Thursday, February 6, 2014

N Y Post:" Victory! Orthodox Jewish woman finally gets her divorce"

NY Post     An Orthodox Jewish woman who has been fighting for a religious divorce from her husband has finally gotten her wish.

Gital Dodelson, 25, has been granted a “get” by her ex-husband, Avrohom Meir Weiss.

Her publicist, Shira Dicker, said Wednesday that she got the surprise news from Dodelson’s mom, Saki.

“She calls, giggling, ‘Gital has her get,’ ” Dicker told The Post. 

The Post broke the story of Dodelson’s divorce nightmare three months ago.[...]

Dodelson recalled her ex-husband’s motive in not granting her a legal Jewish divorce: “On my last mission to ask for a get, a month ago, Avrohom said, ‘I can’t give you a get — how else would I control you?’ I think that’s the key to it all. He insists the marriage isn’t over until he says it’s over,” she told The Post in November.

After The Post report, Dodelson got a wave of public support.

The Facebook group “Free Gital: Tell Avrohom Meir Weiss to Give His Wife a ‘Get’ ” was created and grew to 14,000 supporters worldwide.

Dicker could not say Wednesday why Weiss had changed his mind and now granted the religious divorce.

The Weiss family declined to comment.

Three days after The Post story first appeared, the father and uncle of her estranged husband, Rabbi Yosaif Asher Weiss and Rabbi Yisroel Weiss, were forced to resign from their lofty editor positions at Jewish publisher, ArtScroll, under intense pressure from the outraged Jewish community.

The Weiss family is part of an esteemed rabbinic family; Avrohom Meir Weiss’s great-grandfather was the great Talmudic scholar Moshe Feinstein, who ironically was a vocal champion of the rights of Jewish women to divorce.

“The world became consumed after the NY Post story,” says Dicker. “The Post did this because of her face — how amazingly human and relatable it is. It could have been just another story, but Gital became everybody’s sister, daughter and friend,” she says, adding, “It was a grassroots thing; community opinion.”

Now, Saki Dodelson has vowed to start a nonprofit helping other women to win freedom from their recalcitrant husbands. “The family isn’t just skipping into the sunset,” Dicker says. “There’s a real sense of responsibility here.”


  1. Congratulate everyone involved on their massive chillul Hashem.

    1. Dodelson really has no shame. Especially after Rav Shmuel Kamenetzky said that they were making a Chilul Hashem & that Weiss was right. Now that they got the get they can blatantly disregard his words. I wonder what he thinks of ever being aligned with them after this.

  2. “She calls, giggling, ‘Gital has her get,’ ” Dicker told The Post.

    Is this all a big joke according to the Dodelsons and their supporters? So not only does Dodelson call the publicist Dicker giggling, but the publicist Dicker thinks it helpful to her client to tell this to the New York Post?

    1. Was wondering the same... Do the Dodelsons really want to publicize that they think this whole PR campaign is a joke? Childs play?

  3. > He insists the marriage isn’t over until he says it’s over,” she told The Post in November

    Um, isn't that the halacha?

  4. Until this point Eidenson has been saying that he posts about tho to combat the presence that the "other side" has online. What is the point now?

    1. The other side is right now promoting, with their PR hack Dicker, that they "won" and "forced" the other side into their "victory".

      While this all may be PR lies, the Dodelson's are still engaging in their PR war against the Weiss' even AFTER THE GET!

    2. Precisely that!

    3. If in fact both sides settled down after the Get to work on the life that they said they were blocked from - and their main concern was their son. Then there would not be much reason to continue discussing this case. However it is clear from Dicker's pronouncment - also see her comments in Newsweek - that she views that she is leading a battle against centuries old halacha. Dicker clearly is not out of the picture or is Gital's mother or any of the other forces which have been unleased in this case. It is clear from the above NY Post article and the comments which the JTA have been circulating post Get - that they are not focused on have a normal life.

      There are other ominous sounds such as Tamar Epstein's announcment of being "free" without a Get. There are rabbis who are now working on turning a Getless divorce into the norm. And there is the Washington Bill to force a Get.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. AMW gave Gital the Get!

      I'm waiting to see the details the they write will follow... I'm wondering if they will publicize the fact that part of the concession was to stop posting on their website and facebook page, or will the just neglect to mention that part, as they have neglected to disclose to the public many of the other details of the case that didn't fit in to their agenda.

    2. They already broke their concession agreement?!?

    3. facebook/website pagesFebruary 6, 2014 at 8:23 PM

      The website has already been deleted as part of the agreement. I believe the Facebook page will be taken down tonight, also as part of the agreement.

    4. Doesn't the agreement call for this site to stop posting as well?

    5. Note: As part of the agreement, they weren't even supposed to post about the Get being given!

    6. Wow. So you think that a stipulation that you not post the consent order=not posting that the get was given? Or did Weiss mix the two up when he told it to you?

