Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Rifky Stein & Yoel Weiss: Israel Farkash - "coordinator" of Mill Basin Beis Din - breaking news

Allegations have been made that the court records are referring to Israel Farkash of the Beis Din. Arrested September 15 for an incident on September 10.


  1. THIS?! This chevraman is the "coordinator" of a Beis Din? What is this kid's qualifications? Where'd he drop in from? He puts together three clowns who don't know basic halacha and calls them dayanim?

  2. Fair enough... if the coordinator of the beis din turns out to be a criminal... but that just may mean that rivky was duped! All previous points remain

  3. Here is our lovely Farkash chevraman on Facebook:


    He is a a Tel Aviv University grad. One of his many notorious facebook friends is the notorious adulteress Pearl Reich. Check out his facebook friends list. Lots of shady characters on it.

    This is an engagement of a Yisrael Farkash ten years ago. (This may or may not be the same fellow):


    And here Farkash, a former Israeli now living in Brooklyn, is quoted in Ynet on the Lieby Kletzky story:


  4. Was the assault against the star of the ongoing saga?

  5. No. What that means is that she speficialy chose this criminal to help her with her charade.

  6. Truth is I saw the video with this guy but didn't yet know it was farkash. If it is him we have verified that he is a real person who is the manager of the beis din. Before this I had thought the claim was that the whole beis din and people within our were invented by rivky!

  7. Ny sucs stand for ny state unified court system😃

  8. It makes no sense... even RDE agrees that she could've gone to RCA and gotten the same siruv. She only chose this beis din because it is cheap! All these claims all ignore the fact that everyone on this blog admits that plenty of batei din like the RCA would make him give a get. That's the ultimate problem here the entire time... the conspiracy angle is utterly ridiculous. Now, is it possible that he runs a fly by the night beis din that is real cheap and makes him some money?? Yes I suppose. But who cares? She could do the same thing with any other beis din just for more money. There is nothing mechudash that this beis din did that the RCA would not do for a bit more cash.

  9. Your absurdities are quite amazing.

    You have claimed that 83% of the halakhot dealing with Gittin are completely unecessary.
    You have continuously supported Rivky's lies.
    In the comment thread here:
    You were busy claiming that Mr Farkash was some sort of agent for Yoel who strong armed some poor Israeli into perjuring himself Now we find out that this criminal was the one coordinating the fraudulent B"D along with another individual, who shall remain unnamed, who Rabbi Lichter, your supposed Gittin expert, in the recorded convo with Yoel said is a unscrupulous gangster that will stoop to anything.

    You have contended that the B"D was real and established B"D and hada permanent address in that Chabad house(also as Rivka Stein claimed). Yet we have footage of the Chabad Rabbi saying that he had never heard of the B"D before the 10th of Av, and that he simply opened his building to them.

    Yet somehow as each and every lie(and your own absurdities) are laid bear you keep saying, that is what Rivka has been saying all along... How absurd can you get?

  10. @eLamdan - Your virutual reality is incredible. She didn't have a beis din - but since she could have gotten one it is the same thing according to your fantasy psak!. Your "answers" are getting more irrational. THERE WAS NO BEIS DIN

    What do I need a get for? If I can imagine that a beis din would give one - then I can say it in fact did give a get?! If I have the ability to schect a cow - then I don't need to actually do it to declare that the meat is kosher.

  11. It It makes no sense... even RDE agrees that she could've gone to RCA and gotten the same siruv.

    Where did he say that?

    Second no!!! The RCA wouldn't try a man in abstentia, they like having their Gittin and conversions recgonized by Rabbinut. They also wouldn't have placed a Niduy against him k'neged halakha.

    If Yoel refused to respond to their hazmanot they may have issued a siruv, but that would be completely different from this. The hazmanot that Yoel was given, that he was asked to respond to, had a phoney address(later "corrected") and phone number of a Chabad house that had never heard of the B"D or Dayyanim before the 10th of Av.

    All these claims all ignore the fact that everyone on this blog admits that plenty of batei din like the RCA would make him give a get.

