Sunday, May 4, 2014

Schlesinger Twins: Paul Kendall of The Telegraph describes the injustice to Beth and her sons

The Telegraph ....Thanks to an Austrian family court judge, who has awarded full custody of the children to Mrs Schlesinger’s estranged husband, the petite Cambridge graduate has not put her boys to bed at night-time for almost three years. And yet her former partner, Michael, was deemed so violent and unpredictable at the time of their separation that social workers recommended not only that Mrs Schlesinger be granted sole custody, but also that, on the occasions the father had access to the twins, he never be left alone with them.

The alteration to that original decision has been described by one British MP as “one of the worst miscarriages of justice” he has experienced in nearly 25 years as a politician, and by another as a “blight on the Austrian judicial system”. It has raised serious questions about the impartiality of the judge on the case and hints at a sinister conspiracy that spans both the Austrian Landesgericht (Court of Appeal) and the social services.

More worrying still, it appears that the twins’ development is suffering in their father’s care. Only recently out of nappies, the boys, Samuel and Benjamin, are still unable to talk, three weeks shy of their fifth birthdays.

“It’s like a living grief,” says Mrs Schlesinger, sitting on the edge of a couch in her front room, opposite shelves stacked with puzzles, soft toys and sticker books. “I’m mourning my children, but it’s kind of a perverse mourning because they’re still alive. I know they’re alive and I’m so close to them – I’m just down the road – and yet I can’t see them or play any meaningful role in their lives.”[...]

In normal circumstances, Mr Schlesinger’s abuse of his doctor’s credentials and attempt to have his wife committed under false pretences – thus separating her from her children – would have excluded all possibility of him ever gaining custody. And, in fact, the case judge, Susanne Göttlicher, rejected an application by Mr Schlesinger for custody in April 2011.

But, just three months later, Judge Göttlicher reversed her decision and placed the children into his full-time care.[...]
The decision is regarded as so inexplicable, in fact, that Mr Stringer and others suspect the judge has been unduly influenced. It is a matter of record that, very soon after Mr Schlesinger was evicted from the flat, he sought the help of a judge from the Court of Appeal, Konstanze Thau, who is a friend of the family. Judge Göttlicher has admitted that she has discussed the case with Judge Thau.

“At the very minimum, there appears to have been irregular and unprofessional behaviour,” says Mr Stringer.

Ivan Lewis, MP for Bury South, the neighbouring constituency to Mr Stringer, who has taken a close interest in the case, goes further.

“There is no doubt that there has been inappropriate intervention in this case by another judge who is a personal friend of the father,” he says. “It’s following that intervention that the judge on the case started making decisions that were incredibly supportive of the father.[...]


  1. Sending my positive thoughts and prayers to Beth and her kids. I can't help to think about the 2 DT blog posts coming one after another - Nicolas Winton saving 669 kids and the Vienna Jewish Community being silent ....

  2. Justice and CompassionMay 4, 2014 at 12:44 PM

    Contrary to Schlesinger's belief. This case is being taken very seriously in England.

    It is has full page coverage on the right handside opposite pictures of Jimmy
    Saville the deceased famous child
    abuser and Publicist for famous
    people Max Clifford, was jailed last
    week for eight years for sexual abuse.

    These people, as well as many others, who are due to come up behind them,
    thought they were above the law could get away with it!

    Why has this story been given centre stage over and above any other
    custody case?

    Because Britain believes there has been a serous Miscarriage of Justice
    for which Austria has to answer.

    If the father can't see sense and see what he has done is wrong, he will be
    made to, as for some reason the Court
    has made a wrong, unjust decision.

    Austria, Britain is waiting for answers!

    Whilst we are waiting, I suggest Schlesinger, immediately, increases the childrens visiting and stops denying them their perfectly loving and capable mother.

    I believe Beth has them today for a few
    hours and they are enjoying every
    precious moment. This needs to
    increased with overnight stays and there is no good reason why it

  3. Beth you are so strong. I dont know how you do it and your handling of this matter is inspirational. Your boys will be so proud of you and karma shall have its day...I hope sooner than later for you and your gorgious children...what a blessing, they are super cute. If there is anything we can do for you let us know. I am in Australia, not in a major city however there is a chabad centre here if that helps in anyway. I hope that reading everyones comments gives you a little bit of strength to know that there are people all over the world praying that you can keep centred and positive within this crazy twisted horror movie you have found yourself in. I have totally been turned off ever visiting Austria in the future...wierd, cold, heartless people around you. Where there is life there is hope.

    1. Ev, please can you ask all your friends to email their local Chabad Rabbis to ask them why they are standing by "Rabbi" Biderman despite him being proved corrupt and evil.

      Is this what Chabad have become? Is this how they make their "Messiah" proud?

    2. 3 cheers for the Sunday Telegraph!May 5, 2014 at 12:54 AM

      Why did Chabad Rabbi Biderman give evidence in court that supposedly came from someone else (the head of the kindergarten the boys attend)? That's not what witnesses usually do, is it? I always thought the word "evidence" meant it was first-hand.

