Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Schlesinger Twins: Community President Oskar Deutsch's failure to help Beth

 Update, added Mr Deutsch's response to Ev Meyer's criticism and Beth Alexander's response to Mr. Deutsch letter.

Heute  A 10 head delegation under the leadership of Community President Oskar Deutsch visited Israel on Tuesday; "We are showing the people that they are not alone." Wounded soldiers were wholeheartedly thanked.

It is not my intention to name and shame people, especially not my own fellow Jews but when I saw this article in yesterday´s Austrian press, I felt so outraged at the hypocrisy of it, I felt compelled to voice my deep hurt and offence.

While the soldiers in Israel deserve all our thanks and praise and it is indeed noble of the Viennese Jewish community to fly a delegation out there, I would like to share my personal experiences of the ´compassionate´ President.

I went to see Mr Oskar Deutsch together with the Vice President, Ariel Muzicant. I was in a pretty desperate state and begged them to help my children who continue to suffer every day they are denied their mother in their lives.

I appealed to them as fathers, and Mr Muzicant as a father and grandfather to understand the daily loss from our lives and tried to communicate to them just a fraction of the grief we live with every day of our lives. I pleaded with them to step in and try to resolve the terrible crisis that has played out in their community the past 4 years and try to halt the terrible chillul hashem that has spread all over the world as a result.

Both men seemed sympathetic, Mr Deutsch even more so and while he insisted they could not interfere in the judicial process or change court decisions, they could certainly try to make the visiting arrangements better and 'more Jewish,' they assured me. Mr Deutsch promised to set up a meeting with Mr Schlesinger and at least try to make him keep to my visits and stop cancelling so frequently on a whim. He also said he would certainly try to do something so that I would no longer need to pay an exorbitant cost just to see my boys.

Mr. Deutsch also said he would find me a good lawyer. He suggested the name of one that had already repeatedly rejected my case and one who would bankrupt my family. He didn´t know her personally and wasn´t offering any kind of personal connection - something that´s taken extremely seriously here. Giving me the telephone number of a lawyer he didn´t know personally and whom he could not help me finance was not really the help I was looking for.

After several weeks when I hadn´t heard from Mr Deutsch, I called him up to see what he had done. He dismissively told me he hadn´t managed to set up a meeting with Mr Schlesinger and neither would he be able to do so. When I asked why not, he simply said, ´Mr Schlesinger refuses to come, there´s nothing more I can do´

When I asked him about the cost of my visits, he stingingly said, ´What´s 50 Euro?! You pay your lawyers more than that!´ I didn´t hear anything from him since then. It feels like the community have simply abandoned us.

Mr Deutsch, you may be kind and generous to children of Israelis far away but can I remind you once again about the suffering children crying out for help in your own community, on your own doorstep? You are fully aware of our pain and suffering. Please don´t keep your back turned on us. The whole world has heard about the plight of the Schlesinger twins, Samuel and Benjamin. Please find it in your heart to spare a thought for us too. Perhaps you can bring some of the kindness and compassion that you demonstrated so publicly in Israel home with you to Vienna. You don´t only have to be Jewish in Israel. In fact, here in the diaspora it is those Jewish values we need all the more.

 Ev Meyer wrote the following to Mr. Oskar Deutch

concerned Australian well connected Jew

Mr. Deutsch's response to Ev Meyer

Dear All,
I have spoken many times to both . Unfortunately not achieving the desired results. A claim I would not care is simply wrong.
Best Regards
Oskar Deutsch

 Beth Alexander responder to Mr. Deutsch's letter
Dear Mr Deutsch,

Please don't add salt to our wound. To claim you have 'spoken many times to me' is pure fiction and extremely insulting. Enough untruths have been spread around the Jewish community by Mr Schlesinger and his family without more being added by the people that are supposed to be 'neutral mediators.'

Your response to my supporter is extremely disappointing to say the least. Here we have such a caring, compassionate Jew on the other side of the world who doesn't even know me, taking the trouble to contact you about members of your own community because she truly cares and you cannot even form a truthful response, never mind turn to help?

This only confirms everything people around the world are hearing and seeing about the IKG - you have let us down unforgivably.

When will you begin to care? I just hope your own children and grandchildren will never have to suffer like we have in your midst. You remain blind and deaf to our pain.

Beth Alexander  


  1. Shouldn't charity begin at home?
    What business does Oscar Deutsch, Head of the Jewish Community have going to Isael when he cannot sort out this very sad state of affairs within his own community? This is a man who breaks promises. There is plenty he can do to help the Schlesinger situation!
    What does this say about such a man?

