECT EXAMINATION! There was a point where I had to ask Epstein family members what was going on, because Wax was clearly contradicting the line of questioning of the PROSECUTOR, and I couldn't figure out what was going on.... like who is on what side, lol?
And the other really shocking piece of evidence that the FBI brought were the bank records of Wax during the time of his negotiation with the Agunah's family (as I remember 'Schachter', could be wrong.) And R. Eidensohn, these were the bank records that the FBI admitted as evidence. There were donations of hundreds of thousands of dollars to the 'Taryag Foundation' (which seems to have been R. Wax's family's personal piggy bank.... even the prosecution admitted as such when the jury was not present,) that were then taken out at the bank teller, deposited into the Wax family account, and then sent as a wire transfer to a money changer in B'nei Brak.
ON THE STAND Wax claimed that he had no idea of the provenance of $325,000.00, who took it out, that it was transferred to Israel, that his WIFE TRAVELED with him. It was like pulling teeth:
'No, he traveled alone.'
Oh, here are your flight records for you and your wife.
'Oh perhaps she was with me.'
On and on and on. He was so evasive, unbelievable evasive, there was no way to understand whose side he was on!
OK, bottom line, it seems clear to me (not a professional in these matters), that the jury and the judge are becoming aware of the fact that this Wax guy is not only a sadistic pervert (how he tortured Bryskman, and then, taking him in a taxi, tried to have him take out cash to pay for the bloodied carpet that HE had done by kicking him while sadistically torturing him with words, while wearing a white cowboy hat....and then threatening to bury him alive if HIS father didn't pay ransom... all admitted to on Wednesday...), but besides that, is constantly contradicting himself.... and just if all this insanity is not already making your head spin.... to make things really clear:
The FBI was sold a 'bill of goods' by this Wax fellow, thought that they were onto some insider secret info, and launched this million dollar 'sting' all orchestrated by a man who can NOT keep his story straight, can't follow a line of logic, and was laundering millions of dollars through his institute, and that the FBI, even with the bank records as THEIR evidence, seem to never have really examined.


  1. "FBI admitted ...various batei din ... that would resort to violence. ... in cases of ... husbands."

    Can you elaborate?

  2. This Epstein supporter is a joke. All he is doing is saying that Wax is a liar so therefore Epstein et al should be acquitted. Wax very well may be lying on the stand. Wax, after all, is a thug himself. Everyone knows that. Wax beat an innocent man. And everyone knows that Epstein is an even bigger thug. Epstein beat dozens and dozens of innocent men over 25 plus years.

    So this Epstein supporter wants Epstein to get off on a technicality. Not because Epstein is innocent of beating dozens of people for over two decades. No, that everyone knows is true. But he alleges that the Wax description is untrue.

    So what? Epstein deserves to have the key thrown away for the dozens and dozens of other violent beatings he administered over a twenty year period. If he gets locked up as he deserves because someone incorrectly tied him into a specific incident he wasn't responsible for, there is still no sympathy Epstein deserves. The sympathy lies with the dozens of men he violently beat via his hired thugs.

    Furthermore, even this Epstein sympathizer acknowledges that the younger Epstein was called by Wax. If Epstein was truly uninvolved with the Wax beating, why was Wax calling Epstein (even if Epstein happened to be unavailable to answer the call at the time)?

    And even more critically, the FBI case against Epstein et al isn't just built up on the Wax/Bryskman incident. The FBI pulled a string operation against Epstein and his cohorts. And Epstein and his cohorts agreed to beat a husband that the undercover FBI agent paid Esptein $60,000 for, that Epstein accepted the cash, hired the thugs and setup for the undercover's "husband" to be beaten.

  3. Fact:

    * Wax used to live right near Epstein in Kensington, near Torah V'daas.
    * Wax chose Rabbi Belsky as the chief editor of the "Taryag Mitzvah Project" he made. In fact, Rabbi Belsky's son claimed that it was bigger job than being the editor for Artscrol's Shass!
    * Epstein, Rabbi Belsky and wax were/are a very close trio.

