Sunday, April 13, 2014

Schlesinger Twins: Another au pair testifies

After the intimidation of Nora for publishing her testimony on this blog which then caused her to remove her testimony - I am publishing another au pair's testimony


I helped the Schlesinger family from August to September 2009 by assisting in childcare and housework. I also flew with the twins Samuel and Benjamin and their mother to England in November 2009 and spent a weekend at Beth Schlesinger's parents' house.

I always enjoyed coming to help the family and I got along very well with the mother of the twins. Mostly I came 2-3 times a week and stayed for about 3-4 hours when the children's father was at work. Among other support, I helped the mother to feed the children. Sometimes I gave one of the babies a bottle while Beth pumped her breastmilk off. In addition, I took care of the children, did some light housework and changed the twins’ diapers while the mother was cooking. I was never alone with the children, I only assisted the mother. I was able to observe that the young babies needed a lot of attention and often cried at the same time so that the mother could not take care of both simultaneously. We therefore took it in turns. Overall, I found the atmosphere in the home to be quiet and orderly, and experienced Beth as being like any other good, normal mother.

Sometimes I stayed overnight when the children's father was on night duty. The nights were very difficult at that time because it took a long time for the children to fall asleep and they woke up many times at night, as children often do at that age. I supported the mother during such nights. Each of us would take a child, feed it, change its diaper and calm him down. Despite her exhaustion, I had the feeling that Beth looked after the children with joy and understood their needs.  After Beth and I had fed the children breakfast, washed them, dressed them and played with them for a while, we got everything ready together to take the children out to the park. By the time the father of the children came home from his night duty, between 9 and 10 o' clock in the morning, the kids were already ready to go out. At this point I went home and Beth went with the children to the nearby Augarten park on her own so that the father could sleep.

Despite this very stressful situation I experienced the mother as attentive, calm and always polite. We always got on well together and never had any conflicts. I had very little contact with the father. I saw him rarely and only for a short time. When I came, he showed little interest and obviously wanted to be left in peace. The reason I stopped helping the family was because I had to continue my studies. 

Beth asked me a few months later, in November 2009 , to accompany her with the children when she went to visit her parents in England The father of the children brought the car seats for the kids to my friend Klaus and Klaus drove Beth, the twins and myself to the airport in Bratislava. When we had trouble folding the stroller (to put in the car), Beth called her husband to ask him for help, and I could hear that he verbally abused her. I could not understand why he was not helpful. Eventually Klaus managed to solve the problem himself.

I did not go to England as a nanny but only to support the family on the flight because Beth told me that airlines do not allow a person to fly alone with two small children. Beth's father picked us up from the airport and took us to the Alexander family’s home. I spent a few days there as a guest and was warmly welcomed by them. I took part in family life and spent a very pleasant time in their house. The family cared lovingly for me and organized and paid for a taxi for me to the airport since Beth's father was unable to take me there himself because of the Jewish Shabbat. Beth and the children stayed on longer and later flew back to Vienna with a friend. 