    7. Epic Failure,

      What a failure... the agreement can only force those that are involved to do their part of the agreement. This blog is not and never was under the control of the Weisses. Neither the Wiesses nor the Dodelsons can force Rabbi Eidensohn to take anything down.

      As long as the Dodelsons don't get their NY Post, NPR, TheJewishweek, Times of Isreal etc. articles/interviews off the internet, there is no reason at all for this site take down their coverage of the story.

  6. The Dodelsons are trying to put on a brave face with their inaccurate public victory claims, after the Dodelson's met most of Weiss' demands for a Get, especially having agreed to give additional custody and visitation rights to the father.

  7. Until Gital or weiss publicize the terms of the GET , it has to be assumed from the tremendous public pressure imposed on Weiss, that HER GET IS INVALID!! Since we dont know if he agreed to the GET because he received what he wanted or because he was pressured. A MESSAGE TO THE DODELSONS: IF YOU WANT GITAL TO REMARRY, MY ADVICE IS TO ABSTAIN FROM YOUR OPENING UP A NON FOR PROFIT ORGANIZATION TO HELP OTHERS AS YOUR FAMILY WILL BE LOOKED UPON AS TOO AGGRESSIVE AND CONTENTIOUS, AND WHO WANTS SUCH IN-LAWS???

    1. Your absolutely nuts. For Weiss to take money, and then to claim it was given under duress is pure fantasy.

    2. Did Weiss take money for the Get? How much? Where's your proof?

      It wasn't part of the Get giving agreement, it was part of a prior agreement made several years ago, before they went to court the first time... Hameivin Yavin!

    3. Huh? What are you talking about? What else was the money for?

    4. Epic Failure,

      The money given to the Weisses as compensation for the legal fees the Dodelsons incurred them, was prior to the giving of the Get agreement. Those that know the inner details, know that the Dodelsons knew they were going to have to pay those costs prior to the first court appearance... Hameivin Yavin the rest!

    5. You you are arguing something that nobody, not even the Weiss's have ever said. It's ludicrous that you think you can just assert things because you think it is so- when Weiss himself isn't making that argument. I had heard from Weiss's friends/relatives that he got the money because he was entitled to take money for the get because he didn't need to give it al pi Halacha. But you make up whatever you want.
      Unless you are saying that you are somehow speaking for Weiss?

    6. The Weiss' did not receive a penny. The Dodelson's were required to pay the lawyers and legal fees of both sides attorneys and costs to the law firms.

    7. If you don't have any information stop lying. The fact is that they laid Weiss for the Get. Not for legal fees, but for the get. This is the problem when any anon can post as if he has some kind of information that a true- while they are just making it up. Weiss wouldn't say this. It's stupid.

    8. Epic Failure,
      My claim is simple: Weiss didn't receive money for the Get!

    9. Litzei Litzonus,
      Speaking of lying without have the correct information.... you are the liar! You are making up facts that aren't true! Do your research before accusing people of being liars!

  8. A very nice letter Reb Shmuel wrote, that the Dodelson family did everything על פי דעת תורה. I trust him much more then any post by any blogger, including the so called Rabbi that knocks down every other Rabbi because he learnt the Halacha differently.

    1. I assume you are referring to Rav Shmuel Kaminestky. Please send me a copy of the letter so I can post it.

    2. I have a copy of it as a pdf - how do I send to you? There is also a photo of it on the Facebook page (which I hear will be taken down tonight).

    3. It was posted on fb. I do not want to repost it due to the fact that many people on this site are מבזה him. But he clearly states they did everything according to the Torah. I hate to say it, but I have no respect to your brother after he spoke against our gedolim.

    4. you can simply send it as an attachment to which is noted in my profile on the right side of the blog

    5. He writes how they did what they did with Daas Torah, and his signature. However, he still disapproves of the Smear Campaign and the Chillul Hashem they made out of it. They used the words of Daas Torah and distorted it, and made a massive Chillul Hashem.

      Also note, that he carefully side-steps the fact that the original Kol Korei was an embarrassment to the Torah & it's Halachos in the first place!

  9. I have a different outlook on this GET. I don't know anything about how it was obtained or how things got settled and it is not my business. But the big story in this has nothing to do with Dicker or Dodelsons or Weiss. The big story is that after years of war, it is absolutely clear that major Rosh Yeshivas and rabbis did things forbidden by halacha. The ex-husbands and wife can go on with their lives and soon people will have other things to talk about. But the obvious twisting of the Torah by major Rosh Yeshivas and rabbis will never go away. Even after I presented sources, they refused to back down. When I asked for sources for their leniencies they refused to provide it. When the Gedolim in Israel Reb Chaim Kaniefsky, Rav Shmuel haLevi Wosner, Rav Nissim Karelitz, Rav Yuvia Weiss and others agreed with me in letters and a book on the subject of coerced divorces, they continued with their disgraceful lies and twisted Torah. I will not forget this, and neither will a lot of other people. And the next person who wants to get a coerced GET and goes to these Rosh Yeshivas and Rabbis, who knows what will happen? I made mud of them now, and I will make mud of them the next time. But next time is going to be worse. Any Rosh Yeshiva or Rabbi who defies the Shulchan Aruch, the Gro, the Rashbo, the Gedolei HaDor, is a rosho. And now people know that this is wrong, and if they do it again, they may be put in Nidui. I would be the first to do it, but I may ask a shaaloh bli neder.

