Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Lakewood rabbi admits to plot to kidnap Orthodox Jewish man to force religious divorce

Asbury Park Press    David Wax, the rabbi accused of plotting to kidnap an Orthodox Jewish man to force him to give his wife a religious divorce, and whose case led to similar charges against other rabbis, pleaded guilty in federal court Tuesday, officials said.

David Wax, 51, of Lakewood pleaded guilty to conspiracy to commit kidnapping in a case that dates back to 2010, authorities said. David and his wife, Judy Wax, were arrested and charged with paying to have an Israeli national — Yisrael Meir Briskman — kidnapped and beaten in order to force him to give his estranged wife a religious divorce.

During his plea Tuesday before U.S. District Judge Freda L. Wolfson, David Wax implicated Mendel Epstein, a Brooklyn rabbi who has a home in Lakewood, along with several other men who were charged last fall in a similar conspiracy.

According to the U.S. Attorney’s Office, the charges against Judy Wax still are pending. [...]


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  2. Are we finally going to get a Kol Koreh against Heimishe criminals that absolutely infest our communities to be singed by ALL Gedolim?

    If not what exactly would need to happen to trigger this?

    1. woah. there are too many criminals, even one would be one too many, but they do not absolutely infest our community. That's a terrible thing to say.

    2. JS

      Gangs exist in our communities just like the one uncovered and they have negative effect because no one can stand up to them and therefore they set the standard of conduct in various aspects of our lives.

      As most of our communities started to form about 70 years ago (due to the holocaust etc.) the effect of gangs is growing like never before and if we will not fight them indeed we will all be affected. The FBI may have done a good job on this occasion but too many are still out there.

      This may sound bad but let me ask you how many people knew of the Epstein/Wohlmark gang before the FBI arrested them.

    3. chochom einov beroshoMay 7, 2014 at 8:18 PM

      You got it the other way around buddy. We the people need to sign a kol kore against the ra bonim that ENABLE the reshoim to execute such mamzerim factories with brute force. Masriyayich umachrivayich mimeich yetzei. The fish starts to stink from the head and it smells from gedol.. all over the place. Vote with your pockets, veheim kolim me'eilehem.

    4. I'll say it again and again. The internet is not the problem. It's the daily chillul hashem. Every day there's a story in the papers of a frum Jew committing a crime. There's no kappora for chillul hashem until death.

  3. Name the GedolimMay 7, 2014 at 5:11 PM

    Do Gedolim really have to put out a "kol koreh" for people not to commit crime?????
    Any crime????????

    1. The thing about this crime is the fact that many knew about it and accepted it. Otherwise, it is unlikely that they were able to survive for decades.

    2. I still don't understand your thinking. Who listens to kol koreh's?

  4. Why don't we get a Kol Koray that coercing a GET when the wife detests her husband is wrong and the GET is invalid and children born from it are mamzerim? The answer is, that those people who are advertised by the Agudah as Gedolim don't know the laws of Gittin and they may think, as some of them obviously do, that coercing is a good deed. We have spent much time and material on this blog to show this. That is the problem, ignorance, and the people advertised as gedolim may have Yeshivas and may teach Talmud but they obviously don't know the laws of Gittin.

  5. The whole Gitten process in our communities needs to be addressed
    Why not make this a agudah CONVENTION TOPIC?
    instead of all the glantz and glitter

    1. It is worth a series of conventions if that would help.

      There are some stubborn/bitter men who are determined to punish their wife. Due to what is required to Halachically to coerce a man to give a get and the legal implications that is not always possible so you will end end up with a number of unresolved cases that conventions cannot resolve. Even financial penalties that agreed before the marriage may not be a legitimate tool to obtain a valid get.

      Another area where conventions can help is to give husbands/father more protection of their rights to their children and assets. Of course this king of mistreatment is the trigger of many problems.

    2. The problem is that Agudah means infuential heads of large orginazations with following not poskim who spend a lifetime deeply immersed in psak halacha

      Who has a posek background in Agudah leadership?
      a dynastic Rosh yeshiva/leader of a yeshiva or kollel is not a Posek and surely not a dynastic Rebbe !
      Why do we look for the best lawyer the best accountant, But for psak we rely on the local yiddisha newspaper for the current "leader" ?