    3. Perhaps Rabbi Biderman should explain himself or the bad publicity about him will continue around the world!

  4. To Michael Schlesinger, mother and sister,
    To the Vienna jewish community,
    To the Austrian Courts
    To the Austrian Social Services

    The truth will continue to be reported.
    The truth will not go away.
    The truth will fight you
    The truth will disgrace you
    The truth will make the world look upon you
    The truth will sought out your guilt and corruption
    The truth shows your evil ways
    The truth will come from the children
    The truth is your enemy

    The truth is Beth would have been a dedicated wife and mother.

    The truth on Schlesinger's side is very sinister indeed

  5. I just have to ask where are the boys kippot? Did they both simply happen to fall off? Is this too chabads fault?

    1. Perhaps Sarah, Bubbe or flower could ask the father why he never puts Tzitzit or kippot on the children. Why do the Chabad kindergarten allow the children to not wear them in their school either? Yes, Chabad do have blood on their hands.

      How is your conscience?

    2. @kippa

      Why don't you ask where the boys teeth are or their speech!

    3. I have seen the father bring the children to school wearing kippa and tztzit. Those are school rules. But remember beths outrage when their kippa fell off on a trip?

    4. 3 cheers for the Sunday Telegraph!May 4, 2014 at 11:22 PM

      kippa, the boys can’t even tell their mother what they've had for breakfast or what they've been doing, they can't reason, and they're almost devoid of outward emotion! Enough people have experienced them to know what they're like and that this is grossly abnormal. So please worry about these things, which really matter!

    5. "But remember beths outrage when their kippa fell off on a trip?" - Once again you seem to have trouble remembering the simplest of facts. I suggest you read that blogpost once again.

      kippa, keep taking the pills.

    6. Twist you are so twisted.

      You sink to beneath ground level talking rubbish. Do you care one iota about the children?

    7. @ twist. How low can someone go.. Do you actually care one tiny bit about these children. They are so damaged and everyone in Austria knows it. How cruel you all are..
      Truth will prevail. We will make sure of that. We wont give up like you all want us to. NEVER

    8. Esther LowensteinMay 5, 2014 at 9:57 PM

      Twist, do you happen to have obsessive-compulsive disorder? Clearly a psychiatric case.

  6. They were only 18 months when this picture was taken.
    However after they turned three, the father never handed the children over
    wearing kippot or tzizit until Beth made
    mention of it on a blog!

    Why is Beth always being criticised? Why won't the father work with her for
    the benefit and happiness of their

    What has Chabad got to do with it?
    I am sure they wear kippot and Tzizit in the Chabad kindergarten everyday and have been taught to recite the Shema!

  7. What a breath of fresh air for Beth and her boys for them to know that they have the world's support.

    It is devastating to watch a European community such as Vienna being so
    cruel to a bright intelligent loving and
    caring woman and her sons!

    Wake up Vienna! The world is watching! The problem is not going away until it is resolved

    There is no good reason for Beth to be denied her sons and you know it!

  8. I can see a kippah on one of the twins heads. What do you mean?

    They look like they are having fun with their mother rolling dough!

    They must really miss their mother all week. Doesn't the father care, or is he jealous?

    The father needs to grow up!
    No wonder the boys are doing so badly with him.

    The boys are deprived of their mother.
    They are being starved of love!!

  9. When I went to buy the Sunday Telegraph today at the shop, the man serving, was wondering why everyone coming in to the shop was particularly asking for the Telegraph.

    Big full page coverage, well done to the Sunday Telegraph.

    1. 3 cheers for the Sunday Telegraph!May 4, 2014 at 11:00 PM

      This Sunday Telegraph article, with the video, is both moving and very much to the point: the decision to grant custody of Samuel and Benjamin to the father cannot be explained by any normal logic and the children's future is obviously endangered. It is satisfying to know that on an average, the Telegraph is read by about 2.3 million people. As more and more people who are aware of this case and of the likely intrigues involved in it by Judges Göttlicher and Thau decide to boycott Austria for their holidays, the country's reputation in the world will gradually sink to rock bottom.

  10. If the journalist wrote in The Sunday Telegraph that he has seen the boys and the can't talk, can the school they attend tell us the reason and what is being done to help them!

    The children seem to be pining for their mother, yet no one seems to care in Vienna most of all the father.

    1. Did the journalist actually meet the boys?

    2. Read the article. The clue is there!

    3. Still a questionMay 7, 2014 at 9:04 PM

      Read it. He is actually very circumspect in his language. He does not actually say what he saw or his opinion of the abilities of the boys.

    4. Perhaps you should be directing your question to the Chabad Kindergarten in Vienna and ask them what professional
      assessments they are doing on
      the children. It is their duty, not that of the Journalist.

    5. The question remainsMay 8, 2014 at 10:58 AM

      Point taken. However, that is not my answering my question about this particular post.