  2. The mother should be given more visitation times.

  3. Mr Deutsch - where are your manners? And what kind of role models are you and Mr Muzicant? In this day and age, when children are growing up in a world that is becoming more threatening to them by the hour and in which Chabad communities are giving Jews a shocking reputation, particularly in USA, Australia and Austria, one would expect adults of prominence like yourselves in the Vienna community to wield influence in a positive sense at HOME, long before trying to hit the headlines ABROAD.

    There are needy people in your OWN community, like Sammy and Benji! What will they learn from your behavior when they are older and understand how you made promises you didn't keep? How you were Jewish leaders yet lacked even basic good manners?

    It's crystal clear that you are unreliable people who only care for fame and fortune but not for the smallest and weakest in your community. Have you ever even met the boys? I'd be pretty sure you haven't even made that effort. Instead, you fly to a distant country to be photographed with heroes.

    Sammy and Benji deserve better role models than you two and their father. Shame on you!

  4. Theoretically, the children will grow up under the tender care provided by the Austrian Jewish community, and everybody will see for themselves. If the mother will last that long, everybody will see for themselves. I hope she will. If the kids will last that long in a proper state, everybody will see for themselves. I hope they will. I hope they will, everybody, the mother, the chlidren, the Jewish community, see for themselves. The stain will never be erased. Not the stain of one day of this.

  5. The
    children do not need more visitation times - they need their mother full time
    like any other children. These children were ripped from their mother brutally
    and barbarically through corruption, lies and dishonesty. There was no reason
    whatsoever to take the twins away from their mother – only Schlessinger’s abuse. Whatever conniving has taken place in Vienna
    i.e. Austrian Judicial System, Schlessinger, Thau et al (I am sure that
    Deutsch, the other lay leaders and Rabbonnim in Vienna have grasped this by
    now!) Beth Samuel and Benjamin have paid the price and not just in the high
    maintenance Schlessinger has wangled through the crooked court and paying to
    see her children! It is not only Israel
    that is on the front line fighting not to be destroyed and wiped out – it is Beth,
    Samuel and Benjamin in Austria. During the Shoah Jewish children were ripped
    out of their mother's arms by Nazi's - goyim and the Jews cried. Here we have a
    situation where Jewish children were ripped out of their mother's arms and the
    Jews stood by watching and did nothing. 

 It is an unbelievable and sad truth
    that innocent two babies and their mother should suffer in this terrible way
    because of other people's dishonesty, lack of integrity and deceit.
    Shame on the IKG, Shame on Oskar Deutsch Chabad Vienna and Jewish Vienna!

  6. Rabbi Eidelsohn
    If the leader of the Austrian Jewish Community cannot help one Jewish mother and her children, what good can he do anywhere and for anyone? No one will be impressed by his going to Israel when he says he is unable to help two little boys in his home town. As for the Jewish community in Vienna. Are they actually taking any responsibility? By now, they must have seen Beth with her boys and what a good mother she is to them, probably even a better mother than they are themselves!

    Since when do we as a people bow down blindly to Authority and those making the rules, especially when we
    can see the decisions are wrong. Open todays Jewish Chronicle and see the critiques of Leadersip, even in Britain. They don't always get it right as has happened in this case. The time has come for matters to be put right and the Schlesinger children returned to their mother where they belong!


    “It is unacceptable that Mr. Lauder tries ‘to buy’ a community or its president,” Deutsch wrote in his letter.

    But Oskar, how can we be sure no one has “bought” you, to keep the corruption in Vienna fully active on Mr Schlesinger’s behalf?

    Vienna is the toilet bowl of International Jewry!

  8. If both parents want primary custody one of them will necessarily be unahppy as only one can have it. A child needs a father just as much as a mother. Without knowing a whole lot about this case, often both sides have friends that say how terrible the other side is. That's why there is a judge. Whoever doesn't get primary should have very liberal visitation rights with many hours and days. But there is no reason a father (again, speaking generally) shouldn't have primary custody.

