Wednesday, November 6, 2013

ORA - Use of national media - change of policy?

Guest post by Rick

“From our perspective [], advocating on behalf of agunot is an internal issue for the Jewish community, not a cause to be advocated in the national media."

Why do some, such as ORA, insist on continuing to highlight in the national media the issue of under what circumstances a get is or is not appropriate [and what measures should be taken in the case of the former], regardless of the tremendous chillul hashem this is causing? Do the rabbis backing ORA, such as Rabbi Hershel Schachter, support ORA’s actions over the past several years in turning this issue into a national news story?

Whether a get is appropriate is a very complex halachic issue that is dependent on the facts in each case, which is another reason these issues should be decided privately in beis din, not aired out in public.

Ironically, the quote above comes from … ORA’s head, Rabbi Jeremy Stern, in January 2011.

Daas Torah 2012/04 Response to R Jeremy Stern's criticism

And finally, given ORA’s repeated and continuing actions in flagrant contradiction of ORA’s own stated purported position, it is amazing that anyone would give the slightest shred of credibility to any of ORA’s assertions regarding any of the cases in which it is involved.


  1. ORA is a thuggish organization dedicated to the destruction of Jewish men. They thrive on publicity and it is unfortunate that they dont go to jail like like epstein has. Halocho means nothing to them. A woman who immaturly got married and and immaturely wishes to end it is disgraceful enough. Still playing games witg visitation is sickening. Let her pay his legal fees, give him sole custody and only then let him be dobe with her and give her a condition al get that becomes annulled retroactively if she harasses him in any way including her stepping in arko'oys.

  2. Could be, but means need to be taken to end the extortion of women by husbands.

  3. the main extortion cines from rhe fenunist secular courts and the wives - preventing father fron visitation abd bankrupting. There sure are lots if naive naive bloggers on this site unaware of rhe cruelties perpetrated against men

  4. Might this be appropriate for a separate guest post?

    The attitude of ORA and its rabbis to marriage

    One of the points it seems that Rabbi Eidensohn has been making on this blog is that under Jewish law and tradition, leaving a marriage is a very serious matter, and should not be done absent serious cause. Yet, some in the Orthodox community seem to have adopted the attitude of the 1960s western counterculture towards family and marriage. It seems that ORA’s position is not just that a woman should receive a get whenever she demands it, but that it is perfectly legitimate and appropriate for a woman to leave a marriage, regardless of whether there are children, for any reason or no reason at all.

    “Man,” Rabbi Stern said, as though addressing such a fellow [who doesn’t give a get on demand]. “She’s just not that into you.”

    The message of ORA to married women seems to be if you decide at any point that “you are just not that into him” just leave and take the children to wherever you please. Is that also the position of Rabbi Hershel Schachter and ORA’s other rabbinical supporters?

  5. Ovi yisser etchem beshotim, va'ani ayasser etchem ba'akrabimNovember 6, 2013 at 4:22 PM

    There are no more true agunot then ever before. It is only for rav tabachim Grand Butcher Epsteins and orgs like ORA = OHR RA that enables gittin to promote them wholesale for money or furthering the feminist agenda. How much time do these cruel animals invest whether the marriage can be salvaged, or who truly is at fault. According to the Talmud, you first must approach Sholom bayis and try to deter divorce, since people are human, and should one partner get upset, walla, they would run to the divorce factory, only to regret the following day when things cool off. That is exactly the point of the Dmei haKsuba. This has been demonstrated by Korach ve'edoso, as Boker veyoda H'. If chas veshalom it runs into the Nitzachon stage, then they even tend to forget what the original quarrel was all about, Orah kicks in YSV, and side with machlokes Korach ve'edodso, fanning the flames, giving ideas for the fems how to self destruct, add more fuel to the fire, and burn the house down together with the umshildige children R'L, of course all with their Chachomim lehera justification bekuf nun mataamim! Have you no shame? Have you no decency? Have they ever tried Sholom Bayis first on their "OWN" initiation, listening to both sides of the story and see which of the partners is in self destruct mode, before washing their laundry in front of the whole wide world? Didn't Yehuda get a chance from Tamar to "haker na lemi hachotemet, vehapsilim, vehamateh, not going public, coming to teach leolam yapil atzmo letoch kivshon haesh veal yachlim pnei chavero barabim.Most couples issues CAN be worked out, provided they heed to the advice of the mechanics and dynamics of what makes a marriage tick. It is only the stubbornness, the pride and NITZACHON that blinds the eye of the Rodef. Should OR RA invest half of the effort promoting Sholom Bayis as they do for destruction, most of the marriages CAN be saved, and both can live happily for ever after together with their children intact. The proof is in the pudding. Why is it that before going on the destruction path, the father loved his children, and mommy had no objections, or finding anything at fault with him in doing so, and when OR RA kicks in, they come up and invent all kinds of faults with him in seeing his children. It is only in nature the bond of children to the parent, and it took only a Hitler to rip them away. Denying the nachas of a father to see his own children, is like ripping his heart out alive. That pain is constantly there 24/7, it never ever ceases his mind. This organization YSV is a curse for Humanity and for the umshildige neshumalach. It is so painful for all parties involved, the couples parents and family, the children, even the shulchan asher lifnei hashem is shedding tears, ve'atem omrim shirah? It is tragic enough to break up a Yiddish house, must you do it le'einei kol ha'amim? Al tagidu beGat, veal tevassru bechutzot Ashkelon, pen ta'alozno benos ha'arelos. You never know, one day it might happen to your own children R'L'. What a chilul Hashem. Do you even care?
    Yesh manhig labirah, is din veis dayan, may they all go Epstein's way, lisheol tachtiyos Wishing klall yisrael to se the OR HATOV VEHAYOSHOR, VASHAVU BANIM LE'AVOS ULEGVULAM.

  6. My understanding is that this was not ORA's call.

    1. Are you for real? They are quoted in the article!
      In fact ORA's website is full of articles featuring them in quotes on different cases. If Jeremy stern really felt that he this should not be in the national media he could have responded I can not comment on this this is an internal community issue which is being dealt with. Instead he is busy tooting his own horn!

    2. I am for real, and perhaps you should do some digging on your own, before making wild assumptions based on conjecture.

    3. Foncused,
      Other than your vague comments do you have anything to back up your claims?

      David raised good points. Why hasn't jeremy stern come out and condemn this? Why if ora was against this did they even speak to the reporter? why is his site full of press stories and feature stories about him and his cases? For somone who claims to be against national media to me it seems he cant get enough of it.

      The old saying rings true if it walks like a duck ats like a duck it most probably is a duck.

    4. Don't need too dig at all. ORA's twitter account speaks for itself. Please stop trolling with accusations of "wild assumptions"

  7. ORA has total disregard for the truth. In the Weiss dodelson case they parade with their claim that the husband has not followed halacha and went to secular court. Yet with all other cases where the woman was the first to run to secular court is still found innocent and they will bash their husband. Their motto is the man is always wrong. Such an organization is a disgrace to Judaism and tue humanity. In my eyes they are a feminist terroristic organization there to bully men

    1. Did Weiss first go to secular court though?

    2. Foncused, you are going in circles read the earlier posts. This has been addressed already.

  8. ORA's Jeremy Stern: “It’s shocking that Weiss hasn’t made any public statements about it."

    Jeremy Stern has said a lot of pretty outrageous things, but I don't know where to even start with this one.


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