    6. Why are you so interested to know whether the journalist saw the boys and his impressions?

    7. Questions, so many questions.May 8, 2014 at 3:41 PM

      There are numerous articles on this site presenting 'evidence' about the nefarious husband and all sorts of allegations and updates on the twins' development (or lack thereof). Evidence needs to be examined and challenged. Looking back on various posts (court letter, income tax reports) it seems to me that the evidence presented is poor and does not stand up to a rigorous critical reading. Now, it may well be that all these things are genuine and, indeed, that Michael Schlesinger is an absolute scoundrel but I think it behoves upon us as outsiders to try to maintain an open mind and look at things with some objectivity. Some of the 'below the line' comments here are hysterical (in the psychological sense) and defamatory (on both sides) without people knowing objective FACTS. As for this story printed in the Sunday Telegraph I think it is crucial to know if we are reading a story of hearsay or the journalist's observations. I'm surprised that you do not seem to think that this is important.

    8. My comment is in response to “Questions, so many questions” who states “the evidence presented is poor and does not stand up to a rigorous critical reading”.

      My initial response is to ask why he/she thinks it does not stand up to critical reasoning. We have seen direct evidence that Schlesinger has forged financial documents for his own gain, the letter showing Schlesinger has refused to allow Chief Rabbi Eisenberg to supervise the handovers, “Rabbi” Biderman’s signed statement giving his own evidence in 2012 in favor of Schlesinger (going against Jewish halacha and ethics), the court document showing “Rabbi” Biderman forwarding emails to the judge who has alleged involvement in the case where she shouldn’t, and that Schlesinger attempted BY HIS OWN ADMISSION to have the mother committed to mental hospital on false pretences.

      Furthermore, there is so much coverage of this story in multiple national newspapers based in the UK, Israel, Australia, New York and Austria, both Jewish and non-Jewish. The case has been heavily discussed in British Parliament on two occasions. There are letters of endorsement of Beth’s case by the British Board of Deputies, the Manchester Beth Din and other Rabbis like Rabbi Guttentag and Rabbi Kennard.

      Are you actually going to tell me that among all these people who are continually criticizing the Austrian Government, the Austrian Judiciary and the Austrian Rabbinate (and Chabad), that there is no credibility among all of them? Where is the response from Schlesinger and/or all the people being criticized? If they felt they were being unfairly critisized I am SURE they would respond. Instead, we only see weasels like you who resort to attempting to discredit proper evidence using anonymous comments. You failed to even provide examples/reasons why all of this doesn’t stand up to “critical reading”.

      Let’s see your own guest blog post why you think objectivity means not believing the mountains and mountains of evidence, and credible people/organizations with outstanding reputations.

    9. The condition of the children is very important. The Reporter gave an overview of the situation. Not the detail. What I find strange
      is that there have been several
      posts and comments over many
      Many attacks have been made on the father and the children have
      been said to be underachieving.
      Yet, instead of defending these
      accusations, there have been
      vile attacks on Rabbi Eidensohn
      the host of this site, Rabbi
      Eisenberg the chief Rabbi of
      Vienna and anyone who supports

      If this is such a cut and dried case in ths father's favour, why aren't we actually seeing this?

      The sad thing is that the boys welfare and their needs are not
      being addressed in all of this.

      We do not have it on any good authority that, in retrospect, the
      court made the right decision!

      Most of all it is strange how a father who only had supervised
      visiting for 18 months and who
      previously had obtained a false
      psychological report on Beth
      could have, overnight, been given
      full custody.

      Those questions need to be asked!

    10. Questionable answer.May 8, 2014 at 7:42 PM

      Yes, yes. These points have been made ad infinitum and I agree. However, we need to look dispassionately at each piece of evidence on its own merit as well as the whole picture.

    11. Then go ahead. Please go through each of the above points and every news article. There is overwhelming consistency amongst all of them. To find minor points made and ask where the evidence is, is quite simply laughable.

      What are you disputing about the bigger picture?

    12. Which piece of evidence in particular besides the original question regarding the journalist's view of the children?

    13. question, I'm with you on this.
      the fact that this story is featured on so many news sites simply means that beth has good pr, it doesnt say anything about the truth!
      and if the journalist has not seen the boys, he is simply regurgitating beth's version of events - and pretty poor journalism too!

    14. 3 cheers for the Sunday Telegraph!May 8, 2014 at 11:48 PM

      To the person asking all the QUESTIONS:

      As there are only excerpts from the Sunday Telegraph article above, your first question is easily answered by the following (in parentheses above and therefore only visible in the full version on ):

      "Inside a first-floor flat in central Vienna, a mother is reading her twin boys a story. Snuggled together in their bedroom, the four-year-olds, skin still pink from a hot bath, cling to the woman as she points at pictures and puts on different characters’ voices.

      The scene appears no different from those that play out every night in family households all over the world, except for one detail: it’s the middle of the day."

      As far as I know, journalist Paul Kendall visited Beth on Sunday May 4, a day on which she had the boys for a visit. Does the above not sound like an eye-witness account of what the Sunday Telegraph man must have seen? If you still don't believe he met the boys, why don't you ask him?