    NO!!! See real Dayyanim would have learned those various simanim that you claim are unnecessary would know that her going to secular court against halakha, and filing false charges against Yoel to the point that that the DA will no longer accept her complaints, and extortionary RICO claims make her a moser, and lose her the right to use a B"D until she vacates those claims(C"M 26 and 388).

    Further they would know that Yoel could not halakhicly give a Get until her ability to do that again had been permanently removed(E"H 134).

    There is nothing mechudash that this beis din did that the RCA would not do for a bit more cash.

    Total and utter rubbish. This B"D acted wholely and completely against halakha on many levels. The RCA would never do that for the simple reason that they want their Gittin and conversions to be recognized by other and especially Israel, and the Chief Rabbinate has shown a perpensity for stripping them of that when they don't follow the very high standards of Rabbinut. If they were shown to have handled a case like this this, the RCA B"D system would lose all credibility.

    Rivka Stein did this for one simple reason, as her brother said, in order to operate k'neged halakha.

  12. RDE,

    In all this commotion over establishing that the Beit Din is a fraud, aren't you losing sight of the really important issue here, namely did Yoeli subject her to years of beatings, rapes etc?

    All this stuff is a smokescreen. The make or break issues are as above.

  13. @ E Berkovis - why don't you look at the present evidence. She has made a lot of claims. Some of them have been shown to be false such as the Beis Din and her claims regarding the Order of Protection. Where are is the evidence to support her claims of slavery, kidnapping etc etc. At this point I dont think any jury would convcit Yoel of what she claims

    When the RICO claim gets thrown out - are you still going to insist that she is telling the truth?

  14. I am aware the beis din is false.

    However, playing devils advocate I ask you where does this leave us with her other claims. Claims of rape and domestic abuse do not need evidence. A judge or jury may convict without evidence. Certainly a be is din does not require evidence of such.

    I did not insist anything and I think you should consider the vehemence of your response to my entirely innocuous question.

  15. @Rabbi Tzaddok - agree totally with your comment.

    The issue of RCA beis din was that if she had gone to them rather than a chareidi beis din and if they have the policy of giving a get first - that he MIGHT have been told to give the get before the other issues were resolved. I did not say that they would ignore issues such as filing a law suit in secular court etc etc.

  16. @E Berkovits - playing devils advocate runs the danger of being taken for the devil. If you don't believe the views you are expressing you should simply state that fact. otherwise it is reasonable to assume that you are expressing your true views.

  17. Ur misunderstanding. My point is your alleging a crime that had virtually no motive.

  18. Again you are sidestepping the question.

    Ignore whether I believe the view I express or not.

    Kindly just answer the question.

    How do we KNOW that all her claims against Yoel are lies?

    Agreed her method of attacking him is dishonest and crude. Facebook is crude. The be is din is unlikely to exist.

    But this does not mean he is guiltless. If even half if what she alleged against him is true I strongly fail to understand why you are siding with him against her.

    Basically - פלגינן דבוריה, .

  19. @E Berkovits - a person who maks up serious public lies is not assumed to be telling the truth on other things just because she made them public. For such a person there is no מיגו דהעזה
    She simply does not have a chezkas kashrus.

    Because she has no crediblity - that means that is I don't believe even 50% or even 1% based solely on her claims.

  20. @eLamdan - who has no motive? She would not have gotten a seruv or a psak to give a get or a cherem without allowing him to present his side and a real besi din might have believed him. She though she could get away with a make believe beis din that said everything she wanted without any cost or effort.

  21. Stein has repeatedly been proven to be a liar. Both in court, as the secular judge has stated many times regarding her false claims against her husband (and therefore issued an order that she can no longer use the police to file any more such actions against him) as well as out of court. If she said it is daytime you better look outside to see if the moon is out. Anything she says starts out with a presumption of falsehood.

  22. No judge or jury will accept as truth any claims by a person who has been proven in court to have been lying in court and police documents.

  23. Because the judge in her case has declared her a liar as you can read in the court transcripts that have been posted on this site and are publicly available from the court system website.