  4. Moe,

    Guest Poster, as a friend of Rabbi Epstein, is grasping at straws. Such is the way of desperation.

    Guest Poster writes, "I hope that we can agree to disagree that in some RARE and non-typical cases the use of force could be expected...." Presumably, he means in the United States. If so, it may only be a matter of time before Guest Poster exchanges his seat in the gallery for one in the dock.

    I have an open question for Guest Poster: "Have you ever been involved directly or indirectly in a Beat 'Em Up Get?"

  5. I have said all along the real kidnapper and crook here is wax, rabbi epstien although maybe missguided had only the will to detain for a few sect to extract will to devorce

  6. " I will agree that Wax was probably using Epstein as a guide as to how to DO this thing... (grabbing the guy, doing a 'get'),"

    "Grabbing the guy" may be kidnapping, a federal offense. There may be many people "using Epstein as a guide as to how to DO this thing"---such as my ex-wife of Agunah International.

  7. Does that include broken ribs? A non-existent man "tried" in absentia? Knowing that such a get, produced through force without a real and honest Beth Din trial is worthless according to all halachic decisors, yet taking lots of money for it. Is this not a crook? Is this not a kidnapper?

  8. As I have said this trial is about us federal kidnappings charges not who broke halochah and its clear wax is the true kidnapper and epstien is just a tough guy metting out vigilantly justice to who he considered cruel abusive husbands

  9. Between me and you its a sham, but there are those who accept it (future acceptance is another story.)

    You allude to an argument i made long ago: he can use a defense of 'i was scamming the fbi, just taking their money, claiming to beat up husbands.' (That's why wax and mr c and mr b and others are important.)

  10. The tactic of this Epstein sympathizer is simple.

    First ignore the main issue that Epstein is an extremely dangerous thug and indeed personally caused immense reputation harm to all of us.

    Then focus on another thug then try and persuade you that this other thug is even worse so the obvious the conclusion would be that Epstein is a good guy.

    Finally, why did he not explain what actually made him an Epstein supporter

  11. Who approached whom? Did the alleged agunah approach Epstein or Wax? How did Epstein's son get into the picture. Why would Epstein help a competition. Why not go to the ProdFather to begin with? "Who broke Halochah", man dechar shmei? There are about 13 heavy teamplayers in this Fiasco that we know about, he is the Prodfather of all Fathers. The Jury will decide who is how much culpable for their part in the play. If Wax does not deliver the goods as he bargained at the plea deal, No dice. His tuches will be held against the open fire, he then will both sing and do time in the Chad gadya.

  12. mmm... Question if I may, and please forgive.

    Webcrims does not find a case for Israel Farkash anymore. Does anyone have information what happened to the case. Should have been upcoming MAR-27-15 ?

    Rifky Stein & Yoel Weiss: Israel Farkash - "coordinator" of Mill Basin Beis Din - breaking news

  13. Epstein can't claim that because Epstein's henchmen showed up on the date and time scheduled for the beating at the warehouse in question with the torture tools at the ready and the sofer handy. And the FBI busted them all right then and there and took their torture tools into evidence.

  14. Not necessarily. The proof is the other cases: wax, brysk, chaimo, others

  15. What about the unindicted co conspirator, the bet din of america, that gave them the 'halachic' justification' fore the beating?

    How many other cases did epstein / m. Partner with this bet din that gives easy seruvim against husbands?

  16. I'm not sure what you mean. The FBI sting where they setup Epstein and company (with the fake husband and his "wife" and brother-in-law) is a large part of the proof being offered in court by the prosecution against Epstein et al.

  17. This (pre)FIX is called $HOCHAD. Money paid and accepted upfront regardless of the facts. The fish starts to stink from the head, and heads are going to roll. No wonder it produces peeper products. One thing is for sure, that the ORA complicitors will be hung and strung all over the place, getting a taste of their own Marror. We will make sure that it will be posted besheva ve'esrim umeah midinah, mehodu vead Kush. A SHANDE UND A SHPOT. VehoElokim bikesh et haNIRDAF!