    3. Eize hu chochom:

      Having extensive involvement in gittin and divorcing couples, I agree that there are evil women who deny their husbands or ex-husbands access to the children, and this corruption sometimes has the blessings and assistance of rabbonim. However, there are also evil men who are bullies, abusive, and utilize the batei din and rabbonim to inflict torture on innocent women who are victims of their marriages and the "system". My experience does not allow me to find numbers favoring either direction of corruption, the men or the women. I firmly believe that those rabbonim who get involved in these subjects need to have experience, training, and supervision (transparency). Many do not.

  6. How can the Agudah address this when its leading "gedolim" have shown they defy the shulchan aruch when they demanded coercing a GET for Dodelson and Epstein? And what about the senior Rosh Yeshiva whose son Shalom is his right hand man in the Yeshiva who openly claims that a married woman does not need a GET and can remarry without one?

    1. doesnt need a get???? where do you hear this???

    2. They have no clue, velo yehei esek imohemMay 8, 2014 at 8:23 PM

      Read this on the latest saga on ORA, Ra leshomayim, veRA labriyos. They concocted up a chicken and egg pilpulim shel dofi that is tartei desosrei and saruach meikro, holds no rhyme nor reason. It is the talmud that gives a moshol of when roeh tzon wants to punish the herd, takes the leader of the herd that carries a Bell on it's neck, blinds both of it's eyes and leads the whole herd into boiros upchosim. We heve merited so called leaders like a blinder Bock, that commit the worst kind in the name of tora. That is because we let them do Din Toras with the help of chabar under the counter, enable molesters to molest, some are molesters themselves, and so it goes. Rov pironyois come for setting dayonim s'heinom mehugonim. If you know what's good for us, we need to clean up this joint from all the way to the top ad dyuta hatachtoinoh. Chas vesholom if not, od meat veovodnu.

    3. What do you mean "doesn't need a get"? What are you talking about?

    4. PART I ELE manhigecho Yisrael. Oy ledor shekach olos lo beyomov.May 9, 2014 at 2:21 PM

      They have allegedly been mafkia the kidushin lemafrea as a mekach tochess. Just like doing a shailes chochem for hatores nedorim, such as, had you known that if it will rain tomorrow would you have still made that neder? You answer NO. And wallah, on the spot while you wait your neder has been dissolved into thin air, keilu lo hoyo velo nivro, velehevei hefker kearo demitzrayim, and YOU ARE FREE!

      In the Tamar Epstein fiasco, ORA has declared one calm day out of the blue, that TAMAR IS FREE without any further explanation, and when the husband was asked ma perusho, he had no clue. He said, as far as he was concerned, there was no GET. Read on... Once upon a time... After gathering a minyan of the Towns (clowns) elders, they opened up the seal of a barrel of Yoysher that the chelemer shlichei beis din have captured in the wild, made a brocho lifnei kohol veeido "Boruch matir (assurim) issurim", veonu kol hakekele kohol bekol rom yachdov, Amen veAmen. Hence, she is FREE, and Free for all. Afterwards, they made berov om the brocho of Asher Yotzar, because the stench of Yoysher stank to high heaven, Phooey. If you make on this blog page a search, it's all in there. As for a few examples, read the followings:

      DecTamar Epstein claims she is free - Daas Torah - Issues of ... 22, 2013
      This week, the Organization for the Resolution of Agunot, or ORA, issued a flyer and fundraising call announcing that “Tamar is Free,” leading to an erroneous JTA report that Epstein's case was resolved with the awarding of a ...
      Daas Torah - Issues of Jewish Identity: Tamar Epstein's ...Jan 07, 2014
      ORA has publicly announced that Tamar is "free". As long as Herschel Schacter and the other ORA rabbis make no public protest against the "annulment", the frum olam has every right to assume that the ORA rabbis fully ...