    15. 3 cheers for the Sunday Telegraph!May 8, 2014 at 11:57 PM

      @ Mr QUESTIONER: After reading the following, could you really doubt that Beth was there in her flat with the boys on Sunday at the same time as the Sunday Telegraph journalist? Could she really have invented both paras about the bathing ritual? No! Highly unlikely. You can check with Dr Schlesinger and whoever did the handover that day that the boys were officially with their mother.

      "Beth Schlesinger, 30, a solicitor’s daughter from Manchester, sees her sons so rarely, and misses them so desperately, that when she does get time alone with them she frequently gives them a bath, draws the curtains and reads them a story, just to recreate the bonding routine of bedtime that most mothers take for granted."

    16. 3 cheers for the Sunday Telegraph!May 9, 2014 at 12:09 AM

      Goodness, Mr QUESTIONER, you're wanting a journalist to give an opinion on the boys! That's not a very smart idea. The only people who can give such an opinion are neutral, unbiased psychologists, child psychiatrists or speech therapists - certainly not someone who writes for a newspaper! Not even the Chabad kindergarten they attend had a clue anything was wrong with them at the time Rabbi Biderman declared they were "doing well" but were actually traumatized and one self-harming! The judge turned up at the kindergarten to check for herself but she wasn't qualified in any of these professions either! Anybody can make a remark about child development but there's not much point if they have no qualifications to back it up.

    17. 3 cheers for The Sundsy Telegraph I don't think the journalist actually saw the boys.

      To me it sounds like he was just describing a scene, painting a
      picture. Beth only sees the boys
      for a few hours on a Sunday so
      the journalist could have interview
      ed her after her visit finished!

      I do agree with what you say about psychologist opinions. Where are they? Why can't the
      boys talk at 5? Why after 3 years
      with the father why are they so
      very much behind? It is not the
      opinionof a journalist we need, it is professional psychologists and speech therapists!

      Lets bs told by them !

    18. tired of questioning.May 9, 2014 at 11:01 AM

      pretty obvious - there are two sides to this story, not one. On one side you have the police, social services and courts (who, I admit, may be part of a huge conspiracy or corruption scam) and on the other side you have a well-orchestrated campaign carrying essentially the same tory in many fora and media outlets. Of course the stories are consistent!! They originate from the same source. Others on this blog have pointed out inconsistencies (not, I stress, untruths) in some of the postings. I can't be bothered to look them up and can't remember their names (probably psuedonyms anyway). You ridicule a request to examine evidence on 'minor' points but we haven't really seen good, authoritative evidence to back up Beth neither. from people purpoting to come from Vienna, commenting anonymously, we read some saying the boys are fluoundering to the point of being retarded and other saying that they are OK. Who to believe? I haven't been to Vienna and I certainly haven't seen the kids (and I most definitely do not regard the video on Beth's blog to be reliable) so I don't know. And, that is the point. I, and the overwhelming majority of people commenting, simply DO NOT KNOW. Therefore, evidence produced needs to be examined. On facts about which there is no dispute e.g. the payment she has to make and the very tight controls about the amount of access she has to the boys comments can be made. I think these conditions are draconian. However, on the nuts and bolts of the case i.e. custody rights, the children's physical and mental development, things are far from clear and are not 'pretty obvious' at all.

      And '3 cheers for the sunday Telegraph' (I never thought I would be writing those words!' - I do expect a journalist to give an opiion, especially in a non-news item such as this. They do it all the time.

    19. The Sunday Telegraph fan has probably got it wrong. I agree with you Answer. Nothing in the article indicates he was there in the apartment with the twins and their mother. She must have told him what she does with them when they visit her and he's imagined it all, like the press often does.

      And why shouldn't a journalist comment on what he's heard from the mother and others regarding the state the children are in? tired of questioning is quite right there. Paul Kendall's allowed to have an opinion even if he hasn't seen them but has talked to the mother and heard the boys have some problems. Much ado about nothing

    20. Tired of questioning
      It's a shame you didn't make it your business to make contact with the father on your visit to
      Vienna. I don't know how often
      you go to Vienna but I understand that the boys together with their fathet can be found in the Chabad Shul on Shabbat. I am sure the
      Rav there. R. Biderman won't
      mind introducing you.

      Perhaps you can approach R. Biderman before you go and he will extend an invitation to you
      and Michael and the boys in the
      true Chabad way and you will
      have proper opportunity to assess
      the boys for yourself.

      If you are a passionate Beth's supporters and are interested in makingsure that justice is done fot Beth and the boys, you can
      ask your questions directly to the source.

      Don't forget that Biderman made a statement to the court without
      supporting evidence that the boys were doing well psychologically

      We look forward to hearing your own views.
      Shabbat Shalom

  11. I am absolutely delighted to hear that the uk government are getting involved.
    In the past they have said that the government cannot get involved with a judicial case.
    However with this case we are now being told they will.
    I really think the father should try and resolve this now otherwise there could be more problems and he may not be as safe as he thinks.
    I cant believe a man of 34 years old is behaving like this.
    everyone is watching this and it wont just go away.
    It will keep going until we see some light or compromise.
    GROW UP and stop punishing your kids

  12. Isn't it amazing that the Vienna community has apparently done nothing at all to assist the young mother, who, like them, is Jewish but the victim of a member of the community - this 34 year old man who is behaving so disgracefully?

