Saturday, June 15, 2013

Indictments for sex crimes in IDF doubled in 2012

Haaretz   The number of indictments for sexual offenses in the Israel Defense Forces nearly doubled in 2012. 

The number of indictments for sexual crimes jumped from 14 in 2011 to 27 in 2012, an increase of 93 percent, according to figures released by the military prosecution. The last time as many such indictments were filed in the IDF was in 2008, when there were 28. There were 26 indictments in 2009 and 20 indictments in 2010. 

In 2011, hundreds of reports were received concerning various forms of sexual abuse – half related to sexual harassment of a physical nature and half related to verbal sexual harassment, said the IDF chief of staff’s adviser on women’s affairs, Brigadier General Rachel Tevet-Wiesel. In 2012, the IDF says reported incidents decreased slightly; but it has not supplied accurate figures.


  1. Well, if the army will provide the 1st 2 abortions for free, then the woman doesn't have much to lose, does she? And after all, why do you think there are women in the army? Isn't 'being available' their main function?

  2. most of the sexual harassment is male commanding officers forcing young men.


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