    5. PART II ELE manhigecho Yisrael. Oy ledor shekach olos lo beyomov.May 9, 2014 at 2:21 PM

      Tuesday, January 7, 2014
      Tamar Epstein's testimony proves that there is no basis for annulment and she is still married
      As I have noted, Tamar Epstein has declared that she is freed from her marriage to Aharon Friedman - despite not having received a Get. The only basis for such a claim according to the view of Rav Moshe Feinstin - is only if her husband had a pre-existing condition - that she was unaware of - that no normal woman would be able to put up with and that she left immediately upon discovering this condition. All three conditions must be met for a valid annulment.

      The following words of Tamar are part of the court record and were shown to the Baltimore beis din and have been acknowledged as valid by Tamar Epstein. She said she wrote them shortly before she abandoned Aharon taking their child to live with her parents. I challenge anyone to find any evidence that she viewed that Aharon had a pre-existing condition such as severe mental or physical illness which she had been unaware of and that she viewed living with him something no normal woman would be able to do.

      It is clear that she decided that despite having at least a minimally acceptable marriage - which could be significantly improved through therapy - she didn't want to invest the time and energy because she thought she could do better. No competent and unbiased rabbinical authority would annul such a marriage. Thus she is still married to Aharon Friedman

      ==================transcipt of Tamar's document============
      The PURIM pilpul went like this. If the husband has a deffect that was unknown, that is a cause to declare a mekach to'es. And if, after the husband has been asked to give a Get on demand but refused, he is a SADIST, and sadist is a deffect, and this deffect has not been known in prior, hence Mekach tochess. If you will, here is another one. The chelemer chochom asks her, does your husband like to eat falafel in the weekdays, she replies Yes. Then comes the clincher, had you known that he likes to eat falafel in the weekdays, would you have still married him? Of course, the correct answer would be "NO". Ahhhhhh.... declares the chelemer chochom, "in that case I declare this union null and void". And that's how the alleged "FANGUNOT" are demarried. If you happened to have a FILM from your Wedding, you can play it backwards, see how the groom removes the ring from her finger under the Chupah, puts it back into his pocket, both go back home whence they came from, and it's all over. FREE as vekoresem DROR, and you can sing DROR yikro levein uBas.
      ELE manhigecho Yisrael. Oy ledor shekach olos lo beyomov.
      NEUM: Ra BONIM al tikro ra ele ORA


    If it turns out that the Epstein/Wolmark forced gittin of the past 25 years are Get Me'usas (invalid), does that mean that children born over the past 25 years from these wives "remarriage" are mamzeirim?

    1. Any child born from a forced GET that is forced without permission of the Torah is a mamzer. Probably a mamzer diorayso and at last a mamzer dirabonon. But if there is such a case I would advise the person who got the GET to contact me as I have a lot of shimush and will try to see what can be done. Surely we must fight the mamzer producers but we try to avoid if possible the destruction of a child. I deal with gedolei hador and if I think the child is kosher I have a good shot at getting backing for it. My number is 845-578-1917. I have semicha from Reb Moshe Feinstein zt"l that "he knows me many years as someone who penetrates deeply into difficult questions and clarifies them" and I have semicha from Rav Yosef Shalom Elyashev zt"l to b a Rosh Beth Din using his name.

    2. Everyone a rosha gomur, besides for Nuchum!May 8, 2014 at 10:52 AM

      Reb Dovid,

      Who are the "gedolei hador" that you deal with? Are you speaking about people who passed away 30 years ago?

      Who, in your opinion, is a godol nowadays?

      You may respond with a suckpuppet, if you so desire.

    3. Hamlatza Becomes SemichaMay 8, 2014 at 11:53 AM

      "he knows me many years as someone who penetrates deeply into difficult questions and clarifies them" and I have semicha from Rav Yosef Shalom Elyashev zt"l to b a Rosh Beth Din using his name.

      Do you have actual Yadin Yadin or even Yoreh Yoreh from either of these Gedolim... because it seems to me that you are once again claiming hamlatzot as semichot.