    Short of calling it a HUSH HUSH conspiracy, hardly any information is
    coming forth from the High Profile ProdFather Epstein TORTURE TRIAL. Why hasn't
    the Press released daily testimony from the WAXES and the rest of the Choir? Are
    they at all present in the Court? After putting in so much effort into this
    Sting Operation you would have thought due Justice will be served for
    the Public in full light of the day. Does anyone realize the same? By now the whole World should have
    been up in arms.

  19. how can any Epstien sympathizer honestly look at this and answer this question - how can he be a "good guy", doing all this for the benefit of the "chained women", when this case is predicated on a sting where the people didnt even exist? Its mind boggling to me. He is nothing more than a money hungry, selfish psychopathic thug thief and possibly murderer as well (whether or not he has ended up killing any of his victims to date, anyone coming to attack another yid shelo kdin with knives and clubs and cattle prods would certainly have to have a din of a rodef imho) and the chickens are finally coming home to roost.
    Now I believe that Wax is also a shlechte, who clearly is exchanging his testimony for a more favorable outcome in his own case(s), but that does not change the facts of the case. How anyone can continue to promote Epstien as anything other than a rosha, and a mechalel Shem Shomayim of the highest order, is beyond me.

  20. Goldie, you are either willfully ignorant of the facts of this case, or you are completely bonkers out of your mind, or an Epstien family member (or all three).
    How can he consider a husband cruel and abusive without talking to him??? How can he consider a husband cruel and abusive without making ONE phone call to a rabbi affiliated with the case to find out if he is actually cruel and abusive??? And since if he would have attempted to do those things he would not be in this situation BECAUSE THE SUPPOSEDLY CRUEL AND ABUSIVE HUSBAND DIDN'T EVEN EXIST, he obviously and clearly was doing this for one reason only - the benefit of one mendel epstien, psychopath thug masquerading as a rabbi. If you cant see the truth in that maybe go back to ora and all the other feminist wackjobs and take turns convincing yourselves how horrible all men are etc...

  21. Goldie, you are either willfully ignorant of the facts of this case, or you are completely bonkers out of your mind, or an Epstien family member (or all three).

    Well said!

  22. This is NOT ONLY about us federal Kidnappings, this a massive affront Assault on ALL
    of Shomrei Torah uMitsvot Judaism, on freedom aspiring Jews, on Torah Hakdosha,
    Shulchan Aruch, Kadmonim, Rishonim, Achronim, Gedoilei uPoskei Yisrael neemon
    leHashem ulToroso, not those pervert peeping rabbis and their cohorts. It is not
    only about spilling Jewish blood Shfichat Damim, but also about breaking Jewish
    Ribs and eivorim shehanshama tluya bo vital organs. It is also about giving
    Heart Attacks a near miss of Retsicha mamesh, a RODEF miDeaoraysa al iskei dinei
    nefoshos onu askinan, bemischaven laharog bemeizid bishat nefesh lekatchila.
    These are Bnei Avlo of the highest degree, employing MAFIA TACTICS al acheinu
    Bnei yisrael hayekorim Hashem Yishmor. This is bibchinat Lo Saamod al Dam
    Reacho, it could happen to anyone R"L and no one is immune, and we cannot and
    should not stand idly by. Hachanus patuach, vehachenvoni makif, vechol dichfin
    yeisei veyeichol, HaKessef ve'harchush nitan lach, ve'es hanefesh kach volech
    va'asu katov beinechem, klei chommos mecheirosehem, eino mavchin bein dom ladom,
    bein din lodin, ukimat regah bein chayim lemavet uporcho nishmosoi, veoimar lach
    BEDOMAYICH CHAYII. These are the Anshei Bnei Bliyaal, that did it not for

