Wednesday, February 5, 2014

It is official - Gital Dodelson received a Get today


  1. I hope they had to repay all his legal fees to get this. Did she agree to joint custody? What about his father and uncle's jobs?

    1. And he didn't get what he wanted ,you won't be happy? BH the story is over. Be happy they can now get on with their lives and have a chance to remarry.

    2. They paid a pretty penny. But being free from being an agunah is not something you can put a price on.

    3. Dovevos,
      What Agunah are you referring to?

      She didn't have to make herself an acclaimed Agunah, she could have simply gone to Bais Din asked summoned AM for a Get. But she didn't! She chose to make herself into the "Face of Agunot", without even being one. She also chose to be very destructive along the way. Something you cannot put a price on.

  2. "It is official - Gital Dodelson received a Get today"


    1. It seems why you may be in pursuit of honesty you are not in pursuit of halacha.

      Kindly educate yourself as to what the halacha is when someone is Motzi La'az on a get.

    2. Considering the public pressure that they have put on the Weiss' it is a reasonable question according to Rav Sternbuch's teshuva. There is no categorical prohibition of questioning the validity of a get.

      I do think the reasonable answer is that the get is kosher and was not given because of the pressure.

    3. You may want to recheck your sources on that. Especially the position of R MOshe

    4. you might want to read this

    5. I refer to being Motzi La'az regarding the validity of a get. You may want to research what R Moshe held.

    6. This is Rav Moshe Feinstein's view

      שו"ת אגרות משה אבן העזר חלק א סימן קלז

      בדבר האשה שנתגרשה אצל הרה"ג ר' יוסף דוב פאיין שליט"א בפארטלאנד ארעגאן זה כשלשים שנה וניסת ע"פ גט זה לאחר וילדה בנות והבנות כבר נישאו לאנשים כשרים ועתה יצא לעז על הגט ההוא באשר שהבעל לא רצה אז ליתן גט עד שתתן לו אלף דאלאר ונזדמן אח"כ שמהערכאות חייבוהו ליתן להאשה בעד מזונותיה ולא רצה ליתן ואסרוהו במאסר עד שיתן מה שחייבוהו ונתרצית האשה להוציאו מהמאסר באם יתן גט והסכים הבעל ונתן גט, שאולי יש לזה דין גט מעושה. והנה בעצם אין לדון כלל עתה בעובדא זו ויש לגעור בהשואל שרוצה להוציא לעז על גט שנעשה לפני כמה שנים לפני רב שהורשה לסדר גיטין, שודאי ח"ו לנו להרהר ולפקפק שמא לא נעשה כדין התורה. ויש לחוש גם לחרם דר"ת. שאף ששואל זה לא ידע מתחלה ורשאי לשאול כדאיתא בסג"ר סעיף רמ"ג שהחרם הוא רק על אלו שהיו בשעת נתינת הגט ולא ערערו אז, מ"מ מי שאמר להשואל שהוא היה אז ולא ערער עד עתה הרי יש עליו חרם דר"ת. אבל אף אם ליכא חרם דר"ת אין לנו להרהר על גט שנעשה אצל רב שהוסמך להוראה שמא לא נעשה כדין. ואין להבעלים של האשה והבנות לחוש כלל.

    7. According to the words of Shira Dicker the get is posul as get me'usa.
      Shira Dicker, the publicist who has worked with the Dodelson family in their public campaign to compel Weiss to give the get, said the pressure finally worked.

      “The community pressure really just began to multiply, and then something changed,” Dicker told JTA.

      Dodelson’s claim of having received the get could not be independently verified with Weiss, who is a great-grandson of the late Orthodox luminary Rabbi Moshe Feinstein.

      Dicker said Dodelson will continue to advocate for the countless Orthodox women chained to recalcitrant husbands.

      “The family wants to remain as agunah advocates,” Dicker said. “It doesn’t end with Gital’s get.”

      Read more:

    8. I have R Moshe who says " אין לנו להרהר על גט שנעשה אצל רב שהוסמך להוראה שמא לא נעשה כדין."
      You want to rabble rouse and be Mearer on this get. Who are you questioning, R Chaim Ganzweig?

      You are putting yourself into the same boat with Shira Dicker. Its just that she has a reason to say that- she can make money self promoting. But you?

    9. Dovevos you aren't bothering reading what I wrote. I pointed out that Dicker is the one who is raising questions about the get. I pointed out that I believe the Get is kosher.