    4. R U from those that EIN DORSHIN SMICHOS ??? And make from Smichos hamLOTZESMay 8, 2014 at 8:44 PM

      R' Elyashiv has directed R' Dovid bichvodo uvatzmo to be memuneh on Beis Din for inyanei Gittin, and as declared here now to be a Rosh Beis Din on Dinei Gittin, had shimush by R' Elyashiv. Do you want the minutes on it??? And if yes, would you then need sound proofed, huh?

      I have SEMICHA from Reb Moshe Feinstein zt"l that "he knows me many years as someone who penetrates deeply into difficult questions and clarifies them" and I have SEMICHA from Rav Yosef Shalom Elyashev zt"l to b a Rosh Beth Din using his name. You are asking leKanter, aren't you.


    In the spirit of full disclosure, and to further the discussion on this very important "sugya", I would like to make the following suggestion...

    Can you Harav Daniel, and your brother Shlita, please clarify what your positions on this particular case was and is? Can you please provide a timeline for what you held when?

    Most of us here are HUGE fans, and that in no way will change, even if in fact you changed your mind on something. Even a mistake is OK, as long as when it comes to our attention we have the courage to say טעיתי.

    All of us that frequent this virtual Bais Midrash, are aware of the many posts you had on this case. I couldn't access it today, but one of them was on your "ALL TIME LIST" for a long time. If memory serves, you were quite "Epsteinesque" in the beginning.

    Yasher koach and as always tizkeh lemitzvos

    1. @concerned I have no idea of what you are talking about or alluding to. I have never approved of the views or techniques of Mendel Epstein . I have no idea of where you got the idea my views have fluctuated because you claim I must have realized my original position was wrong. In short your memory does not serve you well and you are totally off the mark.

      Here is the article regarding Briskman - which was taken from ynet. Didn't see anything in my comments which supports your allegations.

    2. Both Rabbi Eidensohns are and always have been opposed to Epstein/Wolmark and their unhalachic tactics.

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  10. Halachic Shaila:

    Are all the remarriages of women who obtained a Get through Epstein/Wolmark over the past 25+ years Get Me'usas? Are the children of these women remarriages mamzeirim?

    1. Visitor,
      The head of a Beth Din called me after the Epstein arrest and wanted to say something negative. I told him that was not the way. We have to fight the evildoers and then fight tooth and nail to save the innocent victims he child and the wife. Basically the thrust must be that the wife must get a new GET even if there are reasons to accept the GET, simply because of laaz, that people will make comments on her marriage and children. If she can't get a GET she should still ask a shaalo and maybe something can be worked out. I succeeded with the worst Agunah cases in Monsey because I worked with senior rabbonim who backed me. The children are easier for reasons I won't go into here, but they have to have their name cleared if possible. There is an important teshuva from a great rishon that almost nobody knows about. Anyway, please contact me if you would like some help. At least I could try ot advise you where to go.

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  12. This is all talk. The rabbonim, gedolim, RY, askanim, dayanim, etc have a good racket going. Why should they give up. (OK, recently one of their daughters had a pblm, so they raised a hue and cry, but in the end their not interested in resolving the pblm.)

    Why arent they pressing the prosecutors to.bring charges against the family that hired these make believe mafiosos? The fact that they didnt means they approve of such tactics?

    1. Because the family is less culpable, by far. The family were in a difficult situation, and out of desperation they turned to a bunch of thugs to solve the problem through violence. Not admirable, but understandable. The thugs, OTOH, made a business of beating people up, and charged big money for it. They need severe punishment.

      (From a deterrence POV, I would agree that prosecuting the family would make sense, even if they got a light sentence -- a couple of years, or maybe even probation. A few of those would put this practice out of business.)

    2. tal b -- agreed. desperation, less culpable, etc refers to the amount of punishment, not to guilt or innocence. (though juries will take it into account.)

      either way, my point was that only one or two prosecutions are necessary to put a stop to this (for ten years or so. after that, another prosecution, etc.)

      that's like saying prosecute the mortgage fraudsters, but not the desparate, less culpable homeowner who participated in the mortgage fraud, (or arson fraudsters). (wait, the feds aren't prosecuting the mortgage banks, the attys; just the innocent little homeowner.)