    "who he considered cruel abusive husbands",

    indeed there weren't even existing husbands, these were Reb aReb Sting
    Tamir veNeelam beilom Shemnikes, a Dovor shelo bo leolam, and NO questions
    asked. This so happened to be the more lucky non-existent virtual husband,
    however, the unlucky ones were beaten sadistically bloody murder, with no
    questions asked, where the wives paid good money up front for the yedei bnei
    eisavnikes, and this was all about MONEY, and ONLY ABOUT MONEY! No money, No
    need to apply! That is to say, veDomim beDomim nogu, veDomim Tartei mashama. NO!
    This is not about Kidnapping only, this is about busting skulls, breaking bones,
    damaging Hearts, threats of imminent death, cruel sadistic Kapo face beatings,
    knocking out teeth shein veAyin, making damaged goods a Baal Mum out of a NEFESH
    BeYisrael, instilling in him forever terror and fear, robbing out the AHAVAS
    HACHAYIM to go on with life, Robbing his wife and stealing his children, his
    life long nachas, his life toil and financial savings, paining even his extended
    family, Parents, Siblings and all, only to throw him afterwards for the DEAD. We
    yet haven't mentioned the Reshaim of ORA committing Character Assassinations,
    redifot yomam velayla kedei shelo yimotse manoach lekaf raglo, ridiculing,
    stalking, harassing, battering and what not. What happened to "LO SOINU ISH ES
    AMISO" lav shekosuv shebatorah?, HUH? Zu oinoas dvorim! A kleinikeit? Did you
    apply a T. Epstein technique on him too? He is FREE, HUH? His blood is FREE,
    Hefker Beis Din Hefker?

    Indeed this IS a Beis Din Poker veHefker, umafkir Eishes Ish leshuk, oise
    masseh bereishis of marbeh mamzerim beYisrael, oise maasseh zimri umvakesh schar
    keMENDEL EPSTEIN. Of course, why not, machshirei mitsva keoisei mitsvah, what is
    fare is only fare, vechelek kachelek yachloki yachdov.

    Don't you know, hanitfolin lidvar Aveirah, keovrei Averah. Koele veKoele
    hosifu Bnei Avlo, and all the Kalgasim of the Goon Squad hayadua leshimtsa will
    now have to pay the price. Here is a classic example of "VehoElokim Ino LeYAdo."
    Little did they know, hapinkas patuach, ayin roeh, oznayim lakosel, veozen
    shomaas, vechol maasecho besefer nichtovim, venimtso Shem Shomayim

    And to you Goldie, they were all in cahoots, for MONEY and only for the
    MONEY, miRav Tabochim shoichat/shuchat Makke re'ehu basseser, vead horav hoErev
    Rav Rodfei Shalmonim, lokeach $HOCHAD basseser leksus einayim feasting on this
    $hisKaBaab Chinja Fiesta, vead vead biichlall HoAsseres bnei homon! Vehineh bo
    Yom haDin.Vehoka osom leinei haShemesh. This will be a Biur Chamets
    yesodi lifnei haChag. Velo yihye od Tsaar vaShever vaSHEVI

  23. and
    I couldn't figure out what was going on.... like who is on what side,


    There was a point where I had to ask Epstein family members what was going on,
    because Wax was clearly contradicting the line of questioning of the PROSECUTOR,
    and I couldn't figure out what was going on.... like who is on what side, lol?

    Dear Epstein sympathizer,
    me help you in figuring out the Dalet Kushyos, who is on who's side, who is on
    first, he said who is on second, and she said who is on third. Apparently, fee,
    fi, fo, fum, cannot be on all four bases at the same given time hitting a home
    run. Not even a Quark is capable of doing such. David struck up in an
    exchange of a better deal for a song and a dance chanting and singing. The other
    Rev-vovo ketsemach hasadeh got up in arms, chas vecholila, moser, bosser, osser
    and threatened with a siruv, beissur shamta ve'arriran, vechrem Derabenu yovoi
    yoyna, veharchokas Derabenu Shor mued nogach, umay chozis dedomech sumke
    tfei. Vomad veomar letakes eitso mi Zaken Mamre beEilonei Mamre using
    Epstein as a guide as to how to DO this thing... ma laasos kedos kaasher
    yotso horo'o al "Sonom shel yisrael". Dina demalchuse mitsad echod mize, veRa
    bonim miSitra DeAchrina deAchrimno mitsad achar. Chiker, veIzen lachshov
    machshovos, vepossar lo litfos umnas avoisom, kmo sheneemar Maase ovos siman
    lebonim. Maskil ledovid bihyoso batsoro tfilo-- "LEDOVID BESHANOISOI ES TAAMO",
    talk and sing from both sides of your mouth, let the drool drip all over
    your face, and sing LOONEY-TUNES,
    make it into a Picadilly five ring circus, vezehu pisron hachalom. Your
    testimony will be worthless and mi yodea ma yulad yom, maybe you will be
    eligible for an insanity plea.