    Oskar Deutsch, the president, was quoted in the Sunday 'Kurier' newspaper as saying that "antisemitism and racism must be nipped in the bud", but what about the callousness being shown to a young mother from abroad within his own community? Why do members of the shun her while shopping? Why does the president himself not stand up for her in front of his community? Why does the childish father's mentor not advise him to mediate? Where are the morally strong in the Vienna IKG (Israelitische Kultusgemeinde) who are willing to protect the young mother and especially her children from a man who uses pseudonyms to hurl abuse at the chief rabbi and to tell lies about the father's profession?

    Before expecting the EU to be active against antisemitism, which, admittedly, is a great problem there, Oskar Deutsch and the IKG need to be active and deal with the incitement of hatred within their own community.

    1. I think people don't understand the reasons for the father's action. First of all, if it is true what you say, that he is raising children without teeth and without the ability to talk, why are you so sure that is proof that he is evil? Maybe he doesn't want them to have teeth so that they won't eat treifeh food? Maybe he wants them not to be able to speak so that they don't speak loshon hora? Maybe he wants the mother to lose her children so that she can more easily remarry without being burdened with his children? WHERE IS YOUR FAIRNESS!?! And if none of this penetrates your thoughts, let me ask this: Just think of the sympathy and attention the children will get as they get older and are unable to act their age? Would you like to destroy their great chance of getting some real sympathy and attention? NO, NO, YOU JUST POUR ON THE HATE! FOR SHAME!!!!

    2. Dovid E - could you possibly also be "Miri"? Do I not detect similarities in the style of writing?

    3. Fred,
      I don't understand. Can you even suspect that I would ever write something without getting all of the coverage I think I deserve by quoting my name? What would happen if I signed in as somebody else and my remarks were put on the front page of the New York Times without my real time? I stay away nights fearing this.

    4. Newspapers investigatie, don't go on heresay and only ppublish the truth!

      The state of the boys camnot be concealed. Everyone knows,
      including the court the social sservices, the school? the vienna
      community, neighbours and
      people in the street.

      If they don't know, why not? Why not the boys being hidden or are
      they too afraid to spesk out.

      Austria is actually breaking their own laws!

  13. Mickey Mouse CampusMay 5, 2014 at 3:44 AM

    Instead of being run by proper qualified Heads of education, the schools on the Lauder Campus seem to be run by err, well, would you believe, husbands and wives. How bizarre!!

    Lauder Chabad High School
    Rabbi Dov Gruzman Director
    Mrs Shterna Gruzman

    Lauder Chabad Elementary School
    Mrs Edla Biderman, Director
    Rabbi Jacob Biderman

    Lauder Chabad Kindergarten
    Rabbi Zalman Eidelman
    Mrs Chanie Eidelman

    Beth's children obviously are not flourishing under these husband and wife teams

    1. I really wonder what's going on at these Chabad institutions - it all seems very peculiar and likely not legal. This is all in German:

      but it says basically that the custodial parent, in this case the father, MUST inform the non-custodial one about important matters and changes in the lives of their children. So why did Chabad not immediately inform the father about the self-harming of one of the twins, so that the mother could be told about it straight away? The non-custodial parent then has the right to comment on the situation.

      This gives us the impression that the kindergarten, under the Bidermans, is either concealing facts from the father, or else he is getting informed about the boys' progress (or otherwise) but not passing the info on to the mother.

      The other important matter the mother has not been informed about is the children's terribly backward speech. Who are the psychologists who come to the kindergarten head to examine the children showing abnormal development? Why has the mother not been informed of the results of her children's examinations? The father HAS to tell her. If he doesn't, he's breaking the LAW!

  14. Does noone on this website have any personal or family connections to the Jewish community in Austria to infiltrate and make some real progress from the inside. It is just too wierd that none of the AUSTRIANS FROM THIS COMMUNITY are commenting on this website, even not to anonymously give Beth any information about her kids. These Mothers who attend the same kindergarten as Benji and Samuel are all mentally ill or definately lack the compassion gene. Maybe Nazi Germany did manage to "cleanse" and destroy the Jewish heart in the Austrian Jewish community through chemical poisoning, gene manipulation or something. I am sure that some of these Austrian Chabad mothers read these blogs. Put simply, no matter what Beth may have done or said to you in her hardest moments you are DISGUSTING, INHUMANE and WEAKLINGS. Go home and be oppressed by your Austrian husbands and twisted judicial system and go to sleep every night with your kids without a thought for Beth. May your conscience and thoughts be plagued in every silent moment of your day and night with Beths suffering until the day you die...this shall be your punishment.