Ich half Familie Schlesinger im Zeitraum von August  bis September 2009 fallweise bei der Betreuung der Kinder und im Haushalt. Ich flog mit den Zwillingen Samuel und Benjamin und ihrer Mutter im November 2009 auch nach England und verbrachte ein Wochenende im Haus der Eltern von Beth Schlesinger.
Ich kam immer gerne, um der Familie zu helfen, und bin mit der Mutter der Zwillinge sehr gut ausgekommen. Meistens kam ich 2-3 Mal pro Woche und blieb für etwa 3-4 Stunden, wenn der Vater der Kinder arbeitete. Zu meinen Aufgaben zähltdie Mutter dabei zu unterstützen, die Kinder zu füttern. Manchmal gab ich auch einem der Babys die Flasche, während Beth damit beschäftigt war, die Muttermilch abzupumpen.  Außerdem beaufsichtigte ich die Kinder, während die Mutter kochte, erledigte leichte Hausarbeiten und wechselte die Windeln der Zwillinge. Ich war mit den Kindern niemals alleine, sondern habe die Mutter nur unterstützt. Dabei konnte ich beobachten, dass die noch sehr kleinen Kindern viel Aufmerksamkeit brauchten und oft zur selben Zeit weinten, sodass sich die Mutter nicht gleichzeitig um beide kümmern konnte. Wir wechselten uns deshalb darin ab. Insgesamt empfand ich die Atmosphäre in der Wohnung als ruhig und ordentlich und erlebte Beth als eine ganz normale gute Mutter.
Manchmal blieb ich auch über Nacht, wenn der Vater der Kinder Nachtdienst hatte.  Die Nächte waren zu dieser Zeit sehr schwierig, da die Kinder ein langes Einschlafritual benötigten und in der Nacht oft aufwachten, wie Kinder in diesem Alter es häufig tun. Ich unterstützte die Mutter auch in solchen Nächten,  indem sich jede von uns um jeweils ein Kind kümmerte und es fütterte, wickelte und beruhigte. Trotz ihrer Müdigkeit hatte ich das Gefühl, dass Beth sich mit Freude um die Kinder kümmerte und für ihre Bedürfnisse Verständnis hatte. Nachdem wir den Kindern ihr Frühstück gemacht, sie gewaschen,  angezogen und ein wenig mit ihnen gespielt hatten, bereiteten wir gemeinsam alles für eine Ausfahrt in den Park vor. Wenn der Vater der Kinder zwischen 9 und 10 Uhr morgens vom Nachtdienst nachhause kam, waren die Kinder bereits fertig zum Ausgehen. Ich ging zu diesem Zeitpunkt nachhause und die Kinder gingen mit ihrer Mutter alleine in den nahegelegenen Augarten, damit ihr Vater schlafen konnte.
Trotz dieser sehr belastenden Situation erlebte ich die Mutter als aufmerksam, ruhig und immer höflich. Wir kamen stets gut miteinander aus und hatten niemals Konflikte.  Mit dem Vater hatte ich sehr wenig Kontakt. Ich sah ihn selten und nur für kurze Zeit. Wenn ich kam, zeigte er wenig Interesse und wollte offenbar seine Ruhe haben. Der Grund, warum ich aufhörte, der Familie zu helfen, war, dass ich für meine Ausbildung lernen musste.
Beth bat mich einige Monate später, im November 2009, sie zu begleiten, als sie mit den Kindern ihre Eltern in England besuchen wollte. Der Vater der Kinder hatte die Autositze für die Kinder zu meinem Freund Klaus gebracht und Klaus brachte Beth, die Zwillinge und mich zum Flughafen in Bratislava. Als wir Schwierigkeiten hatten, den Kinderwagen zusammenzuklappen, rief Beth ihren Mann an, um ihn um Hilfe zu fragen, und ich konnte hören, dass er sie beschimpfte. Ich konnte nicht verstehen, warum er nicht hilfsbereit war. Schließlich gelang es Klaus, das Problem selbst zu lösen.
Ich kam nach England nicht als Kindermädchen mit, sondern nur, um die Familie auf dem Flug zu unterstützen, weil Beth mir erzählt hatte, dass es nicht möglich ist, alleine mit zwei kleinen Kindern zu fliegen. Beths Vater holte uns vom Flughafen ab und brachte uns zum Haus der Familie. Ich verbrachte dort einige Tage als Gast und wurde von der Familie sehr herzlich aufgenommen. Ich nahm am Familienleben teil und verbrachte eine sehr angenehme Zeit in ihrem Haus. Die Familie kümmerte sich liebevoll um mich und organisierte und bezahlte  zum Beispiel ein Taxi, als mich Beths Vater am jüdischen Schabbat nicht selbst zum Flughafen bringen konnte, als ich zurück nach Wien reisen wollte. Beth und die Kinder blieben länger als ich und flogen später mit einer Freundin zurück nach Wien.


  1. Something fishy is definately going on. It appears the community in Vienna are to scared to speak up as they are all affraid.
    I hope over pesach when they are all with their children enjoying the festive time that they sit back and think about Beth.
    All the lies that have been spread are not true. She is a loving mother who just wants her boys back where they belong.. Can you imagine 1 night without your children. Imagine that and imagine how Beth feels every night when thats her only wish.
    Its not to late to speak out... You CAN make a difference.
    It is clear from this article above that people are being threatened if they want to help Beth.. Its sick and one day I hope 1 person will break this ring of corruption and speak out to help Beth and the boys
    Please think about what I have written as I know you are all reading this..

  2. What a lovely kind lady!
    It's so refreshing to hear that there are a few good people in Vienna. It would be good if there were some more.

    Maybe they can also be other brave ladies who wouldn't like to come forward for the sake of two helpless
    little boys.

    Like the bad snowballed. Now let the good. Make this the best Yom Tov ever!

  3. Is she about to receive threats now? Dear ladies: if anyone will threat you, you can count on us to defend you.
    I'm thinking of organizing several men with military experience who are not afraid of cowardly bastards that makes anonymous phonecalls to come visit vienna soon... also anyone who will need protection will have it.
    Cowards who abuse women and then threatening them and their family and friends will be dealt with. I had it with those miserable wannabe mafia like creatures who obviously have obviously watched too many movies!!!