  9. Not if he has allegations of violence against him. Not if he is abusive or tries to put his wife in a mental home. Not if he gets her 'friend' to spread lies about her Not by using his 'psychiatrist friend' in the police force to help him put her away. These are in themselves acts of violence. Talk about a plot! Just in case you might claim that the allegations of violence were not proved I would put it to you that the allegations of violence appear to have been completely ignored by the judge. What kind of judge or decent human being rips children away from their loving stable and normal mother and sends them to a father with allegations of violence against him without even investigating those allegations? If he were a normal father the twins would be thriving but they are traumatised, don't speak properly at five years old and why are their teeth missing? I note that Beth was deemed by the court appointed psychiatrist to be quite sane but was Schlessinger proved to be a nice gentle non violent man?

  10. If both parents want primary custody and the parent who is totally unfit (he refuses to be mentally assessed despite demanding exhaustive tests
    on his ex-wife) uses corruption to obtain full custody, then this unfit parent utilizes the corruption further to reduce the non-custodial parent's visiting rights
    to far less than the widely accepted norm, then you have no reasons why he shouldn't be able to keep his custody????

    I understand why Catskills1 has no problems with this arrangement. This is even more understandable if Catskills1 is either Mr Schlesinger himself or a close ally. (We now wait for Catskills1 to follow-up denying any involvement with the parties predictable!!)

  11. Catskills1 The Court has simply messed up!
    They wrongly took the boys away from the loving and capable hands of their mother for no good reason!
    They are slowly giving the children more contact with their mother, because they are realising that their decision is wrong. The boys are not flourishing whilst they are being brought up mainly by filopinos. This is evident as they are withdrawn and cannot speak at 5. Photographic evidence has shown how happy and content the boys are with their mother. The Court now need to take a giant step and let Beth have the boys completely, as they have been
    deprived which has harmed their development in so many ways. There
    is no good reason for the Court not to allow Beth the opportunity to have
    the boys live with her whilst the
    question of custody is considered further.
    In retrospect, It has been proven thatthe Courts decision has
    not shown justice to the children
    Even more, It can be seen that Beth is a more than adequate mother and has to be given every opportunity to rear her own children.

    Taking children from their mother is a sentence to both the mother and her children. In this case there is no good reason!

  12. Oscar Deutsch, please be aware of this:

    "Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person...
    Motherhood and childhood are entitled to special care and assistance.
    - Universal Declaration of Human Rights

  13. Catskills, I have no reason whatsoever to believe you might be either the father or a member of his family, yet there appears to be a general background to cases where abuse of various kinds has taken place and that you may not be informed about.

    There is actually a worldwide pattern to what we call "court licensed abuse" cases, involving both sexual abuse of children and abuse of other kinds, eg physical violence. If you're on Facebook, you can find it on the Safe Kids International page (scroll down to Court Licensed Abuse).

    In cases of sexual abuse, the child discloses it but the investigation done by the authorities is below par. In the case of the Schlesinger twins the father's domestic violence was - we read on this blog - reported to the police and, as usually happens all over the world, dismissed.

    The next step everywhere is that the judge appoints a psychologist who succeeds in shifting the blame to the mother. In Vienna this also happened and any attempts by her to get highly reputable psychiatrists to confirm her sanity were ignored by the judge.

    Then the judge disregards or minimises evidence of abuse and claims - on very weak or inadmissible evidence - that the mother is a liar, mentally ill and/or unfit to be a parent. This too happened in the Schlesinger twins' case. The father was said to be the one who thought something might not be right about the children's development (a topic the judge has not studied at university) and the mother the one who had ignored all the signs. This contradicts the facts, as the mother also consulted various experts but the father was the one who - as we read above - apparently prevented them from being seen by some of Vienna's best child psychiatrists.

    If you read the rest on Safe Kids International, you can see how the mother is then isolated from her offspring by the judge, the (abusive) father given custody and the mother disempowered and traumatised. It is the same all over the world.

  14. Can someone put together a petition for us all to sign and send to Mr Deutsch personally from citizens of the world watching his inactions. I would but its just not my forte

  15. I hope that Oskar Deutsch is reading this blog.

    David Cameron, the British Prime Minister, stated today how family is so important in his life, even before politics. He is putting in place ways of helping British citizens strengthen their family lives! Oskar Deutsch should be taking a leaf out of his book!

    The British Government is horrified as to the way Beth Alexander and her sons are being treated in Vienna. Instead of trying to make a name for himself by travelling to Israel, Oskar Deutsch should be showing and encouraging his community in Vienna to be caring and supportive to one another. He needs to strengthen his own community before he goes out to help others.

    He should start by showing some humility and humanity towards Beth and her two sons and to encourage his community to be caring towards them! No mother should be parted from her children, especially when there is no good reason!

