Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Mahane Yehuda Market & modesty squads

YNet  One of them approaches a woman who shops at the market once a week. The woman, wearing a tank top and jeans, has her full attention on the tomato box. The haredi woman touches one of her bare arms. The woman turns around and the haredi woman immediately snaps at her, pointing at her bare arms: "Next time don't come to the market like this. Next time you'll come with sleeves."

The woman in the tank top tries not to appear insulted and looks at the other haredi women. One of them approaches a young woman in shorts and a sleeveless shirt. "Next time cover yourself," she orders her. The haredim have been targeting Mahane Yehuda Market for quite a while. The patrol unit, which began touring the market alleys in recent weeks, is the result of growing haredi involvement in the area in the past 18 months.

The reason for their growing interest is the fact that the market is gradually becoming a multi-cultural center, a pilgrimage site for youngsters, visitors and tourists and a nightlife hot spot for many in the city.

The ultra-Orthodox battle was launched a year ago, when they declared war on the market area and the street parties held in the city center throughout the summer, claiming that the revival of the city center was creating lawlessness and harming their children's education.


  1. This is the future of Israel. The seculars are losing their country.

    1. Better a religious country than a secular country.

    2. mapitom. if the chareidim feel the need to declare war like this, it means that they feel that they are on the defensive.

    3. the opposite is more likely. they feel that they can get away with it and so they do.

    4. they could always get away with it. several years ago there was that guy who started blowing his toy shofar several hours before shabbat. he would go around threatening store owners who kept their shops open until shabbat. no one stopped him despite his being completely obnoxious.

    5. One day they'll start up with the wrong person.

    6. The guy blowing the shofar was doing it for at least 17 years , i remember him doing it back when i was there.

      FYI about this article
      The machnei yehuda shuk has been around for about 100 years or more . it is PRIVATE property owned by Yeshivas Eitz Chaim which is next door to the shuk and is an untra right wing religious school ( founded by r' yosef chaim sonnenfeld and is controlled by the edai hachradus). In the rental agreement contract with the vendors in the shuk they have in it various provisions requiring things such as how long before shabbos they have to close and modesty standards. they have every right to enforce and contracted agreement . i dont know about these modesty people , but the shabbos guy ( 17 years ago ) was commissioned by the board of trustees for yeshivas eitz chaim and the edai hachradus and if a shuk vendor was constantly not abiding by the provisions in the contract he would inform the board not to renew they rental contract. If they ever actually denied a contract because of him i don't know , but he had enough clout to get them to shut down when he would tell them to.

  2. It's like they're competing with Aish, Ohr and Chabad. Can they turn people off from Torah faster than the kiruv organizations can turn them on!

    1. The inappropriately dressed girls are already "turned off" before these modesty women approach them. (That's why they are being approached.)

    2. Insisting that people do mitzvos is rude and impolite, but I don't know if it turns all people off of Torah. Human psychology is complex. It might actually turn some people onto Torah.

    3. Insisting that people do mitzvos is a requirement of Jewish Law. Tochacha.

    4. like every other mitzva there are dinim involved in tochacha; when, who, how, to whom. if they aren't fulfilling the dinim than they shouldn't be doing it. they want to claim that they are fulfilling them? that is for them to prove.

  3. if these criminaly insane haters are not stopped,Israel in 20 years from now will look like Teheran and Saudi Arabia,

    what these brainwashed zombies are doing,has nothing to do with relgion,but has everything to do with pure evil hatred.
    And by the way,i am chareidi myself.



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