Tuesday, April 16, 2013

U of Penn sent me the Metzitza Report in response to a simple request!

Just received the report. I had only sent request this morning. The report simply indicates that while it is possible that a mohel can transmit herpes - however because of the limited number of cases in the studies available - more work needs to establish anything more definitive. This really doesn't support the Aguda's view that metzitza is not a problem. It is consistent with what the U of Penn had said the report is about in their comments to the Forward. The report also came with a pamphlet from the NYC Heath department warning of metzitza. I don't see any chidush in the report. It clearly is not part of some secret conspiracy to support the Aguda's agenda.  Does anyone doubt that it is theoretically possible to transmit herpes through metzitza? In sum I am simply affirming what the U of Penn has stated about this report.
 Good afternoon Dr. Eidensohn,
Please find the attached report that you requested.
Thanks !!

S.C. Dunbar
Administrative Assistant
Center for Evidence-based Practice (CEP) and
Clinical Effectiveness and Quality Improvement (CEQI)

University of Pennsylvania Health System
3535 Market Street, Mezzanine Level, Suite 50
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Telephone: (215) 662-2463
Fax: (215)349-5829

-----Original Message-----
From: Daniel Eidensohn [mailto:yadmoshe@gmail.com]
Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2013 3:36 AM
To: Dunbar, Stephanie
Subject: report request

could you please send me a copy of the following report listed on your
web site?

2013 01 21 | Risk of neonatal herpes simplex virus type 1 infection
associated with jewish ritual circumcision

Daniel Eidensohn Ph.D.

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  1. Can you ask if you can post the report on your blog? Also, after reading it do you think the Agudath Israel misrepresented it or not?

    1. I asked and she said that the report was for my personal use only. Thus all I am doing with information is confirm that the message that U of Penn sent for distribution to the Forward is accurate. I don't see that the report supports the Aguda - except to say more work is cases are needed to make a more definitive statement. At best the Aguda is claiming that so far there has been no definitive study on the subject. However give that there is clear evidence that it is theoretically possible to spread herpes through metzitza - if I were defending the Aguda's position I would not have cited this study. Put another way if I were suing a mohel for causing herpes - I would cite this study. Not sure if this is misrepresentation or whether it is not full disclosure. The U of Penn accurately described it when they said - the context was missing from the Aguda's use of the study.

  2. Wait. I thought Garnel tried as a Professor of medicine to get this report and was turned down? How did you get it?

    1. Don't know why he had a problem. The note posted above is all I said. I received it on the same day as I sent the request.

  3. What is strange is why the report was ever written. Their center for evidence based medicine's website is clear that that limit their studies to questions initiated by their medical center practitioners that pertain to matters of medical practice. No university medidcal center would ever consider oral suction of wounds (except in emergenies requiring suction like being in wilderness faced with snake bite and not having any mechanical suction device).

    I get the impression that Betesh, slipped his study in under the radar.

  4. If we're going to be blunt about this, and I think we should, it sounds like the Agudah is lying to suit its agenda.


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