Tuesday, September 10, 2013

2 members of a sadistic polygamous Breslaver cult - convicted of severely abusing children and women

Times of Israel  [see also YNET] The Jerusalem District Court convicted the leader of a “sadistic cult” uncovered in 2011 and his accomplice Tuesday on most of the charges levied against them.

The two were convicted of various sexual offenses, holding individuals in conditions of slavery, and abusing women and dozens of children. The names of the defendants were withheld from the public out of privacy concerns.  [...]

Initially, nine members of a well-known polygamous Breslav Hasidic family were arrested, including three men and six women, but only the three men were indicted. The children were placed with foster families.[...]

The leader of the cult was indicted on 15 counts, including slavery, physical, sexual and emotional abuse of minors — including some of his own biological children — unlawful imprisonment, indecent sexual acts, sodomy, rape, serious violent crimes and indecent assault, according to the indictment.

The accomplice, also charged with committing numerous violent sex crimes under the leader’s orders, was the one who most often committed the abuses and was known by the nicknames of “Satan” and “Evil Inclination” by the victims. The third man was only accused in one incident of physical and sexual abuse and was not convicted on Tuesday. [...]


  1. I don't see any proof to these allegations, despite their conviction, other than some hearsay writings found allegedly making such claims. No one testified against the defendants.

    1. Rabbi Concerneds talmidSeptember 10, 2013 at 11:00 PM

      Are you the same person as C in the Weberman article today on Daas Torah? Who are u?

      1- A child molester who fears our children will soon no longer be hefker for sick sexual pleasures?

      2- Afraid that one of your relatives will be arrested soon and you are more concerned for your relative than for children and teenagers being raped?

      3- You just feel secular intrusion and law enforcement is higher priority to keep out and better for your Kahila &/or Yeshiva Business's bottom line in the short term? And you are not very concerned that children and Judaism gets sacrificed for the long term?

      4- Or you are just a public relations professional hired by 1-3 above to run their pro-molester lobbying efforts. And you are a mercenary for the highest bidder with little concern for Jewish children being raped.

      Come to think of it... Attention everybody who is against children getting raped. We need to get to the bottom of this pro-molester lobbying efforts and the funding of it. And know if and how significant & prevalent it is. Please reply to this comment on your opinion. Please vote, which number 1-4 or something else, you believe "Hero" is. Even if your not sure and it's only a guess.

      Your guess is VERY valuable especially in aggregate. We are all Tzelem Eloikim especially in aggregate as a group. Don't let anybody make you believe otherwise, that there is an intermediary between you and Hashem. If you believe it's evil, IT IS. And stay FAR AWAY from people who find excuses why not to call the police immediately on EVERY suspected molester. Only professional law enforcement and the justice system can determine guilt or innocence on such crimes. Not self appointed Rabbis, askoinim or constipated pshetlech and excuses to keep Jewish children hefker to be raped. The justice system is not 100% perfect and may not be until we get Shloimo Hamelech back. But it's way better than when people like Weberman running our justice system, like in Sedom.

      Or better can anybody setup an online public survey, and paste the link here?

      Tizka L'mitzvas before Yom Kupurim

    2. No, I am Hero Nakamura. Do you need my SS# too?

      I am sorry that your hatred of Orthodox Jews makes you accept any accusation against Jews as accurate. Have you missed the number of convictions that are overturned every year? That indicates something.

    3. Isn't it a mitzva to hate roidfim and their enablers and protect their victims from you and them in any way possible?

      Also why should we consider sexual predators and their enablers Orthodox Jews? Isn't that an oxymoron? Because they have big hats and beards? Isn't the police the best way to remove the hats and expose you and them for what they are?

    4. Mosrim certainly are not Orthodox Jews. Halacha dictates to us to kill them.

    5. In other words Levi Aron killing Leiby Keletsky was according to Halacha? Why else would Levy drug and tie up the little boy if little Leiby didn't threaten him to call the police? Especially when Leiby had just fantasized the story about Levy molesting him? And cutting up little children is also permitted according to Halacha, otherwise he risks getting pulled off the streets, and preventing other little boys from getting great nosh and toys, correct, Chaim?

      That Levi knew Leiby from Leiby's grandparents shul also can not be true. Because the Brooklyn police Dept. found no such evidence nor of molestation, and they are known to take very seriously the molestation issues of little children. Correct? That only the sex crimes unit can be trusted is a pathological lie, correct?