    for the TARYAG FOUNDATION, Taryag mitsvos lo shomarti, ve'es SHESOH GIDIN
    haretsios ubemaklos potsati yeled lechabirosi. Taryag is the handle of a
    multitasking milking Wonder ca$h Cow Exchange that you can give it to drink
    cholov akim, and milk it cholov yisrael with a minimal loss of ~10% left in the
    Udder. The second task it can perform, you give it to drink blood and turns it
    into a Golden Egg, through a recently invented gene process known as "Kol deAlim
    Gvar". At the end of the day, they may sing sing together in the Chad
    Gadya LOONEY TUNES from either side of the mouth, Kosher liyemei haPsach,
    veshaar kol yemos hashono bli shum chashash upishpek lol shel taruves, udmay,
    vetolaim. Chag Sameach to all, ach ach ach... Someach.

  24. Hi My name is "Sam" just want to share my experience with the world on how i got my love back and saved my marriage.because i really love SONNIA so much that i can not even do without. I was married for 7years with 2kids and we lived happily until things started getting ugly and we had fights and arguments almost every time... it got worse at a point that she filed for divorce... I tried my best to make her change her mind & stay with me cause i loved her with all my heart and didn't want to loose her but everything just didn't work out... she moved out of the house and still went ahead to file for divorce... I pleaded and tried everything but still nothing worked. The breakthrough came when someone introduced me to this wonderful, great spell caster who eventually helped me out... I have never been a fan of things like this but just decided to try reluctantly cause I was desperate and left with no choice... He did special prayers and used roots and herbs... Within 7 days she called me and was sorry for all the emotional trauma she had cost me, moved back to the house and we continue to live happily, the kids are happy too and we are expecting our third child. I have introduced him to a lot of couples with problems across the world and they have had good news... Just thought I should share my experience cause I strongly believe someone out there need's it... NOTE THAT he will ask you to pay some amount of money to get the materials to work for you. You can email DR SUCCESS via Don't give up just yet, the different between "Ordinary" & "Extra-Ordinary" is the "Extra" so make extra effort to save your marriage/relationship if it's truly worth it. visit him today @

  25. Hi My name is "Sam" just want to share my experience with the world on how i got my love back and saved my marriage.because i really love SONNIA so much that i can not even do without. I was married for 7years with 2kids and we lived happily until things started getting ugly and we had fights and arguments almost every time... it got worse at a point that she filed for divorce... I tried my best to make her change her mind & stay with me cause i loved her with all my heart and didn't want to loose her but everything just didn't work out... she moved out of the house and still went ahead to file for divorce... I pleaded and tried everything but still nothing worked. The breakthrough came when someone introduced me to this wonderful, great spell caster who eventually helped me out... I have never been a fan of things like this but just decided to try reluctantly cause I was desperate and left with no choice... He did special prayers and used roots and herbs... Within 7 days she called me and was sorry for all the emotional trauma she had cost me, moved back to the house and we continue to live happily, the kids are happy too and we are expecting our third child. I have introduced him to a lot of couples with problems across the world and they have had good news... Just thought I should share my experience cause I strongly believe someone out there need's it... NOTE THAT he will ask you to pay some amount of money to get the materials to work for you. You can email DR SUCCESS via Don't give up just yet, the different between "Ordinary" & "Extra-Ordinary" is the "Extra" so make extra effort to save your marriage/relationship if it's truly worth it. visit him today @


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