  15. Mothers and FathersMay 5, 2014 at 9:31 AM

    Well put Ev
    Mickey Mouse Campus.
    If these schools are run by married couples and we see their lack of
    attention and compassion for Sammy and Benji, what sort of parents and grandparents can they be to their own
    children and grandchildren?

    I would certainly be very depressed, or certainly very, very unhappy if I were a member of any of their families!

    No wonder the boys are doing so badly. Going to the kindergarten is at
    least some sort of routine for them, but
    I can't see them getting any love from there, or anywhere, only from the few hours they are with Beth.

    You are right Beth, the worst of Austria has rubbed off on these members of
    The Jewish Community in Vienna. The Jewish Community are becoming
    disgrace to the Jews and Christians
    around the world for the inhumane
    way they are treating a young mother
    and her children!

    A reporter from one of the most widely
    read and respected national British
    newspaper made it his business to go
    to Vienna to interview Beth and gave
    her the the most enormous coverage
    as well as a video.

    There are many miscarriages of justice s but The Telegraph has singled this
    one out as one of the worst they have
    ever seen.

    Surely the Austrians must see that they have done wrong and they must
    put matters right.

    Mistakes can be made, but they can also be put right!

    It's not the problem, it's how it is dealt with!

    Austria its time to look very carefully, as the world is watching and will not tolerate what is happening to the
    previous lives of Samuel and Benjamin

    Unfortunately, Chabad is also being critisized and need to look very carefully into their camp!

  16. Public ConfidenceMay 5, 2014 at 10:09 AM

    Britain is carrying out and convicting all sorts of professionals in high places.

    They are doing a clean up to give the public confidence.

    The same must be done in Austria!

  17. The trouble is that people in high places tend to regard themselves as immune to the law. But look at Austria today - people in high places are being knocked down like ninepins and ...even landing behind bars! So, you people who are destroying the lives of two small, innocent boys: don't think you're immune too because you're not! Rabbis and judges can also find themselves locked up to suffer for their sins!

  18. Naomi in Vienna

    I agree wholeheartedly with your comment above. It is an
    absolute disgrace that the Jewish Community in Vienna has done nothing to help Beth and her boys in regarding this severe
    miscarriage of justice.

    We are hearing from various
    countries around the world as far apart as Australia to Great Britain and especially Israel expressing their disgust with
    the Jewish community in

    Soon they will be shunned by the world if they don't start
    embracing Beth Alexander in
    her plight to play a very active
    role in her sons lives.

    The court may have made their decision on warpt
    reasoning, but the world can
    see one thing and that is
    Sammy and Benjamin can't
    speak at 5, are failing to thrive
    in their father s care. They
    desperately need their mother
    and there is no good reason
    that their needs are not met.

    Beth is a perfectly good capable and lovingly mother
    which no one can justifiably

    R Biderman needs to realise that he cannot hide from his responsiblties. He knows deep down that the children need their mother and he needs to help make this happen!

  19. The boys can't speak at 5? Is this really true? If this is the case, the father needs to be aware that 20-30% of late-talking toddlers will not outgrow a spoken language delay. The only way for these poor boys to catch up with their peers before they turn 6 (the usual limit for catching up) is to be with their mother for as many hours of the day as possible.

    We speech therapists don't give kids like this "treatment" - it's up to the parents to ensure a positive outcome by talking, singing, reading and reciting rhymes and poems to them all the time. This is the therapy they need. It sounds very much like these boys' primary carers are not talking to them enough or properly.

    This is a crime if you consider that if the children don't catch up with their speech, they'll be almost certain to have great difficulty with reading and writing when they start school.

    What does the father propose to do about it?

    1. Sounds like it IS true, Speech therapist. If the boys at just about 5 only speak like one or two-year-olds, they're going to be disasters at school and probably misfits and victims of bullies in life. The father doesn't seem to have informed anyone how he's going to solve the problem but we can assume he's doing nothing because they from all accounts don't seem to be improving. This is a major calamity and he will be the person responsible if the children become antisocial as adults. But .. he doesn't care, it looks like!

  20. Why is Rabbi Biderman protecting the father?
    Does Rabbi Biderman think Michael Schlesinger will give him any more
    respect than he gives Chief Rabbi
    Eisenberg of Vienna, who he clearly

    Why did Rabbi Biderman give statement to the court saying that the
    children were doing psychologically
    well , when they clearly were not as
    confirmed by a British Journalist, as
    well as others?

    What is Rabbi Biderman's agenda?



  22. Good question. Why are the jewish community including the heads, as the Rabbis, in particular, Biderman involved. Why do the community feel
    threatened if they speak out. Loss of
    jobs etc as we bave seen happenef to

    The judge Thau is Jewish convert. Maybe she wants to be acceped by the Jewish community.

    Are we looking at favours here?

    Things are definitely not right in Vienna!

