Friday, April 26, 2013

Rav Triebitz: Next meeting is planned in a week or two

Given the succcess of our recent group discussion of Rav Meir Triebitz regarding the issue of empathy, we are planning on having another one. This might lead to re-establishing the Think Tank Group we had several years ago. We plan on dealing with issues of the dynamics of halacha as applied to our community and education. Hopefully it will be in the next week or two in Jerusalem - probably in Har Nof. If you are interested in participating please send me an email -

We will be dealing not only with the past as found in the halachic literature  - but also indentifying what is happening now. Furthermore we will be defining goals for our community and the means that encourage their successful attainment.


  1. Any chance of recording?
    Joel Rich

  2. Is this for the Haredi community in Har Nof? Kol haKavod, but perhaps it is not so relevant to outsiders of that holy community.

  3. Hi Rav Eidensohn

    Not completely related to this topic but I was wondering if you could post some sources about the question whether Jews are meant to act as victims in galus. For example, is it hashkafically correct to teach Jewish people to defend themselves from possible attacks in the street and/or against anti semitic attacks or are we too view ourselves as being in galus and suffering those types of physical abuses/attacks as part of the galus. I have heard Rabbonim criticise Jewish organisations (like shomrim etc) based on such arguments.


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