Wednesday, January 9, 2013

R Amnon Yitzchok defends himself / attacks opponents

זוועה! דברים מבהילים מהרב אמנון יצחק מנתיבות
RaP wrote:
12 minutes in Hebrew, where it seems perhaps planted interviewers-questioners ask him soft-ball questions in his favor about the elections, why he split from Shas and about Rav Ovadya Yosef and then AY launches into his diatribes and self-justifies himself:


  1. He claims that things that they didnt say about Yashke, were said about him, and that therefore his enemies will meet an untimely death. A young Yeshiva bochur walks out when hearing such filth.

    Is this the way to publicly speak about political/religious opponents? Again, I suggest these words come from a megalomaniac, suffering from paranoia.

  2. RaP: Dont be so delusional. RAY needn't defend himself about starting a political party any more than others (including other rabbis) need to defend themselves for starting a political party.

    Starting a political party is not a crime in a democracy (duh) or in the Torah.

    1. So he says that all of these Ashkenazi Gedolim backed him in starting this party. However, they all have denied that they did.

      I don't think UTJ is one to bow to Shas pressure, and they aren't under threat of losing seats to Rav Amnon's followers... so I have to say, that there seems to be some Genivat HaDaat going on here.

    2. Do you really think he'd be so audacious to say again, with such strident confidence, that Rav Steineman and Rav Kanievsky clearly told him that it's a mitzvah to start a party?

      If it's true he never gained anything from Sha"s and that he has no major money-making enterprise from his kiruv work from which he personally benefits -- then he must be taken seriously.

    3. Recipients and PublicityJanuary 10, 2013 at 3:28 AM

      "yy...Do you really think he'd be so audacious to say again, with such strident confidence, that Rav Steineman and Rav Kanievsky clearly told him that it's a mitzvah to start a party?"

      Goebels, the Nazi propaganda minister supposedly used to say that "the bigger the lie, the more the people will believe it"!

      Behadrey Haredim reported that Rav Shteinman has nothing to do with Amon Yitzhak:

      "Exclusive recording of meeting between Hagr"s Cohen and Hagry"l Steinman

      HaGaon R' Shalom Cohen and Hgri"h Kofshitz asked R' Aharon Leib Steinman: Can one advertise that the Rosh Yeshiva does not have any connection with Rabbi Amnon Yitzhak?

      Sari Roth, Behadrey Haredim , 7 Jan 2013 10:50 (Israel time)

      Rabbi Shalom Cohen, head of Yeshivat Porat Yosef, and a member of the Council of Torah Sages of the Shas party, arrived on Thursday evening with Hagaon Harav Yosef Chaim Kofshitz,a Magid Shiur at the yeshiva – at R' Aharon Leib's house to talk to him about the party 'power to influence' of Rabbi Amnon Yitzhak.

      • This is Harav Shalom Cohen, head of Yeshivat Porat Yosef.

      Hagr"s Cohen: "Harav Amnon Yitzhak publishes in the name of the Rosh Yeshiva that his honor supports him and many Bnei Yeshivos are confused because of this."

      Hagaon R' Aharon Leib Steinman: "We never discussed it."

      Hagr"s Cohen: "Can we get in writing?"

      R' Aharon Leib: "Why do I have to write. Everything must be written. "

      Hagr"s Cohen: "Does the Rosh Yeshiva object to him?"

      R' Aharon Leib: "No yes, not no, I do not have anything to do with him."

      Hagr"s Cohen: "Can one advertise that the Rosh Yeshiva does not have anything to do with him?"

      R' Aharon Leib: "Yes, I have already instructed and it was published in the newspaper."

      • Can he write that he heard from the Rosh Yeshiva?

      R' Aharon Leib: "Yes, yes".

      Hagr"s Cohen: "Will the Rav bless us that we should merit to increase Torah, a longevity of life and health for Am Yisrael."

      R' Aharon Leib: "Except for Yahadut Hatorah, I do not support anyone"."

  3. Recipients and PublicityJanuary 10, 2013 at 3:56 AM

    Watching and listening to Amon Yitzhak (AY) "defend" himself by attacking the world that does not agree with him in this video is reminiscent of a scene from that Charlie Chaplin classic, "The Great Dictator" when dictator Hynkel gives his rousing speech denouncing his enemies, especially "der yudden" (at about the 3 minute mark) as he is supported by the cheering crowds of "Tomania" and adoring psychophant aids Herring and Garbitsch:

    See this, it will be enlightening how dangerous AY's flamboyant and hypnotizing demagoguery really is and what it could lead to:

    YouTube, 6 minutes: "Charles Chaplin - Subtitle/legenda Adenoid Hynkel - The Great Dictator PT/BR"


    A must see! How different is this to a demagogue like AY???


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