  23. Nutshell, this not a vindication but unfortunately this happens in a lot of places. Sometimes its the courts that are complicit in the abuse through the use of influence and sometimes its the rabbis and sometimes its the community and sometimes it's all of them, as it seems to be in this case. Beth's clear and very credible description of what she has been through as a result of this type of complicity in the face of abuse should (and will) be a beacon of how leadership (both secular and religious) should not behave. Its the victims of abuse who deserve protection, not the perpetrators.

    1. RR, I know, you only have to search the internet to hear the stories from victims where they become the outcast by the rabbi's and their community, for reporting their abuser to the police.

      The rabbi's fear for the abuser if he goes to jail, and usually tell the victim to go for therapy!!

      These rabbi's are an accomplice in the crime!!

      Schlesinger is a doctor, but so was Doctor Shipman!!

    2. Nutshell I do not need to go to the internet to find cases of this ostracism and sheer un-chesedik behavior by the rabbis and the community. I have personally witnessed and experienced how a frum community (with a handful of brave exceptions) led 'subtly' by their rabbis' complicity in the abuse - maligned and ousted an innocent young mother, just like Beth. This is the main reason why I totally believe Beth's account.

    3. Because someone has a title Dr. Judge Rabbi etc. don't think they are immune from wrongdoing!

      You only have to read Jewish and
      National and international newspapers, watch news
      programmes and to hear how
      many have been convicted, many
      of whom are in prison!

      It has been happening more and more recently to famous people
      and so called pillars of Society!

      In the end, the truth catches up!

      It is a shame that two little boys are clearly suffering in all of this.
      Shame on the Collaborators. What
      do they hope to gain at the
      expensive of the future of two
      little boys who are being harmed each and every day, as they are
      failing to thrive and being denied the one person who can really help them , their mother, for no good reason!

      Incidentally , we have heard of children dying because of the failures of Social Services!

      Where are the Social Services in this case. What do they have to say?

      Questions the British Government need to ask !

    4. RR

      We have no reason not to believe Beth. We have not heard about anything she has done wrong!

      In contrast to what the Court and Jewish community have done to Beth and the boys.

      They are all denying Sammy and Benji their mother for no good reason.

      We Beth's supporters must continue to help until all this is sorted out.

      The Court has to prove that as it stands today, their decision is right.

      They have to restore public confidence!

    5. Yes, RR. Those of us who know personally of the suffering that affects so many parents (fathers too) and children in so many different places because of various types of abusers who are not withdrawn from circulation, realize that what Beth has told us can only be the truth and nothing but the truth.

  24. Biderman, Schlesinger names printed in the New York Times?
    Remember newspapers like a good story and only write truth!

    Just like the Sunday Telegraph

    It's shame Vienna doesn't have any compasion and are not

  25. The pity is no one anywhere in Vienna are showing any compasion for the two little boys who are clearly suffering in the centre of all of this!

    No one has contradicted what is being said about them that the don't talk
    coherently and they are severely under

    No one is telling us why they are being left in their fathers care when they are
    clearly doing so badly with him and it
    is clear that he spends more time and
    money working against Beth for
    custody than he does with his children.

    If only he would come to a sensible arrangement with Beth for the sake of his ailing and traumatised sons and show tthat he is a mench!

    He won't and the world is seeing what a dispicable man he is!

    1. One thing is sure. The father has a legal obligation to supply the mother with information concerning their sons' progress at nursery school, also about any medical problems they have, eg yanking out their front teeth. Is he doing this?

    2. If this is the case Shakespeare,
      why isn't the fathet giving Beth the information she is entitled to?

      Isn't he breaking the law?

    3. He appears to be breaking the law in a number of ways, including not informing her when major events are taking place in their children's lives. Does he enjoy breaking the law? Does he not fear punishment? He may be one of those men who thinks he's above the law - I don't know. So far, he's done so well - presumably with a little help from his legal and rabbinical friends in the Vienna community - that he obviously doesn't give a damn about whether he's breaking the law or not. But.... in Austria right now there are a helluva lot of (mostly) men who used to be in top positions that the law's catching up with and who are actually being gaoled. This Tempest will eventually catch up with the dr who regards himself as immune!

    4. Entertainer Rolf Harris is only getting caught up with now - decades after his alleged molesting of numerous children. I think we all hope Dr Schlesinger will be caught up much, much sooner for the sake of those cute but sad-looking little boys!

  26. Why doesnt this case come under the Hague Convention jurisdiction?

  27. The children haven't been abducted Ev. Just given to the wrong parent by the court in Vienna. The Hague Convention is for cases like the present one where a child was abducted by the non-custodial parent from Hong Kong to France, probably with a forged passport. The Schlesinger twins were subjected to a flawed custody trial but not abducted.

    1. Shakespeare, I would still call it abducted. In a nutshell the children have been stolen from their mother.

      It was no custody trial, but a sham.

      Konstance Thau, is she a mother?

      Suzanne Gotlicher, is she a mother?

      Mrs Biderman, oh excuse me, Rebbitzen Biderman, I am sure you have had wonderful times bringing up your children.

      Well. thank goodness I can't call any of them my mother. Heaven forbid!!

