Wednesday, October 23, 2013

What Motivates Internet Trolls?

ABC News    A White House national security aide, with access to the country's foremost policy makers and closely guarded secrets, blew it all for the chance to write racy, inflammatory and mean-spirited messages on Twitter. 

Jofi Joseph, a director in the non-proliferation section of the National Security Staff at the White House, was fired after it was revealed that he was anonymously taunting senior administration officials, mocking politicians from both parties, and criticizing the policies he was helping to develop. 

Under the handle @natsecwonk, he also revealed internal government information. In short, he was a troll.[...]

But why write spiteful things online if there are real-life consequences? What motivates trolls like Joseph?[...]

"Cyber-psychologists often talk about the disinhibition affect. People do and say things online that they wouldn't do in real life," said John Suler, a cyber-psychologist at Rider University in New Jersey. In cyberspace, the face-to-face cues people rely on to curb inappropriate behavior is missing.[...]

But anonymity alone does not breed trolls, said Claire Hardaker, a professor at Lancaster University in England who studies Internet troublemakers. Trolls often have some sort of personal grudge, she said [...]


  1. "If the behavior goes 'unpunished' each time, it can readily escalate into more and more serious abuse so that the individual may not even themselves realize that they've gone from being mildly offensive to actually engaging in potentially criminal activity," she said.

    That has actually played right here on this blog.  When our favorite Troll wasn't getting all of his comments published he actually set up not just one, but actually two blogs under my name thus committing international identity theft.

    Unfortunately for him, he used several of the comments that were blocked by the blog owner, but which he forwarded on to me, and posted them verbatim on his identity theft site. So it was fairly easy to prove the criminality to Google...

  2. Recipients and PublicityOctober 25, 2013 at 12:34 PM

    "Rabbi Michael Tzadok said...When our favorite Troll wasn't getting all of his comments published he actually set up not just one, but actually two blogs under my name thus committing international identity theft."

    Sorry I have been busy lately but what was this all about? I don't see "Eddie" around lately, are you referring to him? Or was it related to Tropper's "Roni" of some other peeved perps (that have even run to the cops to "maser" on this blog as if they were "tzadikim") that we have had to deal with on this blog? Looks like I missed out on some good action. I am just presently bogged down with some real-life demands that require my time. But I am trying to follow the posts.

    Howe stupid can someone be by creating blogs trying to fake someone else's ID? Isn't that how some famous rabbi on the RCA recently messed up his career when he was outed as writing under a fake rabbinic name to support "himself" in real life.

    1. RaP,
      Welcome back. Just search Stan or Anti Rabbanut or (well he has several handles he goes by).

    2. L'Maan Daas:

      Several months ago, when relations between me and RAP were still cordial, some other, unknown blogger, started posting as "RAP the Troll".
      Since I (perhaps naively?) saw this as as offensive, i wrote a private message to RDE to remove that post, since it was insulting.

      Now, suddenly, RAP, falsely alleges that i have been setting up fake blogs, and committing ID theft, as well as calling me a "troll".

      I have no need to set up a fake blog in the name of RaMaTZ or anyone else. On occasion we disagree, on others we concur.

      It should also be noted that RAP is now actively a motzi Shem Ra.

    3. Recipients and PublicityOctober 30, 2013 at 3:29 PM

      Eddie, or whoever you are, I was just asking some simple questions, not accusing anyone, this is what I asked about YOU:

      "I don't see "Eddie" around lately, are you referring to him? Or was it related to Tropper's "Roni" of some other peeved perps (that have even run to the cops to "maser" on this blog as if they were "tzadikim") that we have had to deal with on this blog?"

      At NO point did I say that: "Now, suddenly, RAP, falsely alleges that i have been setting up fake blogs, and committing ID theft, as well as calling me a "troll"." And how on Earth can you equate me asking a simple question such as "I don't see "Eddie" around lately, are you referring to him? " with "It should also be noted that RAP is now actively a motzi Shem Ra."

      It is just your florid imagination and easy smearing tactic and I cannot compete with your talents in that! All you had to say that it was NOT you that Rabbi Michael Tzadok was referring to and that would be that. I still have NO CLUE as to who Rabbi Michael Tzadok is referring to, I cannot go on wild goose chases to track down and figure out nebulous trolls who are obviously morons as well. Do not "protesteth too much" as that in itself creates its own aura.

      Take care.

    4. RAP, or whoever you are -

      You asked Michael if the troll he refers to is me. whether you have seen me around or not is not the ikkar.
      Of the hundreds of posters, why do I get the honour of being accused of trolling?

      Anyhows, I hope you are well,

      kol tuv

  3. this isnt rocket surgery-there are very dangerous people out there-if you reveal your true id, then your house could get shot up-o-it can't?-in north oak park mi a few weeks ago, a guy with some political signs on his lawn 16 bullets fired through his window in the middle of the night-public conservatives nationwide are threatened and beaten-if not also audited by the IRS--so, why would someone want to "troll"-so that they can express their opinion, hopefully wake some media hypnotized humans from their liberal trance, and not have to worry about their house getting shot up.


please use either your real name or a pseudonym.