    1. What about the Rambam? Makes it amply clear that you can beat a man into wanting to give his wife a get. The FBI has a problem with this but many gedolei torah do not, as per Rabbi Moshe Ben Maimon. Or do you pick and choose the poskim that you follow, Rabbi Dovid Eidensohn?

    2. Dear Rabbi E. I don't know except from what I've seen you posted on line. I'm sure you have good intentions, but, the way you write against gedolim is beyond pale. You have brought your shita down many times. Many gedolim disagree with you and learn the same shulchan aruch as you do and came up with different conclusions. But I never saw someone as brazen as you to מבזה gedolim as you have. Why not put them all in cherem and niduy today. Why wait?

    3. Uhhu you arrive at the end of the 9th inning and ask "what is a baseball?"

      If you have some time I strongly suggest you read the back posts - search for ma'us alei or forced get. The simple answer to your question is that the Rambam is not accepted by the majority of poskim. So it seems you are cherry picking the Rambam in defiance of the majority of poskim including the Rosh, Ramban, Rabbeinu Tam, Shulchan Aruch etc .

  10. I don't know how to email you personally. But here is a link to the letter from R'Shmuel.

    Now that this is over, let's all leave the animosity behind and see the good in AMW for going above his ego and ending this. As well as Gital's side who are not bad-mouthing anyone, but have already taken down the website they had up, and are simply stating that they hope to use this experience as a way to help future agunos others.

    (As a side note for the bitter commenters- I think many of us "giggle" when hearing or giving over good news. It is a natural response. Chill with the animosity. It's over- stop the hate)

    1. They are also taking down their fb as of tonight.

    2. I don't know about you, but i don't giggle when I pass on good news. I smile and pass on the news with excitment, not giggles!!! Giggling is a termed used for something funny!

    3. ...or an involuntary reaction to the end of an agonizing 4 year legal battle that put your entire family in agony (both sides of course)

      Unless you personally know Mrs. Dodleson and understand the way she sounds and reacts to different situations, I don't think anyone has any right to start flinging accusations based on the fact that a woman "giggled/laughed/cried/snorted/or yelled at the end of a traumatizing ordeal like this.

      Let's all try to put our war cries of bad-mouthing and false accusations to use in our own homes and stop judging other people especially when its based on nothing.

      The story is over, the drama is done. Now it is up to everyone involved to move on in their own PRIVATE lives. All the very well meaning people who used other peoples tzaros for personal halachic debate and entertainment have to understand that continuing to lay blame and pursuing debate on a moot point is taking the exact chillul hash-m and lashon hara that we so easily blame the other side for, and putting it on ourselves.

      Let's take what constructive lessons we could have learned from this and move on. Please! Let's not let this story cause more sinaas chinam and hate among brothers.

  11. utterly disgusting to think that Gital and co are taking this to strengthen their anti-halachic feminist politics

  12. Gittel of 'get gittel' paid for the expenses she caused and now it became 'getted gittel'.
    Plain & simple.
    The sad thing here is te money spend for Dicker would of covered the expenses AND would of saved Gittel lots of 'lost sleep'. But, then again, some only learn the hard way.

  13. They can take down their web sites, fb, twitter and whatever. But with this attitude:

    ...Saki Dodelson has vowed to start a nonprofit helping other women to win freedom from their recalcitrant husbands. “The family isn’t just skipping into the sunset,” Dicker says. “There’s a real sense of responsibility here.”....

    Is all for naught. Maybe Gitel learned somehing andwill behave. But the Mother... the above speaks for itself.

    1. They can't undo the damage they did. They can't rid the internet of their interviews and articles. They can't undo the Chillul Hashem they made.

  14. The echo chamber of the internet could lead someone to believe that this campaign had something to do with the get. Negotiations were constantly going on, arbitrators were involved and the deal is not public. Media campaigns work to exact revenge, but we have yet to hear of solid results.

  15. Uhhu has discovered that Rambam disagrees with what I said. Why didn't he add many other names? But we go by the Shulchan Aruch and the Vilna Gaon there Even Hoezer 77 #5 says that nobody (in the generations after the Shulchan Aruch) disagrees with the teachings of the Shulchan Aruch, Ramo, Beis Shmuel Chelkas Mechokek, etc. that it is forbidden to coerce a woman who demands a GET except in extremely rare circumstances listed in Shulchan Aruch EH 154. It is incredible to watch people shoot of their mouth without knowing the whole picture.


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