Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Science: Wringing water out of cloth on Space Station


  1. "Daas Torah - Issues of Jewish Identity"

    ah ha

  2. I am sure a lot of your readers are wondering to themselves,what does this have to do with a blog called "daas torah"?
    the answer i think is a simple one,it is the same science that has conquered space by sending humans to the moon and back,landing rocket ships on Mars and Venus,developed modern medicine that has eradicated
    diseases and plagues that claimed the lives of tens of millions each year,the same science that developed and perfected brain surgery and heart transplants.Therefore when these very same scientist's and doctors claim and tell us in no uncertain terms,"METZITZAH by direct mouth contact on a 8 day old baby,is an absolute danger and might cause its death or worse yet, brain damage for the rest of his life,
    doesn't that obligate us to heed their warnings,and do METZITZA with an instrument.
    This is the lesson i got from this post,
    thank you Rabbi Eidensohn.

    1. scientist's and doctors claim and tell us in no uncertain terms,"METZITZAH by direct mouth contact on a 8 day old baby,is an absolute danger and might cause its death or worse yet,

      Especially when those scientists use the same methodology as Andrew Wakefield did in "proving" that MMR vaccine causes Autism.

    2. Just a few of quick questions for Rabbi Tzaddok. Would you allow a moyal that has been tested positive for Herpes perform MBP on an infant?

      Could you actually provide any medical opinion that would suggest that a moyal with Herpes would pose no danger to an infant if he performed MBP?

      Now granted that it is probably more dangerous for an infant to ride in an automobile than it would be to have MBP performed on him. However it is a great impracticality to ban infants or anybody else for that matter from riding in motorized vehicles.

      The only question here should be policy regarding the danger and that would probably take a lot more studying than we have to date. We cannot say for sure how many infants have died from MBP partially because the many of the families and the moyals involved with these incidents did not cooperate by taking blood tests.

  3. Some people can identify with the wonders of the universe.

  4. Whenever I see space related things, I'm reminded of the story with Rav Yaakov Kaminetsky commenting upon the news of the moon landing that he's going to take the Rambam to a din Torah when he dies...

  5. Whenever I see space related things, I'm reminded of the story with Rav Yaakov Kaminetsky commenting upon the news of the moon landing that he's going to take the Rambam to a din Torah when he dies...

  6. Shmuel,

    Just checked that directly with one of Reb Yaakov's sons. He never heard it and doesn't seem to believe his father, zts"l, ever said it.

    Why is every piece of silly Chareidikeit gets a Chareidi Gadol's name attached to it? The never-ending frum rumor game....

    1. On second thought, you're probably confusedly referring to this comment in the Emes leYaakov.

      Was unaware of it until one David Ohsie cited it in the comments to a recent, excellent blogpost of his.

      Would have to be the source of your recollection....


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