Thursday, August 8, 2013

Campus rape:Importance of a nationwide coalition against coverups

This article mentions an issue that is critical to the proper handling of sexual abuse - but which I have not seen mentioned elsewhere. It is important that not only a few cases in a few location are publicized and the perpetrators punished. True universal change for dealing with this problem depends on the realization that this an inherent problem of all organizations. When this sickness is finally recognized as such - then it will be accepted and dealt with properly. However as long as sexual abuse is viewed as an rare or one time occurence or the consequences of a single sick individual - it is easier to rationalize coverups.

Time   Most experts say that the rate of campus sexual assault has largely remained constant: one-quarter to one-fifth of college women will experience rape or attempted rape before graduating. The recent outpouring of complaints from students across the country, they say, isn’t because campus sexual assaults are on the rise, but due to the steadily rising level of organization and activism among survivors.

Campus sexual assault is notoriously under-reported. According to a Department of Justice study based on surveys of over 4,000 female students, at a school of 10,000 female students, around 350 or more will become victims of rape. Meanwhile, in 2011, the University of Southern California – a school with around 40,000 students – reported 15 total sexual assaults surrounding all nine of its campuses. The University of Colorado, Boulder, which is also under federal investigation and has more than 30,000 students, lists six incidents.

But higher education watchers worry that universities have a reason to drag their heels on becoming more vigilant when it comes to assault on campus: a significant spike in the number of rapes reported on campus could scare away applicants and damage the school’s reputation.

“The national movement is so important because if only a few people are telling the truth, if only a few campuses are telling the truth, it will hurt them,” Heldman says. “But if everyone starts telling the truth, then we have a radical rethinking of higher education.”

As more complaints and investigations arise, universities will be forced to modify their adjudication and reporting procedures. One thing is clear: schools have a new, powerful force to answer to beyond the federal government.


  1. Anonymous Avrohom from Baltimore

    Of course women in a college or any "open" environment, will engage in intimacy, with hormone filled men, with various levels of consent or resistance, before, during and after, and later sometimes characterize the activity as rape. Even if they really enjoyed it alot.

    Ayn Apitropos LeArayos

    We don't know all this?

    So the feminists want to teach us something new.

    And knowing that it actually occurs in the hallowed halls of our universities is revealing?

    1. The fact that rape occurs regularly in college is not a chiddush. In my introductory paragraph I explain why the article is inportant

  2. I have often thought that morals may be no worse than they ever were. There's just more washing on the line than in olden times.


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