Monday, November 18, 2013

Face of Poverty in Israel


  1. it should be called the chareidi face of poverty. there are lots of poor humans here who aren't chareidi.

  2. I'm glad to see the Agudah bringing the issue of Hareidi poverty to the forefront, so that organizations and schools can address the urgent needs of improving higher education and professional employment.

  3. What is amazing is that the "Gedolim" making decisions dont realize that the primary cause of poverty in their community is their own policy of demonizing work.

    The total perversion of traditional Judaism is no different than Reform Judaism. If you are one of the special few who can dedicate his life to Torah and have a brother, father, or father-in-law willing to support you, great. Once you get married, you have a Torah obligation to provide for your family and to ensure that your children can provide for theirs.

    1. There was a discussion perhaps 6 months ago, about poverty being a necessary step in talmud torah - the advice was to blacken one's face like a crow, and deny one's children - in order to devote oneself to learning.

    2. Eddie - the SA says if someone goes to the non-jewish law enforcement he's a rodef and you have to kill him. Each case is an individual one and you can't make a decree that everyone has to live in poverty. MOST people can't handle it.

  4. Seems the Agudah has pulled the video due to backlash; multiple sites that had linked to it now have the error message

  5. Poverty is a serious and depressing challenge that many grope with. It is a core for stress, physical & mental ailments and feelings of lack of self worth.
    Is it only a Charedi problem? Doubtful yet many in Israel who are suffering are from the religious kehillos. Help is $$$$$$ support and $$$$ rescuing the only answer?!?! Doubtful

  6. the solution is to drop the draft and let everyone go to work when they want and stop discriminating against the religious in the work force.

    1. How are the religious discriminated against in the workforce?

    2. there are plenty of people and places that don't want to hire people who dress chareidi, too frum, etc. i've seen it.

    3. of course one could also tell the religious that they also have to drop things like dress codes in their companies.

  7. The solution is what the torah says not what daas torah says.torah says thata father has an obligation to teach his child an umnus a trade. Then go out and utilize that trade for parnassah

  8. This film is an indictment against the chareidi community in Israel.

    A mere 40% of men work, as compared to 80% for the rest of the population.

    Less chareidi men work than chareidi women work (what became of the ketuba where a groom promises the bride to provide for her and her children?)

    Men contribute less than 1/5th to household income, and that they count on their wives and the state to provide for the rest, but they don't take on responsiblities in household chores and child rearing either.

    This is against halacha.

    It is against halacha to rely on social security. Studying torah on the expense of someone who does NOT want to pay for it is THEFT. There is nothing holy in it, it is a complete Chilul hashem.

    Ein kemach, ein torah, ein torah, ein kemach.

    Yafe talmud torah im derech eretz, she igiat shneihem mashkachat avon.

  9. wait...are you telling me that if you choose to not get a job, you are going to be poor?? what kind of nonsense is this!

  10. It is very difficult for anyone without a good secular education to make it in the work world today. You can't just pick things up on the job.

  11. Very few exceptional individuals, blessed with excellent intellectual ability, pure devotion and sincere love of Torah should devote themselves to a life time of study. Others should find honest and secure employment to support their large families.


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