Saturday, September 20, 2014

Rivky Stein & Yoel Weiss: Sofer Rabbi Lichter says Rivky lied to him get him to come to court to write a get

audio recording link


  1. This is a bit confusing. Was Yoeli there at the B"D? Or is this a different day?

  2. Where were a bunch of police officers witnessing the dispute that is mentioned on the audio?

  3. Why was the sofer brought to secular court to write a Get? That would render it a Get Me'usa even if he did give it under secular court pressure.

  4. It sounds like they had a court date this week. It seems that Ms. Stein asked Rabbi Lichter show up, falsely claiming that Yoel wanted to give a get then....

  5. Moe, that's an excellent question. But we also need to ask - what the bleep is she doing in archaos to begin with? Exactly which Torah source (or which religion) grants a Get on demand to a woman operating in archaos?

    The answer appears to be that corrupt NY feminist "Orthodoxy" has pretty much erased the line between archaos and Beis Din. In NY one can now be considered "Orthodox" as they settle all the issues of their divorce dispute, including writing the Get, before the judge in archaos. And should the male chauvinist, misogynist Jewish husband fail to immediately deliver the Get, the feminist politicians in lieu of rabbis and their moronic followers will scream "save the agunah", "save the agunah"!

  6. I would like to know what circumstances in this case brought about the sofer being brought to secular court. Did the secular judge involve herself in the issue of issuing a Get?

  7. The answer appears to be that corrupt NY feminist "Orthodoxy" has pretty much erased the line between archaos and Beis Din. In NY one can now be considered "Orthodox" as they settle all the issues of their divorce dispute, including writing the Get, before the judge in archaos.

    You are over reaching here. As Yoel has said he went to one B"D. She went Arakhaot. They told her that she had to leave Arkhaot and allow them B"D to resolve all disputes.
    She ran to the BDA. When the BDA was informed of what she was doing they dropped her like a hot potato.
    She then set up a fly by night phony B"D, that claims to operate out of a Chabad house, where the Rabbi has never heard of them. She also began a media campaign that for a very long time fooled many sincere people who did not have the resources to look into all the facts.
    Now the truth is coming out and she is losing her support base. But as far as Rabbanim, true valid Rabbanim, what complaint can there be? Two legitimate Batei Din told her she woud have to have her issues settled in a B"D and that she wouldn't get her get until everything was settled. Even with the BDA, whatever complaints you may normally have, you have to admit they acted correctly here.

    All we are seeing is how liars and frauds comport themselves and try to put on a religious show while they are doing it.

  8. Airing it in the sun is the best disinfectant. See what happened to ORA, it glitched too many times betting on the wrong horse, never admits it Vehoelokim ino leyodo. See what happened to those corrupt Epsteins and their goon squads, Vehoelokim yevakesh et hanirdaf. Just keep on doing what you're doing, till the Pied Piper will stop piping, and the stalkers will turn out to be the stalked. The racketeering squad is working overtime. Wishing you and all a Shnas Sholom!

  9. fedupwithcorruptrabbisSeptember 22, 2014 at 2:16 AM

    Monty, It is common knowledge in the Chabad area where he resides known as Summerlin, that both shuls there have refused to allow him in, but the rabbis there in Las vegas have been marrying off women who shacked up with men prior to receiving a GET as well as being tolerant of congregants who regularly drive to shul on Shabbos and Yom Kippur. In my eyes this is double standard of halocho despite the fact that kin's seiruv is not in good standing as it was issued without prior summonses. This is nothing less than rabbinic corruption at its best. The GET business is a multi-million dollar business, and the rabbis want to control their turf very carefully.

  10. "Common knowledge" is not going to persuade me or anyone else reading this blog, you need to produce evidence. If you show us an email conversation with the parties involved, then we have a starting point.

  11. ShekerJew,

    Welcome back. First I give you Yoel Weis' own words as to what occured.
    Yoel Weiss • 5 days ago

    Hi I sent her a haszmana in july 2012 from Tartikov Beth Din

    1452 55th St, Brooklyn, NY 11219

    (718) 972-2210

    She never showed up. Then she sent me a haszmana in july 2013 From Beth Din of America Witch i responded to that she never came to the Tartikov Beth Din and now we are in court when ever she wants to go to Beth din to settle all matters to Contact them

    then she sent out haszmana to all my family members and not me - that every one is speaking lashon hora on her. Every one from my family called the tel # and the message said that the beth din is on vacation touring Europe

    the recording that is on redeemrivky was recorded on December 2013 4 month befor they sent me a haszmana i was on the phone with ezra stein you can call him

    Every time I got a email haszmana i called and emailed andI never got a response by phone or by email. You sound like you like going in circles. Unless you are ezra stein or rivky stein I can understand why. Other wise please stop you can always call me 718-666-6619

    So as he himself testifies the BDA acted within the bounds of the Shulhan Arukh.

    Then you try to obfuscate and conflate issues. You bring in the Doddelson Weis affar as proof that the New York Batei Din are corrupt. However, if you had a drop of honesty, or bothered to check old posts here, that Rosh Yeshiva letter was from Lakewood Roshei Yeshiva, not New York Roshei Yeshiva. It actually devolved into a a fight between New York Rabbanim lead by Rav Feinstein and Lakewood Rabbanim lead by the Kotlers.

    Coming up on Yom HaDin you should be careful smearing Rabbanim.

  12. ShekerJew,

    That is not what happened according to Yoel Weiss. Are you saying that Yoel Weiss is lying about what took place because it does not fit with your preconceived notions?


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