    If Oskar Deutsch really want to make a good name for himself, he should start with helping Beth and her boys!

  16. Some good advice for Oskar Deutsch from a Christian saint. Beth's little boys are the poor and needy in his community. Why are the IKG reps bothering to travel to Israel to have their pictures taken and appear in the Austrian and Jewish press when they are not encouraging their members to love these unfortunate children?

    "What does love look like? It has the hands to help others. It has the feet to hasten to the poor and needy. It has eyes to see misery and want. It has the ears to hear the sighs and sorrows of men. That is what love looks like."

    ~Saint Augustine

  17. maybe daas torah can copy and paste our comments and forward them to Oskars email instead of wondering if he may just read them

  18. This is a good idea Ev. Instead of prancing around Israel looking for glamour and bring critisized by Muslims, as he is, his duty is to his own community in Vienna.

    Oskar Deutsch should be back in Vienna doing a simple deed. He should be doing everything in his power to help in the dire situation of Beth and her sons This will earn him International respect!

  19. Well done, Ev!

  20. Well done Ev!

    Lets hope there won't be any need for either a petition. ( Beth does have many thousands of supporters), or the need to inundate him with emails and other sorts of communication.

    All it will need for Oscar Deutsch to use some humility and humanity and help Beth and her sons!

  21. What sort of pressure is it going to take for Oskar Deutsch to do the right thing?

  22. Here is a copy of my letter and Oskars prompt response




    concerned Australian well connected Jew

    Deutsch Oskar12:07 AM (6 hours ago)

    to Deutsch, me

    Dear All,

    I have spoken many times to both . Unfortunately not achiving the desired results. A claim I would not care is simply wrong.

    Best Regards

    Oskar Deutsch

    Von meinem iPhone gesendet

  23. Dear Mr Deutsch,

    Please don't add salt to our wound. To claim you have 'spoken many times to me' is pure fiction and extremely insulting. Enough untruths have been spread around the Jewish community by Mr Schlesinger and his family without more being added by the people that are supposed to be 'neutral mediators.'

    Your response to my supporter is extremely disappointing to say the least. Here we have such a caring, compassionate Jew on the other side of the world who doesn't even know me, taking the trouble to contact you about members of your own community because she truly cares and you cannot even form a truthful response, never mind turn to help?

    This only confirms everything people around the world are hearing and seeing about the IKG - you have let us down unforgivably.

    When will you begin to care? I just hope your own children and grandchildren will never have to suffer like we have in your midst. You remain blind and deaf to our pain.

    Beth Alexander

  24. Oskar, are you prepared to accept an injustice has taken place against the twins and their mother? Maybe that is a starting point!

    You were quick to shout about the injustice here:

    Are we seeing Austrian double-standards at play? Every community deserves its leader. The whole world is looking at an inherently corrupt Jewish community headed by a corrupt and morally bankrupt leader in Deutch. Oskar, are you proud at what you have achieved on behalf of Vienna Jewry?

  25. perhaps Mr Deutsch you can provide a list of the dates you spoke to both sides ´many times´ with details of your suggestions and the discussions that were supposed to have taken place?

  26. Lets hope that Mr. Deautsch feels it was an oversight. He may have planned to speak to both parents many times, and something came up. Who knows? However, now he is clearly aware of what is transpiring and what he can do to help. I hope that he will invest much effort in bringing a just and proper resolution to the suffering of these two precious boys (and by extension, their mother).

    Mr. Deautsch, the world is looking for your strong leadership qualities to shine in this case.

  27. Here we have somebody from Australia making the ridiculous suggestion that the people who have done nothing should do something. Obviously, that person comes from an upside down world. I once read that people in Australia have their feet facing our feet and their heads go in the wrong direction. Obviously, this is proof of that!

  28. OK guys....time to get proactive. Instead of posting all of your opinions on this forum send them directly to Mr Deutsch. Im not sure he reads this forum but I know personally that he checks his email. These boys evidently need their Mum....everyday is a day lost and more damage done....get only takes a moment : Also if someone feels to put together a petition go ahead....

  29. The Anti-Torah ChareidimAugust 20, 2014 at 6:55 AM

    a brilliantly articulated critique of Oskar Deutsch's moral cowardice in not organizing all available communal resources to help the twins have a healthy and normal relationship with their mother.