    10. I am referring to pursuit of honesty when i said "you". i was only pointing out to you, DT, that contrary to what you said that "There is no categorical prohibition of questioning the validity of a get." Rav Moshe held differently/

    11. Rav Moshe does not say it is categorically prohibited

    12. Dicker's view that the get was produced by pressure i.e., is posul is spreading

  3. all the best for bothFebruary 5, 2014 at 11:48 PM

    I wish mazel tov equally to both. Now they can go on with their own lives and find their true basherte. After turning the page to a new chapter, please "ani tfilah", let little Aryeleh N'Yair shep nachas from both parents, and both parents from the child in the best interest of all parties concerned. Vehakol yavo al mekomo beShalom.

  4. I hate to say this but this maybe the beginning of a whole new set of issues for him . I hope he was proactive before giving it.

    1. Hopefully they will both focus on getting ahead with their lives and not producing any more distressful issue - especially for their son's sake.

      I would really not like to have to publish any more material on this divorce. I don't think Lakewood would like to see anymore negative publicity. .

  5. I wish the very best for both of them.

  6. Sadly there are people who wish to continue this fight even though the parties involved came to a resolution.
    What other "positive" thing have you gotten done today?

  7. Winners:

    Weiss. For showing the world they will not buckle to the social media / NY Post filth attacks. Waited long enough to demonstrate that clearly.

    NY Post: Have now learned well that bashing the Orthodox Jews' lifestyle and Torah rules sells papers.

    BMG: Have now learned that the use of the media can be to their advantage - if used against feeble opponents.

    R' Eidensohn: Clearly now on the forefront of the truthful issues on hand.


    Shira Dicker: Should reimburse all monies paid for her useless campaign.

    Kovod Hatorah: All the signatories who demonstrated that they are not knowledgeable in basic halachos pertaining to when one is "mechuyav li'garsho", and that in the future their signature is considered worthless.

    1. Loser: Anyone who still feels the need to make this sad story about "winning" and "losing". You sir, are what we call in the mammeh loshon "A Loooser".

    2. Loser: Aryeh Weiss!!!

  8. Just a thought,would this GET have happened 20 years ago,before we had an internet and all kinds of blogs,of course not.
    BARUCH HASHEM for the world wide web.
    no wonder our so called leaders are fighting tooth and nail against it

    1. browser; that's absolutely not true if not for the internet gital wouldn't have been able to torture her husband the way she did and would therefore have no reason to play the games she did and it would have been given long ago

  9. How will little Aryeh be saved from reading all about this war and mudfight and hate that Dodelson spread throught the secular press and internet that will never be erased and always be a quick google search away?

  10. Her name is Gital WEISS, not Gital Dodelson.

    1. Put the bottle down nat. Her name is Gital Dodelson

  11. Maybe her publicity campaign did help. She has her get now, no?

  12. I hope that next time the couple's family and friends will urge them to behave like Jews should instead of each trying to "win." Also I wish this would be an impetus for setting up Battei Din that are widely considered fair and honorable that all parties will trust to resolve disputes of this nature, but I realize, unfortunately, that it unlikely, may God protect us.

  13. Ocean County Family Feminist CourtFebruary 6, 2014 at 3:16 AM

    I hope the Dodelsons and Relitives do Not go on an all out war against Avi Weiss by going to Family Court and Taking out Restraining Orders against Him and Having Him Locked up and Taking away his custody and visitation rights

  14. Recipients and PublicityFebruary 6, 2014 at 8:34 AM

    Mishenichnas Adar (I & II) Marbim Besimcha !!

    Mazel Tov, and oh yes, cut lose whoever this "Shira Dicker" is and her ilk. They say that divorce is like "nuclear warfare" -- there are no "winners" -- only SURVIVORS!

  15. Recipients and PublicityFebruary 6, 2014 at 11:20 AM

    Where's "James"?

  16. Replies
    1. Probably probably wherever R Shlomo Miller left it.

      This is the third time I am asking you to stop using my posting name to post comments. Rabbi E, what can we do about someone who is disregarding the only rule of posting on Daas Torah?

    2. Emes vshalom - the only option I have is to block any comments using this name. Dont know why you can't modify the name adding 1 or 2 or saying the original or authentic emes vshalom

  17. Maybe now pressure the OU And also Telshe Yeshiva to make Zvi Belsky the son of Rabbi Belsky finally give a get

    1. How long have they been separated for? Why are you certain they won't reunite?

  18. Any news on the other featured case / annulment?

    1. Didn't you say you were going to ask Rabbi Schachter?

  19. Mazel Tov to both parties and I hope now that they can continue to live separate lives again, I hope they let go of their animosity towards each other and raise their beautiful son in the great Jewish tradition.

  20. he gave it long ago


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