Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Italy court overturns paedophile conviction because 11-year-old girl 'in love'

ndtv     Italy's highest court has overturned the conviction of a 60-year-old man for having sex with an 11-year-old girl, because the verdict failed to take into account their "amorous relationship".

Pietro Lamberti, a social services worker in Catanzaro in southern Italy, was convicted in February 2011 and sentenced to five years in prison for sexual acts with a minor. The verdict was later upheld by an appeals court. But Italy's supreme court ruled that the verdict did not sufficiently consider "the 'consensus', the existence of an amorous relationship, the absence of physical force, the girl's feelings of love". [...]


  1. People who are religious or spiritual have 'thicker' brains which could protect them against depression


  2. This opens a pandora's box

    1. Pandora's box was already opened a long time ago with the free love movement. Then sodomy became acceptable.

  3. If any country knows about love it's Italy.
    On the other hand, as shocked as we might be remember that the Torah instructs an unmarried Kohen Gadol to limit his marital choices to an eligible betulah so if the Beis HaMikdash is rebuilt the idea of a 50 year old marrying a 12 year old might be a halachic requirement.

    1. don't understand your problem,the kohen gadol had to marry a virgin,where does it say she has to be 12,couldn't she be 18 or 21 or older ? am i missing something?.

    2. what does betulah have to do with 12 year old? are you high?

    3. There's nothing inherently wrong with a 60 year old man marrying an 18 year old girl. As long as both parties are okay with it, it isn't your or my business.

  4. At 11 years of age you should not be able to CONSENT for anything other then what you like for breakfast.

  5. but the (pretttty much) pro israel prime minister of italy is convicted.

  6. Edom, Sdom vaAmorrahDecember 31, 2013 at 5:27 PM

    Tofsu umnas avoisom. Eisav started out with others wives for 40 years, and now his descendants trickled down to tiny minors. Italy's supreme court should be put to waste away by a firing squad.

  7. In other news, several yeshivos announced today that they are exploring relocation opportunities in Italy. In the words of one gadol, reb margo lipaleis, the values of Italian society and their exemplary judicial system are more in sync with the values we in Yeshiva Torah Temaiah have tried to rub into our talmidim from a young age. In fact one of our esteemed mechanchim, rabbi tzehies cocoa is rumored to keep his passport handy at all times 'just in case' he ever feels the sudden need to spread some of his love for children in other jurisdictions.

  8. Which way to the teva? This is the end of the world.

  9. A Koihan Gogol can not marry any virgin that is older then 12 and 6 months,as she is no longer considered a "full virgin".
    So, previous comment was almost correct.

    1. 18 year old virgins are full virgins and can marry the Kohen Gadol.

    2. Not according to Halakah
      A full Besulah is only until age 12 1/2 years.+ plus Simonim.

  10. We all know that there is no country (in the Western world at least) that permits marriage at such a young age, but before calling it abhorrent we should remember that boys and girls married as young as 13 for the entirety of Jewish existence up until less than a hundred years ago (and even in in America)

    1. New York State Law allows 14 year olds to get married. (14 is the youngest age in NYS.)

    2. NY State also allows two men to "marry". Does that make it morally or halachaclly acceptable?

    3. There is nothing illegal, halachicly or morally unacceptable for a 14 year old to marry. NY Law allows and Halacha allows it. And for 3000 years, up until the 1900s -- just a few short years ago, it was common for even 13 year old Jewish folks to marry.


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