  30. Michael...I am sorry to get involved in your personal life and judge you since I dont know you and this must feel like a grande international personal vendetta, however as a woman and a Mother I feel compelled to do things in order to encourage you to allow these little boys to be with their Mum. As I have said before, mental illness (not that I am suggesting Beth has or does not have one) is NO REASON for kids to be kept from their Mum. Apparently in Australia 1 in 4 people experience mental illness in their lifetime meaning there would be a lot of dispossessed kids if played out like in Austria. Grow up a MAN for your kids, swallow your pride, and show us all what a compassionate, selfless, thoughtful DAD you really are. This is not about winning, losing, revenge....its about the kids. It is clear how hurt you feel by actions taken against you but if you are not prepared to back yourself up publicly either directly on a forum or by your actions, then you must understand that the wider international community will hold opinions based upon what they read. Please prove us wrong so that we can all spend this time (including you) hanging with our own kids as parents need to do

  31. "We thank you for the support, but Israel is protecting us. We are more concerned about the Jews in the EU when we see the anti-Semitism in Europe" Rabbi Levi (67) told Oskar Deutsch and his delegation. (Heute newspaper 14th August). Oskar Deutsch, why do you occupy yourself with missions that do not concern you, where your efforts are not even needed? All that time, money and effort going to Israel where your assistance was not asked for or even required while the Schlesinger case is crying out for your time and attention.

  32. Rabbi Biderman and Judge Thau are doubtless thrilled to see that the current targets of the flac are Oskar Deutsch and the twins' sick father Michael Schlesinger. We haven't forgotten the rest of you, however. The world is watching what's happening to the Schlesinger boys.

    A leader (Oskar Deutsch) who apparently condones domestic violence and sociopathic behaviour and does NOTHING to excommunicate a man who has brought disgrace to the Vienna IKG is equally worthless. What is the function of a leader of a religious and/or a secular community? To unite the insiders against - in this case - 3 new members (Beth, Sammy & Benji)? To support a member (Dr S) whose vile behavior, in collusion with that of other members, has made the Vienna IKG synonymous all over the Jewish world with corruption and disregard for the lives of children?

    It is hypocritical to pay homage to soldiers who have undoubtedly saved the lives of many men, women and children and simultaneously to encourage the scheming of certain individuals in the Vienna community to destroy the lives of children in that selfsame community through remaining silent.

    Most decent human beings would regard this as cowardice (as someone else has already mentioned) and appallingly weak leadership. Herr Deutsch: have you even talked at length to Rabbi Biderman with the aim of sorting out Sammy and Benji's lives? The rabbi must have a great deal to say because the boys are in his nursery school!

  33. Dear Mr Deutsch
    I am not sure if you have seen the follow up to your reply. Please take the time to read it since this site has gone global and so has your position and personal reputation. I will be more than happy to post any further responses you may have. The wider community seemed disatissfied with your last response. Please read new comments under Beths letter and if interested please check out the website daas torah and you can refer to many articles posted on this case , and the resulting international communities involvement. We are not going away. The general consensus has been a warning to Jewish women not to marry men from the Austrian Jewish community. As the head of this community,please prove us otherwise so that your people will be once again integrated into the Jewish global community
    Kind Regards
    Ev Meyer

  34. Mr Deutsch's response to Ev says he cares. Let him show that he really does.

    For the Head of The Jewish Community in Vienna to sit and do nothing, hoping the problem will simply go away, is not an option!

    As we see what happens all around the world when tensions rise, there are explosions. Tensions are definitely rising this case, because no one will tolerate what is happening to Beth and her sons!

  35. Also posted in the other post
    Dear All,

    Rabbanim, Board members and Presidents of a Jewish Community can become active in Family matters, divorce-preceedings, child-custody etc. of members only if both parties are ready to settle their differences in a Jewish way with a Beth-Din or Borerut.
    This was unfortunately not the case in the divorce and custody-fight of the parents of the Schlesinger twins.
    The highest Austrian court made a final judgement on the case. Every person involved or not can have his personal opinion whether the judgement was fair or unfair, however the judgement has to be respected, Dina de Malchuta Dina.

    I have to refuse in the strongest way possible any accusations against representatives of the Austrian Jewish Community as a whole. I do not hope that I will have to pass over such accusations and attacks to our lawyers, however continous Lashon-hara I am not ready to accept.