  24. For arguments sake, let's say that this is the same person and all the alleged charges against him are correct. So what? What bearing does it have on the divorce saga?

  25. @Der Nayis - this arrest is opening a major can of worms.
    Farkash is an enabler of gittin for women - for pay. As far as I have learned he was not involved with physical torture such as Epstein - but was allegedly involved with "dirty tricks" - such as documents from non existent beis din. His present problems and arrest are related to another get he was working on.

  26. Upon further reconsideration this too supports Rivky. We now all agree that Farkash is a real person who at least purports to run something called the Mill Basin Beis Din. Now, let's say he is a criminal who just runs this cheap beis din and there are no actual judges - he just gets a sofer and eidim everytime and collects a check. Fine, so Rivky approached this guy who she thought was a real manager of a beis din that is affordable. He produced hazmanot etc. and it is all fake or they are all signatures of total idiots - not real dayanim. So far, no one knows this but him... and he gets his check. Now, the halacha is wise to this plan. It allows the husband (Yoel) to respond with his own beis din... just in case something like this occurs. So that is what we are waiting for. Give the get or propose an alternative beis din. If Rivky does not like that beis din - zabla should be acceptable. Enough with the blogs... let's follow shulchan aruch!

  27. @elamdan Farkash never had a beis din so your whole fantasy falls apart. Yoel discovered that there was no beis din - he had no obligation to counter with an obligation to go to his beis din.

    You don't understand the basis halacha in Shulchan Aruch.

  28. When Yoel came to the address on the hazmana to respond there was no one there. Later they claimed, Oops! It was a "typo", So the fault is on the fake beis din for giving an address to respond to that he couldn't respond to since no one at the address knew about any so-called beis din.

  29. I continue to be amazed that someone who constantly talks about the authority of batei din would advise Yoel not to go to beis din and instead resort to blogs to advance his argument. It makes no sense. Where in the world did you get the idea that the proper torah way is to take to the internet? Let him go to a respectable beis din and let them resolve this issue. Why are we posting Youtube videos? Why can't we let a respected beis din handle this??

  30. I said the opposite. I said the beis din was more or less ad hoc. The manager just gets three Rabbis together when needed to issue hazmanot. They have no address and simply settle on a convenient location. It is a cheap communal operation... but who cares? If you don't like the beis din propose an alternate. That is the way of the Shulchan Aruch.

  31. Again, let the manager of the beis din be a criminal. Who cares if he got Moe, Larry, and Curly to issue the hazmanah. If Yoel doesn't like it it is his obligation to propose an alternate beis din. Since when does shulchan aruch advocate youtube over beis din?

  32. Good... so let them go to the RCA beis din. Most people would trust them to handle this. Why the need for blogs?

  33. @eLamdan you are either suffering from reading difficulties or you are simply lying. there is no need to respond to a fake beis din according to the Shulchan Aruch.

  34. @eLamanda for the last time - Rivky's beis din was not composed of rabbis.Farkash used names of 3 non-rabbis without their permission and claimed he had a beis din. Shulchan Aruch does not require responding to such a "beis din".

    I will be deleting any more of your repetitions of this lie.

  35. Listen to the recordings on redeemrivky.com. he admits he did not and will not respond to hazmanot

  36. There is no semicha nowadays so three "nonrabbis" would have the same halachic status. Either respond or pick ur own beis din if u don't like it.

  37. Hi i sent her a haszmana in july 2012 from Tartikov Beth Din

    1452 55th St, Brooklyn, NY 11219

    (718) 972-2210

    She Never Showed up then she sent me a haszmana in july 2013 From Beth Din of America Witch i responded to that she never came to the Tartikov Beth Din and now we are in court when ever she wants to go to Beth din to settle all matters to Contact them

    then she sent out haszmana to all my family members and not me that every one is speaking lushin hora on her every one from my family called the tel # and the message said that the beth din is on vacation touring Europe

    the recording that is on redeemrivky was recorded on December 2013 4 month befor they sent me a haszmana i was on the phone with ezra stein you can call him

    Every time i got a email haszmana i called and emailed and i never got a respond by phone or by email you sound like you like going in circles unless you are ezra stein or rivky stein i can understand why other wise please stop you can always call me 718-666-6619

  38. The RCA is not an acceptable beis din outside of Modern Orthodox quarters on divorce issues due to the changes its made in deference to feminist demands (such as demanding a Get upfront where halacha doesn't require it and normative butei dinim don't and never in the past required it.)

