Sunday, June 23, 2013

NBC: Judy Brown (author of Hush) on child abuse in chassidic world

update: replaced dead NBC Link


  1. Heilman is well known anti Orthodox pseudo savant. Anytime he is brought in, you know that the rest of the information is slanted and nonsense.

    1. Well said. Heilman is a self-hating Jew. Anything he can twist he will.

      As far as Brown, she published a column a few months ago indicating she became an atheist.

  2. She went off the derech because she was amazingly unaware of female anatomy and started reading stuff from Carl Sagan where she was startled to find that the Sun is a star.

    I used to learn in group with Rav Yaakov Kaminetzky z"l and he stated that New Square and Kiryas Yoel were good for their people as long as they stayed withing its walls but if they went out such as to go to work in New York city, tov mareh ainayim mayhalech nofesh. They would be blown away by the technology of the city and their emuna would be severely shaken.

    The people need to be presented with some basic facts and understanding that expands their minds but does not threaten their essential yiddishkeit with silly oversimplifications.

  3. Judy Brown has become an Atheist.

    She published an article several months ago in the Forward saying she no longer believes in G-d. To quote her: "I discovered the agony of praying to God when I knew I was talking to myself." The article was sub-titled (since changed) "Discovering Science and Leaving Orthodox Belief Behind".

  4. To all of you who label her an "atheist," why is she still covering her hair? Why is she put down for writing about abuse, but you all are certainly not treating the Baal HaBaas of this blog similarly?

    1. What's the difference? The Conservatives and Reform hold out on some "cultural" leanings from Judaism they grew up on and are used to. That doesn't make them any less of an apikorus.

      Someone who writes "I discovered the agony of praying to God when I knew I was talking to myself" indicating a disbelief in G-d is an apikorus whether she sticks a snood on her head like she got used to or not.

    2. Also, notice she no longer covers her knees. That doesn't itself make her an Atheist, but it fits in to her atheism she expressed in her published comments.

      Why was her Forward article originally subtitled ""Discovering Science and Leaving Orthodox Belief Behind" before the Forward changed it?

  5. Argh the link is dead again...I have been trying to watch the vids since I saw the posting on FM last week but seem to keep missing them. Anyone know of a link thats still up?


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