    Oskar Deutsch

    Von meinem iPad gesendet

  36. Dear Mr Deutsch
    Your response is most appreciated
    As far as your comment the judgement has to be respected has been disputed by heads, rabbis and other people from Jewish communities elsewhere who are making it their business to try and get involved on behalf of these little boys. Obviously it is your personal choice to handle matters the way you deem fit. However as you are doing now with Israel, if people feel passionate about something, they will cross the world to demonstrate their support. An Austrian High Court judgement will not convince them otherwise
    Kind Regards
    Ev Meyer

  37. Mr Deutsch you went thousands of miles to comfort soldiers who are giving their lives to defend us. Why can't you show some compassion in this case. Threatening legal action is not going to help this situation or your reputation.
    You will destroy both!

  38. Konstanze Thau's involvement in the Schlesinger twins' case was even raised in the Houses of Parliament as evidence of 'corruption and conspiracy'

  39. Why have so many people in the Vienna Community acted the way they have, ie pro the father and against the mother, as primary carer, and her sons? The British MPs have described the various aspects of the situation eloquently and asked the right questions. From what we've read on this blog and on, it seems as if Beth is able to provide substantiation of the many decidedly odd and therefore questionable aspects of the case. Why did the president of the IKG not keep his promise to call Beth back? Why did the High Court woman judge from the community intervene? Is that usual in Austria? Is it a specialty of hers? Why did the Chabad rabbi who is legally responsible for the kindergarten the boys attend give evidence to the court which was not based on his own personal experience? Why did the father lie to the police that he was a psychiatrist? Why did he produce a well-known Misrachi member who is a psychiatrist at the hospital where the father himself has been employed - to tell the police another lie? Why does the judge believe so strongly that Beth is going to spirit her boys away to England when Hague Convention forbids this?
    There are many unanswered questions in this tragedy. And plenty of substantiated evidence to back up the mother's claims of irregularity. I trust she will continue to hold her head high when she attends Schul.

    G-d knows that she is a good, intelligent, caring mother who will fight for her children until justice is done. Presumably he also knows about those whose main interest may possibly not be justice.

  40. If Mr. Deutsch is the Leader of the Jewish Community in Vienna, he should lead by way of example. Beth has not committed any crime. She has had her children taken away for no good reason. This is why the British Parliament have become involved in the case.
    Mr. Deutsch needs to be impressing upon his community in Vienna that they should be civil, warm and caring towards Beth and the boys instead of allowing Sammy and Benji to brought up in a community of absolute hatred, which seems to be what the father is instilling!

    This case can show the Jewish Community of Vienna in a good light, or otherwise. It is for Mr. Deutsch to show some compassion and be seen to
    actually be helping. This could be the make or break of Vienna in the eyes of World Jewry!

  41. Mr Deutsch, we have read that the unjustified removal of the Schlesinger twins from a more than "good enough mother" (the term coined by Bruno Bettelheim) by a Vienna family court judge is alleged to have involved the (illegal) intervention of a another judge who is a converted member of your community. We have also been informed that this evidence has been substantiated by the mother.

    I would expect you might feel embarrassment at having such a member in your community. After all, the IKG is greatly desirous of acceptance in Austrian society, isn't it? And reprehensible acts such as this woman judge's would conceivably lead to increased anti-semitism - hardly a goal of the Vienna community.

    My suggestion to you in your current situation would be - instead of failing to understand the needs of a mother who was forced to watch her entire savings vanish into the father's bank account (see this blog several months ago) - to get this judge who has brought shame on the IKG to discuss with you exactly how she can now rectify the situation. If she was powerful enough to bring about a reversal of the custody situation so that these innocent children have ended up as prisoners of Chabad and a father who appears to have a severe personality disorder, as well as being a proven liar, then I am convinced that you, as the leader of the IKG, are also capable of convincing this woman to use her clout to get those children back to where they would have better chances in life, ie to their mother.

  42. I agree James Clifford. The reputation of the Jewish Community in Vienna including Rabbi's Eisenberg, Pardes and especially Chabad Vienna Rabbi Biderman is in tatters. Instead of ignoring and hurting Beth, ignoring the obvious plight of Sammy & Benji and adding to their suffering why don't Mr. Duetsch and the his colleagues tackle at least Konstanza Thau and Rabbi Biderman (who has brought disgrace on Chabad worldwide). Are they men or mice?

    Michael Schlessinger has by his continuing abuse of Beth and his sons, his spreading lies about Beth, and getting her so called friend to spread lies about her; his abuse of his position as a medical professional destroyed his own reputation and the reputation of the Schlessinger family. Will somebody in Vienna please stand up for Beth and her sons.


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