    2. Göttlicher can't possibly be a mother because she knows nothing about the Children's Museum Zoom in Vienna and the ages it caters to!

    3. Benji & Sammy need to be rescuedMay 12, 2014 at 1:32 AM

      And she makes judgements in court about the future of other people's children? Doesn't make sense, does it. Just like the story about the suppositories. Beth is the victim of Judge Göttlicher's ignorance and should be removed for abuse of her authority!

  28. We all know about the failings of Social Services. Children have actually died because of their failures of the Social Services in England.

    Where are the Social Services in this case? What do they have to say about
    the current condition of these children
    who fail to speak coherently five years

    What are the kindergarten doing to help these children? They have had them for three years! Are they
    sorting the help of the Social Services?

    If not why not? If they are, what do the Social Services have to say about the boys currently?

    Beth is entitled to be told!

  29. Safeguarding the ChildrenMay 11, 2014 at 11:27 AM

    Unless the father and the Kindergarten have something to hide they would be making sure that Beth is made aware of major issues in the cchildrens lives.

    Why is Beth not given professional independent of the school
    psychological reports on the boys and
    reports by the Social Services. The school should be calling in the outside
    agencies as the boys are doing do
    badly in the father and school's care!

    Also why was Beth not told each of the four times the children have had their
    milk teeth ripped out over the three
    years they have been in the fathers

    Why did Beth only find out by seeing that the boys had more and more teeth missing on various visits!

    What a terrible trauma for the children.
    How inhuman not to tell their mother.
    How horrified she must have been seeing her children for the first time with missing teeth! What an effect her
    horror must have had on the boys!

    Does no one in Austria have any
    sense? By punishing the mother, they
    are punishing the children!

    Michael Schlesinger for the good of your children you need to tell Beth
    everything about them. This is not only
    the duty for the custodial parent to
    givd the non custodial parent
    information about their children for the
    good of the children, it is Austrian Law!

    Michael it sounds like you are breaking the law!

  30. how long since poor Beth has not seen her children? weeks? months?
    How often does she get to see them?

  31. She only sees them a few hours a week. Perhaps 6 to 10 if she's lucky!
    Why John?

  32. 6 to 10 hours a week! That*s not fair! The boys deserve to see their mother llots more than that! What about overnight stays? Why isn't the father
    giving more information to Beth about
    her sons? What's his problem? Isn't he a psychiatrist? Doesn't he realise what
    harm he is causing his two sons?

    What is the father playing at. No wonder Beth has resorted to all this publicity!

    The situation in Austria is insane!

  33. Dr Rivers
    It's sounds like the father is insane. He can't be a doctor and definitely not a psychiatrist. Do be a good doctor you
    need to be dedicated.

    How can he be a doctor and a single father? He must be failing at one, or theother, if not both.

    I don't know about his patients, but
    his children are definitely suffering.
    They are so far behind at five how will
    they ever catch up? The father is
    making a grave mistake depriving the
    boys of their mother.

    As a doctor and a religious man, he should realise that unless he is neither
    and lying.

    What is to become of two little boys, who are so far behind. When they are
    school age, what does he propose to
    do with them. Some special
    institution? They can't stay in the
    Chabad Kindergarten, or move up with
    their peers. Is Dr Schlesinger thinking

    How will he support them in the future mentally physically or financially?

    What a mess he is making for himself.
    It is shameful. Depriving his children
    of their mother! Why is he doing it?

    No one will ever respect him especially his sons! What a big hole he is digging for himself! Soon it will be so deep he will start to suffocate!

  34. Benji & Sammy need to be rescuedMay 12, 2014 at 1:30 AM

    Where on earth did you get that absurd idea from Herr Dr Rivers? This guy has not passed the specialist exam to become a psychiatrist so he can not be a shrink! I believe he does pass himself off to courts as a specialist but that has nothing to do with reality! He's qualified only as a family dr and treats the alcoholics, drug addicts and other psychiatric patients at the Otto Wagner Spital in Vienna for their internal medical problems, eg liver disease. At the same time he plays games with the court and the mother of his children. A sick man. How can be be employed under the Hippocratic Oath - promising to practice medicine honestly - when he doesn't act honestly otherwise? The addicts and alcholics are getting better care at the hospital than his own children at home!

    1. The father is breaking the law in more ways than one then.
      The Law is for the Custodial parent to give the non custodial parent
      information which the father just isn't
      doing! He is on a slippery slope. Some lies are being exposed!

  35. Could be the most normal person in Austria is the Eurovision Winner Conchita Wurst!!

  36. Maybe he/she could be contacted to support Baths cause....seems to be getting lots of publicity

  37. Ev Meyer, those same thoughts were going through my head too!!

  38. Amazing that Vienna has become the 'city of tolerance' since the unique Conchita carried off the prize! What she achieved for the image of the city with just her appearance and one song was vastly more than the whole of the Austrian diplomatic corps and ministers globally in one year! The Director of Tourism commented today that Vienna "has long had the image of a tolerant, cosmopolitan city". Well, seems like he may have forgotten about the Jewish community...


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