  39. Yoel Weiss • 48 minutes ago yoelsweiss@gmail.com •

    Hi I sent her a haszmana in july 2012 from Tartikov Beth Din

    1452 55th St, Brooklyn, NY 11219

    (718) 972-2210

    She never showed up. Then she sent me a haszmana in july 2013 From Beth Din of America Witch i responded to that she never came to the Tartikov Beth Din and now we are in court when ever she wants to go to Beth din to settle all matters to Contact them

    then she sent out haszmana to all my family members and not me - that every one is speaking lashon hora on her. Every one from my family called the tel # and the message said that the beth din is on vacation touring Europe

    the recording that is on redeemrivky was recorded on December 2013 4 month befor they sent me a haszmana i was on the phone with ezra stein you can call him

    Every time I got a email haszmana i called and emailed andI never got a response by phone or by email. You sound like you like going in circles. Unless you are ezra stein or rivky stein I can understand why. Other wise please stop you can always call me 718-666-6619

  40. In your previous posts you asked why don't my force her to go to a real jewish court she is not an animal you don't have to force people to do things anytime she would like to go I'll be more than happy to go to resolve all issues

  41. On the video Ezra Stein, the brother, is ranting that they couldn't go to the Beis Din of America since they're too expensive, when someone asked him about it.

    Now we see why he really wasn't using the BDA. Even the BDA realized Stein was a fraud and her case was a fraud. So after being rejected by the BDA, Stein invented her own make-believe fraudulent "beit din" using "Manager" Israel Farkash!

  42. Why Don't we ask how rivky stein and ezra stein found this crooks
    """" Israel Farkash who Dose not keep shobbos and eats none kosher food and lets not forget Uziel Frankel 485 east 3rd st why dose ezra not answer these ????? his tel is 646-871-3090

  43. I continue to be amazed that someone who constantly talks about the authority of batei din would advise Yoel not to go to beis din and instead resort to blogs to advance his argument. It makes no sense. Where in the world did you get the idea that the proper torah way is to take to the internet? Let him go to a respectable beis din and let them resolve this issue. Why are we posting Youtube videos? Why can't we let a respected beis din handle this??

    Rivky put up videos on youtube and why don't you ask her why she did it. its funny how you don't ask any ???? on her Facebook we all know the reason why you can't stand that you keep loosing the pr games that you started quit while you still can say your sorry to the world for lying to the public is it that hard and return all the money the steins stole from the public

  44. Moe...kindly explain why it is a "crazy" comment. And why its against basic Halacha and "Torah values" (whatever they are).

    I never said accusations MUST have some truth....I said its possible some are true. That is what needs to be discovered.

    NB. I do concede that with her history of dishonesty (some if which I was unaware) it is less likely than not that the allegations are true.

  45. Is it "possible" that my accusations that you are a charity thief adulterer fraudster are true?

  46. Talmud requires the BD to be baki betiv Gittin veKidushin. Torah requires anshei chayil, yirei elokim, anshei emes, sonei botsa. Joe Shmo, Curly and Larry are neither. As for the manager Farkash ochel tarfus etc. need not apply, since "al toshes yodcho im rosho", excludes him to wheel and deal. His alleged hazmana, is like a head check without backing. You tube is a hatsala porto as damage control, for all the character assasination these anoshin, noshim roim vachatoim la'H disseminate. This is not in lieu of a Beis Din. Indeed, she is not even looking for a Get. She is just out to destroy for purposes of extortion. This whole saga is only lekanter, including yourself. You should be put into CHEREM and throw away the key.

  47. For starters, start with the halachas of Loshon Horah, Rechilus and Motzi Shem Ra and the various prohibitions of believing or EVEN LISTENING TO such accusations.


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