  13. If anyone is really bothered by this, come to the upcoming sentencing for those poor shnooks who probably got paid very little for their work. The real money, of course, went to the rabbonim.

    Sentencing us now scheduled for june 16 and june 20 in trenton federal court.

  14. Asher yake es re'ehu baseserMay 8, 2014 at 12:24 AM

    These alleged leaders do not deal with this issue objectively, they do take sides and are partial, gang up for a vendetta and not leshem shamayim, utilize ORA for character assassination, go to the extreme of megaleh ponim batorah shelo kehalacha. These are plain bullies and will go on as long as people don't raise their voices. None of them stood up against Epstein & Wolmark and their methods, using thugs and klei mashchis, veorav loi vekom olov same as the N.... R'L' . You can ignore them out of office and make them irrelevant.

  15. It is surely a mitsvah to bang away at those who are wicked and invent the Torah for their fantasies, but as long as there is not a strong positive Torah community with a program of teaching a true Torah it is what the Chofetz Chaim called "punching the darkness" and he said the only cure for darkness is to create a light. We therefore must light a candle. I am working on that in a few localities and I got berochose from some big people and some people are actually active and interested in doing something real. Baruch HaShem. Anyone interested can contact me at 845-578-1917.

  16. Vaad Arba arotzois, Sdom, Vaamoiro, Admo UtzvoyimMay 8, 2014 at 5:27 PM

    Are there any pictures of these thugs and cohorts anywhere to be seen? I have only seen these top two Capos, Capo dei Capi and Capo di tutti capi, what about the rest of the goon squad, e.g. sofer umoinin es yisroel, karate chopper, cattle prodder expert, the chapper-ons, eye punchers, 30 gallon garbage baggers, lurers and trappers. If you know something, please say something. It would also be wise to have disclosed those ra bonim chachomim leheira and their harassing, bullying intimidators that use the services of Strong armed Shomrim, chaveirim (aka reim/roim vachatoim lahashem) and put these ENABLERS out of commission for good, uleMitzvo gedoiloh yechosheiv. With such chaveirim who needs sonim? These groups of thugs commit high crimes against humanity and against the law of the land in course of their maasseh taatuim and need to be put in check.

    1. Yes, if you Google them many of them have pictures somewhere on the internet.

  17. Asher yikore lecho beachris hayomimMay 9, 2014 at 8:00 PM

    @ Emes & Humble,

    You both seem very baffled. It so states in the posuk, "Vehoyiso meshugo mimareh einecho", these bulvanes interpret it as a Mitzvos Esse of the TARYAG mitzvos, kedemetzinu "Vehoyiso ach someach"! Ach ach ach... and you thought it's all a joke. There are some that know how to be megaleh tefach umchasse tfachayim, and those that know how to be megaleh ponim batoiroh shelo kehalocheh with a straight face, " vaasher koach bohem laamod behichal hamelech", (see daniel 1:4 meforshim) ad shyofiach hayom venossu hatzlolim, vehoven ki omuk hu.

  18. Who said Kol Kore's don't work? AND HOW!!! BIG TIME!!!May 11, 2014 at 5:52 PM

    @ realist May 11, 2014 at 5:20 AM

    Hakol lefi hamevayesh... if the people read the Kol Kore and see what these thugs inflict onto Judaism physically and spiritually, who knows if chas vesholom it can happen to your own one day. I beg you please,"Hibodlu mitoch hoeido hazois, suru na meal oholei hoanoshim horshoim hoele veal tigu bechol asher lohem pen tisofu bechol chatoisom. Vayerdu hem vechol asher lohem, veyordu chayim sheoilo vidaatem ki niatzu haele es hashem." Open up your eyes and see what happened nebach to R' A. Rubin Hashem yerachem. These yedayim yedei esiav yedehem mleu dom, not only herimu yad al nefesh beyisroel vehiku "bemakas achzoriyos vos men hot noch azayns nit gezehn", but herimu yad gam beToras Moshe veokru perek echod al issur eishes ish, veperek echod leharbos mamzerim beyisrael. Was this because they sympathized with these alleged agunos, did they do it because kol kevonosom leshem shamayim?