    1. Hi teddybear everyone is shakig already here. Just when u start getting violant u will see how comfortable the austrian prisons are. Shall i organise kosher food for you or do you have special wishes? Fish and chips maybe with a nice cup of tea

    2. Obviously the Austrians are corrupted and easy to be payed off... so Teddy-i don't think you have anything to fear :-)
      Comfortable prisons ha!

    3. Naomi are you an 8 yr old? Such low level comments, unbelievable...
      Good to see who supports this crazy ex husband. Or maybe he is Naomi?

  4. Really HC Teddy!
    Pray tell us - where are you from?

    1. Why do you not have a problem with a man beating his wife and threatening poor women who wanna speak the truth but once someone wants to defend them you imidiatly pretend to be human and gentle all of a sudden?
      I hope someone will be able to offer defense for these women.

  5. We are happy to organise a crew of ex Israeli military representatives form Australia to help out as well...Im married to one and Im happy to share his time and expertise if needed.
    Yes empowered Israelis have no patience for wannabe Diaspora Jewish bullies...
    I think if needed an International antibullying crew can be organised between all of us from different corners of the world.
    Beth...we are with you and your gorgious children !!!!!!

  6. I suspect H.C. Teddy is a shill.

  7. Please let us know when the big army is coming. We want to welcome you here and lough about you.hahahahahahaha. you seem to be some 5 year old children dont know what you are talking about. Please go on. Just reading this makes me loughing. Dont need to buy a joke book anymore

    1. Donniel Weiss - HaRova Yehudi, JerusalemApril 13, 2014 at 5:33 PM

      This is all a joke to you "Naomi"- whoever or rather "whatever" you are?! wife abuse, child abuse, judicial corruption, threatening of witnesses, obstruction of justice are all a joke? You are one twisted sicko! And I am putting my name here so you can come to Israel and threaten me instead of helpless woman au pairs. Vienna sounds like it needs to be renamed Sodom.

  8. Ev you can count on us from England. Our Government is already involved but othetwise I personally know a few thugs and ex military like you, who won't stand for nonesene.

  9. The question still remains why was this woman silenced. Why shouldn't she be allowed to speak and say wants she likes!

    Isn't Ausria a democratic country?

    There are obviously people there who
    are afraid of any one speaking out on
    Behalf of Beth

    If is actually those who are afraid that the truth will be revealed. If they
    weren't they would have not minded
    what this au pair said on Friday!

    There are those that mind. Why?

  10. Naomi sees this as one big joke.

    She never mentions Sammy and Benji.
    How are they doing Naomi

    What is so worrying is that they are
    not receiving all the love and care they
    deserve. How can they be if you are
    representative of those very close to
    the boys in Vienna?

    Not only does Beth worry about them, her supporters do too, unlike you uncaring lot in Vienna!

    It sounds like absolute cruelty with people in high places turning a blind eye. We gave heard of Authorities
    getting things very wrong around the
    world including Austria! They are all
    eventually exposed and you will be
    too. Have no doubt!

  11. The comments on this story are getting increasingly ridiculous.
    Please, Rabbi Eidensohn, continue posting but maybe it's time to stop all these inane comments.

  12. @DT
    Please stop cencoring my comments

    1. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Rabbi Eidensohn for refusing some of "flowers" comments/lies. A comment by "flower" has become synonymous with purposeful lies and deception.

      Changing monikers and rehashing the same circular arguments over and over again. Every time the lie is exposed, you just change your moniker and repeat the same accusation and lie again.

    2. @flower I warned you before about inappropriate comments. At that time I said I wasn't allowing anymore of your comments through. I changed my mind and decided to simply reject your more abnoxious comments. If you don't like my moderation - feel free to stop commenting here.

    3. I didnt post anything inappropriate.

      And I see much worse comments going through your cencorship. It seems you cannot deal with criticism. Thats quite interesting, because you are not easy on your oponents either.

    4. @DT

      Actually, I will just do that. If you dont publish my cencored comments, this will now be my last comment on your blog.

    5. Good riddance of the liar, "flower".

      He claimed several times that he is not Austrian. However, he did slip and reveled the fact that he is indeed Austrian. At that point all he could say was "what relevance?".

      It's got plenty.

      He also claimed to be willing to run to a church. Hmmm.

      I am absolutely positive that "flower" will be commenting on this blog under a different moniker. Whenever his lies get too much, and he is exposed, he claims to be "leaving" but in actuality returns under a different moniker.