      And that the video showing Leiby waiting at the corner for awhile BEFORE Levy showed up, and the video footage showing that they seem to know each other also never existed, correct?

      Regardless, who cares, all that matters is the pleasures of your little head, and toying with victims and their concerned supporters, correct?

      Can you at least tell us who else is a potential Levy Aron using your rationales to kill little children?

      Due to cover-ups isn't the threat very real? And we will likely need another few children dead or missing before the population wakes up and demands change from leaders?

      see articles:

      Levi Aron was a sex-crazed psycho who needed meds to handle a "behavior disorder" during his time in Tennessee, his ex-wife charged in court papers.

      Shomrim knew about Aron's Stalking For weeks
      Leiby Kletzky may not be the first boy targeted for harm by accused child killer Levi Aron in a tight-knit Hasidic Jewish community in Brooklyn, N.Y., The Daily has learned.

      A source close to the shomrim, a neighborhood watch group in the Jewish community, told The Daily that the patrol had been warned about Aron after he allegedly stalked an 11-year-old boy in the past two weeks.

      The boy “was walking home on his own block when he noticed a gold car was tailing him,” the source told The Daily. “He kept turning around, feeling suspicious, and kept noticing the car was there, so he broke into a run and quickly went home to tell his parents.”

      The car is believed to be Aron’s 1990 Honda, the source said. Leiby, just days short of his ninth birthday, disappeared Monday evening after getting lost on a short walk home from his day camp. Surveillance video showed him talking to a man, and then leaving with him in a gold-colored Honda.

      It was unclear if police had been informed about the earlier incident. When asked by the Daily about it, Yankel Daskel, one of the head shomrim coordinators in the neighborhood of Borough Park, said the community has a problem with filing police reports.

    6. Preplexed: Are you that guy who defends Levi Aron and Lemrick Nelson?

    7. Vic: Not sure, if Davids mosrim halacha can be used by a gentile to kill or was only designed for Jewish molesters and criminals. And not sure if Lemricks Nelson was being mosered by Yankel Rosenbaum to the police.

      If so, then yes, according to David's interpretation of halacha and reality, Yankel Rosenbaum death was a justified killing, the same way Leiby Keletsky's was. You just can not go around putting criminals in jail. For that according to the pro-molester lobby, you deserve the death penalty. But they are rochmonim bnei rochmonim so usually they spare your life, and they just chase you out of town.

      Vic: What do you think David feels about chopping up little boys like a fish? Do you think David would be motivated to coverup, change the focus of the discussion or justify it?

  2. To mr. Hero :Perhaps levi ahron from brooklyn is also innocent because no one actually testified against him and no one saw him kill anyone. The fact that he admitted means nothing because he was under pressure. So when is levi ahron comingout? O , and oj is also innocent right?

    1. Perhaps you are Levi Aron's enabler, supporter and seller of the knife.

  3. I'm curious if any well known Rabbonim wrote letters of support on behalf of this animal- the same way many others did for Elior Chen, who was classified as the worst child abuser in the history of Israel. See this link: http://www.rationalistjudaism.com/2010/03/gedolim-and-leadership.html

  4. Being a cynic i constantly wonder about people trying to argue or make people who grew up and live in the Hassidic community to change their mind on any given issue.They are indoctrinated from diapers to death by parents, teachers, rabbis and of course sing Halleluya to any word the Rebbe says.To them the sun and the rest of the universe still circles the earth,the sun still goes into a little window in the evening and comes out another little window in the morning,lice are born fro thin air,cutting the head of an onion is a nono etc etc etc.Let the be.They are what they are.And if somebody goes to police of course according to what they believe in ,those people are mussars.If "my" own little child would be one of the attacked, Oh well,it was Hashems will and the Rebbe will fix everything.

  5. Being a cynic i constantly wonder about people trying to argue or make people who grew up and live in the Hassidic community to change their mind on any given issue.They are indoctrinated from diapers to death by parents, teachers, rabbis and of course sing Halleluya to any word the Rebbe says.To them the sun and the rest of the universe still circles the earth,the sun still goes into a little window in the evening and comes out another little window in the morning,lice are born fro thin air,cutting the head of an onion is a nono etc etc etc.Let the be.They are what they are.And if somebody goes to police of course according to what they believe in ,those people are mussars.If "my" own little child would be one of the attacked, Oh well,it was Hashems will and the Rebbe will fix everything.

    1. You left off your last sentence: "Too bad the job begun in 1939 ended prematurely in 1945."


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