    Shoymu Shamayim!!!
    They merely did it for the $100,000 a bang, indeed, a big bang for the buck. The egel hazohov, they would sell out even their own mothers and even on Mothers Day, all for the mighty Dollar. What a charpeh und a shande. Did anybody open a mouth and ask Hayitochen? No, they were all in it in cahoots, ve'ein poitze peh umtzaftzef, everyone got a bit of the pie, veochlu bei kurtze veyisbou, delicious cookies, begushpanke deman malchei- ra bonon. Rosho Rosho, lomoh s'akeh reacho?? The poor victim was crying from pain, pain of the makos retzach from the Kalgassim, and pain from tzaar bonim asher gozlu mitachas kpaois yodov, oy vey vey... "BONECHO UVNOISECHO NESUNIM LEAM ACHEIR VE'EINCHO ROIYOS VECHOLOIS ALEIHEM KOL HAYOIM - OY GEVALD GEVALD - V-E-I-N L-O-E-L Y-O-D-E-C-H-O. " Er ken nebach gornisht ton, men hot ehm gebinden di oygen, gebinden hent und fiss, und gevorfen in pischoi shel "bar minons" tzebluttet fun kop biz fiss leof hashamayim ulbehemas hasodeh! Can't you you feel his pain?
    He was nebech all by himself, he against the world. Korosi ve'ein oineh, NOBODY but NOBODY heeded his cry. Al kein, NEVER AGAIN. We will not sit beozlat yad. Klal Yisroel will join in together, Vayaanu kol ho'om yachdov vayoimru naaseh venishma, ke'ish echod ubelev echod. We will not stand idly by in the spilling of our brothers blood. United we stand, and B'H' got the PLISHTIM OLECHO, BULVANESS! Did I hear you right? Kol de'alim Gvar? Huh? You can run, but you cannot hide. The feds will whip ass, blacken your eyes, throw the book at you, "can" you in the chad gadyo for the rest of your life and throw away the key. Bagodol hechel ubakotoin kolo ad tumom, so that we shall see who is Tattele. Who said Kol Kore's don't work? AND HOW!!! BIG TIME!!!

    1. I think I agree with you, but I just don't see why a kol koreh will do anything. The same rabbis sign onto .... you get my point. Consider the recent dodelson case.

  19. true manhigei uPoskei haDORMay 12, 2014 at 12:39 PM

    Kol kore is not the exact right term here, since it was not the call of many as one unit. Rather, what we had is that the genuine Top RASHKEBEHA"G leaders separately each in their own names went directly to the culprits and took matter in their own hand by writing to them, ordering them to STOP these gross violations. You have seen the Psak from R' Elyashiv, R' Chaim Kanievsky, Eida hachreidis Be"Datz etc. in writing as well as the tremendous input of this very Blog. These are not the nimushim shebenimushim that would sell out Torah for esrim kosef or baad na'alayim to be megaleh ponim baTorah, they are our true Giants. We the people, neemon laH' vetoirosoi need to speak up and raise our voices, magnify berabim, that what these ra bonim commit, or when they are taking sides "LECHPOS" bnei mishpachto, and it does have an effect and does take it's toll. We have seen that by the fiasco of Weberman, Epstein & Wolmark, and the Dodelson etc. turn the tide. These kol korenikes have been proven to be wrong, off the Derech, until Didan Notzach. But until the masses did not go out bechutzot to protest, "Hashochad yeaver ruled". That is why it is SO important for us Klall Yisrael to carry the message, and not sit idly by while the Shuolim are mechablim bakromim. Hope this helps.

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  21. באר? I hope he doesn't write gittin if that's how he spells the name Ber.

    I know that R. C; Kinievsky is one of the gedolai hador in learning, but I've seen some strange eitzos from him in mili d'alma. Does he have practicle knowledge also?

    Besides, this is a leading question. What if it's not true that the Dayan did such things. Then the answer would be different, wouldn't it?

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