    6. Ironically, judging from the many different nicknames under which dr Schlesinger comments here, it is more likely that HE has schizophrenia rather than Beth. LOL.

  13. If this is the case Miri why does HE have custody of two young vulnerable children?

  14. Because Dr Schlesinger has not been subjected to a psychological or psychiatric examination, Ian. The test most commonly used to assess socio-/psychopathy is the Hare Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R) and it needs to be administered by a suitably qualified, experienced clinician under controlled, standardized conditions. From following this very helpful blog (praise be to Rabbi Eidensohn for enabling the discussion!), it's easy to see some of the main features such as glib, superficial charm, pathological lying, cunning and manipulation, and lack of remorse all adding up to correspond to the image of this abusive doctor.

  15. Poor children? How will they grow up if he father is so damaged? If he is unable to work to fully financially support his children, or he has to pay
    high charges to employ Philapinos in
    his absences, what will happen?

    How will these children ever catch up with their peers? Will they be able to go
    to mainstream school? Will they be
    institutionalised, because they can't
    keep up, or will Chabad hide them in their kindergarten for ever? What will
    become of Sammy and Benji? .

    It is so worrying!

  16. I hate to think about the future for these poor children, Worried. They're already - as a result of the trauma they've been exposed to by their father and presumably his family - aeons behind other children of their age as far as speech is concerned. They should be talking fluently in at least German and English by now, but are not. Also a smattering of Hebrew if they have it at kindergarten.

    Children of 2 to 3 can usually speak pretty well, distinguishing between what's going to happen and what's already happened, singing songs in both languages (if they're bilingual), telling their parents what's going on at kindergarten, saying it in the one language to Mum and the other to Dad and knowing about the different festivals, etc their parents and other adults celebrate with them. BUT THESE BOYS ARE JUST ABOUT 5 AND DON'T!

    They have been subjected by their father to an overwhelming amount of trauma that no child in a peaceful society should be forced to have to go through!!! No wonder they can't speak properly. Without their mother talking to them and giving them her love daily, they will always be kids with special needs.

    Who is going to be there for them when they're older and bullied? Their father will be busy. The Filippino nannies don't speak either fluent English or German, you hear. Who will be supporting them against the influences of alcohol and drugs when they become teenagers? Who will teach them that the abuse their mother suffered at their father's hands is NOT normal? How will they know that their screwed-up auntie and grandma are abnormal, sick people?

    Rabbi Biderman! Rabbi Pardess! Chani Eidelman! Show how dedicated you are to the Schlesinger family by convincing the father that his children - more than anything - NEED THEIR MOTHER!

  17. Harriet Lauder PsychologistApril 19, 2014 at 10:45 AM

    In Nora's statement, she mentioned that she watched Beth breastfeeding, as well as pumping her breast milk! As every professional should know,
    including psychologists and doctors,
    if a mother is depressed, she would
    not do either!.

    This is clear fundamental evidence that Judge Suzanne Gottlucher refused
    in Beth's trial. whether or not
    psycological tests were done on Beth

    The judge looked up whether Beth should have been able to use
    suppositories on the internet. Perhap
    she should have looked up this
    important fact as well.

    Bases on Nora's evidence, the fact whether Beth had any mental issues
    could have been disputed and should
    have been dismissed by the court!

    This shows that evidence and
    witnesses were corrupted/biaised or dismissed when they were in Beth's favor.

    As a previous commentator suggested it seems like the judge predetermined the outcome and made the pieces fit!

    This shows that everything was working against Beth and she nor the boys have been treated fairly by the

    If anyone disputes my claims can you please tell me why Nora and her
    husband were threatened this week
    after Nora gave Beth her permission topublish her statement?

    If not why was Nora not aceepted as a witness, her devidence rejected and why were both her and her husband threatened this week when Nora gave her permission for Beth to publish her statement on this blog

    These are facts that need investigating!

  18. Harriet Lauder

    You are 100% right. This looks like another joke!

    The British Government need to be asking serious questions about why
    witnesses and evidence for Beth were denied and why her lawyes and witnesses have been threatened!

    The British Government need to be asking these very serious questions!

  19. This is no Joke, Joke!

    I've just seen on the BBC news that therehas been the biggest revelation in
    modern history regarding Family Law in Britain and Wales! A complete shake
    up, as the needs of children and welfare are being put first, not that of parents!

    After three years, these little children are failing to thrive in the sole care of their father!

    They are nearly school age, yet can't speak!

    It may be British law thay has been changed, but all the more reason why
    our Government will want answers, as
    to what Austria are doing to safeguard


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